Pai, Radhika (rp592h) 47565d2d19 Nagios: Updated the alert for Ceph OSD Down
Earlier the Nagios alert monitor was percent based as in when the percent of OSD
down is greater than 80, it will send alert.
>check_prom_alert!ceph_osd_down_pct_high!CRITICAL- CEPH OSDs down is
more than 80 percent!OK- CEPH OSDs down is less than 80 percent

Updated the code in nagios values.yaml to send alert when even 1 OSD is
>check_prom_alert!ceph_osd_down!CRITICAL- One or more CEPH OSDs are down
>for more than 5 minutes!OK- All the CEPH OSDs are up

Change-Id: Id24c4a0cca64674890dae3599edc0c90d9534e90
2019-07-19 19:25:53 +00:00
2018-03-23 13:45:40 +00:00