# Default values for memcached. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare name/value pairs to be passed into your templates. # name: value replicas: 1 images: entrypoint: quay.io/stackanetes/kubernetes-entrypoint:v0.1.0 horizon: quay.io/stackanetes/stackanetes-horizon:newton pull_policy: "IfNotPresent" labels: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled network: port: 80 local_settings: horizon_secret_key: 9aee62c0-5253-4a86-b189-e0fb71fa503c debug: "True" dependencies: dashboard: service: - memcached - keystone-api # typically overriden by environmental # values, but should include all endpoints # required by this chart endpoints: keystone: hosts: default: keystone-api path: /v2.0 type: identity scheme: 'http' port: admin: 35356 public: 5000