There is a bug in nginx.tmpl that it will not enclose ipv6 addresses in square brackets resulting in them being unable to be parsed. Test pass on both ipv4 and ipv6 simplex setup for StarlingX project Change-Id: I16e586f5d8e3dfcb5e94f0486409c9637ba197b2 Signed-off-by: Zhipeng Liu <zhipengs.liu@intel.com>
902 lines
38 KiB
902 lines
38 KiB
{{ $all := . }}
{{ $servers := .Servers }}
{{ $cfg := .Cfg }}
{{ $IsIPV6Enabled := .IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ $healthzURI := .HealthzURI }}
{{ $backends := .Backends }}
{{ $proxyHeaders := .ProxySetHeaders }}
{{ $addHeaders := .AddHeaders }}
{{ if $cfg.EnableModsecurity }}
load_module /etc/nginx/modules/ngx_http_modsecurity_module.so;
{{ end }}
{{ if $cfg.EnableOpentracing }}
load_module /etc/nginx/modules/ngx_http_opentracing_module.so;
{{ end }}
{{ if (and $cfg.EnableOpentracing (ne $cfg.ZipkinCollectorHost "")) }}
load_module /etc/nginx/modules/ngx_http_zipkin_module.so;
{{ end }}
daemon off;
worker_processes {{ $cfg.WorkerProcesses }};
pid /run/nginx.pid;
{{ if ne .MaxOpenFiles 0 }}
worker_rlimit_nofile {{ .MaxOpenFiles }};
{{ end }}
{{/* http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#worker_shutdown_timeout */}}
{{/* avoid waiting too long during a reload */}}
worker_shutdown_timeout {{ $cfg.WorkerShutdownTimeout }} ;
events {
multi_accept on;
worker_connections {{ $cfg.MaxWorkerConnections }};
use epoll;
http {
{{/* we use the value of the header X-Forwarded-For to be able to use the geo_ip module */}}
{{ if $cfg.UseProxyProtocol }}
real_ip_header proxy_protocol;
{{ else }}
real_ip_header {{ $cfg.ForwardedForHeader }};
{{ end }}
real_ip_recursive on;
{{ range $trusted_ip := $cfg.ProxyRealIPCIDR }}
set_real_ip_from {{ $trusted_ip }};
{{ end }}
{{/* databases used to determine the country depending on the client IP address */}}
{{/* http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_geoip_module.html */}}
{{/* this is require to calculate traffic for individual country using GeoIP in the status page */}}
geoip_country /etc/nginx/GeoIP.dat;
geoip_city /etc/nginx/GeoLiteCity.dat;
geoip_proxy_recursive on;
{{ if $cfg.EnableVtsStatus }}
vhost_traffic_status_zone shared:vhost_traffic_status:{{ $cfg.VtsStatusZoneSize }};
vhost_traffic_status_filter_by_set_key {{ $cfg.VtsDefaultFilterKey }};
{{ end }}
sendfile on;
aio threads;
aio_write on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
log_subrequest on;
reset_timedout_connection on;
keepalive_timeout {{ $cfg.KeepAlive }}s;
keepalive_requests {{ $cfg.KeepAliveRequests }};
client_header_buffer_size {{ $cfg.ClientHeaderBufferSize }};
client_header_timeout {{ $cfg.ClientHeaderTimeout }}s;
large_client_header_buffers {{ $cfg.LargeClientHeaderBuffers }};
client_body_buffer_size {{ $cfg.ClientBodyBufferSize }};
client_body_timeout {{ $cfg.ClientBodyTimeout }}s;
http2_max_field_size {{ $cfg.HTTP2MaxFieldSize }};
http2_max_header_size {{ $cfg.HTTP2MaxHeaderSize }};
types_hash_max_size 2048;
server_names_hash_max_size {{ $cfg.ServerNameHashMaxSize }};
server_names_hash_bucket_size {{ $cfg.ServerNameHashBucketSize }};
map_hash_bucket_size {{ $cfg.MapHashBucketSize }};
proxy_headers_hash_max_size {{ $cfg.ProxyHeadersHashMaxSize }};
proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size {{ $cfg.ProxyHeadersHashBucketSize }};
variables_hash_bucket_size {{ $cfg.VariablesHashBucketSize }};
variables_hash_max_size {{ $cfg.VariablesHashMaxSize }};
underscores_in_headers {{ if $cfg.EnableUnderscoresInHeaders }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
ignore_invalid_headers {{ if $cfg.IgnoreInvalidHeaders }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
{{ if $cfg.EnableOpentracing }}
opentracing on;
{{ end }}
{{ if (and $cfg.EnableOpentracing (ne $cfg.ZipkinCollectorHost "")) }}
zipkin_collector_host {{ $cfg.ZipkinCollectorHost }};
zipkin_collector_port {{ $cfg.ZipkinCollectorPort }};
zipkin_service_name {{ $cfg.ZipkinServiceName }};
{{ end }}
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type text/html;
{{ if $cfg.EnableBrotli }}
brotli on;
brotli_comp_level {{ $cfg.BrotliLevel }};
brotli_types {{ $cfg.BrotliTypes }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $cfg.UseGzip }}
gzip on;
gzip_comp_level 5;
gzip_http_version 1.1;
gzip_min_length 256;
gzip_types {{ $cfg.GzipTypes }};
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_vary on;
{{ end }}
# Custom headers for response
{{ range $k, $v := $addHeaders }}
add_header {{ $k }} "{{ $v }}";
{{ end }}
server_tokens {{ if $cfg.ShowServerTokens }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
# disable warnings
uninitialized_variable_warn off;
# Additional available variables:
# $namespace
# $ingress_name
# $service_name
log_format upstreaminfo {{ if $cfg.LogFormatEscapeJSON }}escape=json {{ end }}'{{ buildLogFormatUpstream $cfg }}';
{{/* map urls that should not appear in access.log */}}
{{/* http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_log_module.html#access_log */}}
map $request_uri $loggable {
{{ range $reqUri := $cfg.SkipAccessLogURLs }}
{{ $reqUri }} 0;{{ end }}
default 1;
{{ if $cfg.DisableAccessLog }}
access_log off;
{{ else }}
access_log {{ $cfg.AccessLogPath }} upstreaminfo if=$loggable;
{{ end }}
error_log {{ $cfg.ErrorLogPath }} {{ $cfg.ErrorLogLevel }};
{{ buildResolvers $cfg.Resolver }}
{{/* Whenever nginx proxies a request without a "Connection" header, the "Connection" header is set to "close" */}}
{{/* when making the target request. This means that you cannot simply use */}}
{{/* "proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection" for WebSocket support because in this case, the */}}
{{/* "Connection" header would be set to "" whenever the original request did not have a "Connection" header, */}}
{{/* which would mean no "Connection" header would be in the target request. Since this would deviate from */}}
{{/* normal nginx behavior we have to use this approach. */}}
# Retain the default nginx handling of requests without a "Connection" header
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
map {{ buildForwardedFor $cfg.ForwardedForHeader }} $the_real_ip {
{{ if $cfg.UseProxyProtocol }}
# Get IP address from Proxy Protocol
default $proxy_protocol_addr;
{{ else }}
default $remote_addr;
{{ end }}
# trust http_x_forwarded_proto headers correctly indicate ssl offloading
map $http_x_forwarded_proto $pass_access_scheme {
default $http_x_forwarded_proto;
'' $scheme;
map $http_x_forwarded_port $pass_server_port {
default $http_x_forwarded_port;
'' $server_port;
map $http_x_forwarded_host $best_http_host {
default $http_x_forwarded_host;
'' $this_host;
{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}
# map port {{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} to 443 for header X-Forwarded-Port
map $pass_server_port $pass_port {
{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} 443;
default $pass_server_port;
{{ else }}
map $pass_server_port $pass_port {
443 443;
default $pass_server_port;
{{ end }}
# Obtain best http host
map $http_host $this_host {
default $http_host;
'' $host;
{{ if $cfg.ComputeFullForwardedFor }}
# We can't use $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for because the realip module
# replaces the remote_addr too soon
map $http_x_forwarded_for $full_x_forwarded_for {
{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }}
default "$http_x_forwarded_for, $proxy_protocol_addr";
'' "$proxy_protocol_addr";
{{ else }}
default "$http_x_forwarded_for, $realip_remote_addr";
'' "$realip_remote_addr";
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
server_name_in_redirect off;
port_in_redirect off;
ssl_protocols {{ $cfg.SSLProtocols }};
# turn on session caching to drastically improve performance
{{ if $cfg.SSLSessionCache }}
ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:{{ $cfg.SSLSessionCacheSize }};
ssl_session_timeout {{ $cfg.SSLSessionTimeout }};
{{ end }}
# allow configuring ssl session tickets
ssl_session_tickets {{ if $cfg.SSLSessionTickets }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
{{ if not (empty $cfg.SSLSessionTicketKey ) }}
ssl_session_ticket_key /etc/nginx/tickets.key;
{{ end }}
# slightly reduce the time-to-first-byte
ssl_buffer_size {{ $cfg.SSLBufferSize }};
{{ if not (empty $cfg.SSLCiphers) }}
# allow configuring custom ssl ciphers
ssl_ciphers '{{ $cfg.SSLCiphers }}';
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $cfg.SSLDHParam) }}
# allow custom DH file http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_ssl_module.html#ssl_dhparam
ssl_dhparam {{ $cfg.SSLDHParam }};
{{ end }}
{{ if not $cfg.EnableDynamicTLSRecords }}
ssl_dyn_rec_size_lo 0;
{{ end }}
ssl_ecdh_curve {{ $cfg.SSLECDHCurve }};
{{ if .CustomErrors }}
# Custom error pages
proxy_intercept_errors on;
{{ end }}
{{ range $errCode := $cfg.CustomHTTPErrors }}
error_page {{ $errCode }} = @custom_{{ $errCode }};{{ end }}
proxy_ssl_session_reuse on;
{{ if $cfg.AllowBackendServerHeader }}
proxy_pass_header Server;
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $cfg.HTTPSnippet) }}
# Custom code snippet configured in the configuration configmap
{{ $cfg.HTTPSnippet }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $name, $upstream := $backends }}
{{ if eq $upstream.SessionAffinity.AffinityType "cookie" }}
upstream sticky-{{ $upstream.Name }} {
sticky hash={{ $upstream.SessionAffinity.CookieSessionAffinity.Hash }} name={{ $upstream.SessionAffinity.CookieSessionAffinity.Name }} httponly;
{{ if (gt $cfg.UpstreamKeepaliveConnections 0) }}
keepalive {{ $cfg.UpstreamKeepaliveConnections }};
{{ end }}
{{ range $server := $upstream.Endpoints }}server {{ $server.Address | formatIP }}:{{ $server.Port }} max_fails={{ $server.MaxFails }} fail_timeout={{ $server.FailTimeout }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
upstream {{ $upstream.Name }} {
# Load balance algorithm; empty for round robin, which is the default
{{ if ne $cfg.LoadBalanceAlgorithm "round_robin" }}
{{ $cfg.LoadBalanceAlgorithm }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $upstream.UpstreamHashBy }}
hash {{ $upstream.UpstreamHashBy }} consistent;
{{ end }}
{{ if (gt $cfg.UpstreamKeepaliveConnections 0) }}
keepalive {{ $cfg.UpstreamKeepaliveConnections }};
{{ end }}
{{ range $server := $upstream.Endpoints }}server {{ $server.Address | formatIP }}:{{ $server.Port }} max_fails={{ $server.MaxFails }} fail_timeout={{ $server.FailTimeout }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* build the maps that will be use to validate the Whitelist */}}
{{ range $index, $server := $servers }}
{{ range $location := $server.Locations }}
{{ $path := buildLocation $location }}
{{ if isLocationAllowed $location }}
{{ if gt (len $location.Whitelist.CIDR) 0 }}
# Deny for {{ print $server.Hostname $path }}
geo $the_real_ip {{ buildDenyVariable (print $server.Hostname "_" $path) }} {
default 1;
{{ range $ip := $location.Whitelist.CIDR }}
{{ $ip }} 0;{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $rl := (filterRateLimits $servers ) }}
# Ratelimit {{ $rl.Name }}
geo $the_real_ip $whitelist_{{ $rl.ID }} {
default 0;
{{ range $ip := $rl.Whitelist }}
{{ $ip }} 1;{{ end }}
# Ratelimit {{ $rl.Name }}
map $whitelist_{{ $rl.ID }} $limit_{{ $rl.ID }} {
0 {{ $cfg.LimitConnZoneVariable }};
1 "";
{{ end }}
{{/* build all the required rate limit zones. Each annotation requires a dedicated zone */}}
{{/* 1MB -> 16 thousand 64-byte states or about 8 thousand 128-byte states */}}
{{ range $zone := (buildRateLimitZones $servers) }}
{{ $zone }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Build server redirects (from/to www) */}}
{{ range $hostname, $to := .RedirectServers }}
server {
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
listen {{ $address }}:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }} ssl;
{{ else }}
listen {{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
listen {{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }} ssl;
{{ end }}
{{ if $IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
listen {{ $address }}:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen [::]:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
listen [::]:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
server_name {{ $hostname }};
{{ if ne $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS 443 }}
{{ $redirect_port := (printf ":%v" $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS) }}
return {{ $all.Cfg.HTTPRedirectCode }} $scheme://{{ $to }}{{ $redirect_port }}$request_uri;
{{ else }}
return {{ $all.Cfg.HTTPRedirectCode }} $scheme://{{ $to }}$request_uri;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $index, $server := $servers }}
## start server {{ $server.Hostname }}
server {
server_name {{ $server.Hostname }} {{ $server.Alias }};
{{ template "SERVER" serverConfig $all $server }}
{{ if not (empty $cfg.ServerSnippet) }}
# Custom code snippet configured in the configuration configmap
{{ $cfg.ServerSnippet }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "CUSTOM_ERRORS" $all }}
## end server {{ $server.Hostname }}
{{ end }}
# default server, used for NGINX healthcheck and access to nginx stats
server {
# Use the port {{ $all.ListenPorts.Status }} (random value just to avoid known ports) as default port for nginx.
# Changing this value requires a change in:
# https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/master/controllers/nginx/pkg/cmd/controller/nginx.go
listen {{ $all.ListenPorts.Status }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }};
{{ if $IsIPV6Enabled }}listen [::]:{{ $all.ListenPorts.Status }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }};{{ end }}
set $proxy_upstream_name "-";
location {{ $healthzURI }} {
access_log off;
return 200;
location /nginx_status {
set $proxy_upstream_name "internal";
{{ if $cfg.EnableVtsStatus }}
vhost_traffic_status_display_format html;
{{ else }}
access_log off;
stub_status on;
{{ end }}
location / {
{{ if .CustomErrors }}
proxy_set_header X-Code 404;
{{ end }}
set $proxy_upstream_name "upstream-default-backend";
proxy_pass http://upstream-default-backend;
{{ template "CUSTOM_ERRORS" $all }}
stream {
log_format log_stream {{ $cfg.LogFormatStream }};
{{ if $cfg.DisableAccessLog }}
access_log off;
{{ else }}
access_log {{ $cfg.AccessLogPath }} log_stream;
{{ end }}
error_log {{ $cfg.ErrorLogPath }};
# TCP services
{{ range $i, $tcpServer := .TCPBackends }}
upstream tcp-{{ $tcpServer.Port }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Namespace }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Name }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Port }} {
# NOTE(portdirect): mark the 1st server as up, the 2nd as backup, and all others as down.
# The ingress controller will manage this list, based on the health checks in the backend pods,
# which approximates the pattern commonly used by Haproxy's httpchk.
{{ range $j, $endpoint := $tcpServer.Endpoints }}
{{ if eq $j 0 }}
# NOTE(portdirect): see https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/load-balancer/tcp-health-check/#passive-tcp-health-checks to tune passive healthchecks
server {{ formatIP $endpoint.Address }}:{{ $endpoint.Port }};
{{ else if eq $j 1 }}
server {{ formatIP $endpoint.Address }}:{{ $endpoint.Port }} backup;
{{ else }}
server {{ formatIP $endpoint.Address }}:{{ $endpoint.Port }} down;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
server {
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $tcpServer.Port }}{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Decode }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen {{ $tcpServer.Port }}{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Decode }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $tcpServer.Port }}{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Decode }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen [::]:{{ $tcpServer.Port }}{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Decode }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
proxy_timeout {{ $cfg.ProxyStreamTimeout }};
proxy_pass tcp-{{ $tcpServer.Port }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Namespace }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Name }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Port }};
{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Encode }}
proxy_protocol on;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
# UDP services
{{ range $i, $udpServer := .UDPBackends }}
upstream udp-{{ $udpServer.Port }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Namespace }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Name }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Port }} {
{{ range $j, $endpoint := $udpServer.Endpoints }}
server {{ $endpoint.Address }}:{{ $endpoint.Port }};
{{ end }}
server {
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $udpServer.Port }} udp;
{{ else }}
listen {{ $udpServer.Port }} udp;
{{ end }}
{{ if $IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $udpServer.Port }} udp;
{{ else }}
listen [::]:{{ $udpServer.Port }} udp;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
proxy_responses {{ $cfg.ProxyStreamResponses }};
proxy_timeout {{ $cfg.ProxyStreamTimeout }};
proxy_pass udp-{{ $udpServer.Port }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Namespace }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Name }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Port }};
{{ end }}
{{/* definition of templates to avoid repetitions */}}
{{ define "CUSTOM_ERRORS" }}
{{ $proxySetHeaders := .ProxySetHeaders }}
{{ range $errCode := .Cfg.CustomHTTPErrors }}
location @custom_{{ $errCode }} {
proxy_intercept_errors off;
proxy_set_header X-Code {{ $errCode }};
proxy_set_header X-Format $http_accept;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Namespace $namespace;
proxy_set_header X-Ingress-Name $ingress_name;
proxy_set_header X-Service-Name $service_name;
rewrite (.*) / break;
proxy_pass http://upstream-default-backend;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* CORS support from https://michielkalkman.com/snippets/nginx-cors-open-configuration.html */}}
{{ define "CORS" }}
{{ $cors := .CorsConfig }}
# Cors Preflight methods needs additional options and different Return Code
if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowOrigin }}' always;
{{ if $cors.CorsAllowCredentials }} add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowCredentials }}' always; {{ end }}
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowMethods }}' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowHeaders }}' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;
add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain charset=UTF-8';
add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
return 204;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowOrigin }}' always;
{{ if $cors.CorsAllowCredentials }} add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowCredentials }}' always; {{ end }}
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowMethods }}' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowHeaders }}' always;
{{ end }}
{{/* definition of server-template to avoid repetitions with server-alias */}}
{{ define "SERVER" }}
{{ $all := .First }}
{{ $server := .Second }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen {{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $all.IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen [::]:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
set $proxy_upstream_name "-";
{{/* Listen on {{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} because port {{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }} is used in the TLS sni server */}}
{{/* This listener must always have proxy_protocol enabled, because the SNI listener forwards on source IP info in it. */}}
{{ if not (empty $server.SSLCertificate) }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol {{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }} ssl {{ if $all.Cfg.UseHTTP2 }}http2{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen {{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol {{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }} ssl {{ if $all.Cfg.UseHTTP2 }}http2{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $all.IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
{{ if not (empty $server.SSLCertificate) }}listen {{ $address }}:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }} ssl {{ if $all.Cfg.UseHTTP2 }}http2{{ end }};
{{ else }}
{{ if not (empty $server.SSLCertificate) }}listen [::]:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }} ssl {{ if $all.Cfg.UseHTTP2 }}http2{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* comment PEM sha is required to detect changes in the generated configuration and force a reload */}}
# PEM sha: {{ $server.SSLPemChecksum }}
ssl_certificate {{ $server.SSLCertificate }};
ssl_certificate_key {{ $server.SSLCertificate }};
{{ if not (empty $server.SSLFullChainCertificate) }}
ssl_trusted_certificate {{ $server.SSLFullChainCertificate }};
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (and (not (empty $server.SSLCertificate)) $all.Cfg.HSTS) }}
more_set_headers "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age={{ $all.Cfg.HSTSMaxAge }}{{ if $all.Cfg.HSTSIncludeSubdomains }}; includeSubDomains{{ end }};{{ if $all.Cfg.HSTSPreload }} preload{{ end }}";
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $server.CertificateAuth.CAFileName) }}
# PEM sha: {{ $server.CertificateAuth.PemSHA }}
ssl_client_certificate {{ $server.CertificateAuth.CAFileName }};
ssl_verify_client {{ $server.CertificateAuth.VerifyClient }};
ssl_verify_depth {{ $server.CertificateAuth.ValidationDepth }};
{{ if not (empty $server.CertificateAuth.ErrorPage) }}
error_page 495 496 = {{ $server.CertificateAuth.ErrorPage }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $server.ServerSnippet) }}
{{ $server.ServerSnippet }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $location := $server.Locations }}
{{ $path := buildLocation $location }}
{{ $authPath := buildAuthLocation $location }}
{{ if not (empty $location.Rewrite.AppRoot) }}
if ($uri = /) {
return 302 {{ $location.Rewrite.AppRoot }};
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $authPath) }}
location = {{ $authPath }} {
set $proxy_upstream_name "external-authentication";
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
{{ if not (empty $location.ExternalAuth.Method) }}
proxy_method {{ $location.ExternalAuth.Method }};
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $pass_access_scheme;
{{ end }}
proxy_set_header Host {{ $location.ExternalAuth.Host }};
proxy_set_header X-Original-URL $scheme://$http_host$request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Original-Method $request_method;
proxy_set_header X-Auth-Request-Redirect $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Sent-From "nginx-ingress-controller";
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_ssl_server_name on;
proxy_pass_request_headers on;
client_max_body_size "{{ $location.Proxy.BodySize }}";
{{ if isValidClientBodyBufferSize $location.ClientBodyBufferSize }}
client_body_buffer_size {{ $location.ClientBodyBufferSize }};
{{ end }}
set $target {{ $location.ExternalAuth.URL }};
proxy_pass $target;
{{ end }}
location {{ $path }} {
{{ if $all.Cfg.EnableVtsStatus }}{{ if $location.VtsFilterKey }} vhost_traffic_status_filter_by_set_key {{ $location.VtsFilterKey }};{{ end }}{{ end }}
set $proxy_upstream_name "{{ buildUpstreamName $server.Hostname $all.Backends $location }}";
{{ $ing := (getIngressInformation $location.Ingress $path) }}
{{/* $ing.Metadata contains the Ingress metadata */}}
set $namespace "{{ $ing.Namespace }}";
set $ingress_name "{{ $ing.Rule }}";
set $service_name "{{ $ing.Service }}";
{{ if (or $location.Rewrite.ForceSSLRedirect (and (not (empty $server.SSLCertificate)) $location.Rewrite.SSLRedirect)) }}
# enforce ssl on server side
if ($pass_access_scheme = http) {
{{ if ne $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS 443 }}
{{ $redirect_port := (printf ":%v" $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS) }}
return {{ $all.Cfg.HTTPRedirectCode }} https://$best_http_host{{ $redirect_port }}$request_uri;
{{ else }}
return {{ $all.Cfg.HTTPRedirectCode }} https://$best_http_host$request_uri;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $all.Cfg.EnableModsecurity }}
modsecurity on;
modsecurity_rules_file /etc/nginx/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf;
{{ if $all.Cfg.EnableOWASPCoreRules }}
modsecurity_rules_file /etc/nginx/owasp-modsecurity-crs/nginx-modsecurity.conf;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if isLocationAllowed $location }}
{{ if gt (len $location.Whitelist.CIDR) 0 }}
if ({{ buildDenyVariable (print $server.Hostname "_" $path) }}) {
return 403;
{{ end }}
port_in_redirect {{ if $location.UsePortInRedirects }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
{{ if not (empty $authPath) }}
# this location requires authentication
auth_request {{ $authPath }};
auth_request_set $auth_cookie $upstream_http_set_cookie;
add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie;
{{- range $idx, $line := buildAuthResponseHeaders $location }}
{{ $line }}
{{- end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $location.ExternalAuth.SigninURL) }}
error_page 401 = {{ buildAuthSignURL $location.ExternalAuth.SigninURL }};
{{ end }}
{{/* if the location contains a rate limit annotation, create one */}}
{{ $limits := buildRateLimit $location }}
{{ range $limit := $limits }}
{{ $limit }}{{ end }}
{{ if $location.BasicDigestAuth.Secured }}
{{ if eq $location.BasicDigestAuth.Type "basic" }}
auth_basic "{{ $location.BasicDigestAuth.Realm }}";
auth_basic_user_file {{ $location.BasicDigestAuth.File }};
{{ else }}
auth_digest "{{ $location.BasicDigestAuth.Realm }}";
auth_digest_user_file {{ $location.BasicDigestAuth.File }};
{{ end }}
proxy_set_header Authorization "";
{{ end }}
{{ if $location.CorsConfig.CorsEnabled }}
{{ template "CORS" $location }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $location.Redirect.URL) }}
if ($uri ~* {{ $path }}) {
return {{ $location.Redirect.Code }} {{ $location.Redirect.URL }};
{{ end }}
client_max_body_size "{{ $location.Proxy.BodySize }}";
{{ if isValidClientBodyBufferSize $location.ClientBodyBufferSize }}
client_body_buffer_size {{ $location.ClientBodyBufferSize }};
{{ end }}
{{/* By default use vhost as Host to upstream, but allow overrides */}}
{{ if not (empty $location.UpstreamVhost) }}
proxy_set_header Host "{{ $location.UpstreamVhost }}";
{{ else }}
proxy_set_header Host $best_http_host;
{{ end }}
# Pass the extracted client certificate to the backend
{{ if not (empty $server.CertificateAuth.CAFileName) }}
{{ if $server.CertificateAuth.PassCertToUpstream }}
proxy_set_header ssl-client-cert $ssl_client_escaped_cert;
{{ else }}
proxy_set_header ssl-client-cert "";
{{ end }}
proxy_set_header ssl-client-verify $ssl_client_verify;
proxy_set_header ssl-client-dn $ssl_client_s_dn;
{{ else }}
proxy_set_header ssl-client-cert "";
proxy_set_header ssl-client-verify "";
proxy_set_header ssl-client-dn "";
{{ end }}
# Allow websocket connections
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $the_real_ip;
{{ if $all.Cfg.ComputeFullForwardedFor }}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $full_x_forwarded_for;
{{ else }}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $the_real_ip;
{{ end }}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $best_http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $pass_port;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $pass_access_scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $pass_access_scheme;
# Pass the original X-Forwarded-For
proxy_set_header X-Original-Forwarded-For {{ buildForwardedFor $all.Cfg.ForwardedForHeader }};
# mitigate HTTPoxy Vulnerability
# https://www.nginx.com/blog/mitigating-the-httpoxy-vulnerability-with-nginx/
proxy_set_header Proxy "";
# Custom headers to proxied server
{{ range $k, $v := $all.ProxySetHeaders }}
proxy_set_header {{ $k }} "{{ $v }}";
{{ end }}
proxy_connect_timeout {{ $location.Proxy.ConnectTimeout }}s;
proxy_send_timeout {{ $location.Proxy.SendTimeout }}s;
proxy_read_timeout {{ $location.Proxy.ReadTimeout }}s;
{{ if (or (eq $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectFrom "default") (eq $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectFrom "off")) }}
proxy_redirect {{ $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectFrom }};
{{ else }}
proxy_redirect {{ $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectFrom }} {{ $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectTo }};
{{ end }}
proxy_buffering off;
proxy_buffer_size "{{ $location.Proxy.BufferSize }}";
proxy_buffers 4 "{{ $location.Proxy.BufferSize }}";
proxy_request_buffering "{{ $location.Proxy.RequestBuffering }}";
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_cookie_domain {{ $location.Proxy.CookieDomain }};
proxy_cookie_path {{ $location.Proxy.CookiePath }};
# In case of errors try the next upstream server before returning an error
proxy_next_upstream {{ buildNextUpstream $location.Proxy.NextUpstream $all.Cfg.RetryNonIdempotent }};
{{/* rewrite only works if the content is not compressed */}}
{{ if $location.Rewrite.AddBaseURL }}
proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
{{ end }}
{{/* Add any additional configuration defined */}}
{{ $location.ConfigurationSnippet }}
{{ if not (empty $all.Cfg.LocationSnippet) }}
# Custom code snippet configured in the configuration configmap
{{ $all.Cfg.LocationSnippet }}
{{ end }}
{{/* if we are sending the request to a custom default backend, we add the required headers */}}
{{ if (hasPrefix $location.Backend "custom-default-backend-") }}
proxy_set_header X-Code 503;
proxy_set_header X-Format $http_accept;
proxy_set_header X-Namespace $namespace;
proxy_set_header X-Ingress-Name $ingress_name;
proxy_set_header X-Service-Name $service_name;
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $location.Backend) }}
{{ buildProxyPass $server.Hostname $all.Backends $location }}
{{ else }}
# No endpoints available for the request
return 503;
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
# Location denied. Reason: {{ $location.Denied }}
return 503;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }}
# health checks in cloud providers require the use of port {{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}
location {{ $all.HealthzURI }} {
access_log off;
return 200;
# this is required to avoid error if nginx is being monitored
# with an external software (like sysdig)
location /nginx_status {
{{ if $all.IsIPV6Enabled }}allow ::1;{{ end }}
deny all;
access_log off;
stub_status on;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}