#!/bin/bash set -ex export LC_ALL=C : "${K8S_HOST_NETWORK:=0}" : "${MON_KEYRING:=/etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.mon.keyring}" : "${ADMIN_KEYRING:=/etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.client.admin.keyring}" : "${MDS_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING:=/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds/${CLUSTER}.keyring}" : "${OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING:=/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/${CLUSTER}.keyring}" : "${CEPH_CONF:="/etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.conf"}" if [[ ! -e ${CEPH_CONF}.template ]]; then echo "ERROR- ${CEPH_CONF}.template must exist; get it from your existing mon" exit 1 else ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get endpoints ceph-mon -n ${NAMESPACE} -o json | awk -F'"' -v port=${MON_PORT} '/"ip"/{print $4":"port}' | paste -sd',') if [[ ${ENDPOINT} == "" ]]; then /bin/sh -c -e "cat ${CEPH_CONF}.template | tee ${CEPH_CONF}" || true else /bin/sh -c -e "cat ${CEPH_CONF}.template | sed 's/mon_host.*/mon_host = ${ENDPOINT}/g' | tee ${CEPH_CONF}" || true fi fi if [[ -z "$CEPH_PUBLIC_NETWORK" ]]; then echo "ERROR- CEPH_PUBLIC_NETWORK must be defined as the name of the network for the OSDs" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$MON_IP" ]]; then echo "ERROR- MON_IP must be defined as the IP address of the monitor" exit 1 fi if [[ ${K8S_HOST_NETWORK} -eq 0 ]]; then MON_NAME=${POD_NAME} else MON_NAME=${NODE_NAME} fi MON_DATA_DIR="/var/lib/ceph/mon/${CLUSTER}-${MON_NAME}" MONMAP="/etc/ceph/monmap-${CLUSTER}" # Make the monitor directory su -s /bin/sh -c "mkdir -p \"${MON_DATA_DIR}\"" ceph function get_mon_config { # Get fsid from ceph.conf local fsid=$(ceph-conf --lookup fsid -c /etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.conf) timeout=10 MONMAP_ADD="" while [[ -z "${MONMAP_ADD// }" && "${timeout}" -gt 0 ]]; do # Get the ceph mon pods (name and IP) from the Kubernetes API. Formatted as a set of monmap params if [[ ${K8S_HOST_NETWORK} -eq 0 ]]; then MONMAP_ADD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace=${NAMESPACE} ${KUBECTL_PARAM} -o template --template="{{`{{range .items}}`}}{{`{{if .status.podIP}}`}}--add {{`{{.metadata.name}}`}} {{`{{.status.podIP}}`}}:${MON_PORT} {{`{{end}}`}} {{`{{end}}`}}") else MONMAP_ADD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace=${NAMESPACE} ${KUBECTL_PARAM} -o template --template="{{`{{range .items}}`}}{{`{{if .status.podIP}}`}}--add {{`{{.spec.nodeName}}`}} {{`{{.status.podIP}}`}}:${MON_PORT} {{`{{end}}`}} {{`{{end}}`}}") fi (( timeout-- )) sleep 1 done if [[ -z "${MONMAP_ADD// }" ]]; then exit 1 fi # Create a monmap with the Pod Names and IP monmaptool --create ${MONMAP_ADD} --fsid ${fsid} ${MONMAP} --clobber } get_mon_config # If we don't have a monitor keyring, this is a new monitor if [ ! -e "${MON_DATA_DIR}/keyring" ]; then if [ ! -e ${MON_KEYRING}.seed ]; then echo "ERROR- ${MON_KEYRING}.seed must exist. You can extract it from your current monitor by running 'ceph auth get mon. -o ${MON_KEYRING}' or use a KV Store" exit 1 else cp -vf ${MON_KEYRING}.seed ${MON_KEYRING} fi if [ ! -e ${MONMAP} ]; then echo "ERROR- ${MONMAP} must exist. You can extract it from your current monitor by running 'ceph mon getmap -o ${MONMAP}' or use a KV Store" exit 1 fi # Testing if it's not the first monitor, if one key doesn't exist we assume none of them exist for KEYRING in ${OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING} ${MDS_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING} ${ADMIN_KEYRING}; do ceph-authtool ${MON_KEYRING} --import-keyring ${KEYRING} done # Prepare the monitor daemon's directory with the map and keyring ceph-mon --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" --mkfs -i ${MON_NAME} --inject-monmap ${MONMAP} --keyring ${MON_KEYRING} --mon-data "${MON_DATA_DIR}" else echo "Trying to get the most recent monmap..." # Ignore when we timeout, in most cases that means the cluster has no quorum or # no mons are up and running yet timeout 5 ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" mon getmap -o ${MONMAP} || true ceph-mon --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" -i ${MON_NAME} --inject-monmap ${MONMAP} --keyring ${MON_KEYRING} --mon-data "${MON_DATA_DIR}" timeout 7 ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" mon add "${MON_NAME}" "${MON_IP}:${MON_PORT}" || true fi # start MON exec /usr/bin/ceph-mon \ --cluster "${CLUSTER}" \ --setuser "ceph" \ --setgroup "ceph" \ -d \ -i ${MON_NAME} \ --mon-data "${MON_DATA_DIR}" \ --public-addr "${MON_IP}:${MON_PORT}"