# Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Default values for neutron. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare name/value pairs to be passed into your templates. # name: value release_group: null images: tags: bootstrap: docker.io/openstackhelm/heat:newton test: docker.io/kolla/ubuntu-source-rally:4.0.0 db_init: docker.io/openstackhelm/heat:newton neutron_db_sync: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton db_drop: docker.io/openstackhelm/heat:newton rabbit_init: docker.io/rabbitmq:3.7-management ks_user: docker.io/openstackhelm/heat:newton ks_service: docker.io/openstackhelm/heat:newton ks_endpoints: docker.io/openstackhelm/heat:newton neutron_server: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton neutron_dhcp: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton neutron_metadata: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton neutron_l3: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton neutron_openvswitch_agent: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton neutron_linuxbridge_agent: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton neutron_sriov_agent: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton-sriov-1804 neutron_sriov_agent_init: docker.io/openstackhelm/neutron:newton-sriov-1804 dep_check: quay.io/stackanetes/kubernetes-entrypoint:v0.3.1 image_repo_sync: docker.io/docker:17.07.0 pull_policy: "IfNotPresent" local_registry: active: false exclude: - dep_check - image_repo_sync labels: agent: dhcp: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled l3: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled metadata: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled job: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled lb: node_selector_key: linuxbridge node_selector_value: enabled # openvswitch is a special case, requiring a special # label that can apply to both control hosts # and compute hosts, until we get more sophisticated # with our daemonset scheduling ovs: node_selector_key: openvswitch node_selector_value: enabled sriov: node_selector_key: sriov node_selector_value: enabled server: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled test: node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane node_selector_value: enabled network: # provide what type of network wiring will be used # possible options: openvswitch, linuxbridge, sriov backend: - openvswitch # NOTE(Portdirect): Share network namespaces with the host, # allowing agents to be restarted without packet loss and simpler # debugging. This feature requires mount propagation support. share_namespaces: true external_bridge: br-ex ip_address: interface: # External interface will be automatically added to external_bridge. # Tunnel interface will be used for VXLAN tunneling. If null # (default) there is a fallback mechanism to search for interface # with default routing. external: null tunnel: null # auto_bridge_add is a table of "bridge: interface" pairs, by # default empty auto_bridge_add: {} # To automatically add a physical interfaces to a specific bridges, # for example eth3 to bridge br-physnet1, if0 to br0 and iface_two # to br1 do something like: # # auto_bridge_add: # br-physnet1: eth3 # br0: if0 # br1: iface_two sriov: # To perform setup of network interfaces using the SR-IOV init # container you can use a section similar to: # sriov: # - device: ${DEV} # num_vfs: 8 server: ingress: public: true classes: namespace: "nginx" cluster: "nginx-cluster" annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: / external_policy_local: false node_port: enabled: false port: 30096 bootstrap: enabled: false ks_user: neutron script: | openstack token issue dependencies: dynamic: common: local_image_registry: jobs: - neutron-image-repo-sync services: - endpoint: node service: local_image_registry targeted: openvswitch: dhcp: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-ovs-agent l3: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-ovs-agent metadata: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-ovs-agent linuxbridge: dhcp: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-lb-agent l3: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-lb-agent metadata: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-lb-agent lb_agent: pod: null sriov: dhcp: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-sriov-agent l3: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-sriov-agent metadata: pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: neutron component: neutron-sriov-agent static: bootstrap: services: - endpoint: internal service: network - endpoint: internal service: compute db_drop: services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_db db_init: services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_db db_sync: jobs: - neutron-db-init services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_db dhcp: pod: null jobs: - neutron-rabbit-init services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_messaging - endpoint: internal service: network - endpoint: internal service: compute ks_endpoints: jobs: - neutron-ks-service services: - endpoint: internal service: identity ks_service: services: - endpoint: internal service: identity ks_user: services: - endpoint: internal service: identity rabbit_init: services: - service: oslo_messaging endpoint: internal l3: pod: null jobs: - neutron-rabbit-init services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_messaging - endpoint: internal service: network - endpoint: internal service: compute lb_agent: pod: null jobs: - neutron-rabbit-init services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_messaging - endpoint: internal service: network metadata: pod: null jobs: - neutron-rabbit-init services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_messaging - endpoint: internal service: network - endpoint: internal service: compute - endpoint: public service: compute_metadata ovs_agent: jobs: - neutron-rabbit-init pod: - requireSameNode: true labels: application: openvswitch component: openvswitch-vswitchd - requireSameNode: true labels: application: openvswitch component: openvswitch-vswitchd-db services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_messaging - endpoint: internal service: network server: jobs: - neutron-db-sync - neutron-ks-user - neutron-ks-endpoints - neutron-rabbit-init services: - endpoint: internal service: oslo_db - endpoint: internal service: oslo_messaging - endpoint: internal service: oslo_cache - endpoint: internal service: identity tests: services: - endpoint: internal service: network - endpoint: internal service: compute image_repo_sync: services: - endpoint: internal service: local_image_registry pod: user: neutron: uid: 42424 affinity: anti: type: default: preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution topologyKey: default: kubernetes.io/hostname mounts: neutron_server: init_container: null neutron_server: neutron_dhcp_agent: init_container: null neutron_dhcp_agent: neutron_l3_agent: init_container: null neutron_l3_agent: neutron_lb_agent: init_container: null neutron_lb_agent: neutron_metadata_agent: init_container: null neutron_metadata_agent: neutron_ovs_agent: init_container: null neutron_ovs_agent: neutron_sriov_agent: init_container: null neutron_sriov_agent: neutron_tests: init_container: null neutron_tests: neutron_bootstrap: init_container: null neutron_bootstrap: replicas: server: 1 lifecycle: upgrades: deployments: revision_history: 3 pod_replacement_strategy: RollingUpdate rolling_update: max_unavailable: 1 max_surge: 3 daemonsets: pod_replacement_strategy: RollingUpdate dhcp_agent: enabled: false min_ready_seconds: 0 max_unavailable: 1 l3_agent: enabled: false min_ready_seconds: 0 max_unavailable: 1 lb_agent: enabled: true min_ready_seconds: 0 max_unavailable: 1 metadata_agent: enabled: true min_ready_seconds: 0 max_unavailable: 1 ovs_agent: enabled: true min_ready_seconds: 0 max_unavailable: 1 sriov_agent: enabled: true min_ready_seconds: 0 max_unavailable: 1 disruption_budget: server: min_available: 0 termination_grace_period: server: timeout: 30 resources: enabled: false agent: dhcp: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" l3: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" lb: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" metadata: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" ovs: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" sriov: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" server: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" jobs: bootstrap: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" db_init: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" rabbit_init: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" db_sync: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" db_drop: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" ks_endpoints: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" ks_service: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" ks_user: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" tests: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" image_repo_sync: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" conf: rally_tests: run_tempest: false tests: NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks: - args: network_create_args: {} context: quotas: neutron: network: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports: - args: network_create_args: {} port_create_args: {} ports_per_network: 10 context: network: {} quotas: neutron: network: -1 port: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers: - args: network_create_args: {} router_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: subnet_create_args: {} subnets_per_network: 2 context: network: {} quotas: neutron: network: -1 router: -1 subnet: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets: - args: network_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: subnet_create_args: {} subnets_per_network: 2 context: network: {} quotas: neutron: network: -1 subnet: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers: - args: network_create_args: {} router_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: subnet_create_args: {} subnets_per_network: 2 context: network: {} quotas: neutron: network: -1 router: -1 subnet: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets: - args: network_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: subnet_create_args: {} subnets_per_network: 2 context: network: {} quotas: neutron: network: -1 subnet: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_network: - args: network_create_args: {} context: quotas: neutron: network: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_networks: - args: network_create_args: {} network_update_args: admin_state_up: false name: _updated context: quotas: neutron: network: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_ports: - args: network_create_args: {} port_create_args: {} port_update_args: admin_state_up: false device_id: dummy_id device_owner: dummy_owner name: _port_updated ports_per_network: 5 context: network: {} quotas: neutron: network: -1 port: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_routers: - args: network_create_args: {} router_create_args: {} router_update_args: admin_state_up: false name: _router_updated subnet_cidr_start: subnet_create_args: {} subnets_per_network: 2 context: network: {} quotas: neutron: network: -1 router: -1 subnet: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_subnets: - args: network_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: subnet_create_args: {} subnet_update_args: enable_dhcp: false name: _subnet_updated subnets_per_network: 2 context: network: {} quotas: neutron: network: -1 subnet: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.list_agents: - args: agent_args: {} runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_list_security_groups: - args: security_group_create_args: {} context: quotas: neutron: security_group: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_update_security_groups: - args: security_group_create_args: {} security_group_update_args: {} context: quotas: neutron: security_group: -1 runner: concurrency: 1 times: 1 type: constant sla: failure_rate: max: 0 paste: composite:neutron: use: egg:Paste#urlmap /: neutronversions_composite /v2.0: neutronapi_v2_0 composite:neutronapi_v2_0: use: call:neutron.auth:pipeline_factory noauth: cors http_proxy_to_wsgi request_id catch_errors extensions neutronapiapp_v2_0 keystone: cors http_proxy_to_wsgi request_id catch_errors authtoken keystonecontext extensions neutronapiapp_v2_0 composite:neutronversions_composite: use: call:neutron.auth:pipeline_factory noauth: cors http_proxy_to_wsgi neutronversions keystone: cors http_proxy_to_wsgi neutronversions filter:request_id: paste.filter_factory: oslo_middleware:RequestId.factory filter:catch_errors: paste.filter_factory: oslo_middleware:CatchErrors.factory filter:cors: paste.filter_factory: oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory oslo_config_project: neutron filter:http_proxy_to_wsgi: paste.filter_factory: oslo_middleware.http_proxy_to_wsgi:HTTPProxyToWSGI.factory filter:keystonecontext: paste.filter_factory: neutron.auth:NeutronKeystoneContext.factory filter:authtoken: paste.filter_factory: keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory filter:extensions: paste.filter_factory: neutron.api.extensions:plugin_aware_extension_middleware_factory app:neutronversions: paste.app_factory: neutron.api.versions:Versions.factory app:neutronapiapp_v2_0: paste.app_factory: neutron.api.v2.router:APIRouter.factory filter:osprofiler: paste.filter_factory: osprofiler.web:WsgiMiddleware.factory policy: context_is_admin: role:admin owner: tenant_id:%(tenant_id)s admin_or_owner: rule:context_is_admin or rule:owner context_is_advsvc: role:advsvc admin_or_network_owner: rule:context_is_admin or tenant_id:%(network:tenant_id)s admin_owner_or_network_owner: rule:owner or rule:admin_or_network_owner admin_only: rule:context_is_admin regular_user: '' shared: field:networks:shared=True shared_subnetpools: field:subnetpools:shared=True shared_address_scopes: field:address_scopes:shared=True external: field:networks:router:external=True default: rule:admin_or_owner create_subnet: rule:admin_or_network_owner create_subnet:segment_id: rule:admin_only create_subnet:service_types: rule:admin_only get_subnet: rule:admin_or_owner or rule:shared get_subnet:segment_id: rule:admin_only update_subnet: rule:admin_or_network_owner update_subnet:service_types: rule:admin_only delete_subnet: rule:admin_or_network_owner create_subnetpool: '' create_subnetpool:shared: rule:admin_only create_subnetpool:is_default: rule:admin_only get_subnetpool: rule:admin_or_owner or rule:shared_subnetpools update_subnetpool: rule:admin_or_owner update_subnetpool:is_default: rule:admin_only delete_subnetpool: rule:admin_or_owner create_address_scope: '' create_address_scope:shared: rule:admin_only get_address_scope: rule:admin_or_owner or rule:shared_address_scopes update_address_scope: rule:admin_or_owner update_address_scope:shared: rule:admin_only delete_address_scope: rule:admin_or_owner create_network: '' get_network: rule:admin_or_owner or rule:shared or rule:external or rule:context_is_advsvc get_network:router:external: rule:regular_user get_network:segments: rule:admin_only get_network:provider:network_type: rule:admin_only get_network:provider:physical_network: rule:admin_only get_network:provider:segmentation_id: rule:admin_only get_network:queue_id: rule:admin_only get_network_ip_availabilities: rule:admin_only get_network_ip_availability: rule:admin_only create_network:shared: rule:admin_only create_network:router:external: rule:admin_only create_network:is_default: rule:admin_only create_network:segments: rule:admin_only create_network:provider:network_type: rule:admin_only create_network:provider:physical_network: rule:admin_only create_network:provider:segmentation_id: rule:admin_only update_network: rule:admin_or_owner update_network:segments: rule:admin_only update_network:shared: rule:admin_only update_network:provider:network_type: rule:admin_only update_network:provider:physical_network: rule:admin_only update_network:provider:segmentation_id: rule:admin_only update_network:router:external: rule:admin_only delete_network: rule:admin_or_owner create_segment: rule:admin_only get_segment: rule:admin_only update_segment: rule:admin_only delete_segment: rule:admin_only network_device: 'field:port:device_owner=~^network:' create_port: '' create_port:device_owner: not rule:network_device or rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner create_port:mac_address: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner create_port:fixed_ips: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner create_port:port_security_enabled: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner create_port:binding:host_id: rule:admin_only create_port:binding:profile: rule:admin_only create_port:mac_learning_enabled: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner create_port:allowed_address_pairs: rule:admin_or_network_owner get_port: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_owner_or_network_owner get_port:queue_id: rule:admin_only get_port:binding:vif_type: rule:admin_only get_port:binding:vif_details: rule:admin_only get_port:binding:host_id: rule:admin_only get_port:binding:profile: rule:admin_only update_port: rule:admin_or_owner or rule:context_is_advsvc update_port:device_owner: not rule:network_device or rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner update_port:mac_address: rule:admin_only or rule:context_is_advsvc update_port:fixed_ips: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner update_port:port_security_enabled: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner update_port:binding:host_id: rule:admin_only update_port:binding:profile: rule:admin_only update_port:mac_learning_enabled: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_or_network_owner update_port:allowed_address_pairs: rule:admin_or_network_owner delete_port: rule:context_is_advsvc or rule:admin_owner_or_network_owner get_router:ha: rule:admin_only create_router: rule:regular_user create_router:external_gateway_info:enable_snat: rule:admin_only create_router:distributed: rule:admin_only create_router:ha: rule:admin_only get_router: rule:admin_or_owner get_router:distributed: rule:admin_only update_router:external_gateway_info:enable_snat: rule:admin_only update_router:distributed: rule:admin_only update_router:ha: rule:admin_only delete_router: rule:admin_or_owner add_router_interface: rule:admin_or_owner remove_router_interface: rule:admin_or_owner create_router:external_gateway_info:external_fixed_ips: rule:admin_only update_router:external_gateway_info:external_fixed_ips: rule:admin_only insert_rule: rule:admin_or_owner remove_rule: rule:admin_or_owner create_qos_queue: rule:admin_only get_qos_queue: rule:admin_only update_agent: rule:admin_only delete_agent: rule:admin_only get_agent: rule:admin_only create_dhcp-network: rule:admin_only delete_dhcp-network: rule:admin_only get_dhcp-networks: rule:admin_only create_l3-router: rule:admin_only delete_l3-router: rule:admin_only get_l3-routers: rule:admin_only get_dhcp-agents: rule:admin_only get_l3-agents: rule:admin_only get_loadbalancer-agent: rule:admin_only get_loadbalancer-pools: rule:admin_only get_agent-loadbalancers: rule:admin_only get_loadbalancer-hosting-agent: rule:admin_only create_floatingip: rule:regular_user create_floatingip:floating_ip_address: rule:admin_only update_floatingip: rule:admin_or_owner delete_floatingip: rule:admin_or_owner get_floatingip: rule:admin_or_owner create_network_profile: rule:admin_only update_network_profile: rule:admin_only delete_network_profile: rule:admin_only get_network_profiles: '' get_network_profile: '' update_policy_profiles: rule:admin_only get_policy_profiles: '' get_policy_profile: '' create_metering_label: rule:admin_only delete_metering_label: rule:admin_only get_metering_label: rule:admin_only create_metering_label_rule: rule:admin_only delete_metering_label_rule: rule:admin_only get_metering_label_rule: rule:admin_only get_service_provider: rule:regular_user get_lsn: rule:admin_only create_lsn: rule:admin_only create_flavor: rule:admin_only update_flavor: rule:admin_only delete_flavor: rule:admin_only get_flavors: rule:regular_user get_flavor: rule:regular_user create_service_profile: rule:admin_only update_service_profile: rule:admin_only delete_service_profile: rule:admin_only get_service_profiles: rule:admin_only get_service_profile: rule:admin_only get_policy: rule:regular_user create_policy: rule:admin_only update_policy: rule:admin_only delete_policy: rule:admin_only get_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule: rule:regular_user create_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule: rule:admin_only delete_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule: rule:admin_only update_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule: rule:admin_only get_policy_dscp_marking_rule: rule:regular_user create_policy_dscp_marking_rule: rule:admin_only delete_policy_dscp_marking_rule: rule:admin_only update_policy_dscp_marking_rule: rule:admin_only get_rule_type: rule:regular_user get_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule: rule:regular_user create_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule: rule:admin_only delete_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule: rule:admin_only update_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule: rule:admin_only restrict_wildcard: "(not field:rbac_policy:target_tenant=*) or rule:admin_only" create_rbac_policy: '' create_rbac_policy:target_tenant: rule:restrict_wildcard update_rbac_policy: rule:admin_or_owner update_rbac_policy:target_tenant: rule:restrict_wildcard and rule:admin_or_owner get_rbac_policy: rule:admin_or_owner delete_rbac_policy: rule:admin_or_owner create_flavor_service_profile: rule:admin_only delete_flavor_service_profile: rule:admin_only get_flavor_service_profile: rule:regular_user get_auto_allocated_topology: rule:admin_or_owner create_trunk: rule:regular_user get_trunk: rule:admin_or_owner delete_trunk: rule:admin_or_owner get_subports: '' add_subports: rule:admin_or_owner remove_subports: rule:admin_or_owner neutron_sudoers: | # This sudoers file supports rootwrap for both Kolla and LOCI Images. Defaults !requiretty Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/var/lib/openstack/bin:/var/lib/kolla/venv/bin" neutron ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /var/lib/kolla/venv/bin/neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf *, /var/lib/openstack/bin/neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf * rootwrap: | # Configuration for neutron-rootwrap # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user [DEFAULT] # List of directories to load filter definitions from (separated by ','). # These directories MUST all be only writeable by root ! filters_path=/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d,/usr/share/neutron/rootwrap # List of directories to search executables in, in case filters do not # explicitely specify a full path (separated by ',') # If not specified, defaults to system PATH environment variable. # These directories MUST all be only writeable by root ! exec_dirs=/sbin,/usr/sbin,/bin,/usr/bin,/usr/local/bin,/usr/local/sbin,/var/lib/openstack/bin,/var/lib/kolla/venv/bin # Enable logging to syslog # Default value is False use_syslog=False # Which syslog facility to use. # Valid values include auth, authpriv, syslog, local0, local1... # Default value is 'syslog' syslog_log_facility=syslog # Which messages to log. # INFO means log all usage # ERROR means only log unsuccessful attempts syslog_log_level=ERROR [xenapi] # XenAPI configuration is only required by the L2 agent if it is to # target a XenServer/XCP compute host's dom0. xenapi_connection_url= xenapi_connection_username=root xenapi_connection_password= rootwrap_filters: debug: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # This is needed because we should ping # from inside a namespace which requires root # _alt variants allow to match -c and -w in any order # (used by NeutronDebugAgent.ping_all) ping: RegExpFilter, ping, root, ping, -w, \d+, -c, \d+, [0-9\.]+ ping_alt: RegExpFilter, ping, root, ping, -c, \d+, -w, \d+, [0-9\.]+ ping6: RegExpFilter, ping6, root, ping6, -w, \d+, -c, \d+, [0-9A-Fa-f:]+ ping6_alt: RegExpFilter, ping6, root, ping6, -c, \d+, -w, \d+, [0-9A-Fa-f:]+ dibbler: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # Filters for the dibbler-based reference implementation of the pluggable # Prefix Delegation driver. Other implementations using an alternative agent # should include a similar filter in this folder. # prefix_delegation_agent dibbler-client: CommandFilter, dibbler-client, root ipset_firewall: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # neutron/agent/linux/iptables_firewall.py # "ipset", "-A", ... ipset: CommandFilter, ipset, root l3: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # arping arping: CommandFilter, arping, root # l3_agent sysctl: CommandFilter, sysctl, root route: CommandFilter, route, root radvd: CommandFilter, radvd, root # metadata proxy metadata_proxy: CommandFilter, neutron-ns-metadata-proxy, root # RHEL invocation of the metadata proxy will report /usr/bin/python kill_metadata: KillFilter, root, python, -15, -9 kill_metadata2: KillFilter, root, python2, -15, -9 kill_metadata7: KillFilter, root, python2.7, -15, -9 kill_radvd_usr: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/radvd, -15, -9, -HUP kill_radvd: KillFilter, root, /sbin/radvd, -15, -9, -HUP # ip_lib ip: IpFilter, ip, root find: RegExpFilter, find, root, find, /sys/class/net, -maxdepth, 1, -type, l, -printf, %.* ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root # For ip monitor kill_ip_monitor: KillFilter, root, ip, -9 # ovs_lib (if OVSInterfaceDriver is used) ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root # iptables_manager iptables-save: CommandFilter, iptables-save, root iptables-restore: CommandFilter, iptables-restore, root ip6tables-save: CommandFilter, ip6tables-save, root ip6tables-restore: CommandFilter, ip6tables-restore, root # Keepalived keepalived: CommandFilter, keepalived, root kill_keepalived: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/keepalived, -HUP, -15, -9 # l3 agent to delete floatingip's conntrack state conntrack: CommandFilter, conntrack, root # keepalived state change monitor keepalived_state_change: CommandFilter, neutron-keepalived-state-change, root netns_cleanup: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # netns-cleanup netstat: CommandFilter, netstat, root dhcp: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # dhcp-agent dnsmasq: CommandFilter, dnsmasq, root # dhcp-agent uses kill as well, that's handled by the generic KillFilter # it looks like these are the only signals needed, per # neutron/agent/linux/dhcp.py kill_dnsmasq: KillFilter, root, /sbin/dnsmasq, -9, -HUP, -15 kill_dnsmasq_usr: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/dnsmasq, -9, -HUP, -15 ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root ivs-ctl: CommandFilter, ivs-ctl, root mm-ctl: CommandFilter, mm-ctl, root dhcp_release: CommandFilter, dhcp_release, root dhcp_release6: CommandFilter, dhcp_release6, root # metadata proxy metadata_proxy: CommandFilter, neutron-ns-metadata-proxy, root # RHEL invocation of the metadata proxy will report /usr/bin/python kill_metadata: KillFilter, root, python, -9 kill_metadata2: KillFilter, root, python2, -9 kill_metadata7: KillFilter, root, python2.7, -9 # ip_lib ip: IpFilter, ip, root find: RegExpFilter, find, root, find, /sys/class/net, -maxdepth, 1, -type, l, -printf, %.* ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root ebtables: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] ebtables: CommandFilter, ebtables, root iptables_firewall: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # neutron/agent/linux/iptables_firewall.py # "iptables-save", ... iptables-save: CommandFilter, iptables-save, root iptables-restore: CommandFilter, iptables-restore, root ip6tables-save: CommandFilter, ip6tables-save, root ip6tables-restore: CommandFilter, ip6tables-restore, root # neutron/agent/linux/iptables_firewall.py # "iptables", "-A", ... iptables: CommandFilter, iptables, root ip6tables: CommandFilter, ip6tables, root # neutron/agent/linux/iptables_firewall.py sysctl: CommandFilter, sysctl, root # neutron/agent/linux/ip_conntrack.py conntrack: CommandFilter, conntrack, root linuxbridge_plugin: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # linuxbridge-agent # unclear whether both variants are necessary, but I'm transliterating # from the old mechanism brctl: CommandFilter, brctl, root bridge: CommandFilter, bridge, root # ip_lib ip: IpFilter, ip, root find: RegExpFilter, find, root, find, /sys/class/net, -maxdepth, 1, -type, l, -printf, %.* ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root # tc commands needed for QoS support tc_replace_tbf: RegExpFilter, tc, root, tc, qdisc, replace, dev, .+, root, tbf, rate, .+, latency, .+, burst, .+ tc_add_ingress: RegExpFilter, tc, root, tc, qdisc, add, dev, .+, ingress, handle, .+ tc_delete: RegExpFilter, tc, root, tc, qdisc, del, dev, .+, .+ tc_show_qdisc: RegExpFilter, tc, root, tc, qdisc, show, dev, .+ tc_show_filters: RegExpFilter, tc, root, tc, filter, show, dev, .+, parent, .+ tc_add_filter: RegExpFilter, tc, root, tc, filter, add, dev, .+, parent, .+, protocol, all, prio, .+, basic, police, rate, .+, burst, .+, mtu, .+, drop openvswitch_plugin: pods: - dhcp_agent - l3_agent - lb_agent - metadata_agent - ovs_agent - sriov_agent content: | # neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is # expected to control network # # This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user # format seems to be # cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args [Filters] # openvswitch-agent # unclear whether both variants are necessary, but I'm transliterating # from the old mechanism ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root # NOTE(yamamoto): of_interface=native doesn't use ovs-ofctl ovs-ofctl: CommandFilter, ovs-ofctl, root kill_ovsdb_client: KillFilter, root, /usr/bin/ovsdb-client, -9 ovsdb-client: CommandFilter, ovsdb-client, root xe: CommandFilter, xe, root # ip_lib ip: IpFilter, ip, root find: RegExpFilter, find, root, find, /sys/class/net, -maxdepth, 1, -type, l, -printf, %.* ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root neutron: DEFAULT: #NOTE(portdirect): the bind port should not be defined, and is manipulated # via the endpoints section. bind_port: null default_availability_zones: nova api_workers: 1 rpc_workers: 1 allow_overlapping_ips: True # core_plugin can be: ml2, calico core_plugin: ml2 # service_plugin can be: router, odl-router, empty for calico, # networking_ovn.l3.l3_ovn.OVNL3RouterPlugin for OVN service_plugins: router allow_automatic_l3agent_failover: True l3_ha: True min_l3_agents_per_router: 2 max_l3_agents_per_router: 2 l3_ha_network_type: vxlan dhcp_agents_per_network: 3 network_auto_schedule: True router_auto_schedule: True #(NOTE)portdirect: if unset this is populated dyanmicly from the value in # 'network.backend' to sane defaults. interface_driver: null oslo_concurrency: lock_path: /var/lib/neutron/tmp database: max_retries: -1 agent: root_helper: sudo /var/lib/openstack/bin/neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf oslo_messaging_notifications: driver: messagingv2 nova: auth_type: password auth_version: v3 keystone_authtoken: memcache_security_strategy: ENCRYPT auth_type: password auth_version: v3 plugins: ml2_conf: ml2: extension_drivers: port_security #(NOTE)portdirect: if unset this is populated dyanmicly from the value # in 'network.backend' to sane defaults. mechanism_drivers: null type_drivers: flat,vlan,vxlan tenant_network_types: vxlan ml2_type_vxlan: vni_ranges: 1:1000 vxlan_group: ml2_type_flat: flat_networks: "*" # If you want to use the external network as a tagged provider network, # a range should be specified including the intended VLAN target # using ml2_type_vlan.network_vlan_ranges: # ml2_type_vlan: # network_vlan_ranges: "external:1100:1110" ml2_conf_sriov: null openvswitch_agent: agent: tunnel_types: vxlan l2_population: True arp_responder: True ovs: bridge_mappings: "external:br-ex" securitygroup: firewall_driver: neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver linuxbridge_agent: linux_bridge: # To define Flat and VLAN connections, in LB we can assign # specific interface to the flat/vlan network name using: # physical_interface_mappings: "external:eth3" # Or we can set the mapping between the network and bridge: bridge_mappings: "external:br-ex" # The two above options are exclusive, do not use both of them at once securitygroup: firewall_driver: iptables vxlan: l2_population: True arp_responder: True macvtap_agent: null sriov_agent: securitygroup: firewall_driver: neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver sriov_nic: physical_device_mappings: physnet2:enp3s0f1 exclude_devices: null dhcp_agent: DEFAULT: #(NOTE)portdirect: if unset this is populated dyanmicly from the value in # 'network.backend' to sane defaults. interface_driver: null dnsmasq_config_file: /etc/neutron/dnsmasq.conf force_metadata: True l3_agent: DEFAULT: #(NOTE)portdirect: if unset this is populated dyanmicly from the value in # 'network.backend' to sane defaults. interface_driver: null agent_mode: legacy metering_agent: null metadata_agent: DEFAULT: # we cannot change the proxy socket path as it is declared # as a hostPath volume from agent daemonsets metadata_proxy_socket: /var/lib/neutron/openstack-helm/metadata_proxy metadata_proxy_shared_secret: "password" cache: enabled: true backend: dogpile.cache.memcached # Names of secrets used by bootstrap and environmental checks secrets: identity: admin: neutron-keystone-admin neutron: neutron-keystone-user test: neutron-keystone-test oslo_db: admin: neutron-db-admin neutron: neutron-db-user oslo_messaging: admin: neutron-rabbitmq-admin neutron: neutron-rabbitmq-user # typically overridden by environmental # values, but should include all endpoints # required by this chart endpoints: cluster_domain_suffix: cluster.local local_image_registry: name: docker-registry namespace: docker-registry hosts: default: localhost internal: docker-registry node: localhost host_fqdn_override: default: null port: registry: node: 5000 oslo_db: auth: admin: username: root password: password neutron: username: neutron password: password hosts: default: mariadb host_fqdn_override: default: null path: /neutron scheme: mysql+pymysql port: mysql: default: 3306 oslo_messaging: auth: admin: username: rabbitmq password: password neutron: username: neutron password: password hosts: default: rabbitmq host_fqdn_override: default: null path: /neutron scheme: rabbit port: amqp: default: 5672 http: default: 15672 oslo_cache: auth: # NOTE(portdirect): this is used to define the value for keystone # authtoken cache encryption key, if not set it will be populated # automatically with a random value, but to take advantage of # this feature all services should be set to use the same key, # and memcache service. memcache_secret_key: null hosts: default: memcached host_fqdn_override: default: null port: memcache: default: 11211 compute: name: nova hosts: default: nova-api public: nova host_fqdn_override: default: null path: default: "/v2.1/%(tenant_id)s" scheme: default: 'http' port: api: default: 8774 public: 80 novncproxy: default: 6080 compute_metadata: name: nova hosts: default: nova-metadata public: metadata host_fqdn_override: default: null path: default: / scheme: default: 'http' port: metadata: default: 8775 public: 80 identity: name: keystone auth: admin: region_name: RegionOne username: admin password: password project_name: admin user_domain_name: default project_domain_name: default neutron: role: admin region_name: RegionOne username: neutron password: password project_name: service user_domain_name: default project_domain_name: default nova: region_name: RegionOne project_domain_name: default project_name: service user_domain_name: default username: nova password: password test: role: admin region_name: RegionOne username: test password: password project_name: test user_domain_name: default project_domain_name: default hosts: default: keystone-api public: keystone host_fqdn_override: default: null path: default: /v3 scheme: default: http port: admin: default: 35357 api: default: 80 network: name: neutron hosts: default: neutron-server public: neutron host_fqdn_override: default: null path: default: null scheme: default: 'http' port: api: default: 9696 public: 80 manifests: configmap_bin: true configmap_etc: true daemonset_dhcp_agent: true daemonset_l3_agent: true daemonset_lb_agent: true daemonset_metadata_agent: true daemonset_ovs_agent: true daemonset_sriov_agent: true deployment_server: true ingress_server: true job_bootstrap: true job_db_init: true job_db_sync: true job_db_drop: false job_image_repo_sync: true job_ks_endpoints: true job_ks_service: true job_ks_user: true job_rabbit_init: true pdb_server: true pod_rally_test: true secret_db: true secret_keystone: true secret_rabbitmq: true service_ingress_server: true service_server: true