Jan Gutter f4329ffe18 Improve OVS Representor VF Lookup
This patch set addresses some of the concerns outlined in:

* Determining the VF number from the netdev's phys_port_name:
  phys_port_name is read and then cast to an int.

  Currently there is no standard method to associate a representor with
  the VF number.
  phys_port_name has emerged as the "default" choice, but merely casting
  it as a single number has shortcomings:

  * A switchdev can potentially have VFs, PFs and physical ports as
  * A switchdev can have multiple PFs.

  In this case, the recommendation is to use a parse tree that accepts
  naming conventions like:

  * 42
  * vf42
  * PF1VF42
  * vf42@PF1

* Test cases have been added for the above scenarios.

* An internal function for PF matching has been added for future use.
  This is important when PF representors are eventually exposed.

Change-Id: I051fcc6fd136b389a6200076bd6fc3b73b626d5e
Closes-Bug: #1704485
Signed-off-by: Jan Gutter <jan.gutter@netronome.com>
2017-07-19 14:40:59 -04:00

395 lines
14 KiB

# Derived from nova/network/linux_net.py
# Copyright (c) 2011 X.commerce, a business unit of eBay Inc.
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Implements vlans, bridges using linux utilities."""
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from vif_plug_ovs import constants
from vif_plug_ovs import exception
from vif_plug_ovs import privsep
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VIRTFN_RE = re.compile("virtfn(\d+)")
# phys_port_name only contains the VF number
INT_RE = re.compile("^(\d+)$")
# phys_port_name contains VF## or vf##
VF_RE = re.compile("vf(\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
# phys_port_name contains PF## or pf##
PF_RE = re.compile("pf(\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
def _ovs_vsctl(args, timeout=None):
full_args = ['ovs-vsctl']
if timeout is not None:
full_args += ['--timeout=%s' % timeout]
full_args += args
return processutils.execute(*full_args)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Unable to execute %(cmd)s. Exception: %(exception)s",
{'cmd': full_args, 'exception': e})
raise exception.AgentError(method=full_args)
def _create_ovs_vif_cmd(bridge, dev, iface_id, mac,
instance_id, interface_type=None,
cmd = ['--', '--if-exists', 'del-port', dev, '--',
'add-port', bridge, dev,
'--', 'set', 'Interface', dev,
'external-ids:iface-id=%s' % iface_id,
'external-ids:attached-mac=%s' % mac,
'external-ids:vm-uuid=%s' % instance_id]
if interface_type:
cmd += ['type=%s' % interface_type]
if vhost_server_path:
cmd += ['options:vhost-server-path=%s' % vhost_server_path]
return cmd
def _create_ovs_bridge_cmd(bridge, datapath_type):
return ['--', '--may-exist', 'add-br', bridge,
'--', 'set', 'Bridge', bridge, 'datapath_type=%s' % datapath_type]
def create_ovs_vif_port(bridge, dev, iface_id, mac, instance_id,
mtu=None, interface_type=None, timeout=None,
_ovs_vsctl(_create_ovs_vif_cmd(bridge, dev, iface_id,
mac, instance_id, interface_type,
vhost_server_path), timeout=timeout)
_update_device_mtu(dev, mtu, interface_type, timeout=timeout)
def update_ovs_vif_port(dev, mtu=None, interface_type=None, timeout=None):
_update_device_mtu(dev, mtu, interface_type, timeout=timeout)
def delete_ovs_vif_port(bridge, dev, timeout=None, delete_netdev=True):
_ovs_vsctl(['--', '--if-exists', 'del-port', bridge, dev],
if delete_netdev:
def device_exists(device):
"""Check if ethernet device exists."""
return os.path.exists('/sys/class/net/%s' % device)
def _delete_net_dev(dev):
"""Delete a network device only if it exists."""
if device_exists(dev):
processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'delete', dev,
check_exit_code=[0, 2, 254])
LOG.debug("Net device removed: '%s'", dev)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.error("Failed removing net device: '%s'", dev)
def create_veth_pair(dev1_name, dev2_name, mtu):
"""Create a pair of veth devices with the specified names,
deleting any previous devices with those names.
for dev in [dev1_name, dev2_name]:
processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'add', dev1_name,
'type', 'veth', 'peer', 'name', dev2_name)
for dev in [dev1_name, dev2_name]:
processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', dev, 'up')
processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', dev, 'promisc', 'on')
_update_device_mtu(dev, mtu)
def update_veth_pair(dev1_name, dev2_name, mtu):
"""Update a pair of veth devices with new configuration."""
for dev in [dev1_name, dev2_name]:
_update_device_mtu(dev, mtu)
def ensure_ovs_bridge(bridge, datapath_type):
_ovs_vsctl(_create_ovs_bridge_cmd(bridge, datapath_type))
def ensure_bridge(bridge):
if not device_exists(bridge):
processutils.execute('brctl', 'addbr', bridge)
processutils.execute('brctl', 'setfd', bridge, 0)
processutils.execute('brctl', 'stp', bridge, 'off')
syspath = '/sys/class/net/%s/bridge/multicast_snooping'
syspath = syspath % bridge
processutils.execute('tee', syspath, process_input='0',
check_exit_code=[0, 1])
disv6 = ('/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/%s/disable_ipv6' %
if os.path.exists(disv6):
check_exit_code=[0, 1])
# we bring up the bridge to allow it to switch packets
set_interface_state(bridge, 'up')
def delete_bridge(bridge, dev):
if device_exists(bridge):
processutils.execute('brctl', 'delif', bridge, dev)
processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', bridge, 'down')
processutils.execute('brctl', 'delbr', bridge)
def add_bridge_port(bridge, dev):
processutils.execute('brctl', 'addif', bridge, dev)
def _update_device_mtu(dev, mtu, interface_type=None, timeout=120):
if not mtu:
if interface_type not in [
if sys.platform != constants.PLATFORM_WIN32:
# Hyper-V with OVS does not support external programming of virtual
# interface MTUs via netsh or other Windows tools.
# When plugging an interface on Windows, we therefore skip
# programming the MTU and fallback to DHCP advertisement.
_set_device_mtu(dev, mtu)
elif _ovs_supports_mtu_requests(timeout=timeout):
_set_mtu_request(dev, mtu, timeout=timeout)
LOG.debug("MTU not set on %(interface_name)s interface "
"of type %(interface_type)s.",
{'interface_name': dev,
'interface_type': interface_type})
def _set_device_mtu(dev, mtu):
"""Set the device MTU."""
processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', dev, 'mtu', mtu,
check_exit_code=[0, 2, 254])
def set_interface_state(interface_name, port_state):
processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', interface_name, port_state,
check_exit_code=[0, 2, 254])
def _set_mtu_request(dev, mtu, timeout=None):
args = ['--', 'set', 'interface', dev,
'mtu_request=%s' % mtu]
_ovs_vsctl(args, timeout=timeout)
def _ovs_supports_mtu_requests(timeout=None):
args = ['--columns=mtu_request', 'list', 'interface']
_, error = _ovs_vsctl(args, timeout=timeout)
if (error == 'ovs-vsctl: Interface does not contain' +
' a column whose name matches "mtu_request"'):
return False
return True
def _parse_vf_number(phys_port_name):
"""Parses phys_port_name and returns VF number or None.
To determine the VF number of a representor, parse phys_port_name
in the following sequence and return the first valid match. If none
match, then the representor is not for a VF.
match = INT_RE.search(phys_port_name)
if match:
return match.group(1)
match = VF_RE.search(phys_port_name)
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
def _parse_pf_number(phys_port_name):
"""Parses phys_port_name and returns PF number or None.
To determine the PF number of a representor, parse phys_port_name in
the following sequence and return the first valid match. If none
match, then the representor is not for a PF.
match = PF_RE.search(phys_port_name)
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
def get_representor_port(pf_ifname, vf_num):
"""Get the representor netdevice which is corresponding to the VF.
This method gets PF interface name and number of VF. It iterates over all
the interfaces under the PF location and looks for interface that has the
VF number in the phys_port_name. That interface is the representor for
the requested VF.
pf_path = "/sys/class/net/%s" % pf_ifname
pf_sw_id_file = os.path.join(pf_path, "phys_switch_id")
pf_sw_id = None
with open(pf_sw_id_file, 'r') as fd:
pf_sw_id = fd.readline().rstrip()
except (OSError, IOError):
raise exception.RepresentorNotFound(ifname=pf_ifname, vf_num=vf_num)
pf_subsystem_file = os.path.join(pf_path, "subsystem")
devices = os.listdir(pf_subsystem_file)
except (OSError, IOError):
raise exception.RepresentorNotFound(ifname=pf_ifname, vf_num=vf_num)
for device in devices:
if device == pf_ifname:
device_path = "/sys/class/net/%s" % device
device_sw_id_file = os.path.join(device_path, "phys_switch_id")
with open(device_sw_id_file, 'r') as fd:
device_sw_id = fd.readline().rstrip()
except (OSError, IOError):
if device_sw_id != pf_sw_id:
device_port_name_file = (
os.path.join(device_path, 'phys_port_name'))
if not os.path.isfile(device_port_name_file):
with open(device_port_name_file, 'r') as fd:
phys_port_name = fd.readline().rstrip()
except (OSError, IOError):
representor_num = _parse_vf_number(phys_port_name)
# Note: representor_num can be 0, referring to VF0
if representor_num is None:
# At this point we're confident we have a representor.
if int(representor_num) == int(vf_num):
return device
except (ValueError):
raise exception.RepresentorNotFound(ifname=pf_ifname, vf_num=vf_num)
def _get_sysfs_netdev_path(pci_addr, pf_interface):
"""Get the sysfs path based on the PCI address of the device.
Assumes a networking device - will not check for the existence of the path.
if pf_interface:
return "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/physfn/net" % (pci_addr)
return "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/net" % (pci_addr)
def _is_switchdev(netdev):
"""Returns True if a netdev has a readable phys_switch_id"""
sw_id_file = "/sys/class/net/%s/phys_switch_id" % netdev
with open(sw_id_file, 'r') as fd:
phys_switch_id = fd.readline().rstrip()
if phys_switch_id != "" and phys_switch_id is not None:
return True
except (OSError, IOError):
return False
return False
def get_ifname_by_pci_address(pci_addr, pf_interface=False, switchdev=False):
"""Get the interface name based on a VF's pci address
:param pci_addr: the PCI address of the VF
:param pf_interface: if True, look for the netdev of the parent PF
:param switchdev: if True, ensure that phys_switch_id is valid
:returns: netdev interface name
The returned interface name is either the parent PF or that of the VF
itself based on the argument of pf_interface.
dev_path = _get_sysfs_netdev_path(pci_addr, pf_interface)
# make the if statement later more readable
ignore_switchdev = not switchdev
for netdev in os.listdir(dev_path):
if ignore_switchdev or _is_switchdev(netdev):
return netdev
except Exception:
raise exception.PciDeviceNotFoundById(id=pci_addr)
raise exception.PciDeviceNotFoundById(id=pci_addr)
def get_vf_num_by_pci_address(pci_addr):
"""Get the VF number based on a VF's pci address
A VF is associated with an VF number, which ip link command uses to
configure it. This number can be obtained from the PCI device filesystem.
virtfns_path = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/physfn/virtfn*" % (pci_addr)
vf_num = None
for vf_path in glob.iglob(virtfns_path):
if re.search(pci_addr, os.readlink(vf_path)):
t = VIRTFN_RE.search(vf_path)
vf_num = t.group(1)
except Exception:
if vf_num is None:
raise exception.PciDeviceNotFoundById(id=pci_addr)
return vf_num