This patchset adds a Makefile for each component under tools/images Change-Id: I84d8bda0313e921f0921dfef10d14469ed26ff5c
OpenvSwitch Container
This container builds a small image with OpenvSwitch.
OS Specific Host setup:
From a freshly provisioned Ubuntu 16.04 LTS host run:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y \
docker.io git
Build the VBMC Image environment
A known good image is published to dockerhub on a fairly regular basis, but if you wish to build your own image, from the root directory of the OpenStack-Helm repo run:
sudo docker build \
--network=host \
--build-arg OVS_VERSION="${OVS_VERSION}" \
-t docker.io/openstackhelm/openvswitch:v${OVS_VERSION} \
tools/images/openvswitchsudo docker push docker.io/openstackhelm/openvswitch:v${OVS_VERSION}