This change adds a non-voting bandit check to openstack-helm-infra similar to what is ran in the openstack-helm repo. This check will be made voting in a future change once the current failures are addressed. Similarly this check will be modified in a future change to only be ran when affected python files are changed. Change-Id: I177940f7b050fbe8882d298628c458bbd935ee89
17 lines
608 B
Executable File
17 lines
608 B
Executable File
EXCLUDES="helm-toolkit doc tests tools logs tmp roles playbooks releasenotes zuul.d python-files"
DIRS=`ls -d */ | cut -f1 -d'/'`
for EX in $EXCLUDES; do
DIRS=`echo $DIRS | sed "s/\b$EX\b//g"`
for DIR in $DIRS; do
PYFILES=$(helm template $DIR | yq 'select(.data != null) | .data | to_entries | map(select(.key | test(".*\\.py"))) | select(length > 0) | values[] | {(.key) : (.value)}' | jq -s add)
PYKEYS=$(echo "$PYFILES" | jq -r 'select(. != null) | keys[]')
for KEY in $PYKEYS; do
echo "$PYFILES" | jq -r --arg KEY "$KEY" '.[$KEY]' > ./python-files/"$DIR-$KEY"