Sean McGinnis 34aaaf2eb5
Use unittest.mock instead of third party mock
Now that we no longer support py27, we can use the standard library
unittest.mock module instead of the third party mock lib.

Change-Id: I597461bc2ce6a480ea18950ded606ef7db717f2d
Signed-off-by: Sean McGinnis <sean.mcginnis@gmail.com>
2020-03-31 15:55:50 -05:00

714 lines
30 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
from unittest import mock
import warnings
from oslotest import base as test_base
import six
import testtools
from oslo_i18n import _message
from oslo_i18n.tests import fakes
from oslo_i18n.tests import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MessageTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
"""Unit tests for locale Message class."""
def test_message_id_and_message_text(self):
message = _message.Message('1')
self.assertEqual('1', message.msgid)
self.assertEqual('1', message)
message = _message.Message('1', msgtext='A')
self.assertEqual('1', message.msgid)
self.assertEqual('A', message)
def test_message_is_unicode(self):
message = _message.Message('some %s') % 'message'
self.assertIsInstance(message, six.text_type)
def test_create_message_non_english_default_locale(self,
msgid = 'A message in English'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish'
es_translations = {msgid: es_translation}
translations_map = {'es': es_translations}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator(translations_map)
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
mock_getdefaultlocale.return_value = ('es',)
message = _message.Message(msgid)
# The base representation of the message is in Spanish, as well as
# the default translation, since the default locale was Spanish.
self.assertEqual(es_translation, message)
self.assertEqual(es_translation, message.translation())
def test_translation_returns_unicode(self):
message = _message.Message('some %s') % 'message'
self.assertIsInstance(message.translation(), six.text_type)
def test_mod_with_named_parameters(self):
msgid = ("%(description)s\nCommand: %(cmd)s\n"
"Exit code: %(exit_code)s\nStdout: %(stdout)r\n"
"Stderr: %(stderr)r %%(something)s")
params = {'description': 'test1',
'cmd': 'test2',
'exit_code': 'test3',
'stdout': 'test4',
'stderr': 'test5',
'something': 'trimmed'}
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
expected = msgid % params
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
self.assertEqual(expected, result.translation())
def test_multiple_mod_with_named_parameter(self):
msgid = ("%(description)s\nCommand: %(cmd)s\n"
"Exit code: %(exit_code)s\nStdout: %(stdout)r\n"
"Stderr: %(stderr)r")
params = {'description': 'test1',
'cmd': 'test2',
'exit_code': 'test3',
'stdout': 'test4',
'stderr': 'test5'}
# Run string interpolation the first time to make a new Message
first = _message.Message(msgid) % params
# Run string interpolation on the new Message, to replicate
# one of the error paths with some Exception classes we've
# implemented in OpenStack. We should receive a second Message
# object, but the translation results should be the same.
# The production code that triggers this problem does something
# like:
# msg = _('there was a problem %(name)s') % {'name': 'some value'}
# LOG.error(msg)
# raise BadExceptionClass(msg)
# where BadExceptionClass does something like:
# class BadExceptionClass(Exception):
# def __init__(self, msg, **kwds):
# super(BadExceptionClass, self).__init__(msg % kwds)
expected = first % {}
# Base message id should be the same
self.assertEqual(first.msgid, expected.msgid)
# Preserved arguments should be the same
self.assertEqual(first.params, expected.params)
# Should have different objects
self.assertIsNot(expected, first)
# Final translations should be the same
self.assertEqual(expected.translation(), first.translation())
def test_mod_with_named_parameters_no_space(self):
msgid = ("Request: %(method)s http://%(server)s:"
"%(port)s%(url)s with headers %(headers)s")
params = {'method': 'POST',
'server': 'test1',
'port': 1234,
'url': 'test2',
'headers': {'h1': 'val1'}}
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
expected = msgid % params
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
self.assertEqual(expected, result.translation())
def test_mod_with_dict_parameter(self):
msgid = "Test that we can inject a dictionary %s"
params = {'description': 'test1'}
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
expected = msgid % params
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
self.assertEqual(expected, result.translation())
def test_mod_with_wrong_field_type_in_trans(self):
msgid = "Correct type %(arg1)s"
params = {'arg1': 'test1'}
with mock.patch('gettext.translation') as trans:
# Set up ugettext to return the original message with the
# correct format string.
trans.return_value.ugettext.return_value = msgid
# Build a message and give it some parameters.
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
# Now set up ugettext to return the translated version of
# the original message, with a bad format string.
wrong_type = u'Wrong type %(arg1)d'
if six.PY3:
trans.return_value.gettext.return_value = wrong_type
trans.return_value.ugettext.return_value = wrong_type
trans_result = result.translation()
expected = msgid % params
self.assertEqual(expected, trans_result)
def test_mod_with_wrong_field_type(self):
msgid = "Test that we handle unused args %(arg1)d"
params = {'arg1': 'test1'}
with testtools.ExpectedException(TypeError):
_message.Message(msgid) % params
def test_mod_with_missing_arg(self):
msgid = "Test that we handle missing args %(arg1)s %(arg2)s"
params = {'arg1': 'test1'}
with testtools.ExpectedException(KeyError, '.*arg2.*'):
_message.Message(msgid) % params
def test_mod_with_integer_parameters(self):
msgid = "Some string with params: %d"
params = [0, 1, 10, 24124]
messages = []
results = []
for param in params:
messages.append(msgid % param)
results.append(_message.Message(msgid) % param)
for message, result in zip(messages, results):
self.assertEqual(type(result), _message.Message)
self.assertEqual(message, result.translation())
# simulate writing out as string
result_str = '%s' % result.translation()
self.assertEqual(result_str, message)
self.assertEqual(message, result)
def test_mod_copies_parameters(self):
msgid = "Found object: %(current_value)s"
changing_dict = {'current_value': 1}
# A message created with some params
result = _message.Message(msgid) % changing_dict
# The parameters may change
changing_dict['current_value'] = 2
# Even if the param changes when the message is
# translated it should use the original param
self.assertEqual('Found object: 1', result.translation())
def test_mod_deep_copies_parameters(self):
msgid = "Found list: %(current_list)s"
changing_list = list([1, 2, 3])
params = {'current_list': changing_list}
# Apply the params
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
# Change the list
# Even though the list changed the message
# translation should use the original list
self.assertEqual("Found list: [1, 2, 3]", result.translation())
def test_mod_deep_copies_param_nodeep_param(self):
msgid = "Value: %s"
params = utils.NoDeepCopyObject(5)
# Apply the params
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
self.assertEqual("Value: 5", result.translation())
def test_mod_deep_copies_param_nodeep_dict(self):
msgid = "Values: %(val1)s %(val2)s"
params = {'val1': 1, 'val2': utils.NoDeepCopyObject(2)}
# Apply the params
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
self.assertEqual("Values: 1 2", result.translation())
# Apply again to make sure other path works as well
params = {'val1': 3, 'val2': utils.NoDeepCopyObject(4)}
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
self.assertEqual("Values: 3 4", result.translation())
def test_mod_returns_a_copy(self):
msgid = "Some msgid string: %(test1)s %(test2)s"
message = _message.Message(msgid)
m1 = message % {'test1': 'foo', 'test2': 'bar'}
m2 = message % {'test1': 'foo2', 'test2': 'bar2'}
self.assertIsNot(message, m1)
self.assertIsNot(message, m2)
msgid % {'test1': 'foo', 'test2': 'bar'})
msgid % {'test1': 'foo2', 'test2': 'bar2'})
def test_mod_with_none_parameter(self):
msgid = "Some string with params: %s"
message = _message.Message(msgid) % None
self.assertEqual(msgid % None, message)
self.assertEqual(msgid % None, message.translation())
def test_mod_with_missing_parameters(self):
msgid = "Some string with params: %s %s"
test_me = lambda: _message.Message(msgid) % 'just one'
# Just like with strings missing parameters raise TypeError
self.assertRaises(TypeError, test_me)
def test_mod_with_extra_parameters(self):
msgid = "Some string with params: %(param1)s %(param2)s"
params = {'param1': 'test',
'param2': 'test2',
'param3': 'notinstring'}
result = _message.Message(msgid) % params
expected = msgid % params
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
self.assertEqual(expected, result.translation())
# Make sure unused params still there
self.assertEqual(params.keys(), result.params.keys())
def test_add_disabled(self):
msgid = "A message"
test_me = lambda: _message.Message(msgid) + ' some string'
self.assertRaises(TypeError, test_me)
def test_radd_disabled(self):
msgid = "A message"
test_me = lambda: utils.SomeObject('test') + _message.Message(msgid)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, test_me)
def test_translation(self, mock_translation):
en_message = 'A message in the default locale'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish'
message = _message.Message(en_message)
es_translations = {en_message: es_translation}
translations_map = {'es': es_translations}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator(translations_map)
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
self.assertEqual(es_translation, message.translation('es'))
def test_translate_message_from_unicoded_object(self, mock_translation):
en_message = 'A message in the default locale'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish'
message = _message.Message(en_message)
es_translations = {en_message: es_translation}
translations_map = {'es': es_translations}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator(translations_map)
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
# Here we are not testing the Message object directly but the result
# of unicoding() an object whose unicode representation is a Message
obj = utils.SomeObject(message)
unicoded_obj = six.text_type(obj)
self.assertEqual(es_translation, unicoded_obj.translation('es'))
def test_translate_multiple_languages(self, mock_translation):
en_message = 'A message in the default locale'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish'
zh_translation = 'A message in Chinese'
message = _message.Message(en_message)
es_translations = {en_message: es_translation}
zh_translations = {en_message: zh_translation}
translations_map = {'es': es_translations,
'zh': zh_translations}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator(translations_map)
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
self.assertEqual(es_translation, message.translation('es'))
self.assertEqual(zh_translation, message.translation('zh'))
self.assertEqual(en_message, message.translation(None))
self.assertEqual(en_message, message.translation('en'))
self.assertEqual(en_message, message.translation('XX'))
def test_translate_message_with_param(self, mock_translation):
message_with_params = 'A message: %s'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish: %s'
param = 'A Message param'
translations = {message_with_params: es_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
msg = msg % param
default_translation = message_with_params % param
expected_translation = es_translation % param
self.assertEqual(expected_translation, msg.translation('es'))
self.assertEqual(default_translation, msg.translation('XX'))
def test_translate_message_bad_translation(self,
message_with_params = 'A message: %s'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish: %s %s'
param = 'A Message param'
translations = {message_with_params: es_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
msg = msg % param
default_translation = message_with_params % param
self.assertEqual(default_translation, msg.translation('es'))
self.assertEqual(1, len(w))
# Note(gibi): in python 3.4 str.__repr__ does not put the unicode
# marker 'u' in front of the string representations so the test
# removes that to have the same result in python 2.7 and 3.4
self.assertEqual("Failed to insert replacement values into "
"translated message A message in Spanish: %s %s "
"(Original: 'A message: %s'): "
"not enough arguments for format string",
str(w[0].message).replace("u'", "'"))
mock_log.debug.assert_called_with(('Failed to insert replacement '
'values into translated message '
'%s (Original: %r): %s'),
@mock.patch('locale.getdefaultlocale', return_value=('es', ''))
def test_translate_message_bad_default_translation(self,
message_with_params = 'A message: %s'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish: %s %s'
param = 'A Message param'
translations = {message_with_params: es_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
msg = msg % param
self.assertEqual(1, len(w))
# Note(gibi): in python 3.4 str.__repr__ does not put the unicode
# marker 'u' in front of the string representations so the test
# removes that to have the same result in python 2.7 and 3.4
self.assertEqual("Failed to insert replacement values into "
"translated message A message in Spanish: %s %s "
"(Original: 'A message: %s'): "
"not enough arguments for format string",
str(w[0].message).replace("u'", "'"))
mock_log.debug.assert_called_with(('Failed to insert replacement '
'values into translated message '
'%s (Original: %r): %s'),
default_translation = message_with_params % param
self.assertEqual(default_translation, msg)
def test_translate_message_with_object_param(self, mock_translation):
message_with_params = 'A message: %s'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish: %s'
param = 'A Message param'
param_translation = 'A Message param in Spanish'
translations = {message_with_params: es_translation,
param: param_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
param_msg = _message.Message(param)
# Here we are testing translation of a Message with another object
# that can be translated via its unicode() representation, this is
# very common for instance when modding an Exception with a Message
obj = utils.SomeObject(param_msg)
msg = msg % obj
default_translation = message_with_params % param
expected_translation = es_translation % param_translation
self.assertEqual(expected_translation, msg.translation('es'))
self.assertEqual(default_translation, msg.translation('XX'))
def test_translate_message_with_param_from_unicoded_obj(self,
message_with_params = 'A message: %s'
es_translation = 'A message in Spanish: %s'
param = 'A Message param'
translations = {message_with_params: es_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
msg = msg % param
default_translation = message_with_params % param
expected_translation = es_translation % param
obj = utils.SomeObject(msg)
unicoded_obj = six.text_type(obj)
self.assertEqual(expected_translation, unicoded_obj.translation('es'))
self.assertEqual(default_translation, unicoded_obj.translation('XX'))
def test_translate_message_with_message_parameter(self, mock_translation):
message_with_params = 'A message with param: %s'
es_translation = 'A message with param in Spanish: %s'
message_param = 'A message param'
es_param_translation = 'A message param in Spanish'
translations = {message_with_params: es_translation,
message_param: es_param_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
msg_param = _message.Message(message_param)
msg = msg % msg_param
default_translation = message_with_params % message_param
expected_translation = es_translation % es_param_translation
self.assertEqual(expected_translation, msg.translation('es'))
self.assertEqual(default_translation, msg.translation('XX'))
def test_translate_message_with_message_parameters(self, mock_translation):
message_with_params = 'A message with params: %s %s'
es_translation = 'A message with params in Spanish: %s %s'
message_param = 'A message param'
es_param_translation = 'A message param in Spanish'
another_message_param = 'Another message param'
another_es_param_translation = 'Another message param in Spanish'
translations = {message_with_params: es_translation,
message_param: es_param_translation,
another_message_param: another_es_param_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
param_1 = _message.Message(message_param)
param_2 = _message.Message(another_message_param)
msg = msg % (param_1, param_2)
default_translation = message_with_params % (message_param,
expected_translation = es_translation % (es_param_translation,
self.assertEqual(expected_translation, msg.translation('es'))
self.assertEqual(default_translation, msg.translation('XX'))
def test_translate_message_with_named_parameters(self, mock_translation):
message_with_params = 'A message with params: %(param)s'
es_translation = 'A message with params in Spanish: %(param)s'
message_param = 'A Message param'
es_param_translation = 'A message param in Spanish'
translations = {message_with_params: es_translation,
message_param: es_param_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
msg_param = _message.Message(message_param)
msg = msg % {'param': msg_param}
default_translation = message_with_params % {'param': message_param}
expected_translation = es_translation % {'param': es_param_translation}
self.assertEqual(expected_translation, msg.translation('es'))
self.assertEqual(default_translation, msg.translation('XX'))
def test_translate_message_non_default_locale(self,
message_with_params = 'A message with params: %(param)s'
es_translation = 'A message with params in Spanish: %(param)s'
zh_translation = 'A message with params in Chinese: %(param)s'
fr_translation = 'A message with params in French: %(param)s'
message_param = 'A Message param'
es_param_translation = 'A message param in Spanish'
zh_param_translation = 'A message param in Chinese'
fr_param_translation = 'A message param in French'
es_translations = {message_with_params: es_translation,
message_param: es_param_translation}
zh_translations = {message_with_params: zh_translation,
message_param: zh_param_translation}
fr_translations = {message_with_params: fr_translation,
message_param: fr_param_translation}
translator = fakes.FakeTranslations.translator({'es': es_translations,
'zh': zh_translations,
'fr': fr_translations})
mock_translation.side_effect = translator
mock_getdefaultlocale.return_value = ('es',)
msg = _message.Message(message_with_params)
msg_param = _message.Message(message_param)
msg = msg % {'param': msg_param}
es_translation = es_translation % {'param': es_param_translation}
zh_translation = zh_translation % {'param': zh_param_translation}
fr_translation = fr_translation % {'param': fr_param_translation}
# Because sys.getdefaultlocale() was Spanish,
# the default translation will be to Spanish
self.assertEqual(es_translation, msg)
self.assertEqual(es_translation, msg.translation())
self.assertEqual(es_translation, msg.translation('es'))
# Translation into other locales still works
self.assertEqual(zh_translation, msg.translation('zh'))
self.assertEqual(fr_translation, msg.translation('fr'))
# TODO(bnemec): Remove these three tests when the translate compatibility
# shim is removed.
def test_translate_with_dict(self):
msg = _message.Message('abc')
# This dict is what you get back from str.maketrans('abc', 'xyz')
# We can't actually call that here because it doesn't exist on py2
# and the string.maketrans that does behaves differently.
self.assertEqual('xyz', msg.translate({97: 120, 98: 121, 99: 122}))
def test_translate_with_list(self):
msg = _message.Message('abc')
table = [six.unichr(x) for x in range(128)]
table[ord('a')] = 'b'
table[ord('b')] = 'c'
table[ord('c')] = 'd'
self.assertEqual('bcd', msg.translate(table))
def test_translate_warning(self, mock_warn):
msg = _message.Message('a message')
self.assertTrue(mock_warn.called, 'No warning found')
# Make sure it was our warning
self.assertIn('Message.translate called with a string argument.',
class TranslateMsgidTest(test_base.BaseTestCase):
def test_contextual(self, translation):
lang = mock.Mock()
translation.return_value = lang
trans = mock.Mock()
trans.return_value = 'translated'
lang.gettext = trans
lang.ugettext = trans
result = _message.Message._translate_msgid(
('context', 'message'),
self.assertEqual('translated', result)
'context' + _message.CONTEXT_SEPARATOR + 'message'
def test_contextual_untranslatable(self, translation):
msg_with_context = 'context' + _message.CONTEXT_SEPARATOR + 'message'
lang = mock.Mock()
translation.return_value = lang
trans = mock.Mock()
trans.return_value = msg_with_context
lang.gettext = trans
lang.ugettext = trans
result = _message.Message._translate_msgid(
('context', 'message'),
self.assertEqual('message', result)
def test_plural(self, translation):
lang = mock.Mock()
translation.return_value = lang
trans = mock.Mock()
trans.return_value = 'translated'
lang.ngettext = trans
lang.ungettext = trans
result = _message.Message._translate_msgid(
('single', 'plural', -1),
self.assertEqual('translated', result)
'single', 'plural', -1,
def test_contextual_and_plural(self, translation):