#!/bin/bash # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. set -xe #NOTE: We only want to run ceph and control plane components on the primary node for LABEL in openstack-control-plane ceph-osd ceph-mon ceph-mds ceph-rgw ceph-mgr; do kubectl label nodes ${LABEL}- --all --overwrite PRIMARY_NODE="$(kubectl get nodes -l openstack-helm-node-class=primary -o name | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF; exit }')" kubectl label node "${PRIMARY_NODE}" ${LABEL}=enabled done #NOTE: Build charts make all #NOTE: Deploy libvirt with vbmc then define domains to use as baremetal nodes : "${OSH_INFRA_PATH:="../openstack-helm-infra"}" make -C ${OSH_INFRA_PATH} libvirt helm install ${OSH_INFRA_PATH}/libvirt \ --namespace=libvirt \ --name=libvirt \ --set network.backend=null \ --set conf.ceph.enabled=false \ --set images.tags.libvirt=docker.io/openstackhelm/vbmc:centos-0.1 #NOTE: Wait for deploy sleep 5 #NOTE(portdirect): work around k8s not immedately assigning pods to nodes helm osh wait-for-pods libvirt #NOTE: Create domains and start vbmc for ironic to manage as baremetal nodes LIBVIRT_PODS=$(kubectl get --namespace libvirt pods \ -l application=libvirt,component=libvirt \ --no-headers -o name | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF }') rm -f /tmp/bm-hosts.txt || true for LIBVIRT_POD in ${LIBVIRT_PODS}; do TEMPLATE_MAC_ADDR="00:01:DE:AD:BE:EF" MAC_ADDR=$(printf '00:01:DE:%02X:%02X:%02X\n' $((RANDOM%256)) $((RANDOM%256)) $((RANDOM%256))) LIBVIRT_POD_NODE=$(kubectl get -n libvirt pod "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -o json | jq -r '.spec.nodeName') LIBVIRT_NODE_IP=$(kubectl get node "${LIBVIRT_POD_NODE}" -o json | jq -r '.status.addresses[] | select(.type=="InternalIP").address') kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/images kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- rm -f /var/lib/libvirt/images/vm-1.qcow2 || true kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/vm-1.qcow2 5G kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- chown -R qemu: /var/lib/libvirt/images/vm-1.qcow2 VM_DEF="$(sed "s|${TEMPLATE_MAC_ADDR}|${MAC_ADDR}|g" ./tools/deployment/baremetal/fake-baremetal-1.xml | base64 -w0)" kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- sh -c "echo ${VM_DEF} | base64 -d > /tmp/fake-baremetal-1.xml" kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- sh -c "virsh undefine fake-baremetal-1 || true" kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- virsh define /tmp/fake-baremetal-1.xml kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- sh -c "vbmc delete fake-baremetal-1 || true" kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- vbmc add fake-baremetal-1 --address "${LIBVIRT_NODE_IP}" kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- sh -c "nohup vbmc start fake-baremetal-1 &>/dev/null &" kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- virsh list --all kubectl exec -n libvirt "${LIBVIRT_POD}" -- vbmc show fake-baremetal-1 echo "${LIBVIRT_NODE_IP} ${MAC_ADDR}" >> /tmp/bm-hosts.txt done #NOTE: Deploy OvS to connect nodes to the deployment host : ${OSH_INFRA_PATH:="../openstack-helm-infra"} make -C ${OSH_INFRA_PATH} openvswitch helm install ${OSH_INFRA_PATH}/openvswitch \ --namespace=openstack \ --name=openvswitch #NOTE: Wait for deploy helm osh wait-for-pods openstack #NOTE: Setup GRE tunnels between deployment node and libvirt hosts OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV="${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV:="ironic-pxe"}" OSH_IRONIC_PXE_ADDR="${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_ADDR:=""}" MASTER_IP=$(kubectl get node "$(hostname -f)" -o json | jq -r '.status.addresses[] | select(.type=="InternalIP").address') NODE_IPS=$(kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[].status.addresses[] | select(.type=="InternalIP").address' | sort -V) OVS_VSWITCHD_PODS=$(kubectl get --namespace openstack pods \ -l application=openvswitch,component=openvswitch-vswitchd \ --no-headers -o name | awk -F '/' '{ print $NF }') for OVS_VSWITCHD_POD in ${OVS_VSWITCHD_PODS}; do kubectl exec --namespace openstack "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" \ -- ovs-vsctl add-br "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" if [ "x$(kubectl --namespace openstack get pod "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" -o json | jq -r '.spec.nodeName')" == "x$(hostname -f)" ] ; then COUNTER=0 for NODE_IP in ${NODE_IPS}; do if ! [ "x${MASTER_IP}" == "x${NODE_IP}" ]; then kubectl exec --namespace openstack "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" \ -- ovs-vsctl add-port "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" "gre${COUNTER}" \ -- set interface "gre${COUNTER}" type=gre options:remote_ip="${NODE_IP}" let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 fi done kubectl exec --namespace openstack "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" \ -- ip addr add "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_ADDR}" dev "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" #NOTE(portdirect): for simplity assume we are using the default dev # for tunnels, and a MTU overhead of 50 MASTER_NODE_DEV="$(kubectl exec --namespace openstack "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" \ -- ip -4 route list 0/0 | awk '{ print $5; exit }')" MASTER_NODE_MTU="$(kubectl exec --namespace openstack "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" \ -- cat "/sys/class/net/${MASTER_NODE_DEV}/mtu")" kubectl exec --namespace openstack "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" \ -- ip link set dev ${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV} mtu $((MASTER_NODE_MTU - 50)) kubectl exec --namespace openstack "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" \ -- ip link set "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" up else kubectl exec --namespace openstack "${OVS_VSWITCHD_POD}" \ -- ovs-vsctl add-port "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" gre0 \ -- set interface gre0 type=gre options:remote_ip="${MASTER_IP}" fi done #NOTE: Set up the ${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV} to forward traffic DEFAULT_ROUTE_DEV="$(sudo ip -4 route list 0/0 | awk '{ print $5; exit }')" sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o "${DEFAULT_ROUTE_DEV}" -j MASQUERADE sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i "${DEFAULT_ROUTE_DEV}" -o "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i "${OSH_IRONIC_PXE_DEV}" -o "${DEFAULT_ROUTE_DEV}" -j ACCEPT