Merge remote-tracking branch 'temp/master'

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Davanum Srinivas 2015-06-15 19:39:24 -04:00
commit 2e59acafd7
9 changed files with 2288 additions and 0 deletions

keystone/common/cache/ vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Copyright 2013 Metacloud
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from keystone.common.cache.core import * # noqa

keystone/common/cache/ vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Thread-safe connection pool for python-memcached."""
# NOTE(yorik-sar): this file is copied between keystone and keystonemiddleware
# and should be kept in sync until we can use external library for this.
import collections
import contextlib
import itertools
import logging
import threading
import time
import memcache
from oslo_log import log
from six.moves import queue, zip
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class _MemcacheClient(memcache.Client):
"""Thread global memcache client
As client is inherited from threading.local we have to restore object
methods overloaded by threading.local so we can reuse clients in
different threads
__delattr__ = object.__delattr__
__getattribute__ = object.__getattribute__
__new__ = object.__new__
__setattr__ = object.__setattr__
def __del__(self):
_PoolItem = collections.namedtuple('_PoolItem', ['ttl', 'connection'])
class ConnectionPool(queue.Queue):
"""Base connection pool class
This class implements the basic connection pool logic as an abstract base
def __init__(self, maxsize, unused_timeout, conn_get_timeout=None):
"""Initialize the connection pool.
:param maxsize: maximum number of client connections for the pool
:type maxsize: int
:param unused_timeout: idle time to live for unused clients (in
seconds). If a client connection object has been
in the pool and idle for longer than the
unused_timeout, it will be reaped. This is to
ensure resources are released as utilization
goes down.
:type unused_timeout: int
:param conn_get_timeout: maximum time in seconds to wait for a
connection. If set to `None` timeout is
:type conn_get_timeout: int
# super() cannot be used here because Queue in stdlib is an
# old-style class
queue.Queue.__init__(self, maxsize)
self._unused_timeout = unused_timeout
self._connection_get_timeout = conn_get_timeout
self._acquired = 0
def _create_connection(self):
"""Returns a connection instance.
This is called when the pool needs another instance created.
:returns: a new connection instance
raise NotImplementedError
def _destroy_connection(self, conn):
"""Destroy and cleanup a connection instance.
This is called when the pool wishes to get rid of an existing
connection. This is the opportunity for a subclass to free up
resources and cleaup after itself.
:param conn: the connection object to destroy
raise NotImplementedError
def _debug_logger(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
thread_id = threading.current_thread().ident
args = (id(self), thread_id) + args
prefix = 'Memcached pool %s, thread %s: '
LOG.debug(prefix + msg, *args, **kwargs)
def acquire(self):
self._debug_logger('Acquiring connection')
conn = self.get(timeout=self._connection_get_timeout)
except queue.Empty:
raise exception.UnexpectedError(
_('Unable to get a connection from pool id %(id)s after '
'%(seconds)s seconds.') %
{'id': id(self), 'seconds': self._connection_get_timeout})
self._debug_logger('Acquired connection %s', id(conn))
yield conn
self._debug_logger('Releasing connection %s', id(conn))
# super() cannot be used here because Queue in stdlib is an
# old-style class
queue.Queue.put(self, conn, block=False)
except queue.Full:
self._debug_logger('Reaping exceeding connection %s', id(conn))
def _qsize(self):
if self.maxsize:
return self.maxsize - self._acquired
# A value indicating there is always a free connection
# if maxsize is None or 0
return 1
# NOTE(dstanek): stdlib and eventlet Queue implementations
# have different names for the qsize method. This ensures
# that we override both of them.
if not hasattr(queue.Queue, '_qsize'):
qsize = _qsize
def _get(self):
if self.queue:
conn = self.queue.pop().connection
conn = self._create_connection()
self._acquired += 1
return conn
def _drop_expired_connections(self):
"""Drop all expired connections from the right end of the queue."""
now = time.time()
while self.queue and self.queue[0].ttl < now:
conn = self.queue.popleft().connection
self._debug_logger('Reaping connection %s', id(conn))
def _put(self, conn):
ttl=time.time() + self._unused_timeout,
self._acquired -= 1
class MemcacheClientPool(ConnectionPool):
def __init__(self, urls, arguments, **kwargs):
# super() cannot be used here because Queue in stdlib is an
# old-style class
ConnectionPool.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.urls = urls
self._arguments = arguments
# NOTE(morganfainberg): The host objects expect an int for the
# deaduntil value. Initialize this at 0 for each host with 0 indicating
# the host is not dead.
self._hosts_deaduntil = [0] * len(urls)
def _create_connection(self):
return _MemcacheClient(self.urls, **self._arguments)
def _destroy_connection(self, conn):
def _get(self):
# super() cannot be used here because Queue in stdlib is an
# old-style class
conn = ConnectionPool._get(self)
# Propagate host state known to us to this client's list
now = time.time()
for deaduntil, host in zip(self._hosts_deaduntil, conn.servers):
if deaduntil > now and host.deaduntil <= now:
host.mark_dead('propagating death mark from the pool')
host.deaduntil = deaduntil
except Exception:
# We need to be sure that connection doesn't leak from the pool.
# This code runs before we enter context manager's try-finally
# block, so we need to explicitly release it here.
# super() cannot be used here because Queue in stdlib is an
# old-style class
ConnectionPool._put(self, conn)
return conn
def _put(self, conn):
# If this client found that one of the hosts is dead, mark it as
# such in our internal list
now = time.time()
for i, host in zip(itertools.count(), conn.servers):
deaduntil = self._hosts_deaduntil[i]
# Do nothing if we already know this host is dead
if deaduntil <= now:
if host.deaduntil > now:
self._hosts_deaduntil[i] = host.deaduntil
'Marked host %s dead until %s',
self.urls[i], host.deaduntil)
self._hosts_deaduntil[i] = 0
# If all hosts are dead we should forget that they're dead. This
# way we won't get completely shut off until dead_retry seconds
# pass, but will be checking servers as frequent as we can (over
# way smaller socket_timeout)
if all(deaduntil > now for deaduntil in self._hosts_deaduntil):
self._debug_logger('All hosts are dead. Marking them as live.')
self._hosts_deaduntil[:] = [0] * len(self._hosts_deaduntil)
# super() cannot be used here because Queue in stdlib is an
# old-style class
ConnectionPool._put(self, conn)

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""dogpile.cache backend that uses Memcached connection pool"""
import functools
import logging
from dogpile.cache.backends import memcached as memcached_backend
from keystone.common.cache import _memcache_pool
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Helper to ease backend refactoring
class ClientProxy(object):
def __init__(self, client_pool):
self.client_pool = client_pool
def _run_method(self, __name, *args, **kwargs):
with self.client_pool.acquire() as client:
return getattr(client, __name)(*args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return functools.partial(self._run_method, name)
class PooledMemcachedBackend(memcached_backend.MemcachedBackend):
# Composed from GenericMemcachedBackend's and MemcacheArgs's __init__
def __init__(self, arguments):
super(PooledMemcachedBackend, self).__init__(arguments)
self.client_pool = _memcache_pool.MemcacheClientPool(
'dead_retry': arguments.get('dead_retry', 5 * 60),
'socket_timeout': arguments.get('socket_timeout', 3),
maxsize=arguments.get('pool_maxsize', 10),
unused_timeout=arguments.get('pool_unused_timeout', 60),
conn_get_timeout=arguments.get('pool_connection_get_timeout', 10),
# Since all methods in backend just call one of methods of client, this
# lets us avoid need to hack it too much
def client(self):
return ClientProxy(self.client_pool)

keystone/common/cache/backends/ vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import datetime
from dogpile.cache import api
from dogpile.cache import util as dp_util
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import importutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import six
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _, _LW
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class MongoCacheBackend(api.CacheBackend):
"""A MongoDB based caching backend implementing dogpile backend APIs.
Arguments accepted in the arguments dictionary:
:param db_hosts: string (required), hostname or IP address of the
MongoDB server instance. This can be a single MongoDB connection URI,
or a list of MongoDB connection URIs.
:param db_name: string (required), the name of the database to be used.
:param cache_collection: string (required), the name of collection to store
cached data.
*Note:* Different collection name can be provided if there is need to
create separate container (i.e. collection) for cache data. So region
configuration is done per collection.
Following are optional parameters for MongoDB backend configuration,
:param username: string, the name of the user to authenticate.
:param password: string, the password of the user to authenticate.
:param max_pool_size: integer, the maximum number of connections that the
pool will open simultaneously. By default the pool size is 10.
:param w: integer, write acknowledgement for MongoDB client
If not provided, then no default is set on MongoDB and then write
acknowledgement behavior occurs as per MongoDB default. This parameter
name is same as what is used in MongoDB docs. This value is specified
at collection level so its applicable to `cache_collection` db write
If this is a replica set, write operations will block until they have
been replicated to the specified number or tagged set of servers.
Setting w=0 disables write acknowledgement and all other write concern
:param read_preference: string, the read preference mode for MongoDB client
Expected value is ``primary``, ``primaryPreferred``, ``secondary``,
``secondaryPreferred``, or ``nearest``. This read_preference is
specified at collection level so its applicable to `cache_collection`
db read operations.
:param use_replica: boolean, flag to indicate if replica client to be
used. Default is `False`. `replicaset_name` value is required if
:param replicaset_name: string, name of replica set.
Becomes required if `use_replica` is `True`
:param son_manipulator: string, name of class with module name which
implements MongoDB SONManipulator.
Default manipulator used is :class:`.BaseTransform`.
This manipulator is added per database. In multiple cache
configurations, the manipulator name should be same if same
database name ``db_name`` is used in those configurations.
SONManipulator is used to manipulate custom data types as they are
saved or retrieved from MongoDB. Custom impl is only needed if cached
data is custom class and needs transformations when saving or reading
from db. If dogpile cached value contains built-in data types, then
BaseTransform class is sufficient as it already handles dogpile
CachedValue class transformation.
:param mongo_ttl_seconds: integer, interval in seconds to indicate maximum
time-to-live value.
If value is greater than 0, then its assumed that cache_collection
needs to be TTL type (has index at 'doc_date' field).
By default, the value is -1 and its disabled.
Reference: <>
.. NOTE::
This parameter is different from Dogpile own
expiration_time, which is the number of seconds after which Dogpile
will consider the value to be expired. When Dogpile considers a
value to be expired, it continues to use the value until generation
of a new value is complete, when using CacheRegion.get_or_create().
Therefore, if you are setting `mongo_ttl_seconds`, you will want to
make sure it is greater than expiration_time by at least enough
seconds for new values to be generated, else the value would not
be available during a regeneration, forcing all threads to wait for
a regeneration each time a value expires.
:param ssl: boolean, If True, create the connection to the server
using SSL. Default is `False`. Client SSL connection parameters depends
on server side SSL setup. For further reference on SSL configuration:
:param ssl_keyfile: string, the private keyfile used to identify the
local connection against mongod. If included with the certfile then
only the `ssl_certfile` is needed. Used only when `ssl` is `True`.
:param ssl_certfile: string, the certificate file used to identify the
local connection against mongod. Used only when `ssl` is `True`.
:param ssl_ca_certs: string, the ca_certs file contains a set of
concatenated 'certification authority' certificates, which are used to
validate certificates passed from the other end of the connection.
Used only when `ssl` is `True`.
:param ssl_cert_reqs: string, the parameter cert_reqs specifies whether
a certificate is required from the other side of the connection, and
whether it will be validated if provided. It must be one of the three
values ``ssl.CERT_NONE`` (certificates ignored), ``ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL``
(not required, but validated if provided), or
``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED`` (required and validated). If the value of this
parameter is not ``ssl.CERT_NONE``, then the ssl_ca_certs parameter
must point to a file of CA certificates. Used only when `ssl`
is `True`.
Rest of arguments are passed to mongo calls for read, write and remove.
So related options can be specified to pass to these operations.
Further details of various supported arguments can be referred from
def __init__(self, arguments):
self.api = MongoApi(arguments)
def client(self):
"""Initializes MongoDB connection and collection defaults.
This initialization is done only once and performed as part of lazy
inclusion of MongoDB dependency i.e. add imports only if related
backend is used.
:return: :class:`.MongoApi` instance
return self.api
def get(self, key):
value = self.client.get(key)
if value is None:
return NO_VALUE
return value
def get_multi(self, keys):
values = self.client.get_multi(keys)
return [
NO_VALUE if key not in values
else values[key] for key in keys
def set(self, key, value):
self.client.set(key, value)
def set_multi(self, mapping):
def delete(self, key):
def delete_multi(self, keys):
class MongoApi(object):
"""Class handling MongoDB specific functionality.
This class uses PyMongo APIs internally to create database connection
with configured pool size, ensures unique index on key, does database
authentication and ensure TTL collection index if configured so.
This class also serves as handle to cache collection for dogpile cache
In a single deployment, multiple cache configuration can be defined. In
that case of multiple cache collections usage, db client connection pool
is shared when cache collections are within same database.
# class level attributes for re-use of db client connection and collection
_DB = {} # dict of db_name: db connection reference
_MONGO_COLLS = {} # dict of cache_collection : db collection reference
def __init__(self, arguments):
self._data_manipulator = None
def _init_args(self, arguments):
"""Helper logic for collecting and parsing MongoDB specific arguments.
The arguments passed in are separated out in connection specific
setting and rest of arguments are passed to create/update/delete
db operations.
self.conn_kwargs = {} # connection specific arguments
self.hosts = arguments.pop('db_hosts', None)
if self.hosts is None:
msg = _('db_hosts value is required')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
self.db_name = arguments.pop('db_name', None)
if self.db_name is None:
msg = _('database db_name is required')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
self.cache_collection = arguments.pop('cache_collection', None)
if self.cache_collection is None:
msg = _('cache_collection name is required')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
self.username = arguments.pop('username', None)
self.password = arguments.pop('password', None)
self.max_pool_size = arguments.pop('max_pool_size', 10)
self.w = arguments.pop('w', -1)
self.w = int(self.w)
except ValueError:
msg = _('integer value expected for w (write concern attribute)')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
self.read_preference = arguments.pop('read_preference', None)
self.use_replica = arguments.pop('use_replica', False)
if self.use_replica:
if arguments.get('replicaset_name') is None:
msg = _('replicaset_name required when use_replica is True')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
self.replicaset_name = arguments.get('replicaset_name')
self.son_manipulator = arguments.pop('son_manipulator', None)
# set if mongo collection needs to be TTL type.
# This needs to be max ttl for any cache entry.
# By default, -1 means don't use TTL collection.
# With ttl set, it creates related index and have doc_date field with
# needed expiration interval
self.ttl_seconds = arguments.pop('mongo_ttl_seconds', -1)
self.ttl_seconds = int(self.ttl_seconds)
except ValueError:
msg = _('integer value expected for mongo_ttl_seconds')
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
self.conn_kwargs['ssl'] = arguments.pop('ssl', False)
if self.conn_kwargs['ssl']:
ssl_keyfile = arguments.pop('ssl_keyfile', None)
ssl_certfile = arguments.pop('ssl_certfile', None)
ssl_ca_certs = arguments.pop('ssl_ca_certs', None)
ssl_cert_reqs = arguments.pop('ssl_cert_reqs', None)
if ssl_keyfile:
self.conn_kwargs['ssl_keyfile'] = ssl_keyfile
if ssl_certfile:
self.conn_kwargs['ssl_certfile'] = ssl_certfile
if ssl_ca_certs:
self.conn_kwargs['ssl_ca_certs'] = ssl_ca_certs
if ssl_cert_reqs:
self.conn_kwargs['ssl_cert_reqs'] = (
# rest of arguments are passed to mongo crud calls
self.meth_kwargs = arguments
def _ssl_cert_req_type(self, req_type):
import ssl
except ImportError:
raise exception.ValidationError(_('no ssl support available'))
req_type = req_type.upper()
return {
except KeyError:
msg = _('Invalid ssl_cert_reqs value of %s, must be one of '
'"NONE", "OPTIONAL", "REQUIRED"') % (req_type)
raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
def _get_db(self):
# defer imports until backend is used
global pymongo
import pymongo
if self.use_replica:
connection = pymongo.MongoReplicaSetClient(
host=self.hosts, replicaSet=self.replicaset_name,
max_pool_size=self.max_pool_size, **self.conn_kwargs)
else: # used for standalone node or mongos in sharded setup
connection = pymongo.MongoClient(
host=self.hosts, max_pool_size=self.max_pool_size,
database = getattr(connection, self.db_name)
if self.username and self.password:
database.authenticate(self.username, self.password)
return database
def _assign_data_mainpulator(self):
if self._data_manipulator is None:
if self.son_manipulator:
self._data_manipulator = importutils.import_object(
self._data_manipulator = BaseTransform()
def _get_doc_date(self):
if self.ttl_seconds > 0:
expire_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.ttl_seconds)
doc_date = timeutils.utcnow() + expire_delta
doc_date = timeutils.utcnow()
return doc_date
def get_cache_collection(self):
if self.cache_collection not in self._MONGO_COLLS:
global pymongo
import pymongo
# re-use db client connection if already defined as part of
# earlier dogpile cache configuration
if self.db_name not in self._DB:
self._DB[self.db_name] = self._get_db()
coll = getattr(self._DB[self.db_name], self.cache_collection)
if self.read_preference:
# pymongo 3.0 renamed mongos_enum to read_pref_mode_from_name
f = getattr(pymongo.read_preferences,
'read_pref_mode_from_name', None)
if not f:
f = pymongo.read_preferences.mongos_enum
self.read_preference = f(self.read_preference)
coll.read_preference = self.read_preference
if self.w > -1:
coll.write_concern['w'] = self.w
if self.ttl_seconds > 0:
kwargs = {'expireAfterSeconds': self.ttl_seconds}
coll.ensure_index('doc_date', cache_for=5, **kwargs)
self._validate_ttl_index(coll, self.cache_collection,
self._MONGO_COLLS[self.cache_collection] = coll
return self._MONGO_COLLS[self.cache_collection]
def _get_cache_entry(self, key, value, meta, doc_date):
"""MongoDB cache data representation.
Storing cache key as ``_id`` field as MongoDB by default creates
unique index on this field. So no need to create separate field and
index for storing cache key. Cache data has additional ``doc_date``
field for MongoDB TTL collection support.
return dict(_id=key, value=value, meta=meta, doc_date=doc_date)
def _validate_ttl_index(self, collection, coll_name, ttl_seconds):
"""Checks if existing TTL index is removed on a collection.
This logs warning when existing collection has TTL index defined and
new cache configuration tries to disable index with
``mongo_ttl_seconds < 0``. In that case, existing index needs
to be addressed first to make new configuration effective.
Refer to MongoDB documentation around TTL index for further details.
indexes = collection.index_information()
for indx_name, index_data in six.iteritems(indexes):
if all(k in index_data for k in ('key', 'expireAfterSeconds')):
existing_value = index_data['expireAfterSeconds']
fld_present = 'doc_date' in index_data['key'][0]
if fld_present and existing_value > -1 and ttl_seconds < 1:
msg = _LW('TTL index already exists on db collection '
'<%(c_name)s>, remove index <%(indx_name)s> '
'first to make updated mongo_ttl_seconds value '
'to be effective')
LOG.warn(msg, {'c_name': coll_name,
'indx_name': indx_name})
def get(self, key):
critieria = {'_id': key}
result = self.get_cache_collection().find_one(spec_or_id=critieria,
if result:
return result['value']
return None
def get_multi(self, keys):
db_results = self._get_results_as_dict(keys)
return {doc['_id']: doc['value'] for doc in six.itervalues(db_results)}
def _get_results_as_dict(self, keys):
critieria = {'_id': {'$in': keys}}
db_results = self.get_cache_collection().find(spec=critieria,
return {doc['_id']: doc for doc in db_results}
def set(self, key, value):
doc_date = self._get_doc_date()
ref = self._get_cache_entry(key, value.payload, value.metadata,
spec = {'_id': key}
# find and modify does not have manipulator support
# so need to do conversion as part of input document
ref = self._data_manipulator.transform_incoming(ref, self)
self.get_cache_collection().find_and_modify(spec, ref, upsert=True,
def set_multi(self, mapping):
"""Insert multiple documents specified as key, value pairs.
In this case, multiple documents can be added via insert provided they
do not exist.
Update of multiple existing documents is done one by one
doc_date = self._get_doc_date()
insert_refs = []
update_refs = []
existing_docs = self._get_results_as_dict(list(mapping.keys()))
for key, value in mapping.items():
ref = self._get_cache_entry(key, value.payload, value.metadata,
if key in existing_docs:
ref['_id'] = existing_docs[key]['_id']
if insert_refs:
self.get_cache_collection().insert(insert_refs, manipulate=True,
for upd_doc in update_refs:
self.get_cache_collection().save(upd_doc, manipulate=True,
def delete(self, key):
critieria = {'_id': key}
def delete_multi(self, keys):
critieria = {'_id': {'$in': keys}}
class AbstractManipulator(object):
"""Abstract class with methods which need to be implemented for custom
Adding this as a base class for :class:`.BaseTransform` instead of adding
import dependency of pymongo specific class i.e.
`pymongo.son_manipulator.SONManipulator` and using that as base class.
This is done to avoid pymongo dependency if MongoDB backend is not used.
def transform_incoming(self, son, collection):
"""Used while saving data to MongoDB.
:param son: the SON object to be inserted into the database
:param collection: the collection the object is being inserted into
:returns: transformed SON object
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection):
"""Used while reading data from MongoDB.
:param son: the SON object being retrieved from the database
:param collection: the collection this object was stored in
:returns: transformed SON object
raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
def will_copy(self):
"""Will this SON manipulator make a copy of the incoming document?
Derived classes that do need to make a copy should override this
method, returning `True` instead of `False`.
:returns: boolean
return False
class BaseTransform(AbstractManipulator):
"""Base transformation class to store and read dogpile cached data
from MongoDB.
This is needed as dogpile internally stores data as a custom class
i.e. dogpile.cache.api.CachedValue
Note: Custom manipulator needs to always override ``transform_incoming``
and ``transform_outgoing`` methods. MongoDB manipulator logic specifically
checks that overridden method in instance and its super are different.
def transform_incoming(self, son, collection):
"""Used while saving data to MongoDB."""
for (key, value) in list(son.items()):
if isinstance(value, api.CachedValue):
son[key] = value.payload # key is 'value' field here
son['meta'] = value.metadata
elif isinstance(value, dict): # Make sure we recurse into sub-docs
son[key] = self.transform_incoming(value, collection)
return son
def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection):
"""Used while reading data from MongoDB."""
metadata = None
# make sure its top level dictionary with all expected fields names
# present
if isinstance(son, dict) and all(k in son for k in
('_id', 'value', 'meta', 'doc_date')):
payload = son.pop('value', None)
metadata = son.pop('meta', None)
for (key, value) in list(son.items()):
if isinstance(value, dict):
son[key] = self.transform_outgoing(value, collection)
if metadata is not None:
son['value'] = api.CachedValue(payload, metadata)
return son

keystone/common/cache/backends/ vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Copyright 2013 Metacloud
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from dogpile.cache import api
class NoopCacheBackend(api.CacheBackend):
"""A no op backend as a default caching backend.
The no op backend is provided as the default caching backend for keystone
to ensure that ``dogpile.cache.memory`` is not used in any real-world
circumstances unintentionally. ``dogpile.cache.memory`` does not have a
mechanism to cleanup it's internal dict and therefore could cause run-away
memory utilization.
def __init__(self, *args):
def get(self, key):
return NO_VALUE
def get_multi(self, keys):
return [NO_VALUE for x in keys]
def set(self, key, value):
def set_multi(self, mapping):
def delete(self, key):
def delete_multi(self, keys):

keystone/common/cache/ vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
# Copyright 2013 Metacloud
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Keystone Caching Layer Implementation."""
import dogpile.cache
from dogpile.cache import proxy
from dogpile.cache import util
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import importutils
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _, _LE
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
make_region = dogpile.cache.make_region
class DebugProxy(proxy.ProxyBackend):
"""Extra Logging ProxyBackend."""
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Pass all key/values through repr to ensure we have
# a clean description of the information. Without use of repr, it might
# be possible to run into encode/decode error(s). For logging/debugging
# purposes encode/decode is irrelevant and we should be looking at the
# data exactly as it stands.
def get(self, key):
value = self.proxied.get(key)
LOG.debug('CACHE_GET: Key: "%(key)r" Value: "%(value)r"',
{'key': key, 'value': value})
return value
def get_multi(self, keys):
values = self.proxied.get_multi(keys)
LOG.debug('CACHE_GET_MULTI: "%(keys)r" Values: "%(values)r"',
{'keys': keys, 'values': values})
return values
def set(self, key, value):
LOG.debug('CACHE_SET: Key: "%(key)r" Value: "%(value)r"',
{'key': key, 'value': value})
return self.proxied.set(key, value)
def set_multi(self, keys):
LOG.debug('CACHE_SET_MULTI: "%r"', keys)
def delete(self, key):
LOG.debug('CACHE_DELETE: "%r"', key)
def delete_multi(self, keys):
LOG.debug('CACHE_DELETE_MULTI: "%r"', keys)
def build_cache_config():
"""Build the cache region dictionary configuration.
:returns: dict
prefix = CONF.cache.config_prefix
conf_dict = {}
conf_dict['%s.backend' % prefix] = CONF.cache.backend
conf_dict['%s.expiration_time' % prefix] = CONF.cache.expiration_time
for argument in CONF.cache.backend_argument:
(argname, argvalue) = argument.split(':', 1)
except ValueError:
msg = _LE('Unable to build cache config-key. Expected format '
'"<argname>:<value>". Skipping unknown format: %s')
LOG.error(msg, argument)
arg_key = '.'.join([prefix, 'arguments', argname])
conf_dict[arg_key] = argvalue
LOG.debug('Keystone Cache Config: %s', conf_dict)
# NOTE(yorik-sar): these arguments will be used for memcache-related
# backends. Use setdefault for url to support old-style setting through
# backend_argument=url:
conf_dict.setdefault('%s.arguments.url' % prefix,
for arg in ('dead_retry', 'socket_timeout', 'pool_maxsize',
'pool_unused_timeout', 'pool_connection_get_timeout'):
value = getattr(CONF.cache, 'memcache_' + arg)
conf_dict['%s.arguments.%s' % (prefix, arg)] = value
return conf_dict
def configure_cache_region(region):
"""Configure a cache region.
:param region: optional CacheRegion object, if not provided a new region
will be instantiated
:raises: exception.ValidationError
:returns: dogpile.cache.CacheRegion
if not isinstance(region, dogpile.cache.CacheRegion):
raise exception.ValidationError(
_('region not type dogpile.cache.CacheRegion'))
if not region.is_configured:
# NOTE(morganfainberg): this is how you tell if a region is configured.
# There is a request logged with dogpile.cache upstream to make this
# easier / less ugly.
config_dict = build_cache_config()
'%s.' % CONF.cache.config_prefix)
if CONF.cache.debug_cache_backend:
# NOTE(morganfainberg): if the backend requests the use of a
# key_mangler, we should respect that key_mangler function. If a
# key_mangler is not defined by the backend, use the sha1_mangle_key
# mangler provided by dogpile.cache. This ensures we always use a fixed
# size cache-key.
if region.key_mangler is None:
region.key_mangler = util.sha1_mangle_key
for class_path in CONF.cache.proxies:
# NOTE(morganfainberg): if we have any proxy wrappers, we should
# ensure they are added to the cache region's backend. Since
# configure_from_config doesn't handle the wrap argument, we need
# to manually add the Proxies. For information on how the
# ProxyBackends work, see the dogpile.cache documents on
# "changing-backend-behavior"
cls = importutils.import_class(class_path)
LOG.debug("Adding cache-proxy '%s' to backend.", class_path)
return region
def get_should_cache_fn(section):
"""Build a function that returns a config section's caching status.
For any given driver in keystone that has caching capabilities, a boolean
config option for that driver's section (e.g. ``token``) should exist and
default to ``True``. This function will use that value to tell the caching
decorator if caching for that driver is enabled. To properly use this
with the decorator, pass this function the configuration section and assign
the result to a variable. Pass the new variable to the caching decorator
as the named argument ``should_cache_fn``. e.g.::
from keystone.common import cache
SHOULD_CACHE = cache.get_should_cache_fn('token')
def function(arg1, arg2):
:param section: name of the configuration section to examine
:type section: string
:returns: function reference
def should_cache(value):
if not CONF.cache.enabled:
return False
conf_group = getattr(CONF, section)
return getattr(conf_group, 'caching', True)
return should_cache
def get_expiration_time_fn(section):
"""Build a function that returns a config section's expiration time status.
For any given driver in keystone that has caching capabilities, an int
config option called ``cache_time`` for that driver's section
(e.g. ``token``) should exist and typically default to ``None``. This
function will use that value to tell the caching decorator of the TTL
override for caching the resulting objects. If the value of the config
option is ``None`` the default value provided in the
``[cache] expiration_time`` option will be used by the decorator. The
default may be set to something other than ``None`` in cases where the
caching TTL should not be tied to the global default(s) (e.g.
revocation_list changes very infrequently and can be cached for >1h by
To properly use this with the decorator, pass this function the
configuration section and assign the result to a variable. Pass the new
variable to the caching decorator as the named argument
``expiration_time``. e.g.::
from keystone.common import cache
EXPIRATION_TIME = cache.get_expiration_time_fn('token')
def function(arg1, arg2):
:param section: name of the configuration section to examine
:type section: string
:rtype: function reference
def get_expiration_time():
conf_group = getattr(CONF, section)
return getattr(conf_group, 'cache_time', None)
return get_expiration_time
def key_generate_to_str(s):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): Since we need to stringify all arguments, attempt
# to stringify and handle the Unicode error explicitly as needed.
return str(s)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return s.encode('utf-8')
def function_key_generator(namespace, fn, to_str=key_generate_to_str):
# NOTE(morganfainberg): This wraps dogpile.cache's default
# function_key_generator to change the default to_str mechanism.
return util.function_key_generator(namespace, fn, to_str=to_str)
REGION = dogpile.cache.make_region(
on_arguments = REGION.cache_on_arguments
def get_memoization_decorator(section, expiration_section=None):
"""Build a function based on the `on_arguments` decorator for the section.
For any given driver in Keystone that has caching capabilities, a
pair of functions is required to properly determine the status of the
caching capabilities (a toggle to indicate caching is enabled and any
override of the default TTL for cached data). This function will return
an object that has the memoization decorator ``on_arguments``
pre-configured for the driver.
Example usage::
from keystone.common import cache
MEMOIZE = cache.get_memoization_decorator(section='token')
def function(arg1, arg2):
ALTERNATE_MEMOIZE = cache.get_memoization_decorator(
section='token', expiration_section='revoke')
def function2(arg1, arg2):
:param section: name of the configuration section to examine
:type section: string
:param expiration_section: name of the configuration section to examine
for the expiration option. This will fall back
to using ``section`` if the value is unspecified
or ``None``
:type expiration_section: string
:rtype: function reference
if expiration_section is None:
expiration_section = section
should_cache = get_should_cache_fn(section)
expiration_time = get_expiration_time_fn(expiration_section)
memoize = REGION.cache_on_arguments(should_cache_fn=should_cache,
# Make sure the actual "should_cache" and "expiration_time" methods are
# available. This is potentially interesting/useful to pre-seed cache
# values.
memoize.should_cache = should_cache
memoize.get_expiration_time = expiration_time
return memoize

View File

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
# Copyright 2013 Metacloud
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import time
import uuid
from dogpile.cache import api
from dogpile.cache import proxy
import mock
from oslo_config import cfg
from keystone.common import cache
from keystone import exception
from keystone.tests import unit as tests
def _copy_value(value):
if value is not NO_VALUE:
value = copy.deepcopy(value)
return value
# NOTE(morganfainberg): WARNING - It is not recommended to use the Memory
# backend for dogpile.cache in a real deployment under any circumstances. The
# backend does no cleanup of expired values and therefore will leak memory. The
# backend is not implemented in a way to share data across processes (e.g.
# Keystone in HTTPD. This proxy is a hack to get around the lack of isolation
# of values in memory. Currently it blindly stores and retrieves the values
# from the cache, and modifications to dicts/lists/etc returned can result in
# changes to the cached values. In short, do not use the dogpile.cache.memory
# backend unless you are running tests or expecting odd/strange results.
class CacheIsolatingProxy(proxy.ProxyBackend):
"""Proxy that forces a memory copy of stored values.
The default in-memory cache-region does not perform a copy on values it
is meant to cache. Therefore if the value is modified after set or after
get, the cached value also is modified. This proxy does a copy as the last
thing before storing data.
def get(self, key):
return _copy_value(self.proxied.get(key))
def set(self, key, value):
self.proxied.set(key, _copy_value(value))
class TestProxy(proxy.ProxyBackend):
def get(self, key):
value = _copy_value(self.proxied.get(key))
if value is not NO_VALUE:
if isinstance(value[0], TestProxyValue):
value[0].cached = True
return value
class TestProxyValue(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.cached = False
class CacheRegionTest(tests.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(CacheRegionTest, self).setUp()
self.region = cache.make_region()
self.test_value = TestProxyValue('Decorator Test')
def _add_test_caching_option(self):
cfg.BoolOpt('caching', default=True), group='cache')
def _get_cacheable_function(self):
with mock.patch.object(cache.REGION, 'cache_on_arguments',
memoize = cache.get_memoization_decorator(section='cache')
def cacheable_function(value):
return value
return cacheable_function
def test_region_built_with_proxy_direct_cache_test(self):
# Verify cache regions are properly built with proxies.
test_value = TestProxyValue('Direct Cache Test')
self.region.set('cache_test', test_value)
cached_value = self.region.get('cache_test')
def test_cache_region_no_error_multiple_config(self):
# Verify configuring the CacheRegion again doesn't error.
def _get_cache_fallthrough_fn(self, cache_time):
with mock.patch.object(cache.REGION, 'cache_on_arguments',
memoize = cache.get_memoization_decorator(
class _test_obj(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.test_value = value
def get_test_value(self):
return self.test_value
def _do_test(value):
test_obj = _test_obj(value)
# Ensure the value has been cached
# Get the now cached value
cached_value = test_obj.get_test_value()
self.assertEqual(value.value, cached_value.value)
self.assertEqual(cached_value.value, test_obj.test_value.value)
# Change the underlying value on the test object.
test_obj.test_value = TestProxyValue(uuid.uuid4().hex)
# override the system time to ensure the non-cached new value
# is returned
new_time = time.time() + (cache_time * 2)
with mock.patch.object(time, 'time',
overriden_cache_value = test_obj.get_test_value()
return _do_test
def test_cache_no_fallthrough_expiration_time_fn(self):
# Since we do not re-configure the cache region, for ease of testing
# this value is set the same as the expiration_time default in the
# [cache] section
cache_time = 600
expiration_time = cache.get_expiration_time_fn('role')
do_test = self._get_cache_fallthrough_fn(cache_time)
# Run the test with the assignment cache_time value
test_value = TestProxyValue(uuid.uuid4().hex)
self.assertEqual(cache_time, expiration_time())
def test_cache_fallthrough_expiration_time_fn(self):
# Since we do not re-configure the cache region, for ease of testing
# this value is set the same as the expiration_time default in the
# [cache] section
cache_time = 599
expiration_time = cache.get_expiration_time_fn('role')
do_test = self._get_cache_fallthrough_fn(cache_time)
# Run the test with the assignment cache_time value set to None and
# the global value set.
self.config_fixture.config(cache_time=None, group='role')
test_value = TestProxyValue(uuid.uuid4().hex)
def test_should_cache_fn_global_cache_enabled(self):
# Verify should_cache_fn generates a sane function for subsystem and
# functions as expected with caching globally enabled.
cacheable_function = self._get_cacheable_function()
self.config_fixture.config(group='cache', enabled=True)
cached_value = cacheable_function(self.test_value)
def test_should_cache_fn_global_cache_disabled(self):
# Verify should_cache_fn generates a sane function for subsystem and
# functions as expected with caching globally disabled.
cacheable_function = self._get_cacheable_function()
self.config_fixture.config(group='cache', enabled=False)
cached_value = cacheable_function(self.test_value)
def test_should_cache_fn_global_cache_disabled_section_cache_enabled(self):
# Verify should_cache_fn generates a sane function for subsystem and
# functions as expected with caching globally disabled and the specific
# section caching enabled.
cacheable_function = self._get_cacheable_function()
self.config_fixture.config(group='cache', enabled=False)
self.config_fixture.config(group='cache', caching=True)
cached_value = cacheable_function(self.test_value)
def test_should_cache_fn_global_cache_enabled_section_cache_disabled(self):
# Verify should_cache_fn generates a sane function for subsystem and
# functions as expected with caching globally enabled and the specific
# section caching disabled.
cacheable_function = self._get_cacheable_function()
self.config_fixture.config(group='cache', enabled=True)
self.config_fixture.config(group='cache', caching=False)
cached_value = cacheable_function(self.test_value)
def test_should_cache_fn_global_cache_enabled_section_cache_enabled(self):
# Verify should_cache_fn generates a sane function for subsystem and
# functions as expected with caching globally enabled and the specific
# section caching enabled.
cacheable_function = self._get_cacheable_function()
self.config_fixture.config(group='cache', enabled=True)
self.config_fixture.config(group='cache', caching=True)
cached_value = cacheable_function(self.test_value)
def test_cache_dictionary_config_builder(self):
"""Validate we build a sane dogpile.cache dictionary config."""
config_dict = cache.build_cache_config()
CONF.cache.backend, config_dict['test_prefix.backend'])
self.assertEqual('test', config_dict['test_prefix.arguments.arg1'])
self.assertNotIn('test_prefix.arguments.arg3', config_dict)
def test_cache_debug_proxy(self):
single_value = 'Test Value'
single_key = 'testkey'
multi_values = {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2, 'key3': 3}
self.region.set(single_key, single_value)
self.assertEqual(single_value, self.region.get(single_key))
self.assertEqual(NO_VALUE, self.region.get(single_key))
cached_values = self.region.get_multi(multi_values.keys())
for value in multi_values.values():
self.assertIn(value, cached_values)
self.assertEqual(len(multi_values.values()), len(cached_values))
for value in self.region.get_multi(multi_values.keys()):
self.assertEqual(NO_VALUE, value)
def test_configure_non_region_object_raises_error(self):
class CacheNoopBackendTest(tests.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(CacheNoopBackendTest, self).setUp()
self.region = cache.make_region()
def config_overrides(self):
super(CacheNoopBackendTest, self).config_overrides()
def test_noop_backend(self):
single_value = 'Test Value'
single_key = 'testkey'
multi_values = {'key1': 1, 'key2': 2, 'key3': 3}
self.region.set(single_key, single_value)
self.assertEqual(NO_VALUE, self.region.get(single_key))
cached_values = self.region.get_multi(multi_values.keys())
self.assertEqual(len(cached_values), len(multi_values.values()))
for value in cached_values:
self.assertEqual(NO_VALUE, value)
# Delete should not raise exceptions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import copy
import functools
import uuid
from dogpile.cache import api
from dogpile.cache import region as dp_region
import six
from six.moves import range
from keystone.common.cache.backends import mongo
from keystone import exception
from keystone.tests import unit as tests
# Mock database structure sample where 'ks_cache' is database and
# 'cache' is collection. Dogpile CachedValue data is divided in two
# fields `value` (CachedValue.payload) and `meta` (CachedValue.metadata)
ks_cache = {
"cache": [
"value": {
"serviceType": "identity",
"allVersionsUrl": "https://dummyUrl",
"dateLastModified": "ISODDate(2014-02-08T18:39:13.237Z)",
"serviceName": "Identity",
"enabled": "True"
"meta": {
"v": 1,
"ct": 1392371422.015121
"doc_date": "ISODate('2014-02-14T09:50:22.015Z')",
"_id": "8251dc95f63842719c077072f1047ddf"
"value": "dummyValueX",
"meta": {
"v": 1,
"ct": 1392371422.014058
"doc_date": "ISODate('2014-02-14T09:50:22.014Z')",
"_id": "66730b9534d146f0804d23729ad35436"
class MockCursor(object):
def __init__(self, collection, dataset_factory):
super(MockCursor, self).__init__()
self.collection = collection
self._factory = dataset_factory
self._dataset = self._factory()
self._limit = None
self._skip = None
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._skip:
for _ in range(self._skip):
self._skip = None
if self._limit is not None and self._limit <= 0:
raise StopIteration()
if self._limit is not None:
self._limit -= 1
return next(self._dataset)
next = __next__
def __getitem__(self, index):
arr = [x for x in self._dataset]
self._dataset = iter(arr)
return arr[index]
class MockCollection(object):
def __init__(self, db, name):
super(MockCollection, self).__init__() = name
self._collection_database = db
self._documents = {}
self.write_concern = {}
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'database':
return self._collection_database
def ensure_index(self, key_or_list, *args, **kwargs):
def index_information(self):
return {}
def find_one(self, spec_or_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
if spec_or_id is None:
spec_or_id = {}
if not isinstance(spec_or_id, collections.Mapping):
spec_or_id = {'_id': spec_or_id}
return next(self.find(spec_or_id, *args, **kwargs))
except StopIteration:
return None
def find(self, spec=None, *args, **kwargs):
return MockCursor(self, functools.partial(self._get_dataset, spec))
def _get_dataset(self, spec):
dataset = (self._copy_doc(document, dict) for document in
return dataset
def _iter_documents(self, spec=None):
return (SON_MANIPULATOR.transform_outgoing(document, self) for
document in six.itervalues(self._documents)
if self._apply_filter(document, spec))
def _apply_filter(self, document, query):
for key, search in six.iteritems(query):
doc_val = document.get(key)
if isinstance(search, dict):
op_dict = {'$in': lambda dv, sv: dv in sv}
is_match = all(
op_str in op_dict and op_dict[op_str](doc_val, search_val)
for op_str, search_val in six.iteritems(search)
is_match = doc_val == search
return is_match
def _copy_doc(self, obj, container):
if isinstance(obj, list):
new = []
for item in obj:
new.append(self._copy_doc(item, container))
return new
if isinstance(obj, dict):
new = container()
for key, value in list(obj.items()):
new[key] = self._copy_doc(value, container)
return new
return copy.copy(obj)
def insert(self, data, manipulate=True, **kwargs):
if isinstance(data, list):
return [self._insert(element) for element in data]
return self._insert(data)
def save(self, data, manipulate=True, **kwargs):
return self._insert(data)
def _insert(self, data):
if '_id' not in data:
data['_id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
object_id = data['_id']
self._documents[object_id] = self._internalize_dict(data)
return object_id
def find_and_modify(self, spec, document, upsert=False, **kwargs):
self.update(spec, document, upsert, **kwargs)
def update(self, spec, document, upsert=False, **kwargs):
existing_docs = [doc for doc in six.itervalues(self._documents)
if self._apply_filter(doc, spec)]
if existing_docs:
existing_doc = existing_docs[0] # should find only 1 match
_id = existing_doc['_id']
existing_doc['_id'] = _id
elif upsert:
existing_doc = self._documents[self._insert(document)]
def _internalize_dict(self, d):
return {k: copy.deepcopy(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(d)}
def remove(self, spec_or_id=None, search_filter=None):
"""Remove objects matching spec_or_id from the collection."""
if spec_or_id is None:
spec_or_id = search_filter if search_filter else {}
if not isinstance(spec_or_id, dict):
spec_or_id = {'_id': spec_or_id}
to_delete = list(self.find(spec=spec_or_id))
for doc in to_delete:
doc_id = doc['_id']
del self._documents[doc_id]
return {
"connectionId": uuid.uuid4().hex,
"n": len(to_delete),
"ok": 1.0,
"err": None,
class MockMongoDB(object):
def __init__(self, dbname):
self._dbname = dbname
self.mainpulator = None
def authenticate(self, username, password):
def add_son_manipulator(self, manipulator):
SON_MANIPULATOR = manipulator
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'authenticate':
return self.authenticate
elif name == 'name':
return self._dbname
elif name == 'add_son_manipulator':
return self.add_son_manipulator
return get_collection(self._dbname, name)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return get_collection(self._dbname, name)
class MockMongoClient(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __getattr__(self, dbname):
return MockMongoDB(dbname)
def get_collection(db_name, collection_name):
mongo_collection = MockCollection(MockMongoDB(db_name), collection_name)
return mongo_collection
def pymongo_override():
global pymongo
import pymongo
if pymongo.MongoClient is not MockMongoClient:
pymongo.MongoClient = MockMongoClient
if pymongo.MongoReplicaSetClient is not MockMongoClient:
pymongo.MongoClient = MockMongoClient
class MyTransformer(mongo.BaseTransform):
"""Added here just to check manipulator logic is used correctly."""
def transform_incoming(self, son, collection):
return super(MyTransformer, self).transform_incoming(son, collection)
def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection):
return super(MyTransformer, self).transform_outgoing(son, collection)
class MongoCache(tests.BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(MongoCache, self).setUp()
mongo.MongoApi._DB = {}
mongo.MongoApi._MONGO_COLLS = {}
# using typical configuration
self.arguments = {
'db_hosts': 'localhost:27017',
'db_name': 'ks_cache',
'cache_collection': 'cache',
'username': 'test_user',
'password': 'test_password'
def test_missing_db_hosts(self):
region = dp_region.make_region()
self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError, region.configure,
def test_missing_db_name(self):
region = dp_region.make_region()
self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError, region.configure,
def test_missing_cache_collection_name(self):
region = dp_region.make_region()
self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError, region.configure,
def test_incorrect_write_concern(self):
self.arguments['w'] = 'one value'
region = dp_region.make_region()
self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError, region.configure,
def test_correct_write_concern(self):
self.arguments['w'] = 1
region = dp_region.make_region().configure('keystone.cache.mongo',
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue10")
# There is no proxy so can access MongoCacheBackend directly
self.assertEqual(1, region.backend.api.w)
def test_incorrect_read_preference(self):
self.arguments['read_preference'] = 'inValidValue'
region = dp_region.make_region().configure('keystone.cache.mongo',
# As per delayed loading of pymongo, read_preference value should
# still be string and NOT enum
self.assertEqual('inValidValue', region.backend.api.read_preference)
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
self.assertRaises(ValueError, region.set,
random_key, "dummyValue10")
def test_correct_read_preference(self):
self.arguments['read_preference'] = 'secondaryPreferred'
region = dp_region.make_region().configure('keystone.cache.mongo',
# As per delayed loading of pymongo, read_preference value should
# still be string and NOT enum
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue10")
# Now as pymongo is loaded so expected read_preference value is enum.
# There is no proxy so can access MongoCacheBackend directly
self.assertEqual(3, region.backend.api.read_preference)
def test_missing_replica_set_name(self):
self.arguments['use_replica'] = True
region = dp_region.make_region()
self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError, region.configure,
def test_provided_replica_set_name(self):
self.arguments['use_replica'] = True
self.arguments['replicaset_name'] = 'my_replica'
self.assertTrue(True) # reached here means no initialization error
def test_incorrect_mongo_ttl_seconds(self):
self.arguments['mongo_ttl_seconds'] = 'sixty'
region = dp_region.make_region()
self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError, region.configure,
def test_cache_configuration_values_assertion(self):
self.arguments['use_replica'] = True
self.arguments['replicaset_name'] = 'my_replica'
self.arguments['mongo_ttl_seconds'] = 60
self.arguments['ssl'] = False
region = dp_region.make_region().configure('keystone.cache.mongo',
# There is no proxy so can access MongoCacheBackend directly
self.assertEqual('localhost:27017', region.backend.api.hosts)
self.assertEqual('ks_cache', region.backend.api.db_name)
self.assertEqual('cache', region.backend.api.cache_collection)
self.assertEqual('test_user', region.backend.api.username)
self.assertEqual('test_password', region.backend.api.password)
self.assertEqual(True, region.backend.api.use_replica)
self.assertEqual('my_replica', region.backend.api.replicaset_name)
self.assertEqual(False, region.backend.api.conn_kwargs['ssl'])
self.assertEqual(60, region.backend.api.ttl_seconds)
def test_multiple_region_cache_configuration(self):
arguments1 = copy.copy(self.arguments)
arguments1['cache_collection'] = 'cache_region1'
region1 = dp_region.make_region().configure('keystone.cache.mongo',
# There is no proxy so can access MongoCacheBackend directly
self.assertEqual('localhost:27017', region1.backend.api.hosts)
self.assertEqual('ks_cache', region1.backend.api.db_name)
self.assertEqual('cache_region1', region1.backend.api.cache_collection)
self.assertEqual('test_user', region1.backend.api.username)
self.assertEqual('test_password', region1.backend.api.password)
# Should be None because of delayed initialization
random_key1 = uuid.uuid4().hex
region1.set(random_key1, "dummyValue10")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue10", region1.get(random_key1))
# Now should have initialized
class_name = '%s.%s' % (MyTransformer.__module__, "MyTransformer")
arguments2 = copy.copy(self.arguments)
arguments2['cache_collection'] = 'cache_region2'
arguments2['son_manipulator'] = class_name
region2 = dp_region.make_region().configure('keystone.cache.mongo',
# There is no proxy so can access MongoCacheBackend directly
self.assertEqual('localhost:27017', region2.backend.api.hosts)
self.assertEqual('ks_cache', region2.backend.api.db_name)
self.assertEqual('cache_region2', region2.backend.api.cache_collection)
# Should be None because of delayed initialization
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region2.set(random_key, "dummyValue20")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue20", region2.get(random_key))
# Now should have initialized
region1.set(random_key1, "dummyValue22")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue22", region1.get(random_key1))
def test_typical_configuration(self):
self.assertTrue(True) # reached here means no initialization error
def test_backend_get_missing_data(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
# should return NO_VALUE as key does not exist in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key))
def test_backend_set_data(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue", region.get(random_key))
def test_backend_set_data_with_string_as_valid_ttl(self):
self.arguments['mongo_ttl_seconds'] = '3600'
region = dp_region.make_region().configure('keystone.cache.mongo',
self.assertEqual(3600, region.backend.api.ttl_seconds)
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue", region.get(random_key))
def test_backend_set_data_with_int_as_valid_ttl(self):
self.arguments['mongo_ttl_seconds'] = 1800
region = dp_region.make_region().configure('keystone.cache.mongo',
self.assertEqual(1800, region.backend.api.ttl_seconds)
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue", region.get(random_key))
def test_backend_set_none_as_data(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, None)
def test_backend_set_blank_as_data(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "")
self.assertEqual("", region.get(random_key))
def test_backend_set_same_key_multiple_times(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue", region.get(random_key))
dict_value = {'key1': 'value1'}
region.set(random_key, dict_value)
self.assertEqual(dict_value, region.get(random_key))
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue2")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue2", region.get(random_key))
def test_backend_multi_set_data(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key1 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key2 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key3 = uuid.uuid4().hex
mapping = {random_key1: 'dummyValue1',
random_key2: 'dummyValue2',
random_key3: 'dummyValue3'}
# should return NO_VALUE as key does not exist in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue1", region.get(random_key1))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue2", region.get(random_key2))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue3", region.get(random_key3))
def test_backend_multi_get_data(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key1 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key2 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key3 = uuid.uuid4().hex
mapping = {random_key1: 'dummyValue1',
random_key2: '',
random_key3: 'dummyValue3'}
keys = [random_key, random_key1, random_key2, random_key3]
results = region.get_multi(keys)
# should return NO_VALUE as key does not exist in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, results[0])
self.assertEqual("dummyValue1", results[1])
self.assertEqual("", results[2])
self.assertEqual("dummyValue3", results[3])
def test_backend_multi_set_should_update_existing(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key1 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key2 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key3 = uuid.uuid4().hex
mapping = {random_key1: 'dummyValue1',
random_key2: 'dummyValue2',
random_key3: 'dummyValue3'}
# should return NO_VALUE as key does not exist in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue1", region.get(random_key1))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue2", region.get(random_key2))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue3", region.get(random_key3))
mapping = {random_key1: 'dummyValue4',
random_key2: 'dummyValue5'}
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue4", region.get(random_key1))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue5", region.get(random_key2))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue3", region.get(random_key3))
def test_backend_multi_set_get_with_blanks_none(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key1 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key2 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key3 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key4 = uuid.uuid4().hex
mapping = {random_key1: 'dummyValue1',
random_key2: None,
random_key3: '',
random_key4: 'dummyValue4'}
# should return NO_VALUE as key does not exist in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue1", region.get(random_key1))
self.assertEqual("", region.get(random_key3))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue4", region.get(random_key4))
keys = [random_key, random_key1, random_key2, random_key3, random_key4]
results = region.get_multi(keys)
# should return NO_VALUE as key does not exist in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, results[0])
self.assertEqual("dummyValue1", results[1])
self.assertEqual("", results[3])
self.assertEqual("dummyValue4", results[4])
mapping = {random_key1: 'dummyValue5',
random_key2: 'dummyValue6'}
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue5", region.get(random_key1))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue6", region.get(random_key2))
self.assertEqual("", region.get(random_key3))
def test_backend_delete_data(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue", region.get(random_key))
# should return NO_VALUE as key no longer exists in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key))
def test_backend_multi_delete_data(self):
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key1 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key2 = uuid.uuid4().hex
random_key3 = uuid.uuid4().hex
mapping = {random_key1: 'dummyValue1',
random_key2: 'dummyValue2',
random_key3: 'dummyValue3'}
# should return NO_VALUE as key does not exist in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue1", region.get(random_key1))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue2", region.get(random_key2))
self.assertEqual("dummyValue3", region.get(random_key3))
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get("InvalidKey"))
keys = mapping.keys()
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get("InvalidKey"))
# should return NO_VALUE as keys no longer exist in cache
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key1))
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key2))
self.assertEqual(api.NO_VALUE, region.get(random_key3))
def test_additional_crud_method_arguments_support(self):
"""Additional arguments should works across find/insert/update."""
self.arguments['wtimeout'] = 30000
self.arguments['j'] = True
self.arguments['continue_on_error'] = True
self.arguments['secondary_acceptable_latency_ms'] = 60
region = dp_region.make_region().configure(
# There is no proxy so can access MongoCacheBackend directly
api_methargs = region.backend.api.meth_kwargs
self.assertEqual(30000, api_methargs['wtimeout'])
self.assertEqual(True, api_methargs['j'])
self.assertEqual(True, api_methargs['continue_on_error'])
self.assertEqual(60, api_methargs['secondary_acceptable_latency_ms'])
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue1")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue1", region.get(random_key))
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue2")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue2", region.get(random_key))
random_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
region.set(random_key, "dummyValue3")
self.assertEqual("dummyValue3", region.get(random_key))