{{- define "helm-toolkit.snippets.mon_host_from_k8s_ep" -}} {{/* Inserts a bash function definition mon_host_from_k8s_ep() which can be used to construct a mon_hosts value from the given namespaced endpoint. Usage (e.g. in _script.sh.tpl): #!/bin/bash : "${NS:=ceph}" : "${EP:=ceph-mon-discovery}" {{ include "helm-toolkit.snippets.mon_host_from_k8s_ep" . }} MON_HOST=$(mon_host_from_k8s_ep "$NS" "$EP") if [ -z "$MON_HOST" ]; then # deal with failure else sed -i -e "s/^mon_host = /mon_host = $MON_HOST/" /etc/ceph/ceph.conf fi */}} {{` # Construct a mon_hosts value from the given namespaced endpoint # IP x.x.x.x with port p named "mon-msgr2" will appear as [v2:x.x.x.x/p/0] # IP x.x.x.x with port q named "mon" will appear as [v1:x.x.x.x/q/0] # IP x.x.x.x with ports p and q will appear as [v2:x.x.x.x/p/0,v1:x.x.x.x/q/0] # The entries for all IPs will be joined with commas mon_host_from_k8s_ep() { local ns=$1 local ep=$2 if [ -z "$ns" ] || [ -z "$ep" ]; then return 1 fi # We don't want shell expansion for the go-template expression # shellcheck disable=SC2016 kubectl get endpoints -n "$ns" "$ep" -o go-template=' {{- $sep := "" }} {{- range $_,$s := .subsets }} {{- $v2port := 0 }} {{- $v1port := 0 }} {{- range $_,$port := index $s "ports" }} {{- if (eq $port.name "mon-msgr2") }} {{- $v2port = $port.port }} {{- else if (eq $port.name "mon") }} {{- $v1port = $port.port }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- range $_,$address := index $s "addresses" }} {{- $v2endpoint := printf "v2:%s:%d/0" $address.ip $v2port }} {{- $v1endpoint := printf "v1:%s:%d/0" $address.ip $v1port }} {{- if (and $v2port $v1port) }} {{- printf "%s[%s,%s]" $sep $v2endpoint $v1endpoint }} {{- $sep = "," }} {{- else if $v2port }} {{- printf "%s[%s]" $sep $v2endpoint }} {{- $sep = "," }} {{- else if $v1port }} {{- printf "%s[%s]" $sep $v1endpoint }} {{- $sep = "," }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }}' } `}} {{- end -}}