Grafana ======= The Grafana chart in OpenStack-Helm Infra provides default dashboards for the metrics gathered with Prometheus. The default dashboards include visualizations for metrics on: Ceph, Kubernetes, nodes, containers, MySQL, RabbitMQ, and OpenStack. Configuration ------------- Grafana ~~~~~~~ Grafana's configuration is driven with the chart's values.YAML file, and the relevant configuration entries are under the following key: :: conf: grafana: paths: server: database: session: security: users: log: log.console: dashboards.json: grafana_net: These keys correspond to sections in the grafana.ini configuration file, and the to_ini helm-toolkit function will render these values into the appropriate format in grafana.ini. The list of options for these keys can be found in the official Grafana configuration_ documentation. .. _configuration: Prometheus Data Source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grafana requires configured data sources for gathering metrics for display in its dashboards. The configuration options for datasources are found under the following key in Grafana's values.YAML file: :: conf: provisioning: datasources; monitoring: name: prometheus type: prometheus access: proxy orgId: 1 editable: true basicAuth: true The Grafana chart will use the keys under each entry beneath .conf.provisioning.datasources as inputs to a helper template that will render the appropriate configuration for the data source. The key for each data source (monitoring in the above example) should map to an entry in the endpoints section in the chart's values.yaml, as the data source's URL and authentication credentials will be populated by the values defined in the defined endpoint. .. _sources: Dashboards ~~~~~~~~~~ Grafana adds dashboards during installation with dashboards defined in YAML under the following key: :: conf: dashboards: These YAML definitiions are transformed to JSON are added to Grafana's configuration configmap and mounted to the Grafana pods dynamically, allowing for flexibility in defining and adding custom dashboards to Grafana. Dashboards can be added by inserting a new key along with a YAML dashboard definition as the value. Additional dashboards can be found by searching on Grafana's dashboards_ page or you can define your own. A json-to-YAML tool, such as json2yaml_ , will help transform any custom or new dashboards from JSON to YAML. .. _json2yaml: