This verifies that making a configuration change to one of Umbrella's subcharts results in only the application (DaemonSet, Deployment or StatefulSet) for that subchart being updated. No other subchart's application should be updated. This only validates subcharts from openstack-helm. Validating the remaining subcharts from openstack-helm-infra has been done in another commit. Change-Id: I649dde64313dfaaa7440c86fd50c3882874bf122
75 lines
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Executable File
75 lines
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Executable File
set -ex
set -o pipefail
# This test case aims to prove that updating a subhcart's configuration for
# the OpenStack Umbrella Helm chart results in no other subcharts' components
# being updated.
# This test case is proven by:
# 1. getting the list of DaemonSets, Deployment, StatefulSets after an installation
# 2. performing a helm upgrade with modifying a config specific to one subchart
# 3. getting the list of DaemonSets, Deployment, StatefulSets after the upgrade
# 4. Verifying the expected subchart application changes
# 5. Verifying no other applications are changed
validate_only_expected_application_changes () {
local app_name="$1"
local config_change="$2"
kubectl get daemonsets,deployments,statefulsets \
--namespace openstack \
--no-headers \
--output custom-columns=Kind:.kind,Name:.metadata.name,Generation:.status.observedGeneration \
> "$before_apps_list"
kubectl delete jobs \
--namespace openstack \
-l "application=$app_name" \
helm upgrade openstack ./openstack \
--namespace openstack \
--reuse-values \
${config_change} \
./tools/deployment/common/wait-for-pods.sh openstack
kubectl get daemonsets,deployments,statefulsets \
--namespace openstack \
--no-headers \
--output custom-columns=Kind:.kind,Name:.metadata.name,Generation:.status.observedGeneration \
> "$after_apps_list"
# get list of apps that exist in after list, but not in before list
changed_apps="$(comm -13 "$before_apps_list" "$after_apps_list")"
if ! echo "$changed_apps" | grep "$app_name" ; then
echo "Expected $app_name application to update"
exit 1
# use awk to find applications not matching app_name and pretty format as Kind/Name
unexpected_changed_apps="$(echo "$changed_apps" | awk -v appname="$app_name" '$0 !~ appname { print $1 "/" $2 }')"
if [ "x$unexpected_changed_apps" != "x" ]; then
echo "Applications changed unexpectedly: $unexpected_changed_apps"
exit 1
validate_only_expected_application_changes "glance" "--set glance.conf.logging.logger_glance.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "heat" "--set heat.conf.logging.logger_heat.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "keystone" "--set keystone.conf.logging.logger_keystone.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "libvirt" "--set libvirt.conf.libvirt.log_level=2"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "mariadb" "--set mariadb.conf.database.config_override=[mysqld]\nlog_warnings=3"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "memcached" "--set memcached.conf.memcached.stats_cachedump.enabled=false"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "neutron" "--set neutron.conf.logging.logger_neutron.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "nova" "--set nova.conf.logging.logger_nova.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "openvswitch" "--set openvswitch.pod.user.nova.uid=42425"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "placement" "--set placement.conf.logging.logger_placement.level=WARN"
validate_only_expected_application_changes "rabbitmq" "--set rabbitmq.conf.rabbitmq.log.file.level=info"