Updates the fluent-logging chart to reference the elasticsearch endpoint via lookups on the `http` port to match the elasticsearch chart's handling of the client port. This also updates the helm test pod to reference the elasticsearch credentials via the secret used elsewhere in the fluent-logging chart Change-Id: I352d912db5e231e14dc58cdf897ae642f3256373
OpenStack-Helm defines a centralized logging mechanism to provide insight into the the state of the OpenStack services and infrastructure components as well as underlying kubernetes platform. Among the requirements for a logging platform, where log data can come from and where log data need to be delivered are very variable. To support various logging scenarios, OpenStack-Helm should provide a flexible mechanism to meet with certain operation needs. This chart proposes fast and lightweight log forwarder and full featured log aggregator complementing each other providing a flexible and reliable solution. Especially, Fluent-bit is proposed as a log forwarder and Fluentd is proposed as a main log aggregator and processor.
Fluent-bit, Fluentd meet OpenStack-Helm's logging requirements for gathering, aggregating, and delivering of logged events. Flunt-bit runs as a daemonset on each node and mounts the /var/lib/docker/containers directory. The Docker container runtime engine directs events posted to stdout and stderr to this directory on the host. Fluent-bit then forward the contents of that directory to Fluentd. Fluentd runs as deployment at the designated nodes and expose service for Fluent-bit to foward logs. Fluentd should then apply the Logstash format to the logs. Fluentd can also write kubernetes and OpenStack metadata to the logs. Fluentd will then forward the results to Elasticsearch and to optionally kafka. Elasticsearch indexes the logs in a logstash-* index by default. kafka stores the logs in a 'logs' topic by default. Any external tool can then consume the 'logs' topic.