Add support for node-level conf overrides

Add override functionality to helm-toolkit and enable in compute daemonset.

Change-Id: Ia85abbbea89c12d0b6f21ecf2413cd3ae7b9552e
This commit is contained in:
Craig Anderson 2017-11-30 22:48:18 +00:00
parent bf3383fbd0
commit b73bb03e5b
4 changed files with 436 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -475,3 +475,110 @@ up:
Finally, you should now be able to access horizon at http:// using Finally, you should now be able to access horizon at http:// using
admin/password admin/password
Node and label specific configurations
There are situations where we need to define configuration differently for
different nodes in the environment. For example, we may require that some nodes
have a different vcpu_pin_set or other hardware specific deltas in nova.conf.
To do this, we can specify overrides in the values fed to the chart. Ex:
.. code-block:: yaml
vcpu_pin_set: "0-31"
cpu_allocation_ratio: 3.0
- label:
key: compute-type
- "dpdk"
- "sriov"
vcpu_pin_set: "0-15"
- label:
key: another-label
- "another-value"
vcpu_pin_set: "16-31"
- name: host1.fqdn
vcpu_pin_set: "8-15"
- name: host2.fqdn
vcpu_pin_set: "16-23"
Note that only one set of overrides is applied per node, such that:
1. Host overrides supercede label overrides
2. The farther down the list the label appears, the greater precedence it has.
e.g., "another-label" overrides will apply to a node containing both labels.
Also note that other non-overridden values are inherited by hosts and labels with overrides.
The following shows a set of example hosts and the values fed into the configmap for each:
1. ``host1.fqdn`` with labels ``compute-type: dpdk, sriov`` and ``another-label: another-value``:
.. code-block:: yaml
vcpu_pin_set: "8-15"
cpu_allocation_ratio: 3.0
2. ``host2.fqdn`` with labels ``compute-type: dpdk, sriov`` and ``another-label: another-value``:
.. code-block:: yaml
vcpu_pin_set: "16-23"
cpu_allocation_ratio: 3.0
3. ``host3.fqdn`` with labels ``compute-type: dpdk, sriov`` and ``another-label: another-value``:
.. code-block:: yaml
vcpu_pin_set: "16-31"
cpu_allocation_ratio: 3.0
4. ``host4.fqdn`` with labels ``compute-type: dpdk, sriov``:
.. code-block:: yaml
vcpu_pin_set: "0-15"
cpu_allocation_ratio: 3.0
5. ``host5.fqdn`` with no labels:
.. code-block:: yaml
vcpu_pin_set: "0-31"
cpu_allocation_ratio: 3.0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
{{- define "helm-toolkit.utils.daemonset_overrides" }}
{{- $daemonset := index . 0 }}
{{- $daemonset_yaml := index . 1 }}
{{- $configmap_include := index . 2 }}
{{- $configmap_name := index . 3 }}
{{- $context := index . 4 }}
{{- $_ := unset $context ".Files" }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__daemonset_yaml" $daemonset_yaml }}
{{- $daemonset_root_name := printf (print $context.Chart.Name "_" $daemonset) }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__daemonset_list" list }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__default" dict }}
{{- if hasKey $context.Values.conf "overrides" }}
{{- range $key, $val := $context.Values.conf.overrides }}
{{- if eq $key $daemonset_root_name }}
{{- range $type, $type_data := . }}
{{- if eq $type "hosts" }}
{{- range $host_data := . }}
{{/* dictionary that will contain all info needed to generate this
iteration of the daemonset */}}
{{- $current_dict := dict }}
{{/* set daemonset name */}}
{{- $_ := set $current_dict "name" $ }}
{{/* apply overrides */}}
{{- $override_conf_copy := $host_data.conf }}
{{- $root_conf_copy := omit $context.Values.conf "overrides" }}
{{- $merged_dict := merge $override_conf_copy $root_conf_copy }}
{{- $root_conf_copy2 := dict "conf" $merged_dict }}
{{- $context_values := omit $context.Values "conf" }}
{{- $root_conf_copy3 := merge $context_values $root_conf_copy2 }}
{{- $root_conf_copy4 := dict "Values" $root_conf_copy3 }}
{{- $_ := set $current_dict "nodeData" $root_conf_copy4 }}
{{/* Schedule to this host explicitly. */}}
{{- $nodeSelector_dict := dict }}
{{- $_ := set $nodeSelector_dict "key" "" }}
{{- $_ := set $nodeSelector_dict "operator" "In" }}
{{- $values_list := list $ }}
{{- $_ := set $nodeSelector_dict "values" $values_list }}
{{- $list_aggregate := list $nodeSelector_dict }}
{{- $_ := set $current_dict "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }}
{{/* store completed daemonset entry/info into global list */}}
{{- $list_aggregate := append $context.Values.__daemonset_list $current_dict }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__daemonset_list" $list_aggregate }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $type "labels" }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__label_list" . }}
{{- range $label_data := . }}
{{/* dictionary that will contain all info needed to generate this
iteration of the daemonset. */}}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__current_label" dict }}
{{/* set daemonset name */}}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__current_label "name" $label_data.label.key }}
{{/* apply overrides */}}
{{- $override_conf_copy := $label_data.conf }}
{{- $root_conf_copy := omit $context.Values.conf "overrides" }}
{{- $merged_dict := merge $override_conf_copy $root_conf_copy }}
{{- $root_conf_copy2 := dict "conf" $merged_dict }}
{{- $context_values := omit $context.Values "conf" }}
{{- $root_conf_copy3 := merge $context_values $root_conf_copy2 }}
{{- $root_conf_copy4 := dict "Values" $root_conf_copy3 }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__current_label "nodeData" $root_conf_copy4 }}
{{/* Schedule to the provided label value(s) */}}
{{- $label_dict := omit $label_data.label "NULL" }}
{{- $_ := set $label_dict "operator" "In" }}
{{- $list_aggregate := list $label_dict }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__current_label "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }}
{{/* Do not schedule to other specified labels, with higher
precedence as the list position increases. Last defined label
is highest priority. */}}
{{- $other_labels := without $context.Values.__label_list $label_data }}
{{- range $label_data2 := $other_labels }}
{{- $label_dict := omit $label_data2.label "NULL" }}
{{- $_ := set $label_dict "operator" "NotIn" }}
{{- $list_aggregate := append $context.Values.__current_label.matchExpressions $label_dict }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__current_label "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }}
{{- end }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__label_list" $other_labels }}
{{/* Do not schedule to any other specified hosts */}}
{{- range $type, $type_data := $val }}
{{- if eq $type "hosts" }}
{{- range $host_data := . }}
{{- $label_dict := dict }}
{{- $_ := set $label_dict "key" "" }}
{{- $_ := set $label_dict "operator" "NotIn" }}
{{- $values_list := list $ }}
{{- $_ := set $label_dict "values" $values_list }}
{{- $list_aggregate := append $context.Values.__current_label.matchExpressions $label_dict }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__current_label "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* store completed daemonset entry/info into global list */}}
{{- $list_aggregate := append $context.Values.__daemonset_list $context.Values.__current_label }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__daemonset_list" $list_aggregate }}
{{- $_ := unset $context.Values "__current_label" }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* scheduler exceptions for the default daemonset */}}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__default "matchExpressions" list }}
{{- range $type, $type_data := . }}
{{/* Do not schedule to other specified labels */}}
{{- if eq $type "labels" }}
{{- range $label_data := . }}
{{- $default_dict := omit $label_data.label "NULL" }}
{{- $_ := set $default_dict "operator" "NotIn" }}
{{- $list_aggregate := append $context.Values.__default.matchExpressions $default_dict }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__default "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* Do not schedule to other specified hosts */}}
{{- if eq $type "hosts" }}
{{- range $host_data := . }}
{{- $default_dict := dict }}
{{- $_ := set $default_dict "key" "" }}
{{- $_ := set $default_dict "operator" "NotIn" }}
{{- $values_list := list $ }}
{{- $_ := set $default_dict "values" $values_list }}
{{- $list_aggregate := append $context.Values.__default.matchExpressions $default_dict }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__default "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* generate the default daemonset */}}
{{/* set name */}}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__default "name" "default" }}
{{/* no overrides apply, so copy as-is */}}
{{- $root_conf_copy1 := omit $context.Values.conf "overrides" }}
{{- $root_conf_copy2 := dict "conf" $root_conf_copy1 }}
{{- $context_values := omit $context.Values "conf" }}
{{- $root_conf_copy3 := merge $context_values $root_conf_copy2 }}
{{- $root_conf_copy4 := dict "Values" $root_conf_copy3 }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__default "nodeData" $root_conf_copy4 }}
{{/* add to global list */}}
{{- $list_aggregate := append $context.Values.__daemonset_list $context.Values.__default }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__daemonset_list" $list_aggregate }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__last_configmap_name" $configmap_name }}
{{- range $current_dict := $context.Values.__daemonset_list }}
{{- $context_novalues := omit $context "Values" }}
{{- $merged_dict := merge $current_dict.nodeData $context_novalues }}
{{- $_ := set $current_dict "nodeData" $merged_dict }}
{{/* name needs to be a DNS-1123 compliant name. Ensure lower case */}}
{{- $name_format1 := printf (print $daemonset_root_name "-" $ | lower }}
{{/* labels may contain underscores which would be invalid here, so we replace them with dashes
there may be other valid label names which would make for an invalid DNS-1123 name
but these will be easier to handle in future with sprig regex* functions
(not availabile in helm 2.5.1) */}}
{{- $name_format2 := $name_format1 | replace "_" "-" }}
{{/* To account for the case where the same label is defined multiple times in overrides
(but with different label values), we add a sha of the scheduling data to ensure
name uniqueness */}}
{{- $_ := set $current_dict "dns_1123_name" dict }}
{{- if hasKey $current_dict "matchExpressions" }}
{{- $_ := set $current_dict "dns_1123_name" (printf (print $name_format2 "-" ($current_dict.matchExpressions | quote | sha256sum | trunc 8))) }}
{{- else }}
{{- $_ := set $current_dict "dns_1123_name" $name_format2 }}
{{- end }}
{{/* set daemonset metadata name */}}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.metadata }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml "metadata" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- if not $ }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.metadata "name" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.metadata "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
{{/* set container name
assume not more than one container is defined */}}
{{- $container := first $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.containers }}
{{- $_ := set $container "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
{{- $cont_list := list $container }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec "containers" $cont_list }}
{{/* cross-reference configmap name to container volume definitions */}}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__volume_list" list }}
{{- range $current_volume := $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.volumes }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__volume" $current_volume }}
{{- if hasKey $context.Values.__volume "configMap" }}
{{- if eq $ $context.Values.__last_configmap_name }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__volume.configMap "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__volume "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $updated_list := append $context.Values.__volume_list $context.Values.__volume }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__volume_list" $updated_list }}
{{- end }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec "volumes" $context.Values.__volume_list }}
{{/* set names for container volume mounts */}}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__volume_mount_list" list }}
{{- range $vol_mount := $container.volumeMounts }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__volume_mount" $vol_mount }}
{{- if eq $ $context.Values.__last_configmap_name }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__volume_mount "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
{{- end }}
{{- $updated_list := append $context.Values.__volume_mount_list $context.Values.__volume_mount }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__volume_mount_list" $updated_list }}
{{- end }}
{{- $_ := set $container "volumeMounts" $context.Values.__volume_mount_list }}
{{- $container_list := list $container }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec "containers" $container_list }}
{{/* populate scheduling restrictions */}}
{{- if hasKey $current_dict "matchExpressions" }}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template "spec" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.affinity }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec "affinity" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.affinity.nodeAffinity }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.affinity "nodeAffinity" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.affinity.nodeAffinity "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- $match_exprs := dict }}
{{- $_ := set $match_exprs "matchExpressions" $current_dict.matchExpressions }}
{{- $appended_match_expr := list $match_exprs }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution "nodeSelectorTerms" $appended_match_expr }}
{{- end }}
{{/* input value hash for current set of values overrides */}}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml "spec" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec "template" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.metadata }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template "metadata" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- if not $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.metadata.annotations }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.metadata "annotations" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- $cmap := list $current_dict.dns_1123_name $current_dict.nodeData | include $configmap_include }}
{{- $values_hash := $cmap | quote | sha256sum }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.metadata.annotations "configmap-etc-hash" $values_hash }}
{{/* generate configmap */}}
{{ $cmap }}
{{/* generate daemonset yaml */}}
{{ $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml | toYaml }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__last_configmap_name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}

View File

@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. limitations under the License.
*/}} */}}
{{- if .Values.manifests.configmap_etc }} {{- define "nova.configmap.etc" }}
{{- $envAll := . }} {{- $configMapName := index . 0 }}
{{- $envAll := index . 1 }}
{{- with $envAll }}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.nova.keystone_authtoken.auth_uri -}} {{- if empty .Values.conf.nova.keystone_authtoken.auth_uri -}}
{{- tuple "identity" "internal" "api" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.keystone_endpoint_uri_lookup" | set .Values.conf.nova.keystone_authtoken "auth_uri" | quote | trunc 0 -}} {{- tuple "identity" "internal" "api" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.keystone_endpoint_uri_lookup" | set .Values.conf.nova.keystone_authtoken "auth_uri" | quote | trunc 0 -}}
@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ limitations under the License.
apiVersion: v1 apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap kind: ConfigMap
metadata: metadata:
name: nova-etc name: {{ $configMapName }}
data: data:
rally_tests.yaml: |+ rally_tests.yaml: |+
{{ toYaml .Values.conf.rally_tests.tests | indent 4 }} {{ toYaml .Values.conf.rally_tests.tests | indent 4 }}
@ -154,3 +156,7 @@ data: |+ |+
{{- tuple .Values.conf.ssh "etc/_ssh-config.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.configmap_templater" }} {{- tuple .Values.conf.ssh "etc/_ssh-config.tpl" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.configmap_templater" }}
{{- end }} {{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.manifests.configmap_etc }}
{{- list "nova-etc" . | include "nova.configmap.etc" }}
{{- end }}

View File

@ -14,29 +14,30 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. limitations under the License.
*/}} */}}
{{- if .Values.manifests.daemonset_compute }} {{- define "nova.compute.daemonset" }}
{{- $envAll := . }} {{- $daemonset := index . 0 }}
{{- $dependencies := .Values.dependencies.compute }} {{- $configMapName := index . 1 }}
{{- $serviceAccountName := index . 2 }}
{{- $dependencies := index . 3 }}
{{- $envAll := index . 4 }}
{{- with $envAll }}
{{- $mounts_nova_compute := .Values.pod.mounts.nova_compute.nova_compute }} {{- $mounts_nova_compute := .Values.pod.mounts.nova_compute.nova_compute }}
{{- $mounts_nova_compute_init := .Values.pod.mounts.nova_compute.init_container }} {{- $mounts_nova_compute_init := .Values.pod.mounts.nova_compute.init_container }}
{{- $serviceAccountName := "nova-compute" }}
{{ tuple $envAll $dependencies $serviceAccountName | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_pod_rbac_serviceaccount" }}
--- ---
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet kind: DaemonSet
metadata: metadata:
name: nova-compute name: nova-compute
spec: spec:
{{ tuple $envAll "compute" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_upgrades_daemonset" | indent 2 }} {{ tuple $envAll $daemonset | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_upgrades_daemonset" | indent 2 }}
template: template:
metadata: metadata:
labels: labels:
{{ tuple $envAll "nova" "compute" | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_metadata_labels" | indent 8 }} {{ tuple $envAll .Chart.Name $daemonset | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_metadata_labels" | indent 8 }}
annotations: annotations:
configmap-bin-hash: {{ tuple "configmap-bin.yaml" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.hash" }} configmap-bin-hash: {{ tuple "configmap-bin.yaml" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.hash" }}
configmap-etc-hash: {{ tuple "configmap-etc.yaml" . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.hash" }}
spec: spec:
serviceAccountName: {{ $serviceAccountName }} serviceAccountName: {{ $serviceAccountName }}
nodeSelector: nodeSelector:
@ -132,42 +133,42 @@ spec:
mountPath: /tmp/ mountPath: /tmp/
subPath: subPath:
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /etc/nova/nova.conf mountPath: /etc/nova/nova.conf
subPath: nova.conf subPath: nova.conf
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /etc/nova/api-paste.ini mountPath: /etc/nova/api-paste.ini
subPath: api-paste.ini subPath: api-paste.ini
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /etc/nova/policy.yaml mountPath: /etc/nova/policy.yaml
subPath: policy.yaml subPath: policy.yaml
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
# NOTE (Portdirect): We mount here to override Kollas # NOTE (Portdirect): We mount here to override Kollas
# custom sudoers file when using Kolla images, this # custom sudoers file when using Kolla images, this
# location will also work fine for other images. # location will also work fine for other images.
mountPath: /etc/sudoers.d/kolla_nova_sudoers mountPath: /etc/sudoers.d/kolla_nova_sudoers
subPath: nova_sudoers subPath: nova_sudoers
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf mountPath: /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf
subPath: rootwrap.conf subPath: rootwrap.conf
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/api-metadata.filters mountPath: /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/api-metadata.filters
subPath: api-metadata.filters subPath: api-metadata.filters
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/compute.filters mountPath: /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/compute.filters
subPath: compute.filters subPath: compute.filters
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/network.filters mountPath: /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/network.filters
subPath: network.filters subPath: network.filters
readOnly: true readOnly: true
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /root/.ssh/config mountPath: /root/.ssh/config
subPath: ssh-config subPath: ssh-config
readOnly: true readOnly: true
@ -220,13 +221,13 @@ spec:
mountPath: /var/lib/nova mountPath: /var/lib/nova
- name: varliblibvirt - name: varliblibvirt
mountPath: /var/lib/libvirt mountPath: /var/lib/libvirt
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /root/.ssh/id_rsa mountPath: /root/.ssh/id_rsa
subPath: ssh-key-private subPath: ssh-key-private
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /root/.ssh/ mountPath: /root/.ssh/
subPath: ssh-key-public subPath: ssh-key-public
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
mountPath: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys mountPath: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
subPath: ssh-key-public subPath: ssh-key-public
- name: nova-bin - name: nova-bin
@ -238,9 +239,9 @@ spec:
configMap: configMap:
name: nova-bin name: nova-bin
defaultMode: 0555 defaultMode: 0555
- name: nova-etc - name: {{ $configMapName }}
configMap: configMap:
name: nova-etc name: {{ $configMapName }}
defaultMode: 0444 defaultMode: 0444
{{- if .Values.ceph.enabled }} {{- if .Values.ceph.enabled }}
- name: etcceph - name: etcceph
@ -275,3 +276,14 @@ spec:
path: /etc/machine-id path: /etc/machine-id
{{ if $mounts_nova_compute.volumes }}{{ toYaml $mounts_nova_compute.volumes | indent 8 }}{{ end }} {{ if $mounts_nova_compute.volumes }}{{ toYaml $mounts_nova_compute.volumes | indent 8 }}{{ end }}
{{- end }} {{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.manifests.daemonset_compute }}
{{- $daemonset := "compute" }}
{{- $configMapName := "nova-etc" }}
{{- $serviceAccountName := "nova-compute" }}
{{- $dependencies := .Values.dependencies.compute }}
{{ tuple . $dependencies $serviceAccountName | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_pod_rbac_serviceaccount" }}
{{- $daemonset_yaml := list $daemonset $configMapName $serviceAccountName $dependencies . | include "nova.compute.daemonset" | toString | fromYaml }}
{{- $configmap_yaml := "nova.configmap.etc" }}
{{- list $daemonset $daemonset_yaml $configmap_yaml $configMapName . | include "helm-toolkit.utils.daemonset_overrides" }}
{{- end }}