This can be enabled with: helm install --name mariadb --set development.enabled=true local/mariadb This will ensure only a single replica is used and that PVCs (which require a persistent volume solution) like ceph are not used. Instead this flag enables a single replica with hostDir storage using the host path defined in values.yaml which defaults to the following: /var/lib/openstack-helm/mariadb
19 lines
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715 B
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: {{ .Values.service_name }}
# This is needed to make the peer-finder work properly and to help avoid
# edge cases where instance 0 comes up after losing its data and needs to
# decide whether it should create a new cluster or try to join an existing
# one. If it creates a new cluster when it should have joined an existing
# one, we'd end up with two separate clusters listening at the same service
# endpoint, which would be very bad.
service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints: "false"
- name: db
port: {{ .Values.network.port.mariadb }}
app: {{ .Values.service_name }}