# Derived from neutron/agent/ovsdb/impl_vsctl.py # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections.abc import itertools import uuid from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils from ovsdbapp import api as ovsdb_api from vif_plug_ovs.ovsdb import api from vif_plug_ovs import privsep LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _val_to_py(val): """Convert a json ovsdb return value to native python object""" if isinstance(val, collections.abc.Sequence) and len(val) == 2: if val[0] == "uuid": return uuid.UUID(val[1]) elif val[0] == "set": return [_val_to_py(x) for x in val[1]] elif val[0] == "map": return {_val_to_py(x): _val_to_py(y) for x, y in val[1]} return val def _py_to_val(pyval): """Convert python value to ovs-vsctl value argument""" if isinstance(pyval, bool): return 'true' if pyval is True else 'false' elif pyval == '': return '""' else: # NOTE(twilson) If a Command object, return its record_id as a value return getattr(pyval, "record_id", pyval) def api_factory(context): return OvsdbVsctl(context) @privsep.vif_plug.entrypoint def _run_vsctl(full_args): # NOTE(ralonsoh): this function is defined outside the class Transaction # to allow oslo_privsep.PrivContext.entrypoint to wrap # the function correctly. return processutils.execute(*full_args)[0].rstrip() class Transaction(ovsdb_api.Transaction): def __init__(self, context, check_error=False, log_errors=True, opts=None): self.context = context self.check_error = check_error self.log_errors = log_errors self.opts = ['--timeout=%d' % self.context.timeout, '--oneline', '--format=json'] if self.context.connection: self.opts += ['--db=%s' % self.context.connection] if opts: self.opts += opts self.commands = [] def add(self, command): self.commands.append(command) return command def commit(self): args = [] for cmd in self.commands: cmd.result = None args += cmd.vsctl_args() res = self.run_vsctl(args) if res is None: return res = res.replace(r'\\', '\\').splitlines() for i, record in enumerate(res): self.commands[i].result = record return [cmd.result for cmd in self.commands] def run_vsctl(self, args): full_args = ["ovs-vsctl"] + self.opts + args try: # We log our own errors, so never have utils.execute do it return _run_vsctl(full_args) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: if self.log_errors: LOG.error("Unable to execute %(cmd)s. Exception: " "%(exception)s", {'cmd': full_args, 'exception': e}) if not self.check_error: ctxt.reraise = False class BaseCommand(ovsdb_api.Command): def __init__(self, context, cmd, opts=None, args=None): self.context = context self.cmd = cmd self.opts = [] if opts is None else opts self.args = [] if args is None else args self._result = None @property def result(self): return self._result @result.setter def result(self, value): self._result = value def execute(self, check_error=False, log_errors=True): with Transaction(self.context, check_error=check_error, log_errors=log_errors) as txn: txn.add(self) return self.result def vsctl_args(self): return itertools.chain(('--',), self.opts, (self.cmd,), self.args) class MultiLineCommand(BaseCommand): """Command for ovs-vsctl commands that return multiple lines""" @property def result(self): return self._result @result.setter def result(self, raw_result): self._result = raw_result.split(r'\n') if raw_result else [] class DbCommand(BaseCommand): def __init__(self, context, cmd, opts=None, args=None, columns=None): if opts is None: opts = [] if columns: opts += ['--columns=%s' % ",".join(columns)] super(DbCommand, self).__init__(context, cmd, opts, args) @property def result(self): return self._result @result.setter def result(self, raw_result): # If check_error=False, run_vsctl can return None if not raw_result: self._result = None return try: json = jsonutils.loads(raw_result) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: # This shouldn't happen, but if it does and we check_errors # log and raise. with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Could not parse: %(raw_result)s. Exception: " "%(exception)s", {'raw_result': raw_result, 'exception': e}) headings = json['headings'] data = json['data'] results = [] for record in data: obj = {} for pos, heading in enumerate(headings): obj[heading] = _val_to_py(record[pos]) results.append(obj) self._result = results class DbGetCommand(DbCommand): @DbCommand.result.setter def result(self, val): # super()'s never worked for setters http://bugs.python.org/issue14965 DbCommand.result.fset(self, val) # DbCommand will return [{'column': value}] and we just want value. if self._result: self._result = list(self._result[0].values())[0] class DbCreateCommand(BaseCommand): def __init__(self, context, opts=None, args=None): super(DbCreateCommand, self).__init__(context, "create", opts, args) # NOTE(twilson) pre-commit result used for intra-transaction reference self.record_id = "@%s" % uuidutils.generate_uuid() self.opts.append("--id=%s" % self.record_id) @property def result(self): return self._result @result.setter def result(self, val): self._result = uuid.UUID(val) if val else val class BrExistsCommand(DbCommand): @DbCommand.result.setter def result(self, val): self._result = val is not None def execute(self): return super(BrExistsCommand, self).execute(check_error=False, log_errors=False) class OvsdbVsctl(ovsdb_api.API, api.ImplAPI): def __init__(self, context): super(OvsdbVsctl, self).__init__() self.context = context def create_transaction(self, check_error=False, log_errors=True, **kwargs): return Transaction(self.context, check_error, log_errors, **kwargs) def add_manager(self, connection_uri): # This will add a new manager without overriding existing ones. conn_uri = 'target="%s"' % connection_uri args = ['create', 'Manager', conn_uri, '--', 'add', 'Open_vSwitch', '.', 'manager_options', '@manager'] return BaseCommand(self.context, '--id=@manager', args=args) def get_manager(self): return MultiLineCommand(self.context, 'get-manager') def remove_manager(self, connection_uri): args = ['get', 'Manager', connection_uri, '--', 'remove', 'Open_vSwitch', '.', 'manager_options', '@manager'] return BaseCommand(self.context, '--id=@manager', args=args) def add_br(self, name, may_exist=True, datapath_type=None): opts = ['--may-exist'] if may_exist else None params = [name] if datapath_type: params += ['--', 'set', 'Bridge', name, 'datapath_type=%s' % datapath_type] return BaseCommand(self.context, 'add-br', opts, params) def del_br(self, name, if_exists=True): opts = ['--if-exists'] if if_exists else None return BaseCommand(self.context, 'del-br', opts, [name]) def br_exists(self, name): return BrExistsCommand(self.context, 'list', args=['Bridge', name]) def port_to_br(self, name): return BaseCommand(self.context, 'port-to-br', args=[name]) def iface_to_br(self, name): return BaseCommand(self.context, 'iface-to-br', args=[name]) def list_br(self): return MultiLineCommand(self.context, 'list-br') def br_get_external_id(self, name, field): return BaseCommand(self.context, 'br-get-external-id', args=[name, field]) def db_create(self, table, **col_values): args = [table] args += _set_colval_args(*col_values.items()) return DbCreateCommand(self.context, args=args) def db_destroy(self, table, record): args = [table, record] return BaseCommand(self.context, 'destroy', args=args) def db_set(self, table, record, *col_values): args = [table, record] args += _set_colval_args(*col_values) return BaseCommand(self.context, 'set', args=args) def db_add(self, table, record, column, *values): args = [table, record, column] for value in values: if isinstance(value, collections.abc.Mapping): args += ["{}={}".format(_py_to_val(k), _py_to_val(v)) for k, v in value.items()] else: args.append(_py_to_val(value)) return BaseCommand(self.context, 'add', args=args) def db_clear(self, table, record, column): return BaseCommand(self.context, 'clear', args=[table, record, column]) def db_get(self, table, record, column): # Use the 'list' command as it can return json and 'get' cannot so that # we can get real return types instead of treating everything as string # NOTE: openvswitch can return a single atomic value for fields that # are sets, but only have one value. This makes directly iterating over # the result of a db_get() call unsafe. return DbGetCommand(self.context, 'list', args=[table, record], columns=[column]) def db_list(self, table, records=None, columns=None, if_exists=False): opts = ['--if-exists'] if if_exists else None args = [table] if records: args += records return DbCommand(self.context, 'list', opts=opts, args=args, columns=columns) def db_find(self, table, *conditions, **kwargs): columns = kwargs.pop('columns', None) args = itertools.chain([table], *[_set_colval_args(c) for c in conditions]) return DbCommand(self.context, 'find', args=args, columns=columns) def set_controller(self, bridge, controllers): return BaseCommand(self.context, 'set-controller', args=[bridge] + list(controllers)) def del_controller(self, bridge): return BaseCommand(self.context, 'del-controller', args=[bridge]) def get_controller(self, bridge): return MultiLineCommand(self.context, 'get-controller', args=[bridge]) def set_fail_mode(self, bridge, mode): return BaseCommand(self.context, 'set-fail-mode', args=[bridge, mode]) def add_port(self, bridge, port, may_exist=True): opts = ['--may-exist'] if may_exist else None return BaseCommand(self.context, 'add-port', opts, [bridge, port]) def del_port(self, port, bridge=None, if_exists=True): opts = ['--if-exists'] if if_exists else None args = filter(None, [bridge, port]) return BaseCommand(self.context, 'del-port', opts, args) def list_ports(self, bridge): return MultiLineCommand(self.context, 'list-ports', args=[bridge]) def list_ifaces(self, bridge): return MultiLineCommand(self.context, 'list-ifaces', args=[bridge]) def db_list_rows(self, table, record=None, if_exists=False): raise NotImplementedError() def db_find_rows(self, table, *conditions, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def db_remove(self, table, record, column, *values, **keyvalues): raise NotImplementedError() def has_table_column(self, table, column): try: self.db_list(table, columns=[column]).execute(check_error=True) return True except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e: msg = ('ovs-vsctl: %s does not contain a column whose name ' 'matches "%s"' % (table, column)) if msg in e.stderr: return False raise e def _set_colval_args(*col_values): args = [] # TODO(twilson) This is ugly, but set/find args are very similar except for # op. Will try to find a better way to default this op to '=' for entry in col_values: if len(entry) == 2: col, op, val = entry[0], '=', entry[1] else: col, op, val = entry if isinstance(val, collections.abc.Mapping): args += ["%s:%s%s%s" % ( col, k, op, _py_to_val(v)) for k, v in val.items()] elif (isinstance(val, collections.abc.Sequence) and not isinstance(val, str)): if len(val) == 0: args.append("%s%s%s" % (col, op, "[]")) else: args.append( "%s%s%s" % (col, op, ",".join(map(_py_to_val, val)))) else: args.append("%s%s%s" % (col, op, _py_to_val(val))) return args