#!/bin/bash {{/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */}} set -ex function check_cluster_status() { echo "#### Start: Checking Ceph cluster status ####" ceph_status_output=$(ceph -s -f json | jq -r '.health') ceph_health_status=$(echo $ceph_status_output | jq -r '.status') if [ "x${ceph_health_status}" == "xHEALTH_OK" ]; then echo "Ceph status is HEALTH_OK" else echo "Ceph cluster status is NOT HEALTH_OK." fi } function check_osd_count() { echo "#### Start: Checking OSD count ####" num_osd=$(ceph osd stat | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -x -E '[0-9]+' | head -n1) num_in_osds=$(ceph osd stat | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -x -E '[0-9]+' | tail -n1) num_up_osds=$(ceph osd stat | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -x -E '[0-9]+' | head -n2 | tail -n1) MIN_OSDS=$((${num_osd}*$REQUIRED_PERCENT_OF_OSDS/100)) if [ ${MIN_OSDS} -lt 1 ]; then MIN_OSDS=1 fi if [ "${num_osd}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "There are no osds in the cluster" exit 1 elif [ "${num_in_osds}" -ge "${MIN_OSDS}" ] && [ "${num_up_osds}" -ge "${MIN_OSDS}" ]; then echo "Required number of OSDs (${MIN_OSDS}) are UP and IN status" else echo "Required number of OSDs (${MIN_OSDS}) are NOT UP and IN status. Cluster shows OSD count=${num_osd}, UP=${num_up_osds}, IN=${num_in_osds}" exit 1 fi } function check_failure_domain_count_per_pool() { echo "#### Start: Checking failure domain count per pool ####" pools=$(ceph osd pool ls) for pool in ${pools} do crush_rule=$(ceph osd pool get ${pool} crush_rule | awk '{print $2}') bucket_type=$(ceph osd crush rule dump ${crush_rule} | grep '"type":' | awk -F'"' 'NR==2 {print $4}') num_failure_domains=$(ceph osd tree | grep ${bucket_type} | wc -l) pool_replica_size=$(ceph osd pool get ${pool} size | awk '{print $2}') if [[ ${num_failure_domains} -ge ${pool_replica_size} ]]; then echo "--> Info: Pool ${pool} is configured with enough failure domains ${num_failure_domains} to satisfy pool replica size ${pool_replica_size}" else echo "--> Error : Pool ${pool} is NOT configured with enough failure domains ${num_failure_domains} to satisfy pool replica size ${pool_replica_size}" exit 1 fi done } function mgr_validation() { echo "#### Start: MGR validation ####" mgr_dump=$(ceph mgr dump -f json-pretty) echo "Checking for ${MGR_COUNT} MGRs" mgr_avl=$(echo ${mgr_dump} | jq -r '.["available"]') if [ "x${mgr_avl}" == "xtrue" ]; then mgr_active=$(echo ${mgr_dump} | jq -r '.["active_name"]') echo "Out of ${MGR_COUNT}, 1 MGR is active" # Now lets check for standby managers mgr_stdby_count=$(echo ${mgr_dump} | jq -r '.["standbys"]' | jq length) #Total MGR Count - 1 Active = Expected MGRs expected_standbys=$(( MGR_COUNT -1 )) if [ $mgr_stdby_count -eq $expected_standbys ] then echo "Cluster has 1 Active MGR, $mgr_stdby_count Standbys MGR" else echo "Cluster Standbys MGR: Expected count= $expected_standbys Available=$mgr_stdby_count" retcode=1 fi else echo "No Active Manager found, Expected 1 MGR to be active out of ${MGR_COUNT}" retcode=1 fi if [ "x${retcode}" == "x1" ] then exit 1 fi } function pool_validation() { echo "#### Start: Checking Ceph pools ####" echo "From env variables, RBD pool replication count is: ${RBD}" # Assuming all pools have same replication count as RBD # If RBD replication count is greater then 1, POOLMINSIZE should be 1 less then replication count # If RBD replication count is not greate then 1, then POOLMINSIZE should be 1 if [ ${RBD} -gt 1 ]; then EXPECTED_POOLMINSIZE=$[${RBD}-1] else EXPECTED_POOLMINSIZE=1 fi echo "EXPECTED_POOLMINSIZE: ${EXPECTED_POOLMINSIZE}" expectedCrushRuleId="" nrules=$(echo ${OSD_CRUSH_RULE_DUMP} | jq length) c=$[nrules-1] for n in $(seq 0 ${c}) do osd_crush_rule_obj=$(echo ${OSD_CRUSH_RULE_DUMP} | jq -r .[${n}]) name=$(echo ${osd_crush_rule_obj} | jq -r .rule_name) echo "Expected Crushrule: ${EXPECTED_CRUSHRULE}, Pool Crushmap: ${name}" if [ "x${EXPECTED_CRUSHRULE}" == "x${name}" ]; then expectedCrushRuleId=$(echo ${osd_crush_rule_obj} | jq .rule_id) echo "Checking against rule: id: ${expectedCrushRuleId}, name:${name}" else echo "Didn't match" fi done echo "Checking cluster for size:${RBD}, min_size:${EXPECTED_POOLMINSIZE}, crush_rule:${EXPECTED_CRUSHRULE}, crush_rule_id:${expectedCrushRuleId}" npools=$(echo ${OSD_POOLS_DETAILS} | jq length) i=$[npools - 1] for n in $(seq 0 ${i}) do pool_obj=$(echo ${OSD_POOLS_DETAILS} | jq -r ".[${n}]") size=$(echo ${pool_obj} | jq -r .size) min_size=$(echo ${pool_obj} | jq -r .min_size) pg_num=$(echo ${pool_obj} | jq -r .pg_num) pg_placement_num=$(echo ${pool_obj} | jq -r .pg_placement_num) crush_rule=$(echo ${pool_obj} | jq -r .crush_rule) name=$(echo ${pool_obj} | jq -r .pool_name) pg_autoscale_mode=$(echo ${pool_obj} | jq -r .pg_autoscale_mode) if [[ "${ENABLE_AUTOSCALER}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ "${pg_autoscale_mode}" != "on" ]]; then echo "pg autoscaler not enabled on ${name} pool" exit 1 fi fi if [[ $(ceph tell mon.* version | egrep -q "nautilus"; echo $?) -eq 0 ]]; then if [ "x${size}" != "x${RBD}" ] || [ "x${min_size}" != "x${EXPECTED_POOLMINSIZE}" ] \ || [ "x${crush_rule}" != "x${expectedCrushRuleId}" ]; then echo "Pool ${name} has incorrect parameters!!! Size=${size}, Min_Size=${min_size}, Rule=${crush_rule}, PG_Autoscale_Mode=${pg_autoscale_mode}" exit 1 else echo "Pool ${name} seems configured properly. Size=${size}, Min_Size=${min_size}, Rule=${crush_rule}, PG_Autoscale_Mode=${pg_autoscale_mode}" fi else if [ "x${size}" != "x${RBD}" ] || [ "x${min_size}" != "x${EXPECTED_POOLMINSIZE}" ] \ || [ "x${pg_num}" != "x${pg_placement_num}" ] || [ "x${crush_rule}" != "x${expectedCrushRuleId}" ]; then echo "Pool ${name} has incorrect parameters!!! Size=${size}, Min_Size=${min_size}, PG=${pg_num}, PGP=${pg_placement_num}, Rule=${crush_rule}" exit 1 else echo "Pool ${name} seems configured properly. Size=${size}, Min_Size=${min_size}, PG=${pg_num}, PGP=${pg_placement_num}, Rule=${crush_rule}" fi fi done } function pool_failuredomain_validation() { echo "#### Start: Checking Pools are configured with specific failure domain ####" expectedCrushRuleId="" nrules=$(echo ${OSD_CRUSH_RULE_DUMP} | jq length) c=$[nrules-1] for n in $(seq 0 ${c}) do osd_crush_rule_obj=$(echo ${OSD_CRUSH_RULE_DUMP} | jq -r .[${n}]) name=$(echo ${osd_crush_rule_obj} | jq -r .rule_name) if [ "x${EXPECTED_CRUSHRULE}" == "x${name}" ]; then expectedCrushRuleId=$(echo ${osd_crush_rule_obj} | jq .rule_id) echo "Checking against rule: id: ${expectedCrushRuleId}, name:${name}" fi done echo "Checking OSD pools are configured with Crush rule name:${EXPECTED_CRUSHRULE}, id:${expectedCrushRuleId}" npools=$(echo ${OSD_POOLS_DETAILS} | jq length) i=$[npools-1] for p in $(seq 0 ${i}) do pool_obj=$(echo ${OSD_POOLS_DETAILS} | jq -r ".[${p}]") pool_crush_rule_id=$(echo $pool_obj | jq -r .crush_rule) pool_name=$(echo $pool_obj | jq -r .pool_name) if [ "x${pool_crush_rule_id}" == "x${expectedCrushRuleId}" ]; then echo "--> Info: Pool ${pool_name} is configured with the correct rule ${pool_crush_rule_id}" else echo "--> Error : Pool ${pool_name} is NOT configured with the correct rule ${pool_crush_rule_id}" exit 1 fi done } function pg_validation() { inactive_pgs=(`ceph --cluster ${CLUSTER} pg ls | tail -n +2 | grep -v "active+"|awk '{ print $1 }'`) if [ ${#inactive_pgs[*]} -gt 0 ];then echo "There are few incomplete pgs in the cluster" echo ${inactive_pgs[*]} exit 1 fi } check_osd_count mgr_validation OSD_POOLS_DETAILS=$(ceph osd pool ls detail -f json-pretty) OSD_CRUSH_RULE_DUMP=$(ceph osd crush rule dump -f json-pretty) PG_STAT=$(ceph pg stat -f json-pretty) pg_validation pool_validation pool_failuredomain_validation check_failure_domain_count_per_pool check_cluster_status