In order to drive towards a production-ready Openstack solution, our
goal is to provide containerized, yet stable `persistent
volumes `_
that Kubernetes can use to schedule applications that require state,
such as MariaDB (Galera). Although we assume that the project should
provide a “batteries included” approach towards persistent storage, we
want to allow operators to define their own solution as well. Examples
of this work will be documented in another section, however evidence of
this is found throughout the project. If you have any questions or
comments, please create an `issue
.. note::
Please see the supported application versions outlined in the
`source variable file `_.
Other versions and considerations (such as other CNI SDN providers),
config map data, and value overrides will be included in other
documentation as we explore these options further.
The installation procedures below, will take an administrator from a new
``kubeadm`` installation to Openstack-Helm deployment.
.. warning:: Until the Ubuntu kernel shipped with 16.04 supports CephFS
subvolume mounts by default the `HWE Kernel
<../troubleshooting/ubuntu-hwe-kernel.rst>`__ is required to use CephFS.
Kubernetes Preparation
You can use any Kubernetes deployment tool to bring up a working Kubernetes
cluster for use with OpenStack-Helm. For simplicity however we will describe
deployment using the OpenStack-Helm gate scripts to bring up a reference cluster
using KubeADM and Ansible.
OpenStack-Helm Infra KubeADM deployment
On the master node install the latest versions of Git, CA Certs & Make if necessary
.. literalinclude:: ../../../tools/deployment/developer/common/000-install-packages.sh
:language: shell
:lines: 1,17-
On the worker nodes
.. code-block:: shell
set -xe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
SSH-Key preparation
Create an ssh-key on the master node, and add the public key to each node that
you intend to join the cluster.
Clone the OpenStack-Helm Repos
Once the host has been configured the repos containing the OpenStack-Helm charts
should be cloned onto each node in the cluster:
.. code-block:: shell
set -xe
sudo chown -R ubuntu: /opt
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-helm-infra.git /opt/openstack-helm-infra
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-helm.git /opt/openstack-helm
Create an inventory file
On the master node create an inventory file for the cluster:
.. code-block:: shell
set -xe
cat > /opt/openstack-helm-infra/tools/gate/devel/multinode-inventory.yaml < /opt/openstack-helm-infra/tools/gate/devel/multinode-vars.yaml <