#!/bin/bash {{/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */}} # This script will attempt to migrate your nova-api placement data to # a new placement database. Run it with --help for usage, and --mkconfig # to write a template config file to use. # Defaults we can guess DEFAULT_MIGRATE_TABLES="allocations placement_aggregates consumers inventories projects " DEFAULT_MIGRATE_TABLES+="resource_classes resource_provider_aggregates resource_provider_traits " DEFAULT_MIGRATE_TABLES+="resource_providers traits users " MIGRATE_TABLES=${MIGRATE_TABLES:-$DEFAULT_MIGRATE_TABLES} PLACEMENT_DB_HOST=${PLACEMENT_DB_HOST:-localhost} PLACEMENT_DB=${PLACEMENT_DB:-placement} NOVA_API_DB_HOST=${NOVA_API_DB_HOST:-localhost} NOVA_API_DB=${NOVA_API_DB:-nova_api} TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-/tmp} LAST_MYSQL_ERR=${TMPDIR}/migrate-mysql-db.err INITIAL_PLACEMENT_DB_VERSION=${INITIAL_DB_VERSION:-b4ed3a175331} ME=$(basename "$0") declare -a ARGS declare -a OPTS function getflag() { # Return true if --$flag is present on the command line # Usage: getflag help -> 0 local flag="$1" for opt in ${OPTS[*]}; do if [ "$opt" == "--${flag}" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } function parse_argv() { # Parse command line arguments into positional arguments and # option flags. Store each in $ARGS, $OPTS. # Usage: parse_argv $* for item in $*; do if echo $item | grep -q -- '^--'; then OPTS+=($item) else ARGS+=($item) fi done } function db_var() { # Return an attribute of database config based on the symbolic # name # Usage: db_var PLACEMENT USER -> $PLACEMENT_USER local db="$1" local var="$2" eval echo "\$${db}_${var}" } function mysql_command() { # Run a mysql command with the usual connection information taken # from a symbolic configuration name # Usage: mysql_command PLACEMENT [command] [args..] -> stdout local whichdb="$1" shift local command=mysql if [ "$2" ]; then command=${1:-mysql} shift fi local db=$(db_var $whichdb DB) local host=$(db_var $whichdb DB_HOST) local user=$(db_var $whichdb USER) local pass=$(db_var $whichdb PASS) if [ "$command" = "mysql" ]; then command="mysql --skip-column-names" fi if [ ! -z "$MARIADB_X509" ]; then local ca=/etc/mysql/certs/ca.crt local cert=/etc/mysql/certs/tls.crt local key=/etc/mysql/certs/tls.key $command -h$host -u$user -p$pass $db --ssl-ca=$ca --ssl-cert=$cert --ssl-key=$key $* 2>$LAST_MYSQL_ERR else $command -h$host -u$user -p$pass $db $* 2>$LAST_MYSQL_ERR fi } function show_error() { # Prints the last error (if present) and removes the temporary # file if [ -f $LAST_MYSQL_ERR ]; then cat $LAST_MYSQL_ERR rm -f $LAST_MYSQL_ERR fi } function check_db() { # Check a DB to see if it's missing, present, filled with data # Returns 0 if it is present with data, 1 if present but no data # or 2 if not present (or unable to connect) # Usage: check_db PLACEMENT -> 0 local whichdb="$1" local inv local inv_count if ! echo "SELECT DATABASE()" | mysql_command $whichdb >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Failed to connect to $whichdb database" show_error return 2 fi inv=$(echo "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM inventories" | mysql_command $whichdb) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # No schema return 1 fi inv_count=$(echo $inv | tail -n1) if [ $inv_count -gt 0 ]; then # Data found return 0 else # No data found, but schema intact return 1 fi } function check_cli() { # Returns 0 if placement cli is installed and configured, # 1 if it is not installed, or 2 if the access to the # placement database fails # Usage: check_cli -> 0 placement-manage --version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # placement not installed return 1 fi placement-manage db version > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # DB connection fails return 2 fi } function migrate_data() { # Actually migrate data from a source to destination symbolic # database. Returns 1 if failure, 0 otherwise. # Usage: migrate_data NOVA_API PLACEMENT -> 0 local source="$1" local dest="$2" local dump_flags="$3" local tmpdir=$(mktemp -d migrate-db.XXXXXXXX) local tmpfile="${tmpdir}/from-nova.sql" echo "Dumping from $source to $tmpfile" mysql_command $source mysqldump $dump_flags $MIGRATE_TABLES > $tmpfile || { echo 'Failed to dump source database:' show_error return 1 } echo "Loading to $dest from $tmpfile" mysql_command $dest < $tmpfile || { echo 'Failed to load destination database:' show_error return 1 } } function sanity_check_env() { # Check that we have everything we need to examine the situation # and potentially do the migration. Loads values from the rcfile, # if present. Returns 1 if a config was not found, 2 if that # config is incomplete or 0 if everything is good. # Usage: sanity_check_env $rcfile -> 0 RCFILE="${1:-migrate-db.rc}" if [ "$RCFILE" = '-' ]; then # Don't require a file and assume everything is already # set in the environment true elif [ ! -f "$RCFILE" ]; then echo -n 'ERROR: Specify an RC file on the command line or create ' echo 'migrate-db.rc in the current directory' echo show_help else source $RCFILE fi required="NOVA_API_DB NOVA_API_USER NOVA_API_PASS PLACEMENT_DB PLACEMENT_USER PLACEMENT_PASS" for var in $required; do value=$(eval echo "\$$var") if [ -z "$value" ]; then echo "A value for $var was not provided but is required" return 2 fi done } function make_config() { # Create or update a config file with defaults we know. Either use # the default migrate-db.rc or the file specified on the command # line. RCFILE="${1:-migrate-db.rc}" if [ -f "$RCFILE" ]; then source $RCFILE fi vars="NOVA_API_DB NOVA_API_USER NOVA_API_PASS NOVA_API_DB_HOST " vars+="PLACEMENT_DB PLACEMENT_USER PLACEMENT_PASS PLACEMENT_DB_HOST " vars+="MIGRATE_TABLES" (for var in $vars; do val=$(eval echo "\$$var") echo "${var}=\"$val\"" done) > $RCFILE echo Wrote $(readlink -f $RCFILE) } function show_help() { echo "Usage: $ME [flags] [rcfile]" echo echo "Flags:" echo " --help: this text" echo " --migrate: actually do data migration" echo " --mkconfig: write/update config to \$rcfile" echo " --skip-locks: don't use table locks for data migration" echo echo "Pass '-' as \$rcfile if all config values are set in" echo "the environment." echo echo "Exit codes:" echo " 0: Success" echo " 1: Usage error" echo " 2: Configuration missing or incomplete" echo " 3: Migration already completed" echo " 4: No data to migrate from nova (new deployment)" echo " 5: Unable to connect to one or both databases" echo " 6: Unable to execute placement's CLI commands" exit 0 } parse_argv $* if getflag help; then show_help fi if getflag mkconfig; then make_config $ARGS exit 0 fi # # Actual migration logic starts here # # Sanity check that we have what we need or bail sanity_check_env $ARGS || exit $? # Check the state of each database we care about check_db NOVA_API nova_present=$? check_db PLACEMENT placement_present=$? check_cli placement_cli=$? # Try to come up with a good reason to refuse to migrate if [ $nova_present -eq 0 -a $placement_present -eq 0 ]; then echo "Migration has already completed. The placement database appears to have data." exit 3 elif [ $nova_present -eq 1 ]; then echo "No data present in nova database - nothing to migrate (new deployment?)" exit 4 elif [ $nova_present -eq 2 ]; then echo "Unable to proceed without connection to nova database" exit 5 elif [ $placement_present -eq 2 ]; then echo "Unable to proceed without connection to placement database" exit 5 elif [ $placement_cli -eq 1 ]; then echo "Unable to proceed without placement installed" exit 6 elif [ $placement_cli -eq 2 ]; then echo "The 'placement-manage db version' command fails" echo "Is placement.conf configured to access the new database?" exit 6 fi # If we get here, we expect to be able to migrate. Require them to opt into # actual migration before we do anything. echo Nova database contains data, placement database does not. Okay to proceed with migration if getflag migrate $*; then if getflag skip-locks $*; then migrate_data NOVA_API PLACEMENT "--skip-lock-tables --skip-add-locks" else migrate_data NOVA_API PLACEMENT fi placement-manage db stamp $INITIAL_PLACEMENT_DB_VERSION else echo "To actually migrate, run me with --migrate" fi rm -f $LAST_MYSQL_ERR