updates to getting-started guide

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Brandon B. Jozsa 2016-12-24 01:29:52 -05:00 committed by GitHub
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@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ In order to drive towards a production-ready Openstack solution, our goal is to
Other versions and considerations (such as other CNI SDN providers), config map data, and value overrides will be included in other documentation as we explore these options further.
The installation proceedures below, will take an administrator from a new `kubeadm` installation to Openstack-Helm deployment.
# Quickstart (Bare Metal)
This walkthrough will help you set up a bare metal environment, using `kubeadm` on Ubuntu 16.04. The assumption is that you have a working `kubeadm` environment and that your environment is at a working state, ***prior*** to deploying a CNI-SDN. This deployment proceedure is opinionated *only to standardize the deployment process for users and developers*, and to limit questions to a known working deployment. Instructions will expand as the project becomes more mature.
# Kubernetes Preparation
This walkthrough will help you set up a bare metal environment with 5 nodes, using `kubeadm` on Ubuntu 16.04. The assumption is that you have a working `kubeadm` environment and that your environment is at a working state, ***prior*** to deploying a CNI-SDN. This deployment proceedure is opinionated *only to standardize the deployment process for users and developers*, and to limit questions to a known working deployment. Instructions will expand as the project becomes more mature.
If youre environment looks like this, you are ready to continue:
@ -80,6 +81,13 @@ admin@kubenode01:~$ sudo apt-get install ceph-common -y
We will always attempt to keep host-specific requirements to a minimum, and we are working with the Ceph team (Sébastien Han) to quickly address this Ceph requirement.
### Ceph Secrets Generation
Another thing of interest is that our deployment assumes that you can generate secrets at the time of the container deployment. We require the [`sigil`](https://github.com/gliderlabs/sigil/releases/download/v0.4.0/sigil_0.4.0_Linux_x86_64.tgz) binary on your deployment host in order to perform this action.
admin@kubenode01:~$ curl -L https://github.com/gliderlabs/sigil/releases/download/v0.4.0/sigil_0.4.0_Linux_x86_64.tgz | tar -zxC /usr/local/bin
### Kubernetes Controller Manager
Before deploying Ceph, you will need to re-deploy a custom Kubernetes Controller with the necessary [RDB](http://docs.ceph.com/docs/jewel/rbd/rbd/) utilities. For your convenience, we are maintaining this along with the Openstack-Helm project. If you would like to check the current [tags](https://quay.io/repository/attcomdev/kube-controller-manager?tab=tags) or the [security](https://quay.io/repository/attcomdev/kube-controller-manager/image/eedc2bf21cca5647a26e348ee3427917da8b17c25ead38e832e1ed7c2ef1b1fd?tab=vulnerabilities) of these pre-built containers, you may view them at [our public Quay container registry](https://quay.io/repository/attcomdev/kube-controller-manager?tab=tags). If you would prefer to build this container yourself, or add any additional packages, you are free to use our GitHub [dockerfiles](https://github.com/att-comdev/dockerfiles/tree/master/kube-controller-manager) repository to do so.
@ -90,16 +98,10 @@ admin@kubenode01:~$ export kube_version=v1.5.1
admin@kubenode01:~$ sed -i "s|gcr.io/google_containers/kube-controller-manager-amd64:'$kube_version'|quay.io/attcomdev/kube-controller-manager:'$kube_version'|g" /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.json
Now you will want to `restart` your master server.
### Ceph Secrets Generation
Another thing of interest is that our deployment assumes that you can generate secrets at the time of the container deployment. We require the [`sigil`](https://github.com/gliderlabs/sigil/releases/download/v0.4.0/sigil_0.4.0_Linux_x86_64.tgz) binary on your deployment host in order to perform this action.
admin@kubenode01:~$ curl -L https://github.com/gliderlabs/sigil/releases/download/v0.4.0/sigil_0.4.0_Linux_x86_64.tgz | tar -zxC /usr/local/bin
Now you will want to `restart` your Kubernetes master server to continue.
### Kube Controller Manager DNS Resolution
Until the following [Kubernetes Pull Request](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/17406) is merged, you will need to allow the Kubernetes Controller to use the internal container `skydns` endpoint as a DNS server, and add the Kubernetes search suffix into the controller's resolv.conf. As of now, the Kuberenetes controller only mirrors the host's `resolv.conf`. This is is not sufficent if you want the controller to know how to correctly resolve container service endpoints (in the case of DaemonSets).
First, find out what the IP Address of your `kube-dns` deployment is:
@ -167,83 +169,257 @@ admin@kubenode01:~$
Now you should be able to resolve the host `kubernetes-dashboard.kube-system.svc.cluster.local`:
bjozsa@kubenode01:~$ kubectl exec kube-controller-manager-kubenode01 -it -n kube-system -- ping kubernetes-dashboard.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl exec kube-controller-manager-kubenode01 -it -n kube-system -- ping kubernetes-dashboard.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
PING kubernetes-dashboard.kube-system.svc.cluster.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
(Note: This host example above has `iputils-ping` installed)
Now we can continue with the deployment.
### Kubernetes Node DNS Resolution
For each of the nodes to know exactly how to communicate with Ceph (and thus MariaDB) endpoints, each host much also have an entry for `kube-dns`. Since we are using Ubuntu for our example, place these changes in `/etc/network/interfaces` to ensure they remain after reboot.
Now we are ready to continue with the Openstack-Helm installation.
## Openstack-Helm Installation
Before you begin, make sure you have read and understand the project [Requirements](Requirements).
# Openstack-Helm Preparation
You can start openstack-helm fairly quickly. Assuming the above requirements are met (above), you can install the charts in a layered approach. The OpenStack parent chart, which installs all OpenStack services, is a work in progress and is simply a one-stack convenience. For now, please install each individual service chart as noted below.
Please ensure that you have verified and completed the steps above to prevent issues with your deployment. Since our goal is to provide a Kubernetes environment with reliable persisent storage, we will provide some helpful verification steps to ensure you are able to proceed to the next step.
Note that the ```bootstrap``` chart is meant to be installed in every namespace you plan to use. It helps install required secrets.
Although Ceph is mentioned throughout this guide, our deployment is flexible to allow you the option of bringing any type of persisent storage. Although most of these verification steps are the same, if not very similar, we will use Ceph as our example throughout this guide.
If any helm install step fails, you can back it out with ```helm delete --purge <releaseName>```
Make sure sigil is installed to perform the ceph secret generation, as noted in the [Requirements](Requirements).
## Node Labels
First, we must lablem our nodes according to their role. Although we are labeling `all` nodes, you are free to label only the nodes you wish. You must have at least one, although a minimum of three are recommended.
# label all known nodes as candidates for pods
kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all
kubectl label nodes ceph-storage=enabled --all
# move into the openstack-helm directory
cd openstack-helm
# set your network cidr--these values are only
# appropriate for calico and may be different in your
# environment: using example above = (avoiding overlap)
export osd_cluster_network=
export osd_public_network=
# on every node that will receive ceph instances,
# create some local directories used as nodeDirs
# for persistent storage
mkdir -p /var/lib/openstack-helm/ceph
# generate secrets (ceph, etc.)
cd common/utils/secret-generator
./generate_secrets.sh all `./generate_secrets.sh fsid`
cd ../../..
# now you are ready to build openstack-helm
helm serve . &
helm repo add local http://localhost:8879/charts
# install ceph
helm install --name=ceph local/ceph --namespace=ceph
# bootstrap the openstack namespace for chart installation
helm install --name=bootstrap local/bootstrap --namespace=openstack
# install mariadb
helm install --name=mariadb local/mariadb --namespace=openstack
# install rabbitmq/memcache
helm install --name=memcached local/memcached --namespace=openstack
helm install --name=rabbitmq local/rabbitmq --namespace=openstack
# install keystone
helm install --name=keystone local/keystone --namespace=openstack
# install horizon
helm install --name=horizon local/horizon --namespace=openstack
# install glance
helm install --name=glance local/glance --namespace=openstack
# ensure all services enter a running state, with the
# exception of one jobs/glance-post and the ceph
# rgw containers, due to outstanding issues
watch kubectl get all --namespace=openstack
admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all
admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl label nodes ceph-storage=enabled --all
You should now be able to access horizon at http://<horizon-svc-ip> using admin/password
## Obtaining the Project
Download the latest copy of Openstack-Helm:
admin@kubenode01:~$ git clone https://github.com/att-comdev/openstack-helm.git
admin@kubenode01:~$ cd openstack-helm
## Ceph Preparation and Installation
Ceph must be aware of the OSX cluster and public networks. These CIDR ranges are the exact same ranges you used ealier in your Calico deployment yaml (our example was due to our overlap). Explore this variable to your deployment environment by issuing the following commands:
admin@kubenode01:~$ export osd_cluster_network=
admin@kubenode01:~$ export osd_public_network=
## Ceph Storage Volumes
Ceph must also have volumes to mount on each host labeled for `ceph-storage`. On each host that you labeled, create the following directory (can be overriden):
admin@kubenode01:~$ mkdir -p /var/lib/openstack-helm/ceph
*Repeat this step for each node labeled: `ceph-storage`*
## Ceph Secrets Generation
Although you can bring your own secrets, we have conviniently created a secret generation tool for you (for greenfield deployments). You can create secrets for your project by issuing the following:
admin@kubenode01:~$ cd common/utils/secret-generator
admin@kubenode01:~$ ./generate_secrets.sh all `./generate_secrets.sh fsid`
admin@kubenode01:~$ cd ../../..
## Helm Preparation
Now we need to install and prepare Helm, the core of our project. Please use the installation guide from the [Kubernetes/Helm](https://github.com/kubernetes/helm/blob/master/docs/install.md#from-the-binary-releases) repository. Please take note of our required versions above.
Once installed, and initiated (`helm init`), you will need your local environment to serve helm charts for use. You can do this by:
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm serve . &
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm repo add local http://localhost:8879/charts
# Openstack-Helm Installation
Now we are ready to deploy, and verify our Openstack-Helm installation. The first required is to build out the deployment secrets, lint and package each of the charts for the project. Do this my running `make` in the `openstack-helm` directory:
admin@kubenode01:~$ make
**Helpful Note:** If you need to make any changes to the deployment, you may run `make` again, delete your helm-deployed chart, and redeploy the chart (upadate). If you need to delete a chart for any reason, do the following:
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm list
bootstrap 1 Fri Dec 23 13:37:35 2016 DEPLOYED bootstrap-0.1.0
bootstrap-ceph 1 Fri Dec 23 14:27:51 2016 DEPLOYED bootstrap-0.1.0
ceph 3 Fri Dec 23 14:18:49 2016 DEPLOYED ceph-0.1.0
keystone 1 Fri Dec 23 16:40:56 2016 DEPLOYED keystone-0.1.0
mariadb 1 Fri Dec 23 16:15:29 2016 DEPLOYED mariadb-0.1.0
memcached 1 Fri Dec 23 16:39:15 2016 DEPLOYED memcached-0.1.0
rabbitmq 1 Fri Dec 23 16:40:34 2016 DEPLOYED rabbitmq-0.1.0
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm delete --purge keystone
Please ensure that you use ``--purge`` whenever deleting a project.
## Ceph Installation and Verification
Install the first service, which is Ceph. If all instructions have been followed as mentioned above, this installation should go smoothly. Use the following command to install Ceph:
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm install --name=ceph local/ceph --namespace=ceph
## Bootstrap Installation
At this time (before verification) we will also want to install our bootstrap chart. The bootstrap chart is what installs the secrets for our Ceph installation and general StorageClass. Do this next by issuing the following:
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm install --name=bootstrap local/bootstrap --namespace=openstack
You may want to validate that Ceph is deployed successfully. Here are a couple of recommendations for this.
### Ceph Validating PVC
To validate persistent volume claim (PVC) creation, we've placed a test manifest in the `./test/` directory. Deploy this pvc and explore the deployment:
admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl get pvc -o wide --all-namespaces -w
ceph pvc-test Bound pvc-bc768dea-c93e-11e6-817f-001fc69c26d1 1Gi RWO 9h
The output above indicates that the PVC is 'bound' correctly. Now digging deeper:
admin@kubenode01:~/projects/openstack-helm$ kubectl describe pvc pvc-test -n ceph
Name: pvc-test
Namespace: ceph
StorageClass: general
Status: Bound
Volume: pvc-bc768dea-c93e-11e6-817f-001fc69c26d1
Labels: <none>
Capacity: 1Gi
Access Modes: RWO
No events.
We can see that we have a VolumeID, and the 'capacity' is 1GB. It is a 'general' storage class. It is just a simple test. You can safely delete this test by issuing the following:
admin@kubenode01:~/projects/openstack-helm$ kubectl delete pvc pvc-test -n ceph
persistentvolumeclaim "pvc-test" deleted
### Ceph Validating StorageClass
Next we can look at the storage class, to make sure that it was created correctly:
admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl describe storageclass/general
Name: general
IsDefaultClass: No
Annotations: <none>
Provisioner: kubernetes.io/rbd
Parameters: adminId=admin,adminSecretName=pvc-ceph-conf-combined-storageclass,adminSecretNamespace=ceph,monitors=ceph-mon.ceph:6789,pool=rbd,userId=admin,userSecretName=pvc-ceph-client-key
No events.
The parameters is what we're looking for here. If we see parameters passed to the StorageClass correctly, we will see the `ceph-mon.ceph:6789` hostname/port, things like `userid`, and appropriate secrets used for volume claims. This all looks great, and it time to Ceph itself.
### Ceph Validation
Most commonly, we want to validate that Ceph is working correctly. This can be done with the following ceph command:
admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl exec -t -i ceph-mon-392438295-6q04c -n ceph -- ceph status
cluster 046de582-f8ee-4352-9ed4-19de673deba0
health HEALTH_OK
monmap e3: 3 mons at {ceph-mon-392438295-6q04c=,ceph-mon-392438295-ksrb2=,ceph-mon-392438295-l0pzj=}
election epoch 6, quorum 0,1,2 ceph-mon-392438295-ksrb2,ceph-mon-392438295-6q04c,ceph-mon-392438295-l0pzj
fsmap e5: 1/1/1 up {0=mds-ceph-mds-2810413505-gtjgv=up:active}
osdmap e23: 5 osds: 5 up, 5 in
flags sortbitwise
pgmap v22012: 80 pgs, 3 pools, 12712 MB data, 3314 objects
101 GB used, 1973 GB / 2186 GB avail
80 active+clean
Use one of your Ceph Monitors to check the status of the cluster. A couple of things to note above; our health is 'HEALTH_OK', we have 3 mons, we've established a quorum, and we can see that our active mds is 'ceph-mds-2810413505-gtjgv'. We have a healthy environment, and are ready to install our next chart, MariaDB.
## MariaDB Installation and Verification
We are using Galera to cluster MariaDB and establish a quorum. To install the MariaDB, issue the following command:
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm install --name=mariadb local/mariadb --namespace=openstack
MariaDB is a StatefulSet (PetSets have been retired in Kubernetes v1.5.0). As such, it initiates a 'seed' which is used to deploy MariaDB members via [affinity/anti-affinity](http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/) features. Ceph uses this as well. So what you will notice is the following behavior:
openstack mariadb-0 0/1 Running 0 28s kubenode05
openstack mariadb-seed-0ckf4 1/1 Running 0 48s kubenode01
openstack mariadb-0 1/1 Running 0 1m kubenode05
openstack mariadb-1 0/1 Pending 0 0s <none>
openstack mariadb-1 0/1 Pending 0 0s <none> kubenode04
openstack mariadb-1 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 0s <none> kubenode04
openstack mariadb-1 0/1 Running 0 3s kubenode04
What you're seeing is the output of `kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces`, which is used to monitor the seed host preparing each of the MariaDB/Galera members in order: mariadb-0, then mariadb-1, then mariadb-2. This process can take up to a few minutes, so be patient.
To test MariaDB, do the following:
admin@kubenode01:~/projects/openstack-helm$ kubectl exec mariadb-0 -it -n openstack -- mysql -h mariadb.openstack -uroot -ppassword -e 'show databases;'
| Database |
| information_schema |
| keystone |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
Now you can see that MariaDB is loaded, with databases intact! If you're at this point, the rest of the installation is easy. You can run the following to check on galera:
admin@kubenode01:~/projects/openstack-helm$ kubectl describe po/mariadb-0 -n openstack
Name: mariadb-0
Namespace: openstack
Node: kubenode05/
Start Time: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 16:15:49 -0500
Labels: app=mariadb
Status: Running
Controllers: StatefulSet/mariadb
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubObjectPath Type Reason Message
--------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
5s 5s 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned mariadb-0 to kubenode05
3s 3s 1 {kubelet kubenode05} spec.containers{mariadb} Normal Pulling pulling image "quay.io/stackanetes/stackanetes-mariadb:newton"
2s 2s 1 {kubelet kubenode05} spec.containers{mariadb} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "quay.io/stackanetes/stackanetes-mariadb:newton"
2s 2s 1 {kubelet kubenode05} spec.containers{mariadb} Normal Created Created container with docker id f702bd7c11ef; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
2s 2s 1 {kubelet kubenode05} spec.containers{mariadb} Normal Started Started container with docker id f702bd7c11ef
So you can see that galera is enabled.
## Installation of Other Services
Now you can easily intall the other services, simply by going in order:
**Install Memcached/RabbitMQ:**
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm install --name=memcached local/memcached --namespace=openstack
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm install --name=rabbitmq local/rabbitmq --namespace=openstack
**Install Keystone:**
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm install --name=keystone local/keystone --namespace=openstack
**Install Horizon:**
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm install --name=horizon local/horizon --namespace=openstack
**Install Glance:**
admin@kubenode01:~$ helm install --name=glance local/glance --namespace=openstack
## Final Checks
Now you can run through your final checks. Wait for all services to come up:
admin@kubenode01:~$ watch kubectl get all --namespace=openstack
Finally, you should now be able to access horizon at http://<horizon-svc-ip> using admin/password