#!/bin/bash {{/* Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */}} set -ex export LC_ALL=C source /tmp/osd-common.sh : "${JOURNAL_DIR:=/var/lib/ceph/journal}" if [[ ! -d /var/lib/ceph/osd ]]; then echo "ERROR- could not find the osd directory, did you bind mount the OSD data directory?" echo "ERROR- use -v :/var/lib/ceph/osd" exit 1 fi # check if anything is present, if not, create an osd and its directory if [[ -n "$(find /var/lib/ceph/osd -prune -empty)" ]]; then echo "Creating osd" UUID=$(uuidgen) OSD_SECRET=$(ceph-authtool --gen-print-key) OSD_ID=$(echo "{\"cephx_secret\": \"${OSD_SECRET}\"}" | ceph osd new ${UUID} -i - -n client.bootstrap-osd -k "$OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING") # test that the OSD_ID is an integer if [[ "$OSD_ID" =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "OSD created with ID: ${OSD_ID}" else echo "OSD creation failed: ${OSD_ID}" exit 1 fi OSD_PATH="$OSD_PATH_BASE-$OSD_ID/" if [ -n "${JOURNAL_DIR}" ]; then OSD_JOURNAL="${JOURNAL_DIR}/journal.${OSD_ID}" chown -R ceph. ${JOURNAL_DIR} else if [ -n "${JOURNAL}" ]; then OSD_JOURNAL=${JOURNAL} chown -R ceph. $(dirname ${JOURNAL_DIR}) else OSD_JOURNAL=${OSD_PATH%/}/journal fi fi # create the folder and own it mkdir -p "${OSD_PATH}" chown "${CHOWN_OPT[@]}" ceph. "${OSD_PATH}" echo "created folder ${OSD_PATH}" # write the secret to the osd keyring file ceph-authtool --create-keyring ${OSD_PATH%/}/keyring --name osd.${OSD_ID} --add-key ${OSD_SECRET} OSD_KEYRING="${OSD_PATH%/}/keyring" # init data directory ceph-osd -i ${OSD_ID} --mkfs --osd-uuid ${UUID} --mkjournal --osd-journal ${OSD_JOURNAL} --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph # add the osd to the crush map # NOTE(supamatt): set the initial crush weight of the OSD to 0 to prevent automatic rebalancing OSD_WEIGHT=0 # NOTE(supamatt): add or move the OSD's CRUSH location crush_location fi # create the directory and an empty Procfile mkdir -p /etc/forego/"${CLUSTER}" echo "" > /etc/forego/"${CLUSTER}"/Procfile for OSD_ID in $(ls /var/lib/ceph/osd | sed 's/.*-//'); do OSD_PATH="$OSD_PATH_BASE-$OSD_ID/" OSD_KEYRING="${OSD_PATH%/}/keyring" if [ -n "${JOURNAL_DIR}" ]; then OSD_JOURNAL="${JOURNAL_DIR}/journal.${OSD_ID}" chown -R ceph. ${JOURNAL_DIR} else if [ -n "${JOURNAL}" ]; then OSD_JOURNAL=${JOURNAL} chown -R ceph. $(dirname ${JOURNAL_DIR}) else OSD_JOURNAL=${OSD_PATH%/}/journal chown ceph. ${OSD_JOURNAL} fi fi # log osd filesystem type FS_TYPE=`stat --file-system -c "%T" ${OSD_PATH}` echo "OSD $OSD_PATH filesystem type: $FS_TYPE" # NOTE(supamatt): Just in case permissions do not align up, we recursively set them correctly. if [ $(stat -c%U ${OSD_PATH}) != ceph ]; then chown -R ceph. ${OSD_PATH}; fi crush_location echo "${CLUSTER}-${OSD_ID}: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster ${CLUSTER} -f -i ${OSD_ID} --osd-journal ${OSD_JOURNAL} -k ${OSD_KEYRING}" | tee -a /etc/forego/"${CLUSTER}"/Procfile done exec /usr/local/bin/forego start -f /etc/forego/"${CLUSTER}"/Procfile