#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. set -xe #NOTE: Lint and package chart make fluentd tee /tmp/fluentd-daemonset.yaml << EOF endpoints: fluentd: hosts: default: fluentd-daemonset prometheus_fluentd_exporter: hosts: default: fluentd-daemonset-exporter monitoring: prometheus: enabled: true pod: env: fluentd: vars: MY_TEST_VAR: FOO secrets: MY_TEST_SECRET: BAR security_context: fluentd: pod: runAsUser: 0 deployment: type: DaemonSet conf: fluentd: template: | bind port 24220 @type monitor_agent bind port "#{ENV['FLUENTD_PORT']}" @type forward time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ @type json path /var/log/containers/*.log read_from_head true tag kubernetes.* @type tail @type tail tag ceph.* path /var/log/ceph/*/*.log read_from_head true @type none @type tail tag libvirt.* path /var/log/libvirt/**.log read_from_head true @type none @type tail tag kernel path /var/log/kern.log read_from_head true @type none @type tail tag auth path /var/log/auth.log read_from_head true @type none @type systemd tag journal.* path /var/log/journal matches [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "docker.service" }] read_from_head true fields_strip_underscores true fields_lowercase true @type systemd tag journal.* path /var/log/journal matches [{ "_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kubelet.service" }] read_from_head true fields_strip_underscores true fields_lowercase true @type kubernetes_metadata @type record_transformer hostname "#{ENV['NODE_NAME']}" fluentd_pod "#{ENV['POD_NAME']}" @type record_transformer hostname "#{ENV['NODE_NAME']}" fluentd_pod "#{ENV['POD_NAME']}" @type record_transformer hostname "#{ENV['NODE_NAME']}" fluentd_pod "#{ENV['POD_NAME']}" @type record_transformer hostname "#{ENV['NODE_NAME']}" fluentd_pod "#{ENV['POD_NAME']}" @type null chunk_limit_size 512K flush_interval 5s flush_thread_count 8 queue_limit_length 32 retry_forever false retry_max_interval 30 host "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" reload_connections false reconnect_on_error true reload_on_failure true include_tag_key true logstash_format true logstash_prefix libvirt password "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD']}" port "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" @type elasticsearch user "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME']}" chunk_limit_size 512K flush_interval 5s flush_thread_count 8 queue_limit_length 32 retry_forever false retry_max_interval 30 host "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" reload_connections false reconnect_on_error true reload_on_failure true include_tag_key true logstash_format true logstash_prefix ceph password "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD']}" port "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" @type elasticsearch user "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME']}" chunk_limit_size 512K flush_interval 5s flush_thread_count 8 queue_limit_length 32 retry_forever false disable_chunk_backup true host "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" reload_connections false reconnect_on_error true reload_on_failure true include_tag_key true logstash_format true logstash_prefix kernel password "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD']}" port "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" @type elasticsearch user "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME']}" chunk_limit_size 512K flush_interval 5s flush_thread_count 8 queue_limit_length 32 retry_forever false retry_max_interval 30 host "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" reload_connections false reconnect_on_error true reload_on_failure true include_tag_key true logstash_format true logstash_prefix auth password "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD']}" port "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" @type elasticsearch user "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME']}" chunk_limit_size 512K flush_interval 5s flush_thread_count 8 queue_limit_length 32 retry_forever false retry_max_interval 30 host "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" reload_connections false reconnect_on_error true reload_on_failure true include_tag_key true logstash_format true logstash_prefix journal password "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD']}" port "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" @type elasticsearch user "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME']}" chunk_limit_size 512K flush_interval 5s flush_thread_count 8 queue_limit_length 32 retry_forever false retry_max_interval 30 host "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" reload_connections false reconnect_on_error true reload_on_failure true include_tag_key true logstash_format true password "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD']}" port "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" @type elasticsearch user "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME']}" EOF helm upgrade --install fluentd-daemonset ./fluentd \ --namespace=osh-infra \ --values=/tmp/fluentd-daemonset.yaml #NOTE: Wait for deploy ./tools/deployment/common/wait-for-pods.sh osh-infra #NOTE: Validate Deployment info helm status fluentd-daemonset