This commit rewrites lint job to make template linting available. Currently yamllint is run in warning mode against all templates rendered with default values. Duplicates detected and issues will be addressed in subsequent commits. Also all y*ml files are added for linting and corresponding code changes are made. For non-templates warning rules are disabled to improve readability. Chart and requirements yamls are also modified in the name of consistency. Change-Id: Ife6727c5721a00c65902340d95b7edb0a9c77365
99 lines
4.6 KiB
99 lines
4.6 KiB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
- name: set zuul_site_mirror_fqdn from env var if not defined
when: zuul_site_mirror_fqdn is not defined
ignore_errors: True
zuul_site_mirror_fqdn: "{{ lookup('env','zuul_site_mirror_fqdn') }}"
# NOTE(portdirect): Untill https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/21433 is
# reolved, we build with a shell script to make use of the host network.
- name: Kubeadm-AIO build
# NOTE(portdirect): we do this to ensure we are feeding the docker build
# a clean path to work with.
- name: Kubeadm-AIO image build path
shell: cd "{{ work_dir }}"; pwd
register: kubeadm_aio_path
# - name: build the Kubeadm-AIO image
# docker_image:
# path: "{{ kubeadm_aio_path.stdout }}/"
# name: "{{ images.kubernetes.kubeadm_aio }}"
# dockerfile: "tools/images/kubeadm-aio/Dockerfile"
# force: yes
# pull: yes
# state: present
# rm: yes
# buildargs:
# KUBE_VERSION: "{{ version.kubernetes }}"
# CNI_VERSION: "{{ version.cni }}"
# HELM_VERSION: "{{ version.helm }}"
# CHARTS: "calico,flannel,tiller,kube-dns"
- name: Kubeadm-AIO image build path with proxy
when: proxy.http
shell: |-
set -e
docker build \
--network host \
--force-rm \
--tag "{{ images.kubernetes.kubeadm_aio }}" \
--file tools/images/kubeadm-aio/Dockerfile \
--build-arg KUBE_VERSION="{{ version.kubernetes }}" \
--build-arg CNI_VERSION="{{ version.cni }}" \
--build-arg HELM_VERSION="{{ version.helm }}" \
--build-arg CHARTS="calico,flannel,tiller,kube-dns,kubernetes-keystone-webhook" \
--build-arg GOOGLE_KUBERNETES_REPO_URL="{{ url.google_kubernetes_repo }}" \
--build-arg GOOGLE_HELM_REPO_URL="{{ url.google_helm_repo }}" \
--build-arg CNI_REPO_URL="{{ url.cni_repo }}" \
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY="{{ proxy.http }}" \
--build-arg HTTPS_PROXY="{{ proxy.https }}" \
--build-arg NO_PROXY="{{ proxy.noproxy }}" \
{% if zuul_site_mirror_fqdn is defined and zuul_site_mirror_fqdn %}
--build-arg UBUNTU_URL="http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/ubuntu/" \
--build-arg ALLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED="true" \
--build-arg PIP_INDEX_URL="http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/pypi/simple" \
--build-arg PIP_TRUSTED_HOST="{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}" \
{% endif %}
chdir: "{{ kubeadm_aio_path.stdout }}/"
executable: /bin/bash
- name: Kubeadm-AIO image build path
when: not proxy.http
shell: |-
set -e
docker build \
--network host \
--force-rm \
--tag "{{ images.kubernetes.kubeadm_aio }}" \
--file tools/images/kubeadm-aio/Dockerfile \
--build-arg KUBE_VERSION="{{ version.kubernetes }}" \
--build-arg CNI_VERSION="{{ version.cni }}" \
--build-arg HELM_VERSION="{{ version.helm }}" \
--build-arg CHARTS="calico,flannel,tiller,kube-dns,kubernetes-keystone-webhook" \
--build-arg GOOGLE_KUBERNETES_REPO_URL="{{ url.google_kubernetes_repo }}" \
--build-arg GOOGLE_HELM_REPO_URL="{{ url.google_helm_repo }}" \
--build-arg CNI_REPO_URL="{{ url.cni_repo }}" \
{% if zuul_site_mirror_fqdn is defined and zuul_site_mirror_fqdn %}
--build-arg UBUNTU_URL="http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/ubuntu/" \
--build-arg ALLOW_UNAUTHENTICATED="true" \
--build-arg PIP_INDEX_URL="http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/pypi/simple" \
--build-arg PIP_TRUSTED_HOST="{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}" \
{% endif %}
chdir: "{{ kubeadm_aio_path.stdout }}/"
executable: /bin/bash