port number in glance Now binding ports of service and pod spec are configured using internal endpoint values. To support reverse proxy for internalUrl, need to distinguish between binding ports and internal endpoint ports. I added `service` section in endpoint items apart from admin, public, internal and default. Change-Id: I8fc8ea4e81648f3b98006491a7cb2aa9c0f479b6
151 lines
8.4 KiB
151 lines
8.4 KiB
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
{{- if (.Values.global).subchart_release_name }}
{{- $_ := set . "deployment_name" .Chart.Name }}
{{- else }}
{{- $_ := set . "deployment_name" .Release.Name }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.manifests.configmap_etc }}
{{- $envAll := . }}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.auth_uri -}}
{{- $_ := tuple "identity" "internal" "api" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.keystone_endpoint_uri_lookup"| set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "auth_uri" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.auth_url -}}
{{- $_ := tuple "identity" "internal" "api" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.keystone_endpoint_uri_lookup"| set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "auth_url" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.region_name -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "region_name" .Values.endpoints.identity.auth.glance.region_name -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.project_name -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "project_name" .Values.endpoints.identity.auth.glance.project_name -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.project_domain_name -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "project_domain_name" .Values.endpoints.identity.auth.glance.project_domain_name -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.user_domain_name -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "user_domain_name" .Values.endpoints.identity.auth.glance.user_domain_name -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.username -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "username" .Values.endpoints.identity.auth.glance.username -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.password -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "password" .Values.endpoints.identity.auth.glance.password -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.memcached_servers -}}
{{- $_ := tuple "oslo_cache" "internal" "memcache" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.host_and_port_endpoint_uri_lookup" | set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "memcached_servers" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken.memcache_secret_key -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.glance.keystone_authtoken "memcache_secret_key" ( default ( randAlphaNum 64 ) .Values.endpoints.oslo_cache.auth.memcache_secret_key ) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.database.connection -}}
{{- $connection := tuple "oslo_db" "internal" "glance" "mysql" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.authenticated_endpoint_uri_lookup" -}}
{{- if .Values.manifests.certificates -}}
{{- $_ := (printf "%s?charset=utf8&ssl_ca=/etc/mysql/certs/ca.crt&ssl_key=/etc/mysql/certs/tls.key&ssl_cert=/etc/mysql/certs/tls.crt&ssl_verify_cert" $connection ) | set .Values.conf.glance.database "connection" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.glance.database "connection" $connection -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.DEFAULT.transport_url -}}
{{- $_ := tuple "oslo_messaging" "internal" "glance" "amqp" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.authenticated_transport_endpoint_uri_lookup" | set .Values.conf.glance.DEFAULT "transport_url" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.DEFAULT.public_endpoint -}}
{{- $_ := tuple "image" "public" "api" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.keystone_endpoint_uri_lookup" | set .Values.conf.glance.DEFAULT "public_endpoint" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.glance_store.stores -}}
{{- if eq .Values.storage "rbd" }}
{{- $_ := "file, http, rbd" | set .Values.conf.glance.glance_store "stores" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq .Values.storage "pvc" }}
{{- $_ := "file, http" | set .Values.conf.glance.glance_store "stores" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ if or (eq .Values.storage "radosgw") (eq .Values.storage "swift") }}
{{- $_ := "file, http, swift" | set .Values.conf.glance.glance_store "stores" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.glance_store.default_store -}}
{{- if eq .Values.storage "rbd" }}
{{- $_ := "rbd" | set .Values.conf.glance.glance_store "default_store" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq .Values.storage "pvc" }}
{{- $_ := "file" | set .Values.conf.glance.glance_store "default_store" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ if or (eq .Values.storage "radosgw") (eq .Values.storage "swift") }}
{{- $_ := "swift" | set .Values.conf.glance.glance_store "default_store" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.DEFAULT.bind_port -}}
{{- $_ := tuple "image" "service" "api" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup" | set .Values.conf.glance.DEFAULT "bind_port" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and (empty .Values.conf.logging.handler_fluent) (has "fluent" .Values.conf.logging.handlers.keys) -}}
{{- $fluentd_host := tuple "fluentd" "internal" $envAll | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.hostname_namespaced_endpoint_lookup" }}
{{- $fluentd_port := tuple "fluentd" "internal" "service" $envAll | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup" }}
{{- $fluent_args := printf "('%s.%s', '%s', %s)" .Release.Namespace .deployment_name $fluentd_host $fluentd_port }}
{{- $handler_fluent := dict "class" "fluent.handler.FluentHandler" "formatter" "fluent" "args" $fluent_args -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.logging "handler_fluent" $handler_fluent -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and (empty .Values.conf.logging.formatter_fluent) (has "fluent" .Values.conf.logging.formatters.keys) -}}
{{- $formatter_fluent := dict "class" "oslo_log.formatters.FluentFormatter" -}}
{{- $_ := set .Values.conf.logging "formatter_fluent" $formatter_fluent -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if empty .Values.conf.glance.cors.allowed_origin -}}
{{- $endpointScheme := tuple "dashboard" "public" "web" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.keystone_endpoint_scheme_lookup" }}
{{- $endpointHost := tuple "dashboard" "public" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_host_lookup" }}
{{- $endpointPort := tuple "dashboard" "public" "web" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoints.endpoint_port_lookup" }}
{{- if eq $endpointPort "80" "443" -}}
Common browsers don't add default ports like 80 and 443 to the headers
and URLs therefore CORS should allow to use URLs both with 80,443 and
without it in the URL.
{{- $_ := set $envAll.Values.conf.glance.cors "allowed_origin" ( list ) }}
{{- $__allowed_origin := append $envAll.Values.conf.glance.cors.allowed_origin (printf "%s://%s" $endpointScheme $endpointHost) }}
{{- $_ := set $envAll.Values.conf.glance.cors "allowed_origin" $__allowed_origin }}
{{- $__allowed_origin := append $envAll.Values.conf.glance.cors.allowed_origin (printf "%s://%s:%s" $endpointScheme $endpointHost $endpointPort) }}
{{- $_ := set $envAll.Values.conf.glance.cors "allowed_origin" $__allowed_origin }}
{{- else }}
{{- printf "%s://%s:%s" $endpointScheme $endpointHost $endpointPort | set .Values.conf.glance.cors "allowed_origin" }}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: glance-etc
type: Opaque
rally_tests.yaml: {{ toYaml .Values.conf.rally_tests.tests | b64enc }}
glance-api.conf: {{ include "helm-toolkit.utils.to_oslo_conf" .Values.conf.glance | b64enc }}
logging.conf: {{ include "helm-toolkit.utils.to_oslo_conf" .Values.conf.logging | b64enc }}
glance-api-paste.ini: {{ include "helm-toolkit.utils.to_ini" .Values.conf.paste | b64enc }}
policy.yaml: {{ toYaml .Values.conf.policy | b64enc }}
api_audit_map.conf: {{ include "helm-toolkit.utils.to_oslo_conf" .Values.conf.api_audit_map | b64enc }}
{{- include "helm-toolkit.snippets.values_template_renderer" ( dict "envAll" $envAll "template" .Values.conf.swift_store "key" "swift-store.conf" "format" "Secret" ) | indent 2 }}
{{- include "helm-toolkit.snippets.values_template_renderer" ( dict "envAll" $envAll "template" .Values.conf.nginx "key" "nginx.conf" "format" "Secret" ) | indent 2 }}
{{- end }}