================== Persistent Storage ================== This guide is to help users debug any general storage issues when deploying charts in this repository. Ceph ==== Ceph Deployment Status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, we want to validate that Ceph is working correctly. This can be done with the following Ceph command: :: admin@kubenode01:~$ MON_POD=$(kubectl get --no-headers pods -n=ceph -l="application=ceph,component=mon" | awk '{ print $1; exit }') admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl exec -n ceph ${MON_POD} -- ceph -s cluster: id: 06a191c7-81bd-43f3-b5dd-3d6c6666af71 health: HEALTH_OK services: mon: 1 daemons, quorum att.port.direct mgr: att.port.direct(active) mds: cephfs-1/1/1 up {0=mds-ceph-mds-68c9c76d59-zqc55=up:active} osd: 1 osds: 1 up, 1 in rgw: 1 daemon active data: pools: 11 pools, 208 pgs objects: 352 objects, 464 MB usage: 62467 MB used, 112 GB / 173 GB avail pgs: 208 active+clean io: client: 253 B/s rd, 39502 B/s wr, 1 op/s rd, 8 op/s wr admin@kubenode01:~$ Use one of your Ceph Monitors to check the status of the cluster. A couple of things to note above; our health is `HEALTH\_OK`, we have 3 mons, we've established a quorum, and we can see that all of our OSDs are up and in the OSD map. PVC Preliminary Validation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before proceeding, it is important to ensure that you have deployed a client key in the namespace you wish to fulfill ``PersistentVolumeClaims``. To verify that your deployment namespace has a client key: :: admin@kubenode01: $ kubectl get secret -n openstack pvc-ceph-client-key NAME TYPE DATA AGE pvc-ceph-client-key kubernetes.io/rbd 1 8h Without this, your RBD-backed PVCs will never reach the ``Bound`` state. For more information, see how to `activate namespace for ceph <../install/multinode.html#activating-control-plane-namespace-for-ceph>`_. Note: This step is not relevant for PVCs within the same namespace Ceph was deployed. Ceph Validating PVC Operation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To validate persistent volume claim (PVC) creation, we've placed a test manifest `here `_. Deploy this manifest and verify the job completes successfully. Ceph Validating StorageClass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next we can look at the storage class, to make sure that it was created correctly: :: admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl describe storageclass/general Name: general IsDefaultClass: No Annotations: Provisioner: ceph.com/rbd Parameters: adminId=admin,adminSecretName=pvc-ceph-conf-combined-storageclass,adminSecretNamespace=ceph,imageFeatures=layering,imageFormat=2,monitors=ceph-mon.ceph.svc.cluster.local:6789,pool=rbd,userId=admin,userSecretName=pvc-ceph-client-key ReclaimPolicy: Delete Events: admin@kubenode01:~$ The parameters are what we're looking for here. If we see parameters passed to the StorageClass correctly, we will see the ``ceph-mon.ceph.svc.cluster.local:6789`` hostname/port, things like ``userid``, and appropriate secrets used for volume claims.