TC Offload capabilities have been present in Linux Kernel 4.13 for hardware offloads. Currently OVS supports offloads (for OVS 2.8 and later) with similar efforts planned for vrouter (OpenContrail and Tungsten Fabric). The existing method in os-vif is to pass the metadata required for plugging via a VIFPortProfileOVSRepresentor port profile object. This is used by the 'ovs' reference plugin and the external 'agilio_ovs' plugin. With 'vrouter' being the third user of such metadata, it would be more elegant to clean up this interface by using a composition pattern rather than an inheritance based pattern. Change-Id: I401ee6370dad68e62bc2d089e786a840d91d0267 Needed-By: I327894839a892a976cf314d4292b22ce247b0afa Signed-off-by: Jan Gutter <jan.gutter@netronome.com> blueprint: generic-os-vif-offloads
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A library for plugging and unplugging virtual interfaces in OpenStack.
- License: Apache License, Version 2.0
- Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/os-vif/latest/
- Source: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/os-vif
- Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/os-vif
- Release Notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/os-vif