#!/bin/bash # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -ex export WORK_DIR=$(pwd) source ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/vars.sh source ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/funcs/common.sh source ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/funcs/network.sh source ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/funcs/helm.sh source ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/funcs/kube.sh # Setup the logging location: by default use the working dir as the root. rm -rf ${LOGS_DIR} || true mkdir -p ${LOGS_DIR} function dump_logs () { ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/dump_logs.sh } trap 'dump_logs "$?"' ERR # Moving the ws-linter here to avoid it blocking all the jobs just for ws if [ "x$INTEGRATION_TYPE" == "xlinter" ]; then bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/whitespace.sh fi # Do the basic node setup for running the gate gate_base_setup # We setup the network for pre kube here, to enable cluster restarts on # development machines net_resolv_pre_kube net_hosts_pre_kube # Setup helm helm_install helm_serve helm_lint # In the linter, we also run the helm template plugin to get a sanity check # of the chart without verifying against the k8s API if [ "x$INTEGRATION_TYPE" == "xlinter" ]; then helm_build > ${LOGS_DIR}/helm_build helm_plugin_template_install helm_template_run else # Setup the K8s Cluster if [ "x$INTEGRATION" == "xaio" ]; then bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/kubeadm_aio.sh elif [ "x$INTEGRATION" == "xmulti" ]; then bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/kubeadm_aio.sh bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/setup_gate_worker_nodes.sh fi if [ "x$LOOPBACK_CREATE" == "xtrue" ]; then loopback_dev_info_collect kube_label_node_block_devs fi # Deploy OpenStack-Helm if ! [ "x$INTEGRATION_TYPE" == "x" ]; then bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/helm_dry_run.sh bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/launch-osh/common.sh if [ "x$INTEGRATION_TYPE" == "xbasic" ]; then bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/launch-osh/basic.sh elif [ "x$INTEGRATION_TYPE" == "xarmada" ]; then bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/launch-osh/armada.sh fi fi if ! [ "x$INTEGRATION_TYPE" == "x" ]; then # Run Basic Full Stack Tests if [ "x$INTEGRATION" == "xaio" ]; then bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/openstack/network_launch.sh bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/openstack/vm_cli_launch.sh bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/openstack/vm_heat_launch.sh fi # Collect all logs from the environment bash ${WORK_DIR}/tools/gate/dump_logs.sh 0 fi fi