This is to fix name conflict for configmap name "ceph-osd-default" when
we try to create multiple osd releases as every relase try to create configmap
with same name.
we could add relase name here but that will be a problem for sites deployed with
current logic as upgrade will delete old daemonsets and creates new ds ,so all osd
pods gets recreated at a time, by getting this from values can give us
flexibility to install multiple osd releases with out effecting currently deployed
Here is the error if we try multiple osd releases with current logic:
2019-08-27 13:54:16.690 41 ERROR armada.handlers.tiller [-] [chart=ceph-osd-sde]:
Error while installing release ceph-osd-sde: grpc._channel._Rendezvous: \
<_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
status = StatusCode.UNKNOWN
details = "release ceph-osd-sde
failed: configmaps "ceph-osd-default" already exists"
Change-Id: Ibe84582b9ba04c6cbf611e943ecd0a7149c5ab2f