# Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Default values for fluentbit and fluentd. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. release_group: null labels: fluentd: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled fluentbit: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled images: tags: fluentbit: docker.io/fluent/fluent-bit:0.12.9 fluentd: docker.io/kolla/ubuntu-source-fluentd:ocata dep_check: quay.io/stackanetes/kubernetes-entrypoint:v0.2.1 helm_tests: docker.io/kolla/ubuntu-source-heat-engine:3.0.3 image_repo_sync: docker.io/docker:17.07.0 pull_policy: IfNotPresent local_registry: active: false exclude: - dep_check - image_repo_sync dependencies: image_repo_sync: services: - service: local_image_registry endpoint: internal fluentd: services: - service: elasticsearch endpoint: internal fluentd_with_kafka: services: - service: elasticsearch endpoint: internal - service: kafka endpoint: public fluentbit: services: - service: fluentd endpoint: internal tests: services: - service: elasticsearch endpoint: internal - service: fluentd endpoint: internal conditional_dependencies: local_image_registry: jobs: - fluent-logging-image-repo-sync services: - service: local_image_registry endpoint: node fluentd: services: - service: kafka endpoint: public conf: fluentbit: - service: header: service Flush: 1 Daemon: Off Log_Level: info Parsers_File: parsers.conf - containers_tail: header: input Name: tail Tag: kube.* Path: /var/log/containers/*.log Parser: docker DB: /var/log/flb_kube.db Mem_Buf_Limit: 5MB - kube_filter: header: filter Name: kubernetes Match: kube.* Merge_JSON_Log: On - fluentd_output: header: output Name: forward Match: "*" Host: ${FLUENTD_HOST} Port: ${FLUENTD_PORT} parsers: - docker: header: parser Name: docker Format: json Time_Key: time Time_Format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L" Time_Keep: On td_agent: - fluentbit_forward: header: source type: forward port: "#{ENV['FLUENTD_PORT']}" bind: - elasticsearch: header: match type: elasticsearch expression: "**" include_tag_key: true host: "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_HOST']}" port: "#{ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']}" logstash_format: true buffer_chunk_limit: 10M buffer_queue_limit: 32 flush_interval: 20s max_retry_wait: 300 disable_retry_limit: "" num_threads: 8 endpoints: cluster_domain_suffix: cluster.local elasticsearch: namespace: null name: elasticsearch hosts: data: elasticsearch-data default: elasticsearch-logging discovery: elasticsearch-discovery public: elasticsearch host_fqdn_override: default: null path: default: null scheme: default: http port: client: default: 9200 discovery: default: 9300 kafka: namespace: null name: kafka hosts: default: kafka-logging public: kafka host_fqdn_override: default: null path: default: null scheme: default: http port: service: default: 9092 fluentd: namespace: null name: fluentd hosts: default: fluentd-logging host_fqdn_override: default: null path: default: null scheme: default: http port: service: default: 24224 network: fluentd: node_port: enabled: false port: 32329 port: 24224 pod: affinity: anti: type: default: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution topologyKey: default: kubernetes.io/hostname lifecycle: upgrades: daemonsets: pod_replacement_strategy: RollingUpdate fluentbit: enabled: true min_ready_seconds: 0 max_unavailable: 1 deployments: revision_history: 3 pod_replacement_strategy: RollingUpdate rolling_update: max_unavailable: 1 max_surge: 3 termination_grace_period: fluentd: timeout: 30 replicas: fluentd: 3 resources: fluentbit: enabled: false limits: memory: '400Mi' cpu: '400m' requests: memory: '100Mi' cpu: '100m' fluentd: enabled: false limits: memory: '1024Mi' cpu: '2000m' requests: memory: '128Mi' cpu: '500m' jobs: image_repo_sync: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" tests: requests: memory: '128Mi' cpu: '100m' limits: memory: '1024Mi' cpu: '2000m' mounts: fluentd: fluentd: fluentbit: fluentbit: fluent_tests: fluent_tests: manifests: clusterrole: true clusterrolebinding_fluentbit: true clusterrolebinding_logging: true configmap_bin: true configmap_etc: true deployment_fluentd: true daemonset_fluentbit: true job_image_repo_sync: true helm_tests: true service_fluentd: true