network: interface: sriov: - device: enp3s0f0 num_vfs: 32 promisc: false - device: enp66s0f1 num_vfs: 32 promisc: false tunnel: br-phy-bond0 backend: - openvswitch - sriov conf: auto_bridge_add: br-ex: null neutron: DEFAULT: l3_ha: False max_l3_agents_per_router: 1 l3_ha_network_type: vxlan dhcp_agents_per_network: 1 service_plugins: router plugins: ml2_conf: ml2: mechanism_drivers: l2population,openvswitch,sriovnicswitch type_drivers: vlan,flat,vxlan tenant_network_types: vxlan ml2_type_flat: flat_networks: public ml2_type_vlan: network_vlan_ranges: ovsnet:2:4094,sriovnet1:100:4000,sriovnet2:100:4000 openvswitch_agent: default: ovs_vsctl_timeout: 30 agent: tunnel_types: vxlan securitygroup: enable_security_group: False firewall_driver: neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver ovs: bridge_mappings: public:br-ex,ovsnet:br-phy-bond0 datapath_type: netdev vhostuser_socket_dir: /var/run/openvswitch/vhostuser of_connect_timeout: 60 of_request_timeout: 30 sriov_agent: securitygroup: firewall_driver: neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver sriov_nic: physical_device_mappings: sriovnet1:enp3s0f0,sriovnet2:enp66s0f1 exclude_devices: enp3s0f0:0000:00:05.1,enp66s0f1:0000:00:06.1 ovs_dpdk: enabled: true driver: uio_pci_generic nics: [] bonds: # CHANGE-ME: modify below parameters according to your hardware - name: dpdkbond0 bridge: br-phy-bond0 mtu: 9000 # The IP from the first nic in nics list shall be used migrate_ip: true n_rxq: 2 n_rxq_size: 1024 n_txq_size: 1024 ovs_options: "bond_mode=active-backup" nics: - name: dpdk_b0s0 pci_id: '0000:00:05.0' vf_index: 0 - name: dpdk_b0s1 pci_id: '0000:00:06.0' vf_index: 0 bridges: - name: br-phy-bond0 # In case of shared profile (sriov + ovs-dpdk), sriov agent should finish # first so as to let it configure the SRIOV VFs before ovs-agent tries to # bind it with DPDK driver. dependencies: dynamic: targeted: openvswitch: ovs_agent: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-sriov-agent