#!/bin/bash {{/* Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */}} set -ex : "${CRUSH_LOCATION:=root=default host=${HOSTNAME}}" : "${OSD_PATH_BASE:=/var/lib/ceph/osd/${CLUSTER}}" : "${CEPH_CONF:="/etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.conf"}" : "${OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING:=/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/${CLUSTER}.keyring}" : "${OSD_JOURNAL_UUID:=$(uuidgen)}" : "${OSD_JOURNAL_SIZE:=$(awk '/^osd_journal_size/{print $3}' ${CEPH_CONF}.template)}" eval CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_TYPE=$(cat /etc/ceph/storage.json | python -c 'import sys, json; data = json.load(sys.stdin); print(json.dumps(data["failure_domain"]))') eval CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_NAME=$(cat /etc/ceph/storage.json | python -c 'import sys, json; data = json.load(sys.stdin); print(json.dumps(data["failure_domain_name"]))') eval CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_BY_HOSTNAME=$(cat /etc/ceph/storage.json | python -c 'import sys, json; data = json.load(sys.stdin); print(json.dumps(data["failure_domain_by_hostname"]))') if [[ $(ceph -v | egrep -q "mimic|luminous"; echo $?) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR- need Luminous/Mimic release" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${HOSTNAME}" ]; then echo "HOSTNAME not set; This will prevent to add an OSD into the CRUSH map" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -e ${CEPH_CONF}.template ]]; then echo "ERROR- ${CEPH_CONF}.template must exist; get it from your existing mon" exit 1 else ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get endpoints ceph-mon -n ${NAMESPACE} -o json | awk -F'"' -v port=${MON_PORT} '/ip/{print $4":"port}' | paste -sd',') if [[ ${ENDPOINT} == "" ]]; then # No endpoints are available, just copy ceph.conf as-is /bin/sh -c -e "cat ${CEPH_CONF}.template | tee ${CEPH_CONF}" || true else /bin/sh -c -e "cat ${CEPH_CONF}.template | sed 's/mon_host.*/mon_host = ${ENDPOINT}/g' | tee ${CEPH_CONF}" || true fi fi # Wait for a file to exist, regardless of the type function wait_for_file { timeout 10 bash -c "while [ ! -e ${1} ]; do echo 'Waiting for ${1} to show up' && sleep 1 ; done" } function is_available { command -v $@ &>/dev/null } function crush_create_or_move { local crush_location=${1} ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" --name="osd.${OSD_ID}" --keyring="${OSD_KEYRING}" \ osd crush create-or-move -- "${OSD_ID}" "${OSD_WEIGHT}" ${crush_location} || true } function crush_add_and_move { local crush_failure_domain_type=${1} local crush_failure_domain_name=${2} local crush_location=$(echo "root=default ${crush_failure_domain_type}=${crush_failure_domain_name} host=${HOSTNAME}") crush_create_or_move "${crush_location}" local crush_failure_domain_location_check=$(ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" --name="osd.${OSD_ID}" --keyring="${OSD_KEYRING}" osd find ${OSD_ID} | grep "${crush_failure_domain_type}" | awk -F '"' '{print $4}') if [ "x${crush_failure_domain_location_check}" != "x${crush_failure_domain_name}" ]; then # NOTE(supamatt): Manually move the buckets for previously configured CRUSH configurations # as create-or-move may not appropiately move them. ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" --name="osd.${OSD_ID}" --keyring="${OSD_KEYRING}" \ osd crush add-bucket "${crush_failure_domain_name}" "${crush_failure_domain_type}" || true ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" --name="osd.${OSD_ID}" --keyring="${OSD_KEYRING}" \ osd crush move "${crush_failure_domain_name}" root=default || true ceph --cluster "${CLUSTER}" --name="osd.${OSD_ID}" --keyring="${OSD_KEYRING}" \ osd crush move "${HOSTNAME}" "${crush_failure_domain_type}=${crush_failure_domain_name}" || true fi } function crush_location { if [ "x${CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_TYPE}" != "xhost" ]; then if [ "x${CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_NAME}" != "xfalse" ]; then crush_add_and_move "${CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_TYPE}" "${CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_NAME}" elif [ "x${CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_BY_HOSTNAME}" != "xfalse" ]; then crush_add_and_move "${CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_TYPE}" "$(echo ${CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_TYPE}_$(echo ${HOSTNAME} | cut -c ${CRUSH_FAILURE_DOMAIN_BY_HOSTNAME}))" else # NOTE(supamatt): neither variables are defined then we fall back to default behavior crush_create_or_move "${CRUSH_LOCATION}" fi else crush_create_or_move "${CRUSH_LOCATION}" fi } # Calculate proper device names, given a device and partition number function dev_part { local osd_device=${1} local osd_partition=${2} if [[ -L ${osd_device} ]]; then # This device is a symlink. Work out it's actual device local actual_device=$(readlink -f "${osd_device}") local bn=$(basename "${osd_device}") if [[ "${actual_device:0-1:1}" == [0-9] ]]; then local desired_partition="${actual_device}p${osd_partition}" else local desired_partition="${actual_device}${osd_partition}" fi # Now search for a symlink in the directory of $osd_device # that has the correct desired partition, and the longest # shared prefix with the original symlink local symdir=$(dirname "${osd_device}") local link="" local pfxlen=0 for option in ${symdir}/*; do [[ -e $option ]] || break if [[ $(readlink -f "${option}") == "${desired_partition}" ]]; then local optprefixlen=$(prefix_length "${option}" "${bn}") if [[ ${optprefixlen} > ${pfxlen} ]]; then link=${symdir}/${option} pfxlen=${optprefixlen} fi fi done if [[ $pfxlen -eq 0 ]]; then >&2 echo "Could not locate appropriate symlink for partition ${osd_partition} of ${osd_device}" exit 1 fi echo "$link" elif [[ "${osd_device:0-1:1}" == [0-9] ]]; then echo "${osd_device}p${osd_partition}" else echo "${osd_device}${osd_partition}" fi } function disk_zap { # Run all the commands that ceph-disk zap uses to clear a disk local device=${1} wipefs --all ${device} # Wipe the first 200MB boundary, as Bluestore redeployments will not work otherwise dd if=/dev/zero of=${device} bs=1M count=200 sgdisk --zap-all -- ${device} sgdisk --clear --mbrtogpt -- ${device} } function udev_settle { partprobe "${OSD_DEVICE}" if [ "x$JOURNAL_TYPE" == "xblock-logical" ]; then OSD_JOURNAL=$(readlink -f ${OSD_JOURNAL}) local JDEV=$(echo ${OSD_JOURNAL} | sed 's/[0-9]//g') partprobe "${JDEV}" fi # watch the udev event queue, and exit if all current events are handled udevadm settle --timeout=600 # On occassion udev may not make the correct device symlinks for Ceph, just in case we make them manually mkdir -p /dev/disk/by-partuuid for dev in $(awk '!/rbd/{print $4}' /proc/partitions | grep "[0-9]"); do diskdev=$(echo "${dev//[!a-z]/}") partnum=$(echo "${dev//[!0-9]/}") ln -s "../../${dev}" "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$(sgdisk -i ${partnum} /dev/${diskdev} | awk '/Partition unique GUID/{print tolower($4)}')" || true done }