Merge "Remove the deprecated ZeroMQ driver"
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,17 +14,6 @@ libffi-devel [platform:rpm]
rabbitmq-server [platform:dpkg rabbit]
rabbitmq-server [platform:dpkg rabbit]
rabbitmq-server [platform:rpm rabbit]
rabbitmq-server [platform:rpm rabbit]
# zmq
redis [platform:rpm zmq]
redis-sentinel [platform:ubuntu !platform:ubuntu-trusty zmq]
redis-server [platform:dpkg zmq]
dev-db/redis [platform:gentoo zmq]
python-redis [platform:dpkg zmq]
zookeeperd [platform:dpkg zmq]
python-zmq [!platform:gentoo !platform:fedora !platform:suse zmq]
python2-zmq [platform:fedora zmq]
dev-python/pyzmq [platform:gentoo zmq]
# AMQP1 dpkg
# AMQP1 dpkg
qpidd [platform:dpkg amqp1]
qpidd [platform:dpkg amqp1]
sasl2-bin [platform:dpkg amqp1]
sasl2-bin [platform:dpkg amqp1]
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ backends for RPC and Notify. The url is of the form:
Where the transport value specifies the rpc or notification backend as
Where the transport value specifies the rpc or notification backend as
one of **amqp**, rabbit, zmq, etc.
one of **amqp**, rabbit, kafka, etc.
To specify and enable the AMQP 1.0 driver for RPC, in the section
To specify and enable the AMQP 1.0 driver for RPC, in the section
[DEFAULT] of the service configuration file, specify the
[DEFAULT] of the service configuration file, specify the
@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ Deployment Guide
@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
ZeroMQ Driver Deployment Guide
.. currentmodule:: oslo_messaging
**Note:** The ZeroMQ driver has been **deprecated** and is no longer
maintained. Refer to the mailing list announcement for more
.. _details:
0MQ (also known as ZeroMQ or zmq) is embeddable networking library
but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives you sockets
that carry atomic messages across various transports
like in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast. You can connect
sockets N-to-N with patterns like fan-out, pub-sub, task distribution,
and request-reply. It's fast enough to be the fabric for clustered
products. Its asynchronous I/O model gives you scalable multi-core
applications, built as asynchronous message-processing tasks. It has
a score of language APIs and runs on most operating systems.
Originally the zero in 0MQ was meant as "zero broker" and (as close to)
"zero latency" (as possible). Since then, it has come to encompass
different goals: zero administration, zero cost, and zero waste.
More generally, "zero" refers to the culture of minimalism that permeates
the project.
More detail regarding ZeroMQ library is available from the `specification`_.
.. _specification:
Currently, ZeroMQ is one of the RPC backend drivers in oslo.messaging. ZeroMQ
can be the only RPC driver across the OpenStack cluster.
This document provides deployment information for this driver in oslo_messaging.
Other than AMQP-based drivers, like RabbitMQ, default ZeroMQ doesn't have
any central brokers in oslo.messaging, instead, each host (running OpenStack
services) is both ZeroMQ client and server. As a result, each host needs to
listen to a certain TCP port for incoming connections and directly connect
to other hosts simultaneously.
Another option is to use a router proxy. It is not a broker because it
doesn't assume any message ownership or persistence or replication etc. It
performs only a redirection of messages to endpoints taking routing info from
message envelope.
Topics are used to identify the destination for a ZeroMQ RPC call. There are
two types of topics, bare topics and directed topics. Bare topics look like
'compute', while directed topics look like 'compute.machine1'.
Assuming the following systems as a goal.
| Client |
| |
+--------+------------+ +-------+----------------+
| Controller Node | | Compute Node |
| Nova | | Neutron |
| Keystone | | Nova |
| Glance | | nova-compute |
| Neutron | | Ceilometer |
| Cinder | | |
| Ceilometer | +------------------------+
| zmq-proxy |
| Redis |
| Horizon |
Basic Configuration
Enabling (mandatory)
To enable the driver the 'transport_url' option must be set to 'zmq://'
in the section [DEFAULT] of the conf file, the 'rpc_zmq_host' option
must be set to the hostname of the current node. ::
transport_url = "zmq://"
rpc_zmq_host = {hostname}
Default configuration of zmq driver is called 'Static Direct Connections' (To
learn more about zmq driver configurations please proceed to the corresponding
section 'Existing Configurations'). That means that all services connect
directly to each other and all connections are static so we open them at the
beginning of service's lifecycle and close them only when service quits. This
configuration is the simplest one since it doesn't require any helper services
(proxies) other than matchmaker to be running.
Matchmaking (mandatory)
The ZeroMQ driver implements a matching capability to discover hosts available
for communication when sending to a bare topic. This allows broker-less
The Matchmaker is pluggable and it provides two different Matchmaker classes.
MatchmakerDummy: default matchmaker driver for all-in-one scenario (messages
are sent to itself; used mainly for testing).
MatchmakerRedis: loads the hash table from a remote Redis server, supports
dynamic host/topic registrations, host expiration, and hooks for consuming
applications to acknowledge or neg-acknowledge service availability.
For ZeroMQ driver Redis is configured in transport_url also. For using Redis
specify the URL as follows::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://"
In order to cleanup redis storage from expired records (e.g. target listener
goes down) TTL may be applied for keys. Configure 'zmq_target_expire' option
which is 300 (seconds) by default. The option is related not specifically to
redis so it is also defined in [oslo_messaging_zmq] section. If option value
is <= 0 then keys don't expire and live forever in the storage.
The other option is 'zmq_target_update' (180 seconds by default) which
specifies how often each RPC-Server should update the matchmaker. This option's
optimal value generally is zmq_target_expire / 2 (or 1.5). It is recommended to
calculate it based on 'zmq_target_expire' so services records wouldn't expire
earlier than being updated from alive services.
Generally matchmaker can be considered as an alternate approach to services
Matchmaker Data Source (mandatory)
Matchmaker data source is stored in files or Redis server discussed in the
previous section. How to make up the database is the key issue for making ZeroMQ
driver work.
If deploying the MatchmakerRedis, a Redis server is required. Each (K, V) pair
stored in Redis is that the key is a base topic and the corresponding values are
hostname arrays to be sent to.
HA for Redis database
Single node Redis works fine for testing, but for production there is some
availability guarantees wanted. Without Redis database zmq deployment should
continue working anyway, because there is no need in Redis for services when
connections established already. But if you would like to restart some services
or run more workers or add more hardware nodes to the deployment you will need
nodes discovery mechanism to work and it requires Redis.
To provide database recovery in situations when redis node goes down for example,
we use Sentinel solution and redis master-slave-slave configuration (if we have
3 controllers and run Redis on each of them).
To deploy redis with HA follow the `sentinel-install`_ instructions. From the
messaging driver's side you will need to setup following configuration ::
transport_url = "zmq+sentinel://host1:26379,host2:26379,host3:26379"
Listening Address (optional)
All services bind to an IP address or Ethernet adapter. By default, all services
bind to '*', effectively binding to This may be changed with the option
'rpc_zmq_bind_address' which accepts a wildcard, IP address, or Ethernet adapter.
This configuration can be set in [oslo_messaging_zmq] section.
For example::
rpc_zmq_bind_address = *
Currently zmq driver uses dynamic port binding mechanism, which means that
each listener will allocate port of a random number (static, i.e. fixed, ports
may only be used for sockets inside proxies now). Ports range is controlled
by two options 'rpc_zmq_min_port' and 'rpc_zmq_max_port'. Change them to
restrict current service's port binding range. 'rpc_zmq_bind_port_retries'
controls number of retries before 'ports range exceeded' failure.
For example::
rpc_zmq_min_port = 49153
rpc_zmq_max_port = 65536
rpc_zmq_bind_port_retries = 100
Existing Configurations
Static Direct Connections
The example of service config file::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
use_pub_sub = false
use_router_proxy = false
use_dynamic_connections = false
zmq_target_expire = 60
zmq_target_update = 30
rpc_zmq_min_port = 49153
rpc_zmq_max_port = 65536
In both static and dynamic direct connections configuration it is necessary to
configure firewall to open binding port range on each node::
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --match multiport --dports 49152:65535 -j ACCEPT
The sequrity recommendation here (it is general for any RPC backend) is to
setup private network for message bus and another open network for public APIs.
ZeroMQ driver doesn't support authentication and encryption on its level.
As stated above this configuration is the simplest one since it requires only a
Matchmaker service to be running. That is why driver's options configured by
default in a way to use this type of topology.
The biggest advantage of static direct connections (other than simplicity) is
it's huge performance. On small deployments (20 - 50 nodes) it can outperform
brokered solutions (or solutions with proxies) 3x - 5x times. It becomes possible
because this configuration doesn't have a central node bottleneck so it's
throughput is limited by only a TCP and network bandwidth.
Unfortunately this approach can not be applied as is on a big scale (over 500 nodes).
The main problem is the number of connections between services and particularly
the number of connections on each controller node grows (in a worst case) as
a square function of number of the whole running services. That's not
However this approach can be successfully used and is recommended to be used
when services on controllers doesn't talk to agent services on resource nodes
using oslo.messaging RPC, but RPC is used only to communicate controller
services between each other.
Examples here may be Cinder+Ceph backend and Ironic how it utilises
For all the other cases like Nova and Neutron on a big scale using proxy-based
configurations or dynamic connections configuration is more appropriate.
The exception here may be the case when using OpenStack services inside Docker
containers with Kubernetes. Since Kubernetes already solves similar problems by
using KubeProxy and virtual IP addresses for each container. So it manages all
the traffic using iptables which is more than appropriate to solve the problem
described above.
Summing up it is recommended to use this type of zmq configuration for
1. Small clouds (up to 100 nodes)
2. Cinder+Ceph deployment
3. Ironic deployment
4. OpenStack + Kubernetes (OpenStack in containers) deployment
Dynamic Direct Connections
The example of service config file::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
use_pub_sub = false
use_router_proxy = false
use_dynamic_connections = true
zmq_failover_connections = 2
zmq_linger = 60
zmq_target_expire = 60
zmq_target_update = 30
rpc_zmq_min_port = 49153
rpc_zmq_max_port = 65536
The 'use_dynamic_connections = true' obviously states that connections are dynamic.
'zmq_linger' become crucial with dynamic connections in order to avoid socket
leaks. If socket being connected to a wrong (dead) host which somehow still
present in the Matchmaker and message was sent, then the socket can not be closed
until message stays in the queue (the default linger is infinite waiting). So
need to specify linger explicitly.
Services often run more than one worker on the same topic. Workers are equal, so
any can handle the message. In order to connect to more than one available worker
need to setup 'zmq_failover_connections' option to some value (2 by default which
means 2 additional connections). Take care because it may also result in slow-down.
All recommendations regarding port ranges described in previous section are also
valid here.
Most things are similar to what we had with static connections the only
difference is that each message causes connection setup and disconnect afterwards
immediately after message was sent.
The advantage of this deployment is that average number of connections on
controller node at any moment is not high even for quite large deployments.
The disadvantage is overhead caused by need to connect/disconnect per message.
So this configuration can with no doubt be considered as the slowest one. The
good news is the RPC of OpenStack doesn't require "thousands message per second"
bandwidth per each particular service (do not confuse with central broker/proxy
bandwidth which is needed as high as possible for a big scale and can be a
serious bottleneck).
One more bad thing about this particular configuration is fanout. Here it is
completely linear complexity operation and it suffers the most from
connect/disconnect overhead per message. So for fanout it is fair to say that
services can have significant slow-down with dynamic connections.
The recommended way to solve this problem is to use combined solution with
proxied PUB/SUB infrastructure for fanout and dynamic direct connections for
direct message types (plain CAST and CALL messages). This combined approach
will be described later in the text.
Router Proxy
The example of service config file::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
use_pub_sub = false
use_router_proxy = true
use_dynamic_connections = false
The example of proxy config file::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
use_pub_sub = false
host = host-1
RPC may consume too many TCP sockets on controller node in directly connected
configuration. To solve the issue ROUTER proxy may be used.
In order to configure driver to use ROUTER proxy set up the 'use_router_proxy'
option to true in [oslo_messaging_zmq] section (false is set by default).
Pay attention to 'use_pub_sub = false' line, which has to match for all
services and proxies configs, so it wouldn't work if proxy uses PUB/SUB and
services don't.
Not less than 3 proxies should be running on controllers or on stand alone
nodes. The parameters for the script oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy should be::
--config-file /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf
--log-file /var/log/oslo/zeromq-router-proxy.log
--host node-123
--frontend-port 50001
--backend-port 50002
Config file for proxy consists of default section, 'oslo_messaging_zmq' section
and additional 'zmq_proxy_opts' section.
Command line arguments like host, frontend_port, backend_port and publisher_port
respectively can also be set in 'zmq_proxy_opts' section of a configuration
file (i.e., /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf). All arguments are optional.
Port value of 0 means random port (see the next section for more details).
Take into account that --debug flag makes proxy to make a log record per every
dispatched message which influences proxy performance significantly. So it is
not recommended flag to use in production. Without --debug there will be only
Matchmaker updates or critical errors in proxy logs.
In this configuration we use proxy as a very simple dispatcher (so it has the
best performance with minimal overhead). The only thing proxy does is getting
binary routing-key frame from the message and dispatch message on this key.
In this kind of deployment client is in charge of doing fanout. Before sending
fanout message client takes a list of available hosts for the topic and sends
as many messages as the number of hosts it got.
This configuration just uses DEALER/ROUTER pattern of ZeroMQ and doesn't use
PUB/SUB as it was stated above.
Disadvantage of this approach is again slower client fanout. But it is much
better than with dynamic direct connections because we don't need to connect
and disconnect per each message.
ZeroMQ PUB/SUB Infrastructure
The example of service config file::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
use_pub_sub = true
use_router_proxy = true
use_dynamic_connections = false
The example of proxy config file::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
use_pub_sub = true
host = host-1
It seems obvious that fanout pattern of oslo.messaging maps on ZeroMQ PUB/SUB
pattern, but it is only at first glance. It does really, but lets look a bit
First caveat is that in oslo.messaging it is a client who makes fanout (and
generally initiates conversation), server is passive. While in ZeroMQ publisher
is a server and subscribers are clients. And here is the problem: RPC-servers
are subscribers in terms of ZeroMQ PUB/SUB, they hold the SUB socket and wait
for messages. And they don't know anything about RPC-clients, and clients
generally come later than servers. So servers don't have a PUB to subscribe
on start, so we need to introduce something in the middle, and here the proxy
plays the role.
Publisher proxy has ROUTER socket on the front-end and PUB socket on the back-end.
So client connects to ROUTER and sends a single message to a publisher proxy.
Proxy redirects this message to PUB socket which performs actual publishing.
Command to run central publisher proxy::
--config-file /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf
--log-file /var/log/oslo/zeromq-router-proxy.log
--host node-123
--frontend-port 50001
--publisher-port 50003
When we run a publisher proxy we need to specify a --publisher-port option.
Random port will be picked up otherwise and clients will get it from the
The advantage of this approach is really fast fanout, while it takes time on
proxy to publish, but ZeroMQ PUB/SUB is one of the fastest fanout pattern
implementations. It also makes clients faster, because they need to send only a
single message to a proxy.
In order to balance load and HA it is recommended to have at least 3 proxies basically,
but the number of running proxies is not limited. They also don't form a cluster,
so there are no limitations on number caused by consistency algorithm requirements.
The disadvantage is that number of connections on proxy increased twice compared
to previous deployment, because we still need to use router for direct messages.
The documented limitation of ZeroMQ PUB/SUB is 10k subscribers.
In order to limit the number of subscribers and connections the local proxies
may be used. In order to run local publisher the following command may be used::
--config-file /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf
--log-file /var/log/oslo/zeromq-router-proxy.log
--host localhost
--publisher-port 60001
Pay attention to --local-publisher flag which specifies the type of a proxy.
Local publishers may be running on every single node of a deployment. To make
services use of local publishers the 'subscribe_on' option has to be specified
in service's config file::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
use_pub_sub = true
use_router_proxy = true
use_dynamic_connections = false
subscribe_on = localhost:60001
If we forgot to specify the 'subscribe_on' services will take info from Matchmaker
and still connect to a central proxy, so the trick wouldn't work. Local proxy
gets all the needed info from the matchmaker in order to find central proxies
and subscribes on them. Frankly speaking you can pub a central proxy in the
'subscribe_on' value, even a list of hosts may be passed the same way as we do
for the transport_url::
subscribe_on = host-1:50003,host-2:50003,host-3:50003
This is completely valid, just not necessary because we have information about
central proxies in Matchmaker. One more thing to highlight about 'subscribe_on'
is that it has higher priority than Matchmaker if being explicitly mentioned.
Concluding all the above, fanout over PUB/SUB proxies is the best choice
because of static connections infrastructure, fail over when one or some publishers
die, and ZeroMQ PUB/SUB high performance.
What If Mix Different Configurations?
Three boolean variables 'use_pub_sub', 'use_router_proxy' and 'use_dynamic_connections'
give us exactly 8 possible combinations. But from practical perspective not all
of them are usable. So lets discuss only those which make sense.
The main recommended combination is Dynamic Direct Connections plus PUB/SUB
infrastructure. So we deploy PUB/SUB proxies as described in corresponding
paragraph (either with local+central proxies or with only a central proxies).
And the services configuration file will look like the following::
transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
use_pub_sub = true
use_router_proxy = false
use_dynamic_connections = true
So we just tell the driver not to pass direct messages CALL and CAST over router,
but send them directly to RPC servers. All the details of configuring services
and port ranges has to be taken from 'Dynamic Direct Connections' paragraph.
So it's combined configuration. Currently it is the best choice from number of
connections perspective.
Frankly speaking, deployment from the 'ZeroMQ PUB/SUB Infrastructure' section is
also a combination of 'Router Proxy' with PUB/SUB, we've just used the same
proxies for both.
Here we've discussed combination inside the same service. But configurations can
also be combined on a higher level, a level of services. So you could have for
example a deployment where Cinder uses static direct connections and Nova/Neutron
use combined PUB/SUB + dynamic direct connections. But such approach needs additional
caution and may be confusing for cloud operators. Still it provides maximum
optimization of performance and number of connections on proxies and controller
DevStack Support
ZeroMQ driver can be tested on a single node deployment with DevStack. Take
into account that on a single node it is not that obvious any performance
increase compared to other backends. To see significant speed up you need at least
20 nodes.
In local.conf [localrc] section need to enable zmq plugin which lives in
`devstack-plugin-zmq`_ repository.
For example::
enable_plugin zmq
Example of local.conf::
enable_plugin zmq
.. _devstack-plugin-zmq:
.. _sentinel-install:
@ -69,8 +69,6 @@ python-qpid-proton==0.17.0
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy import zmq_proxy
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_options
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI
from oslo_messaging.transport import TransportURL
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def main():
conf = cfg.CONF
opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='zmq_proxy_opts',
title='ZeroMQ proxy options')
conf.register_opts(zmq_proxy.zmq_proxy_opts, group=opt_group)
zmq_options.register_opts(conf, TransportURL.parse(conf))
reactor = zmq_proxy.ZmqProxy(conf)
while True:
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
||||||"Exit proxy by interrupt signal."))
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2011 Cloudscaling Group, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import threading
from debtcollector import removals
from stevedore import driver
from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_client
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server import zmq_server
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_options
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
RPCException = rpc_common.RPCException
class LazyDriverItem(object):
def __init__(self, item_cls, *args, **kwargs):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self.item = None
self.item_class = item_cls
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.process_id = os.getpid()
def get(self):
# NOTE(ozamiatin): Lazy initialization.
# All init stuff moved closer to usage point - lazy init.
# Better design approach is to initialize in the driver's
# __init__, but 'fork' extensively used by services
# breaks all things.
if self.item is not None and os.getpid() == self.process_id:
return self.item
with self._lock:
if self.item is None or os.getpid() != self.process_id:
self.process_id = os.getpid()
self.item = self.item_class(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
return self.item
def cleanup(self):
if self.item:
@removals.removed_class('ZmqDriver', version='Rocky', removal_version='Stein',
message='The ZeroMQ driver is no longer supported')
class ZmqDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""ZeroMQ Driver implementation.
Provides implementation of RPC and Notifier APIs by means
of ZeroMQ library.
See :doc:`zmq_driver` for details.
def __init__(self, conf, url, default_exchange=None,
"""Construct ZeroMQ driver.
Initialize driver options.
Construct matchmaker - pluggable interface to targets management
Name Service
Construct client and server controllers
:param conf: oslo messaging configuration object
:type conf: oslo_config.CONF
:param url: transport URL
:type url: TransportUrl
:param default_exchange: Not used in zmq implementation
:type default_exchange: None
:param allowed_remote_exmods: remote exception passing options
:type allowed_remote_exmods: list
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
if zmq is None:
raise ImportError(_LE("ZeroMQ is not available!"))
conf = zmq_options.register_opts(conf, url)
self.conf = conf
self.allowed_remote_exmods = allowed_remote_exmods
self.matchmaker = driver.DriverManager(
self.get_matchmaker_backend(self.conf, url),
).driver(self.conf, url=url)
client_cls = zmq_client.ZmqClientProxy
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub and not \
client_cls = zmq_client.ZmqClientMixDirectPubSub
elif not conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub and not \
client_cls = zmq_client.ZmqClientDirect
self.client = LazyDriverItem(
client_cls, self.conf, self.matchmaker,
self.notifier = LazyDriverItem(
client_cls, self.conf, self.matchmaker,
super(ZmqDriver, self).__init__(conf, url, default_exchange,
def get_matchmaker_backend(conf, url):
zmq_transport, _, matchmaker_backend = url.transport.partition('+')
assert zmq_transport == 'zmq', "Needs to be zmq for this transport!"
if not matchmaker_backend:
return conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_matchmaker
if matchmaker_backend not in zmq_options.MATCHMAKER_BACKENDS:
raise rpc_common.RPCException(
_LE("Incorrect matchmaker backend name %(backend_name)s! "
"Available names are: %(available_names)s") %
{"backend_name": matchmaker_backend,
"available_names": zmq_options.MATCHMAKER_BACKENDS})
return matchmaker_backend
def send(self, target, ctxt, message, wait_for_reply=None, timeout=None,
"""Send RPC message to server
:param target: Message destination target
:type target: oslo_messaging.Target
:param ctxt: Message context
:type ctxt: dict
:param message: Message payload to pass
:type message: dict
:param wait_for_reply: Waiting for reply flag
:type wait_for_reply: bool
:param timeout: Reply waiting timeout in seconds
:type timeout: int
:param retry: an optional default connection retries configuration
None or -1 means to retry forever
0 means no retry
N means N retries
:type retry: int
client = self.client.get()
if wait_for_reply:
return client.send_call(target, ctxt, message, timeout, retry)
elif target.fanout:
client.send_fanout(target, ctxt, message, retry)
client.send_cast(target, ctxt, message, retry)
def send_notification(self, target, ctxt, message, version, retry=None):
"""Send notification to server
:param target: Message destination target
:type target: oslo_messaging.Target
:param ctxt: Message context
:type ctxt: dict
:param message: Message payload to pass
:type message: dict
:param version: Messaging API version
:type version: str
:param retry: an optional default connection retries configuration
None or -1 means to retry forever
0 means no retry
N means N retries
:type retry: int
client = self.notifier.get()
client.send_notify(target, ctxt, message, version, retry)
def listen(self, target, batch_size, batch_timeout):
"""Listen to a specified target on a server side
:param target: Message destination target
:type target: oslo_messaging.Target
listener = zmq_server.ZmqServer(self, self.conf, self.matchmaker,
return base.PollStyleListenerAdapter(listener, batch_size,
def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities, pool,
batch_size, batch_timeout):
"""Listen to a specified list of targets on a server side
:param targets_and_priorities: List of pairs (target, priority)
:type targets_and_priorities: list
:param pool: Not used for zmq implementation
:type pool: object
listener = zmq_server.ZmqNotificationServer(
self, self.conf, self.matchmaker, targets_and_priorities)
return base.PollStyleListenerAdapter(listener, batch_size,
def cleanup(self):
"""Cleanup all driver's connections finally
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from concurrent import futures
import logging
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers \
import zmq_publisher_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_response
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_sockets_manager
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class DealerPublisherBase(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherBase):
"""Abstract DEALER-publisher."""
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, sender, receiver):
sockets_manager = zmq_sockets_manager.SocketsManager(
conf, matchmaker, zmq.DEALER)
super(DealerPublisherBase, self).__init__(
sockets_manager, sender, receiver)
def _check_reply(self, reply, request):
assert isinstance(reply, zmq_response.Reply), "Reply expected!"
def _finally_unregister(self, socket, request):
def receive_reply(self, socket, request):
_, reply_future = self.receiver.track_request(request)
reply = reply_future.result(timeout=request.timeout)
self._check_reply(reply, request)
except AssertionError:
LOG.error(_LE("Message format error in reply for %s"),
return None
except futures.TimeoutError:
self._finally_unregister(socket, request)
if reply.failure:
raise rpc_common.deserialize_remote_exception(
reply.failure, request.allowed_remote_exmods)
return reply.reply_body
def cleanup(self):
super(DealerPublisherBase, self).cleanup()
@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import tenacity
from \
import zmq_dealer_publisher_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_receivers
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_routing_table
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_senders
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_sockets_manager
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class DealerPublisherDirect(zmq_dealer_publisher_base.DealerPublisherBase):
"""DEALER-publisher using direct dynamic connections.
Publishing directly to remote services assumes the following:
- All direct connections are dynamic - so they live per message,
thus each message send executes the following:
* Open a new socket
* Connect to some host got from the RoutingTable
* Send message(s)
* Close connection, destroy socket
- RoutingTable/RoutingTableUpdater implements local cache of
matchmaker (e.g. Redis) for target resolution to the list of
available hosts. Cache updates in a background thread.
- Caching of connections is not appropriate for directly connected
OS services, because finally it results in a full-mesh of
connections between services.
- Yes we lose on performance opening and closing connections
for each message, but that is done intentionally to implement
the dynamic connections concept. The key thought here is to
have minimum number of connected services at the moment.
- Using the local RoutingTable cache is done to optimise access
to the matchmaker so we don't call the matchmaker per each message
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
sender = zmq_senders.RequestSenderDirect(conf, use_async=True)
receiver = zmq_receivers.ReceiverDirect(conf)
super(DealerPublisherDirect, self).__init__(conf, matchmaker,
sender, receiver)
self.routing_table = zmq_routing_table.RoutingTableAdaptor(
conf, matchmaker, zmq.ROUTER)
def _get_round_robin_host_connection(self, target, socket):
host = self.routing_table.get_round_robin_host(target)
failover_hosts = self.routing_table.get_all_round_robin_hosts(target)
upper_bound = self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_failover_connections
for host in failover_hosts[:upper_bound]:
def _get_fanout_connection(self, target, socket):
for host in self.routing_table.get_fanout_hosts(target):
def acquire_connection(self, request):
if request.msg_type in zmq_names.DIRECT_TYPES:
socket = self.sockets_manager.get_socket()
self._get_round_robin_host_connection(, socket)
return socket
elif request.msg_type in zmq_names.MULTISEND_TYPES:
socket = self.sockets_manager.get_socket(immediate=False)
self._get_fanout_connection(, socket)
return socket
def _finally_unregister(self, socket, request):
super(DealerPublisherDirect, self)._finally_unregister(socket, request)
def send_request(self, socket, request):
if hasattr(request, 'timeout'):
_stop = tenacity.stop_after_delay(request.timeout)
elif request.retry is not None and request.retry > 0:
# no rpc_response_timeout option if notification
_stop = tenacity.stop_after_attempt(request.retry)
# well, now what?
_stop = tenacity.stop_after_delay(60)
def send_retrying():
if request.msg_type in zmq_names.MULTISEND_TYPES:
for _ in range(socket.connections_count()):
self.sender.send(socket, request)
self.sender.send(socket, request)
return send_retrying()
def cleanup(self):
super(DealerPublisherDirect, self).cleanup()
class DealerPublisherDirectStatic(DealerPublisherDirect):
"""DEALER-publisher using direct static connections.
For some reason direct static connections may be also useful.
Assume a case when some agents are not connected with control services
over RPC (Ironic or Cinder+Ceph), and RPC is used only between controllers.
In this case number of RPC connections doesn't matter (very small) so we
can use static connections without fear and have all performance benefits
from it.
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
super(DealerPublisherDirectStatic, self).__init__(conf, matchmaker)
self.fanout_sockets = zmq_sockets_manager.SocketsManager(
conf, matchmaker, zmq.DEALER)
def acquire_connection(self, request):
target_key = zmq_address.target_to_key(
||||||, zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.ROUTER))
if request.msg_type in zmq_names.MULTISEND_TYPES:
hosts = self.routing_table.get_fanout_hosts(
return self.fanout_sockets.get_cached_socket(target_key, hosts,
hosts = self.routing_table.get_all_round_robin_hosts(
return self.sockets_manager.get_cached_socket(target_key, hosts)
def _finally_unregister(self, socket, request):
def cleanup(self):
super(DealerPublisherDirectStatic, self).cleanup()
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import random
import uuid
import six
from \
import zmq_dealer_publisher_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_receivers
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_routing_table
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_senders
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker import zmq_matchmaker_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_updater
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class DealerPublisherProxy(zmq_dealer_publisher_base.DealerPublisherBase):
"""DEALER-publisher via proxy."""
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
sender = zmq_senders.RequestSenderProxy(conf)
receiver = zmq_receivers.ReceiverProxy(conf)
super(DealerPublisherProxy, self).__init__(conf, matchmaker,
sender, receiver)
self.socket = self.sockets_manager.get_socket_to_publishers(
self.routing_table = zmq_routing_table.RoutingTableAdaptor(
conf, matchmaker, zmq.DEALER)
self.connection_updater = PublisherConnectionUpdater(
self.conf, self.matchmaker, self.socket)
def _generate_identity(self):
return six.b(self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_host + "/" +
def _check_reply(self, reply, request):
super(DealerPublisherProxy, self)._check_reply(reply, request)
assert reply.reply_id == request.routing_key, \
"Reply from recipient expected!"
def _get_routing_keys(self, request):
if request.msg_type in zmq_names.DIRECT_TYPES:
return [self.routing_table.get_round_robin_host(]
return \
[zmq_address.target_to_subscribe_filter(] \
if self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub else \
def acquire_connection(self, request):
return self.socket
def send_request(self, socket, request):
for routing_key in self._get_routing_keys(request):
request.routing_key = routing_key
self.sender.send(socket, request)
def cleanup(self):
super(DealerPublisherProxy, self).cleanup()
class PublisherConnectionUpdater(zmq_updater.ConnectionUpdater):
def _update_connection(self):
publishers = self.matchmaker.get_publishers()
for pub_address, fe_router_address in publishers:
class DealerPublisherProxyDynamic(
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
sender = zmq_senders.RequestSenderProxy(conf)
receiver = zmq_receivers.ReceiverDirect(conf)
super(DealerPublisherProxyDynamic, self).__init__(conf, matchmaker,
sender, receiver)
self.publishers = set()
self.updater = DynamicPublishersUpdater(conf, matchmaker,
def acquire_connection(self, request):
if not self.publishers:
raise zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable()
socket = self.sockets_manager.get_socket()
publishers = list(self.publishers)
for publisher in publishers:
return socket
def send_request(self, socket, request):
request.routing_key = \
self.sender.send(socket, request)
def cleanup(self):
super(DealerPublisherProxyDynamic, self).cleanup()
class DynamicPublishersUpdater(zmq_updater.UpdaterBase):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, publishers):
super(DynamicPublishersUpdater, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, self.update_publishers,
self.publishers = publishers
def update_publishers(self):
publishers = self.matchmaker.get_publishers()
for pub_address, fe_router_address in publishers:
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import six
import oslo_messaging
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class PublisherBase(object):
"""Abstract publisher class
Each publisher from zmq-driver client should implement
this interface to serve as a messages publisher.
Publisher can send request objects from zmq_request.
def __init__(self, sockets_manager, sender, receiver):
"""Construct publisher.
Accept sockets manager, sender and receiver objects.
:param sockets_manager: sockets manager object
:type sockets_manager: zmq_sockets_manager.SocketsManager
:param sender: request sender object
:type sender: zmq_senders.RequestSenderBase
:param receiver: response receiver object
:type receiver: zmq_receivers.ReceiverBase
self.sockets_manager = sockets_manager
self.conf = sockets_manager.conf
self.matchmaker = sockets_manager.matchmaker
self.sender = sender
self.receiver = receiver
def acquire_connection(self, request):
"""Get socket to publish request on it.
:param request: request object
:type senders: zmq_request.Request
def send_request(self, socket, request):
"""Publish request on a socket.
:param socket: socket object to publish request on
:type socket: zmq_socket.ZmqSocket
:param request: request object
:type senders: zmq_request.Request
def receive_reply(self, socket, request):
"""Wait for a reply via the socket used for sending the request.
:param socket: socket object to receive reply from
:type socket: zmq_socket.ZmqSocket
:param request: request object
:type senders: zmq_request.Request
def _raise_timeout(request):
raise oslo_messaging.MessagingTimeout(
"Timeout %(tout)s seconds was reached for message %(msg_id)s" %
{"tout": request.timeout, "msg_id": request.message_id})
def cleanup(self):
"""Cleanup publisher: stop receiving responses, close allocated
connections etc.
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from concurrent import futures
import logging
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_publisher_manager
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_response
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LW
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class AckManager(zmq_publisher_manager.PublisherManagerBase):
def __init__(self, publisher):
super(AckManager, self).__init__(publisher, with_pool=True)
def _check_ack(ack, request):
if ack is not None:
assert isinstance(ack, zmq_response.Ack), "Ack expected!"
assert ack.reply_id == request.routing_key, \
"Ack from recipient expected!"
def _wait_for_ack(self, request, ack_future=None):
if ack_future is None:
ack_future = self._schedule_request_for_ack(request)
retries = \
request.retry or self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_retry_attempts
if retries is None:
retries = -1
timeout = self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_ack_timeout_base
done = ack_future is None
while not done:
ack = ack_future.result(timeout=timeout)
done = True
self._check_ack(ack, request)
except AssertionError:
LOG.error(_LE("Message format error in ack for %s"),
except futures.TimeoutError:
LOG.warning(_LW("No ack received within %(tout)s seconds "
"for %(msg_id)s"),
{"tout": timeout,
"msg_id": request.message_id})
if retries != 0:
if retries > 0:
retries -= 1
self.sender.send(ack_future.socket, request)
timeout *= \
LOG.warning(_LW("Exhausted number of retries for %s"),
done = True
if request.msg_type != zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
def _send_request(self, request):
socket = self.publisher.acquire_connection(request)
self.publisher.send_request(socket, request)
return socket
def _schedule_request_for_ack(self, request):
socket = self._send_request(request)
if socket is None:
return None
ack_future, _ = self.receiver.track_request(request)
ack_future.socket = socket
return ack_future
def send_call(self, request):
ack_future = self._schedule_request_for_ack(request)
if ack_future is None:
self.pool.submit(self._wait_for_ack, request, ack_future)
return self.publisher.receive_reply(ack_future.socket, request)
if not ack_future.done():
def send_cast(self, request):
self.pool.submit(self._wait_for_ack, request)
send_fanout = _send_request
send_notify = _send_request
class AckManagerAsyncMultisend(AckManager):
def _send_request_async(self, request):
self.pool.submit(self._send_request, request)
send_fanout = _send_request_async
send_notify = _send_request_async
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_client_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class WrongClientException(common.RPCException):
"""Raised if client type doesn't match configuration"""
class ZmqClientMixDirectPubSub(zmq_client_base.ZmqClientBase):
"""Client for using with direct connections and fanout over proxy:
use_pub_sub = true
use_router_proxy = false
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None):
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_router_proxy or not \
raise WrongClientException()
publisher = self._create_publisher_direct_dynamic(conf, matchmaker) \
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_dynamic_connections else \
self._create_publisher_direct(conf, matchmaker)
publisher_proxy = self._create_publisher_proxy_dynamic(conf,
matchmaker) \
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_dynamic_connections else \
self._create_publisher_proxy(conf, matchmaker)
super(ZmqClientMixDirectPubSub, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, allowed_remote_exmods,
zmq_names.CAST_FANOUT_TYPE: publisher_proxy,
zmq_names.NOTIFY_TYPE: publisher_proxy,
"default": publisher
class ZmqClientDirect(zmq_client_base.ZmqClientBase):
"""This kind of client (publishers combination) is to be used for
direct connections only:
use_pub_sub = false
use_router_proxy = false
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None):
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub or \
raise WrongClientException()
publisher = self._create_publisher_direct_dynamic(conf, matchmaker) \
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_dynamic_connections else \
self._create_publisher_direct(conf, matchmaker)
super(ZmqClientDirect, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, allowed_remote_exmods,
"default": publisher
class ZmqClientProxy(zmq_client_base.ZmqClientBase):
"""Client for using with proxy:
use_pub_sub = true
use_router_proxy = true
use_pub_sub = false
use_router_proxy = true
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None):
if not conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_router_proxy:
raise WrongClientException()
super(ZmqClientProxy, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, allowed_remote_exmods,
"default": self._create_publisher_proxy(conf, matchmaker)
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from \
import zmq_dealer_publisher_direct
from \
import zmq_dealer_publisher_proxy
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_ack_manager
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_publisher_manager
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_request
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class ZmqClientBase(object):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None,
self.conf = conf
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
self.allowed_remote_exmods = allowed_remote_exmods or []
self.publishers = publishers
self.call_publisher = publishers.get(zmq_names.CALL_TYPE,
self.cast_publisher = publishers.get(zmq_names.CAST_TYPE,
self.fanout_publisher = publishers.get(zmq_names.CAST_FANOUT_TYPE,
self.notify_publisher = publishers.get(zmq_names.NOTIFY_TYPE,
def send_call(self, target, context, message, timeout=None, retry=None):
request = zmq_request.CallRequest(
target, context=context, message=message, retry=retry,
timeout=timeout, allowed_remote_exmods=self.allowed_remote_exmods
return self.call_publisher.send_call(request)
def send_cast(self, target, context, message, retry=None):
request = zmq_request.CastRequest(
target, context=context, message=message, retry=retry
def send_fanout(self, target, context, message, retry=None):
request = zmq_request.FanoutRequest(
target, context=context, message=message, retry=retry
def send_notify(self, target, context, message, version, retry=None):
request = zmq_request.NotificationRequest(
target, context=context, message=message, retry=retry,
def _create_publisher_direct(conf, matchmaker):
publisher_cls = zmq_dealer_publisher_direct.DealerPublisherDirectStatic
publisher_direct = publisher_cls(conf, matchmaker)
publisher_manager_cls = zmq_publisher_manager.PublisherManagerStatic
return publisher_manager_cls(publisher_direct)
def _create_publisher_direct_dynamic(conf, matchmaker):
publisher_cls = zmq_dealer_publisher_direct.DealerPublisherDirect
publisher_direct = publisher_cls(conf, matchmaker)
publisher_manager_cls = zmq_publisher_manager.PublisherManagerDynamic \
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub else \
return publisher_manager_cls(publisher_direct)
def _create_publisher_proxy(conf, matchmaker):
publisher_proxy = \
zmq_dealer_publisher_proxy.DealerPublisherProxy(conf, matchmaker)
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_use_acks:
ack_manager_cls = zmq_ack_manager.AckManager \
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub else \
return ack_manager_cls(publisher_proxy)
publisher_manager_cls = \
zmq_publisher_manager.PublisherManagerStatic \
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub else \
return publisher_manager_cls(publisher_proxy)
def _create_publisher_proxy_dynamic(conf, matchmaker):
publisher_proxy = \
return zmq_publisher_manager.PublisherManagerDynamic(publisher_proxy)
def cleanup(self):
cleaned = set()
for publisher in self.publishers.values():
if publisher not in cleaned:
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import contextlib
import logging
import six
import tenacity
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker import zmq_matchmaker_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
def _drop_message_warn(request):
LOG.warning(_LW("Matchmaker contains no records for specified "
"target %(target)s. Dropping message %(msg_id)s."),
"msg_id": request.message_id})
def target_not_found_warn(func):
def _target_not_found_warn(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
return func(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
except (zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable,
return _target_not_found_warn
def target_not_found_timeout(func):
def _target_not_found_timeout(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
return func(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
except (zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable,
return _target_not_found_timeout
class PublisherManagerBase(object):
"""Abstract publisher manager class
Publisher knows how to establish connection, how to send message,
and how to receive reply. PublisherManager coordinates all these steps
regarding retrying logic in AckManager implementations. May also have an
additional thread pool for scheduling background tasks.
def __init__(self, publisher, with_pool=False):
self.publisher = publisher
self.conf = publisher.conf
self.sender = publisher.sender
self.receiver = publisher.receiver
if with_pool:
self.pool = zmq_async.get_pool(
self.pool = None
def send_call(self, request):
"""Send call request
:param request: request object
:type request: zmq_request.CallRequest
def send_cast(self, request):
"""Send cast request
:param request: request object
:type request: zmq_request.CastRequest
def send_fanout(self, request):
"""Send fanout request
:param request: request object
:type request: zmq_request.FanoutRequest
def send_notify(self, request):
"""Send notification request
:param request: request object
:type request: zmq_request.NotificationRequest
def cleanup(self):
if self.pool:
class PublisherManagerDynamic(PublisherManagerBase):
def send_call(self, request):
with contextlib.closing(self.publisher.acquire_connection(request)) \
as socket:
self.publisher.send_request(socket, request)
reply = self.publisher.receive_reply(socket, request)
return reply
def _send(self, request):
with contextlib.closing(self.publisher.acquire_connection(request)) \
as socket:
self.publisher.send_request(socket, request)
send_cast = _send
send_fanout = _send
send_notify = _send
class PublisherManagerDynamicAsyncMultisend(PublisherManagerDynamic):
def __init__(self, publisher):
super(PublisherManagerDynamicAsyncMultisend, self).__init__(
publisher, with_pool=True
def _send_async(self, request):
self.pool.submit(self._send, request)
send_fanout = _send_async
send_notify = _send_async
class PublisherManagerStatic(PublisherManagerBase):
def send_call(self, request):
socket = self.publisher.acquire_connection(request)
self.publisher.send_request(socket, request)
reply = self.publisher.receive_reply(socket, request)
return reply
def _send(self, request):
socket = self.publisher.acquire_connection(request)
self.publisher.send_request(socket, request)
send_cast = _send
send_fanout = _send
send_notify = _send
class PublisherManagerStaticAsyncMultisend(PublisherManagerStatic):
def __init__(self, publisher):
super(PublisherManagerStaticAsyncMultisend, self).__init__(
publisher, with_pool=True
def _send_async(self, request):
self.pool.submit(self._send, request)
send_fanout = _send_async
send_notify = _send_async
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import logging
import threading
import futurist
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_response
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_version
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
def suppress_errors(func):
def silent_func(self, socket):
return func(self, socket)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_LE("Receiving message failed: %r"), e)
# NOTE(gdavoian): drop the left parts of a broken message, since
# they most likely will lead to additional exceptions
if socket.getsockopt(zmq.RCVMORE):
return silent_func
class ReceiverBase(object):
"""Base response receiving interface."""
def __init__(self, conf):
self.conf = conf
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._requests = {}
self._poller = zmq_async.get_poller()
self._receive_response_versions = \
zmq_version.get_method_versions(self, 'receive_response')
self._executor = zmq_async.get_executor(self._run_loop)
def register_socket(self, socket):
"""Register a socket for receiving data."""
self._poller.register(socket, self.receive_response)
def unregister_socket(self, socket):
"""Unregister a socket from receiving data."""
def receive_response(self, socket):
"""Receive a response (ack or reply) and return it."""
def track_request(self, request):
"""Track a request via already registered sockets and return
a pair of ack and reply futures for monitoring all possible
types of responses for the given request.
message_id = request.message_id
futures = self._get_futures(message_id)
if futures is None:
ack_future = reply_future = None
if self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_use_acks:
ack_future = futurist.Future()
if request.msg_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
reply_future = futurist.Future()
futures = (ack_future, reply_future)
self._set_futures(message_id, futures)
return futures
def untrack_request(self, request):
"""Untrack a request and stop monitoring any responses."""
def stop(self):
def _get_futures(self, message_id):
with self._lock:
return self._requests.get(message_id)
def _set_futures(self, message_id, futures):
with self._lock:
self._requests[message_id] = futures
def _pop_futures(self, message_id):
with self._lock:
return self._requests.pop(message_id, None)
def _run_loop(self):
response, socket = \
if response is None:
message_type, message_id = response.msg_type, response.message_id
futures = self._get_futures(message_id)
if futures is not None:
ack_future, reply_future = futures
if message_type == zmq_names.REPLY_TYPE:
LOG.debug("Received %(msg_type)s for %(msg_id)s",
{"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(message_type),
"msg_id": message_id})
def _get_receive_response_version(self, version):
receive_response_version = self._receive_response_versions.get(version)
if receive_response_version is None:
raise zmq_version.UnsupportedMessageVersionError(version)
return receive_response_version
class ReceiverProxy(ReceiverBase):
def receive_response(self, socket):
empty = socket.recv()
assert empty == b'', "Empty delimiter expected!"
message_version = socket.recv_string()
assert message_version != b'', "Valid message version expected!"
receive_response_version = \
return receive_response_version(socket)
def _receive_response_v_1_0(self, socket):
reply_id = socket.recv()
assert reply_id != b'', "Valid reply id expected!"
message_type = int(socket.recv())
assert message_type in zmq_names.RESPONSE_TYPES, "Response expected!"
message_id = socket.recv_string()
assert message_id != '', "Valid message id expected!"
if message_type == zmq_names.REPLY_TYPE:
reply_body, failure = socket.recv_loaded()
reply = zmq_response.Reply(message_id=message_id,
return reply
ack = zmq_response.Ack(message_id=message_id,
return ack
class ReceiverDirect(ReceiverBase):
def receive_response(self, socket):
empty = socket.recv()
assert empty == b'', "Empty delimiter expected!"
message_version = socket.recv_string()
assert message_version != b'', "Valid message version expected!"
receive_response_version = \
return receive_response_version(socket)
def _receive_response_v_1_0(self, socket):
message_type = int(socket.recv())
assert message_type in zmq_names.RESPONSE_TYPES, "Response expected!"
message_id = socket.recv_string()
assert message_id != '', "Valid message id expected!"
if message_type == zmq_names.REPLY_TYPE:
reply_body, failure = socket.recv_loaded()
reply = zmq_response.Reply(message_id=message_id,
return reply
ack = zmq_response.Ack(message_id=message_id)
return ack
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import logging
import uuid
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_version
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class Request(object):
"""Zmq request abstract class
Represents socket (publisher) independent data object to publish.
Request object should contain all needed information for a publisher
to publish it, for instance: message payload, target, timeout
and retries etc.
def __init__(self, target, context=None, message=None, retry=None):
"""Construct request object
:param target: Message destination target
:type target: oslo_messaging.Target
:param context: Message context
:type context: dict
:param message: Message payload to pass
:type message: dict
:param retry: an optional default connection retries configuration
None or -1 means to retry forever
0 means no retry
N means N retries
:type retry: int
if self.msg_type not in zmq_names.REQUEST_TYPES:
raise RuntimeError("Unknown request type!")
|||||| = target
self.context = context
self.message = message
self.retry = retry
if not isinstance(retry, int) and retry is not None:
raise ValueError(
"retry must be an integer, not {0}".format(type(retry)))
self.message_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
def msg_type(self):
"""ZMQ request type"""
def message_version(self):
return zmq_version.MESSAGE_VERSION
class RpcRequest(Request):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
message = kwargs.get("message")
if message['method'] is None:
errmsg = _LE("No method specified for RPC call")
LOG.error(_LE("No method specified for RPC call"))
raise KeyError(errmsg)
super(RpcRequest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class CallRequest(RpcRequest):
msg_type = zmq_names.CALL_TYPE
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.allowed_remote_exmods = kwargs.pop("allowed_remote_exmods")
self.timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout")
if self.timeout is None:
raise ValueError("Timeout should be specified for a RPC call!")
elif not isinstance(self.timeout, int):
raise ValueError(
"timeout must be an integer, not {0}"
super(CallRequest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class CastRequest(RpcRequest):
msg_type = zmq_names.CAST_TYPE
class FanoutRequest(RpcRequest):
msg_type = zmq_names.CAST_FANOUT_TYPE
class NotificationRequest(Request):
msg_type = zmq_names.NOTIFY_TYPE
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.version = kwargs.pop("version")
super(NotificationRequest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
class Response(object):
def __init__(self, message_id=None, reply_id=None, message_version=None):
if self.msg_type not in zmq_names.RESPONSE_TYPES:
raise RuntimeError("Unknown response type!")
self._message_id = message_id
self._reply_id = reply_id
self._message_version = message_version
def msg_type(self):
"""ZMQ response type"""
def message_id(self):
return self._message_id
def reply_id(self):
return self._reply_id
def message_version(self):
return self._message_version
def to_dict(self):
return {zmq_names.FIELD_MSG_ID: self._message_id,
zmq_names.FIELD_REPLY_ID: self._reply_id,
zmq_names.FIELD_MSG_VERSION: self._message_version}
def __str__(self):
return str(self.to_dict())
class Ack(Response):
msg_type = zmq_names.ACK_TYPE
class Reply(Response):
msg_type = zmq_names.REPLY_TYPE
def __init__(self, message_id=None, reply_id=None, message_version=None,
reply_body=None, failure=None):
super(Reply, self).__init__(message_id, reply_id, message_version)
self._reply_body = reply_body
self._failure = failure
def reply_body(self):
return self._reply_body
def failure(self):
return self._failure
def to_dict(self):
dict_ = super(Reply, self).to_dict()
dict_.update({zmq_names.FIELD_REPLY_BODY: self._reply_body,
zmq_names.FIELD_FAILURE: self._failure})
return dict_
@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import itertools
import logging
import threading
import time
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker import zmq_matchmaker_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_updater
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class RoutingTableAdaptor(object):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, listener_type):
self.conf = conf
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
self.listener_type = listener_type
self.routing_table = RoutingTable(conf)
self.routing_table_updater = RoutingTableUpdater(
conf, matchmaker, self.routing_table)
self.round_robin_targets = {}
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def get_round_robin_host(self, target):
target_key = self._fetch_round_robin_hosts_from_matchmaker(target)
rr_gen = self.round_robin_targets[target_key]
host = next(rr_gen)
LOG.debug("Host resolved for the current connection is %s" % host)
return host
def get_all_round_robin_hosts(self, target):
target_key = self._fetch_round_robin_hosts_from_matchmaker(target)
return self.routing_table.get_hosts_fanout(target_key)
def _fetch_round_robin_hosts_from_matchmaker(self, target):
target_key = zmq_address.target_to_key(
target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(self.listener_type))
LOG.debug("Processing target %s for round-robin." % target_key)
if target_key not in self.round_robin_targets:
with self._lock:
if target_key not in self.round_robin_targets:
LOG.debug("Target %s is not in cache. Check matchmaker "
"server." % target_key)
hosts = self.matchmaker.get_hosts_retry(
target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(self.listener_type))
LOG.debug("Received hosts %s" % hosts)
self.routing_table.update_hosts(target_key, hosts)
self.round_robin_targets[target_key] = \
return target_key
def get_fanout_hosts(self, target):
target_key = zmq_address.target_to_key(
target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(self.listener_type))
LOG.debug("Processing target %s for fanout." % target_key)
if not self.routing_table.contains(target_key):
self._fetch_fanout_hosts_from_matchmaker(target, target_key)
return self.routing_table.get_hosts_fanout(target_key)
def _fetch_fanout_hosts_from_matchmaker(self, target, target_key):
with self._lock:
if not self.routing_table.contains(target_key):
LOG.debug("Target %s is not in cache. Check matchmaker server."
% target_key)
hosts = self.matchmaker.get_hosts_fanout(
target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(self.listener_type))
LOG.debug("Received hosts %s" % hosts)
self.routing_table.update_hosts(target_key, hosts)
def cleanup(self):
class RoutingTable(object):
def __init__(self, conf):
self.conf = conf
self.targets = {}
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def register(self, target_key, host):
with self._lock:
if target_key in self.targets:
hosts, tm = self.targets[target_key]
if host not in hosts:
self.targets[target_key] = (hosts, self._create_tm())
self.targets[target_key] = ({host}, self._create_tm())
def get_targets(self):
with self._lock:
return list(self.targets.keys())
def unregister(self, target_key, host):
with self._lock:
hosts, tm = self.targets.get(target_key)
if hosts and host in hosts:
self.targets[target_key] = (hosts, self._create_tm())
def update_hosts(self, target_key, hosts_updated):
with self._lock:
if target_key in self.targets and not hosts_updated:
hosts_current, _ = self.targets.get(target_key, (set(), None))
hosts_updated = set(hosts_updated)
has_differences = hosts_updated ^ hosts_current
if has_differences:
self.targets[target_key] = (hosts_updated, self._create_tm())
def get_hosts_round_robin(self, target_key):
while self.contains(target_key):
for host in self._get_hosts_rr(target_key):
yield host
def get_hosts_fanout(self, target_key):
hosts, _ = self._get_hosts(target_key)
return hosts
def contains(self, target_key):
with self._lock:
return target_key in self.targets
def _get_hosts(self, target_key):
with self._lock:
hosts, tm = self.targets.get(target_key, ([], None))
hosts = list(hosts)
return hosts, tm
def _get_tm(self, target_key):
with self._lock:
_, tm = self.targets.get(target_key)
return tm
def _is_target_changed(self, target_key, tm_orig):
return self._get_tm(target_key) != tm_orig
def _create_tm():
return time.time()
def _get_hosts_rr(self, target_key):
hosts, tm_original = self._get_hosts(target_key)
for host in itertools.cycle(hosts):
if self._is_target_changed(target_key, tm_original):
yield host
class RoutingTableUpdater(zmq_updater.UpdaterBase):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, routing_table):
self.routing_table = routing_table
super(RoutingTableUpdater, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, self._update_routing_table,
def _update_routing_table(self):
target_keys = self.routing_table.get_targets()
for target_key in target_keys:
hosts = self.matchmaker.get_hosts_by_key(target_key)
self.routing_table.update_hosts(target_key, hosts)
LOG.debug("Updating routing table from the matchmaker. "
"%d target(s) updated %s." % (len(target_keys),
except zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable:
LOG.warning(_LW("Not updated. Matchmaker was not available."))
@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import logging
import threading
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_version
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class SenderBase(object):
"""Base request/response sending interface."""
def __init__(self, conf, use_async=False):
self.conf = conf
self.use_async = use_async
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._send_versions = zmq_version.get_method_versions(self, 'send')
def _get_send_version(self, version):
send_version = self._send_versions.get(version)
if send_version is None:
raise zmq_version.UnsupportedMessageVersionError(version)
return send_version
def send(self, socket, message):
"""Send a message via a socket in a thread-safe manner."""
class RequestSenderBase(SenderBase):
class AckSenderBase(SenderBase):
class ReplySenderBase(SenderBase):
class RequestSenderProxy(RequestSenderBase):
def send(self, socket, request):
assert request.msg_type in zmq_names.REQUEST_TYPES, "Request expected!"
send_version = self._get_send_version(request.message_version)
with self._lock:
send_version(socket, request)
LOG.debug("->[proxy:%(addr)s] Sending %(msg_type)s message "
"%(msg_id)s to target %(target)s (v%(msg_version)s)",
{"addr": list(socket.connections),
"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(request.msg_type),
"msg_id": request.message_id,
"msg_version": request.message_version})
def _send_v_1_0(self, socket, request):
socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_string('1.0', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(six.b(str(request.msg_type)), zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(request.routing_key, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_string(request.message_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_dumped([request.context, request.message])
class AckSenderProxy(AckSenderBase):
def send(self, socket, ack):
assert ack.msg_type == zmq_names.ACK_TYPE, "Ack expected!"
send_version = self._get_send_version(ack.message_version)
with self._lock:
send_version(socket, ack)
LOG.debug("->[proxy:%(addr)s] Sending %(msg_type)s for %(msg_id)s "
{"addr": list(socket.connections),
"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(ack.msg_type),
"msg_id": ack.message_id,
"msg_version": ack.message_version})
def _send_v_1_0(self, socket, ack):
socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_string('1.0', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(six.b(str(ack.msg_type)), zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(ack.reply_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
class ReplySenderProxy(ReplySenderBase):
def send(self, socket, reply):
assert reply.msg_type == zmq_names.REPLY_TYPE, "Reply expected!"
send_version = self._get_send_version(reply.message_version)
with self._lock:
send_version(socket, reply)
LOG.debug("->[proxy:%(addr)s] Sending %(msg_type)s for %(msg_id)s "
{"addr": list(socket.connections),
"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(reply.msg_type),
"msg_id": reply.message_id,
"msg_version": reply.message_version})
def _send_v_1_0(self, socket, reply):
socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_string('1.0', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(six.b(str(reply.msg_type)), zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(reply.reply_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_string(reply.message_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_dumped([reply.reply_body, reply.failure])
class RequestSenderDirect(RequestSenderBase):
def send(self, socket, request):
assert request.msg_type in zmq_names.REQUEST_TYPES, "Request expected!"
send_version = self._get_send_version(request.message_version)
with self._lock:
send_version(socket, request)
LOG.debug("Sending %(msg_type)s message %(msg_id)s to "
"target %(target)s (v%(msg_version)s)",
{"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(request.msg_type),
"msg_id": request.message_id,
"msg_version": request.message_version})
def _send_v_1_0(self, socket, request):
flags = zmq.NOBLOCK if self.use_async else 0
socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE | flags)
socket.send_string('1.0', zmq.SNDMORE | flags)
socket.send(six.b(str(request.msg_type)), zmq.SNDMORE | flags)
socket.send_string(request.message_id, zmq.SNDMORE | flags)
socket.send_dumped([request.context, request.message], flags)
class AckSenderDirect(AckSenderBase):
def send(self, socket, ack):
assert ack.msg_type == zmq_names.ACK_TYPE, "Ack expected!"
send_version = self._get_send_version(ack.message_version)
with self._lock:
send_version(socket, ack)
LOG.debug("Sending %(msg_type)s for %(msg_id)s (v%(msg_version)s)",
{"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(ack.msg_type),
"msg_id": ack.message_id,
"msg_version": ack.message_version})
def _send_v_1_0(self, socket, ack):
raise NotImplementedError()
class ReplySenderDirect(ReplySenderBase):
def send(self, socket, reply):
assert reply.msg_type == zmq_names.REPLY_TYPE, "Reply expected!"
send_version = self._get_send_version(reply.message_version)
with self._lock:
send_version(socket, reply)
LOG.debug("Sending %(msg_type)s for %(msg_id)s (v%(msg_version)s)",
{"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(reply.msg_type),
"msg_id": reply.message_id,
"msg_version": reply.message_version})
def _send_v_1_0(self, socket, reply):
socket.send(reply.reply_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_string('1.0', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(six.b(str(reply.msg_type)), zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_string(reply.message_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send_dumped([reply.reply_body, reply.failure])
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SocketsManager(object):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, socket_type):
self.conf = conf
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
self.socket_type = socket_type
self.zmq_context = zmq.Context()
self.socket_to_publishers = None
self.socket_to_routers = None
self.sockets = {}
def get_socket(self, immediate=True):
return zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(self.conf, self.zmq_context,
self.socket_type, immediate=immediate)
def get_cached_socket(self, target_key, hosts=None, immediate=True):
hosts = [] if hosts is None else hosts
socket = self.sockets.get(target_key, None)
if socket is None:
LOG.debug("CREATING NEW socket for target_key %s " % target_key)
socket = zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(self.conf, self.zmq_context,
self.sockets[target_key] = socket
for host in hosts:
LOG.debug("Target key: %s socket:%s" % (target_key,
return socket
def get_socket_to_publishers(self, identity=None):
if self.socket_to_publishers is not None:
return self.socket_to_publishers
self.socket_to_publishers = zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(
self.conf, self.zmq_context, self.socket_type,
publishers = self.matchmaker.get_publishers()
for pub_address, fe_router_address in publishers:
return self.socket_to_publishers
def get_socket_to_routers(self, identity=None):
if self.socket_to_routers is not None:
return self.socket_to_routers
self.socket_to_routers = zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(
self.conf, self.zmq_context, self.socket_type,
routers = self.matchmaker.get_routers()
for be_router_address in routers:
return self.socket_to_routers
def cleanup(self):
if self.socket_to_publishers:
if self.socket_to_routers:
for socket in self.sockets.values():
@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import collections
import logging
import six
import time
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MatchmakerUnavailable(rpc_common.RPCException):
"""Exception is raised on connection error to matchmaker service"""
def __init__(self):
super(MatchmakerUnavailable, self).__init__(
message=_LE("Matchmaker is not currently available."))
class MatchmakerBase(object):
def __init__(self, conf, *args, **kwargs):
super(MatchmakerBase, self).__init__()
self.conf = conf
self.url = kwargs.get('url')
def register_publisher(self, hostname, expire=-1):
"""Register publisher on nameserver.
This works for PUB-SUB only
:param hostname: host for the topic in "host:port" format
host for back-chatter in "host:port" format
:type hostname: tuple
:param expire: record expiration timeout
:type expire: int
def unregister_publisher(self, hostname):
"""Unregister publisher on nameserver.
This works for PUB-SUB only
:param hostname: host for the topic in "host:port" format
host for back-chatter in "host:port" format
:type hostname: tuple
def get_publishers(self):
"""Get all publisher-hosts from nameserver.
:returns: a list of tuples of strings "hostname:port" hosts
def register_router(self, hostname, expire=-1):
"""Register router on the nameserver.
This works for ROUTER proxy only
:param hostname: host for the topic in "host:port" format
:type hostname: str
:param expire: record expiration timeout
:type expire: int
def unregister_router(self, hostname):
"""Unregister router on the nameserver.
This works for ROUTER proxy only
:param hostname: host for the topic in "host:port" format
:type hostname: str
def get_routers(self):
"""Get all router-hosts from nameserver.
:returns: a list of strings "hostname:port" hosts
def register(self, target, hostname, listener_type, expire=-1):
"""Register target on nameserver.
If record already exists and has expiration timeout it will be
updated. Existing records without timeout will stay untouched
:param target: the target for host
:type target: Target
:param hostname: host for the topic in "host:port" format
:type hostname: str
:param listener_type: listener socket type ROUTER, SUB etc.
:type listener_type: str
:param expire: record expiration timeout
:type expire: int
def unregister(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
"""Unregister target from nameserver.
:param target: the target for host
:type target: Target
:param hostname: host for the topic in "host:port" format
:type hostname: str
:param listener_type: listener socket type ROUTER, SUB etc.
:type listener_type: str
def get_hosts(self, target, listener_type):
"""Get all hosts from nameserver by target.
:param target: the default target for invocations
:type target: Target
:param listener_type: listener socket type ROUTER, SUB etc.
:type listener_type: str
:returns: a list of "hostname:port" hosts
def get_hosts_retry(self, target, listener_type):
"""Retry if not hosts - used on client first time connection.
:param target: the default target for invocations
:type target: Target
:param listener_type: listener socket type ROUTER, SUB etc.
:type listener_type: str
:returns: a list of "hostname:port" hosts
def get_hosts_fanout(self, target, listener_type):
"""Get all hosts for fanout from nameserver by target.
:param target: the default target for invocations
:type target: Target
:param listener_type: listener socket type ROUTER, SUB etc.
:type listener_type: str
:returns: a list of "hostname:port" hosts
def get_hosts_fanout_retry(self, target, listener_type):
"""Retry if not host for fanout - used on client first time connection.
:param target: the default target for invocations
:type target: Target
:param listener_type: listener socket type ROUTER, SUB etc.
:type listener_type: str
:returns: a list of "hostname:port" hosts
class MatchmakerDummy(MatchmakerBase):
def __init__(self, conf, *args, **kwargs):
super(MatchmakerDummy, self).__init__(conf, *args, **kwargs)
self._cache = collections.defaultdict(list)
self._publishers = set()
self._routers = set()
self._address = {}
self.executor = zmq_async.get_executor(method=self._loop)
def register_publisher(self, hostname, expire=-1):
if hostname not in self._publishers:
self._address[hostname] = expire
def unregister_publisher(self, hostname):
if hostname in self._publishers:
if hostname in self._address:
def get_publishers(self):
hosts = [host for host in self._publishers
if self._address[host] > 0]
return hosts
def register_router(self, hostname, expire=-1):
if hostname not in self._routers:
self._address[hostname] = expire
def unregister_router(self, hostname):
if hostname in self._routers:
if hostname in self._address:
def get_routers(self):
hosts = [host for host in self._routers
if self._address[host] > 0]
return hosts
def _loop(self):
for hostname in self._address:
expire = self._address[hostname]
if expire > 0:
self._address[hostname] = expire - 1
def register(self, target, hostname, listener_type, expire=-1):
if target.server:
key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
if hostname not in self._cache[key]:
key = zmq_address.prefix_str(target.topic, listener_type)
if hostname not in self._cache[key]:
self._address[hostname] = expire
def unregister(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
if target.server:
key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
if hostname in self._cache[key]:
key = zmq_address.prefix_str(target.topic, listener_type)
if hostname in self._cache[key]:
if hostname in self._address:
def get_hosts(self, target, listener_type):
hosts = []
if target.server:
key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
hosts.extend([host for host in self._cache[key]
if self._address[host] > 0])
if not hosts:
key = zmq_address.prefix_str(target.topic, listener_type)
hosts.extend([host for host in self._cache[key]
if self._address[host] > 0])
LOG.debug("[Dummy] get_hosts for target %(target)s: %(hosts)s",
{"target": target, "hosts": hosts})
return hosts
def get_hosts_retry(self, target, listener_type):
# Do not complicate dummy matchmaker
# This method will act smarter in real world matchmakers
return self.get_hosts(target, listener_type)
def get_hosts_fanout(self, target, listener_type):
hosts = []
key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
hosts.extend([host for host in self._cache[key]
if self._address[host] > 0])
LOG.debug("[Dummy] get_hosts_fanout for target %(target)s: %(hosts)s",
{"target": target, "hosts": hosts})
return hosts
def get_hosts_fanout_retry(self, target, listener_type):
# Do not complicate dummy matchmaker
# This method will act smarter in real world matchmakers
return self.get_hosts_fanout(target, listener_type)
@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import functools
import logging
import random
import time
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import importutils
import six
import tenacity
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker import zmq_matchmaker_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_updater
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LI, _LW
redis = importutils.try_import('redis')
redis_sentinel = importutils.try_import('redis.sentinel')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
matchmaker_redis_opts = [
deprecated_reason="Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url",
help='Host to locate redis.'),
deprecated_reason="Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url",
help='Use this port to connect to redis host.'),
deprecated_reason="Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url",
help='Password for Redis server (optional).'),
deprecated_reason="Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url",
help='List of Redis Sentinel hosts (fault tolerance mode), '
'e.g., [host:port, host1:port ... ]'),
help='Redis replica set name.'),
help='Time in ms to wait between connection attempts.'),
help='Time in ms to wait before the transaction is killed.'),
help='Timeout in ms on blocking socket operations.'),
def write_to_redis_connection_warn(func):
def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# try to perform a write operation to all available hosts
success = False
for redis_instance in self._redis_instances:
if not redis_instance._is_available:
func(self, redis_instance, *args, **kwargs)
success = True
except redis.ConnectionError:
LOG.warning(_LW("Redis host %s is not available now."),
redis_instance._is_available = False
redis_instance._ready_from = float("inf")
if not success:
raise zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable()
return func_wrapper
def read_from_redis_connection_warn(func):
def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# try to perform a read operation from any available and ready host
for redis_instance in self._redis_instances:
if not redis_instance._is_available \
or redis_instance._ready_from > time.time():
return func(self, redis_instance, *args, **kwargs)
except redis.ConnectionError:
LOG.warning(_LW("Redis host %s is not available now."),
redis_instance._is_available = False
redis_instance._ready_from = float("inf")
raise zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable()
return func_wrapper
def no_reraise(func):
def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable:
return func_wrapper
def empty_list_on_error(func):
def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable:
return []
return func_wrapper
def is_empty(hosts):
return not hosts
class MatchmakerRedisBase(zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerBase):
def __init__(self, conf, *args, **kwargs):
if redis is None:
raise ImportError(_LE("Redis package is not available!"))
super(MatchmakerRedisBase, self).__init__(conf, *args, **kwargs)
self.conf.register_opts(matchmaker_redis_opts, "matchmaker_redis")
def _sadd(self, key, value, expire):
def _srem(self, key, value):
def _smembers(self, key):
def _ttl(self, key):
def register_publisher(self, hostname, expire=-1):
hostname = ','.join(hostname)
self._sadd(_PUBLISHERS_KEY, hostname, expire)
self._sadd(hostname, ' ', expire)
def unregister_publisher(self, hostname):
hostname = ','.join(hostname)
self._srem(_PUBLISHERS_KEY, hostname)
self._srem(hostname, ' ')
def get_publishers(self):
return [tuple(hostname.split(',')) for hostname
in self._smembers(_PUBLISHERS_KEY)]
def register_router(self, hostname, expire=-1):
self._sadd(_ROUTERS_KEY, hostname, expire)
self._sadd(hostname, ' ', expire)
def unregister_router(self, hostname):
self._srem(_ROUTERS_KEY, hostname)
self._srem(hostname, ' ')
def get_routers(self):
return self._smembers(_ROUTERS_KEY)
def get_hosts_by_key(self, key):
return self._smembers(key)
def register(self, target, hostname, listener_type, expire=-1):
if target.server:
key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
self._sadd(key, hostname, expire)
self._sadd(hostname, ' ', expire)
key = zmq_address.prefix_str(target.topic, listener_type)
self._sadd(key, hostname, expire)
self._sadd(hostname, ' ', expire)
def unregister(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
if target.server:
key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
self._srem(key, hostname)
self._srem(hostname, ' ')
key = zmq_address.prefix_str(target.topic, listener_type)
self._srem(key, hostname)
self._srem(hostname, ' ')
def get_hosts(self, target, listener_type):
hosts = []
if target.server:
key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
key = zmq_address.prefix_str(target.topic, listener_type)
LOG.debug("[Redis] get_hosts for target %(target)s: %(hosts)s",
{"target": target, "hosts": hosts})
return hosts
def get_hosts_retry(self, target, listener_type):
return self._retry_method(target, listener_type, self.get_hosts)
def get_hosts_fanout(self, target, listener_type):
key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
hosts = list(self._smembers(key))
LOG.debug("[Redis] get_hosts_fanout for target %(target)s: %(hosts)s",
{"target": target, "hosts": hosts})
return hosts
def get_hosts_fanout_retry(self, target, listener_type):
return self._retry_method(target, listener_type, self.get_hosts_fanout)
def _retry_method(self, target, listener_type, method):
wait_timeout = self.conf.matchmaker_redis.wait_timeout / 1000.
check_timeout = self.conf.matchmaker_redis.check_timeout / 1000.
def _get_hosts_retry(target, listener_type):
return method(target, listener_type)
return _get_hosts_retry(target, listener_type)
class MatchmakerRedis(MatchmakerRedisBase):
def __init__(self, conf, *args, **kwargs):
super(MatchmakerRedis, self).__init__(conf, *args, **kwargs)
self._redis_hosts = self._extract_redis_hosts()
self._redis_instances = [
for redis_host in self._redis_hosts
for redis_host, redis_instance \
in, self._redis_instances):
address = "{host}:{port}".format(host=redis_host["host"],
redis_instance._address = address
is_available = self._check_availability(redis_instance)
if is_available:
redis_instance._is_available = True
redis_instance._ready_from = time.time()
LOG.warning(_LW("Redis host %s is not available now."),
redis_instance._is_available = False
redis_instance._ready_from = float("inf")
# NOTE(gdavoian): store instances in a random order
# (for the sake of load balancing)
self._availability_updater = \
MatchmakerRedisAvailabilityUpdater(self.conf, self)
def _extract_redis_hosts(self):
if self.url and self.url.hosts:
return [{"host": redis_host.hostname,
"port": redis_host.port,
"password": redis_host.password}
for redis_host in self.url.hosts]
# FIXME(gdavoian): remove the code below along with the
# corresponding deprecated options in the next release
return [{"host":,
"port": self.conf.matchmaker_redis.port,
"password": self.conf.matchmaker_redis.password}]
def _check_availability(redis_instance):
return True
except redis.ConnectionError:
return False
def _sadd(self, redis_instance, key, value, expire):
redis_instance.sadd(key, value)
if expire > 0:
redis_instance.expire(key, expire)
def _srem(self, redis_instance, key, value):
redis_instance.srem(key, value)
def _ttl(self, redis_instance, key):
# NOTE(ozamiatin): If the specialized key doesn't exist,
# TTL fuction would return -2. If key exists,
# but doesn't have expiration associated,
# TTL func would return -1. For more information,
# please visit
return redis_instance.ttl(key)
def _smembers(self, redis_instance, key):
hosts = redis_instance.smembers(key)
return [host for host in hosts if redis_instance.ttl(host) >= -1]
class MatchmakerRedisAvailabilityUpdater(zmq_updater.UpdaterBase):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
super(MatchmakerRedisAvailabilityUpdater, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, self._update_availability,
def _update_availability(self):
fraction_of_available_instances = 0
for redis_instance in self.matchmaker._redis_instances:
if not redis_instance._is_available:
is_available = \
if is_available:
||||||"Redis host %s is available again."),
fraction_of_available_instances += 1
# NOTE(gdavoian): mark an instance as available for
# writing to, but wait until all services register
# themselves in it for making the instance ready for
# reading from
redis_instance._is_available = True
redis_instance._ready_from = time.time() + \
fraction_of_available_instances += 1
fraction_of_available_instances /= \
# NOTE(gdavoian): make the sleep time proportional to the number of
# currently available instances
self._sleep_for = max(self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_target_update *
class MatchmakerSentinel(MatchmakerRedisBase):
def __init__(self, conf, *args, **kwargs):
super(MatchmakerSentinel, self).__init__(conf, *args, **kwargs)
socket_timeout = self.conf.matchmaker_redis.socket_timeout / 1000.
self._sentinel_hosts, self._password, self._master_group = \
self._sentinel = redis_sentinel.Sentinel(
self._slave = self._master = None
def _redis_master(self):
if not self._master:
self._master = self._sentinel.master_for(self._master_group)
return self._master
except redis_sentinel.MasterNotFoundError:
raise zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable()
def _redis_slave(self):
if not self._slave:
self._slave = self._sentinel.slave_for(self._master_group)
except redis_sentinel.SlaveNotFoundError:
# use the master as slave (temporary)
return self._redis_master
return self._slave
def _extract_sentinel_hosts(self):
sentinels = []
master_group = self.conf.matchmaker_redis.sentinel_group_name
master_password = None
if self.url and self.url.hosts:
for host in self.url.hosts:
target = host.hostname, host.port
if host.password:
master_password = host.password
if self.url.virtual_host:
# url://:pass@sentinel_a,:pass@sentinel_b/master_group_name
master_group = self.url.virtual_host
elif self.conf.matchmaker_redis.sentinel_hosts:
s = self.conf.matchmaker_redis.sentinel_hosts
sentinels.extend([tuple(target.split(":")) for target in s])
master_password = self.conf.matchmaker_redis.password
return sentinels, master_password, master_group
def _sadd(self, key, value, expire):
self._redis_master.sadd(key, value)
if expire > 0:
self._redis_master.expire(key, expire)
def _srem(self, key, value):
self._redis_master.srem(key, value)
def _smembers(self, key):
hosts = self._redis_slave.smembers(key)
return [host for host in hosts if self._ttl(host) >= -1]
def _ttl(self, key):
return self._redis_slave.ttl(key)
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import eventlet
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_poller
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GreenPoller(zmq_poller.ZmqPoller):
def __init__(self):
self.incoming_queue = eventlet.queue.LightQueue()
self.thread_by_socket = {}
def register(self, socket, recv_method=None):
if socket not in self.thread_by_socket:
LOG.debug("Registering socket %s", socket.handle.identity)
self.thread_by_socket[socket] = eventlet.spawn(
self._socket_receive, socket, recv_method
def unregister(self, socket):
thread = self.thread_by_socket.pop(socket, None)
if thread:
LOG.debug("Unregistering socket %s", socket.handle.identity)
def _socket_receive(self, socket, recv_method=None):
while True:
if recv_method:
incoming = recv_method(socket)
incoming = socket.recv_multipart()
self.incoming_queue.put((incoming, socket))
def poll(self, timeout=None):
return self.incoming_queue.get(timeout=timeout)
except eventlet.queue.Empty:
return None, None
def close(self):
for thread in self.thread_by_socket.values():
self.thread_by_socket = {}
class GreenExecutor(zmq_poller.Executor):
def __init__(self, method):
self._method = method
super(GreenExecutor, self).__init__(None)
def _loop(self):
while True:
def execute(self):
if self.thread is None:
self.thread = eventlet.spawn(self._loop)
def stop(self):
if self.thread is not None:
self.thread = None
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import threading
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_poller
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ThreadingPoller(zmq_poller.ZmqPoller):
def __init__(self):
self.poller = zmq.Poller()
self.sockets_and_recv_methods = {}
def register(self, socket, recv_method=None):
socket_handle = socket.handle
if socket_handle in self.sockets_and_recv_methods:
LOG.debug("Registering socket %s", socket_handle.identity)
self.sockets_and_recv_methods[socket_handle] = (socket, recv_method)
self.poller.register(socket_handle, zmq.POLLIN)
def unregister(self, socket):
socket_handle = socket.handle
socket_and_recv_method = \
self.sockets_and_recv_methods.pop(socket_handle, None)
if socket_and_recv_method:
LOG.debug("Unregistering socket %s", socket_handle.identity)
def poll(self, timeout=None):
if timeout is not None and timeout > 0:
timeout *= 1000 # convert seconds to milliseconds
socket_handles = {}
socket_handles = dict(self.poller.poll(timeout=timeout))
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
LOG.debug("Polling terminated with error: %s", e)
if not socket_handles:
return None, None
for socket_handle in socket_handles:
socket, recv_method = self.sockets_and_recv_methods[socket_handle]
if recv_method:
return recv_method(socket), socket
return socket.recv_multipart(), socket
def close(self):
pass # Nothing to do for threading poller
class ThreadingExecutor(zmq_poller.Executor):
def __init__(self, method):
self._method = method
thread = threading.Thread(target=self._loop)
thread.daemon = True
super(ThreadingExecutor, self).__init__(thread)
self._stop = threading.Event()
def _loop(self):
while not self._stop.is_set():
def execute(self):
def stop(self):
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy.central \
import zmq_publisher_proxy
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy \
import zmq_base_proxy
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy import zmq_sender
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_updater
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class SingleRouterProxy(zmq_base_proxy.ProxyBase):
def __init__(self, conf, context, matchmaker):
super(SingleRouterProxy, self).__init__(conf, context, matchmaker)
port = conf.zmq_proxy_opts.frontend_port
self.fe_router_socket = zmq_base_proxy.create_socket(
conf, context, port, zmq.ROUTER)
self.poller.register(self.fe_router_socket, self._receive_message)
self.publisher = zmq_publisher_proxy.PublisherProxy(conf, matchmaker)
self.router_sender = zmq_sender.CentralRouterSender()
self.ack_sender = zmq_sender.CentralAckSender()
self._router_updater = self._create_router_updater()
def run(self):
message, socket = self.poller.poll()
if message is None:
message_type = int(message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_TYPE_IDX])
if self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub and \
message_type in zmq_names.MULTISEND_TYPES:
if socket is self.fe_router_socket and \
self.ack_sender.send_message(socket, message)
self._get_socket_to_dispatch_on(socket), message)
def _create_router_updater(self):
return RouterUpdater(
self.conf, self.matchmaker,,
def _get_socket_to_dispatch_on(self, socket):
return self.fe_router_socket
def cleanup(self):
super(SingleRouterProxy, self).cleanup()
class DoubleRouterProxy(SingleRouterProxy):
def __init__(self, conf, context, matchmaker):
port = conf.zmq_proxy_opts.backend_port
self.be_router_socket = zmq_base_proxy.create_socket(
conf, context, port, zmq.ROUTER)
super(DoubleRouterProxy, self).__init__(conf, context, matchmaker)
self.poller.register(self.be_router_socket, self._receive_message)
def _create_router_updater(self):
return RouterUpdater(
self.conf, self.matchmaker,,
def _get_socket_to_dispatch_on(self, socket):
return self.be_router_socket \
if socket is self.fe_router_socket \
else self.fe_router_socket
def cleanup(self):
super(DoubleRouterProxy, self).cleanup()
class RouterUpdater(zmq_updater.UpdaterBase):
"""This entity performs periodic async updates
from router proxy to the matchmaker.
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, publisher_address, fe_router_address,
self.publisher_address = publisher_address
self.fe_router_address = fe_router_address
self.be_router_address = be_router_address
super(RouterUpdater, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, self._update_records,
def _update_records(self):
(self.publisher_address, self.fe_router_address),
||||||"[PUB:%(pub)s, ROUTER:%(router)s] Update PUB publisher"),
{"pub": self.publisher_address,
"router": self.fe_router_address})
||||||"[Backend ROUTER:%(router)s] Update ROUTER"),
{"router": self.be_router_address})
def cleanup(self):
super(RouterUpdater, self).cleanup()
(self.publisher_address, self.fe_router_address))
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy import zmq_sender
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class PublisherProxy(object):
"""PUB/SUB based request publisher
The publisher intended to be used for Fanout and Notify
multi-sending patterns.
It differs from direct publishers like DEALER or PUSH based
in a way it treats matchmaker. Here all publishers register
in the matchmaker. Subscribers (server-side) take the list
of publishers and connect to all of them but subscribe
only to a specific topic-filtering tag generated from the
Target object.
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, sender=None):
super(PublisherProxy, self).__init__()
self.conf = conf
self.zmq_context = zmq.Context()
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
port = conf.zmq_proxy_opts.publisher_port
self.socket = zmq_socket.ZmqFixedPortSocket(
self.conf, self.zmq_context, zmq.PUB,,
port) if port != 0 else \
self.conf, self.zmq_context, zmq.PUB,
|||||| = self.socket.connect_address
self.sender = sender or zmq_sender.CentralPublisherSender()
def send_request(self, multipart_message):
self.sender.send_message(self.socket, multipart_message)
def cleanup(self):
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy.central \
import zmq_publisher_proxy
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy \
import zmq_base_proxy
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy import zmq_sender
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server.consumers \
import zmq_sub_consumer
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class LocalPublisherProxy(zmq_base_proxy.ProxyBase):
def __init__(self, conf, context, matchmaker):
wrapper = zmq_sub_consumer.SubscriptionMatchmakerWrapper(conf,
super(LocalPublisherProxy, self).__init__(conf, context, wrapper)
self.fe_sub = zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(conf, context, zmq.SUB, False)
self.fe_sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')
self.connection_updater = zmq_sub_consumer.SubscriberConnectionUpdater(
conf, self.matchmaker, self.fe_sub)
self.poller.register(self.fe_sub, self.receive_message)
self.publisher = zmq_publisher_proxy.PublisherProxy(
conf, matchmaker, sender=zmq_sender.LocalPublisherSender())
def run(self):
message, socket = self.poller.poll()
if message is None:
def receive_message(socket):
return socket.recv_multipart()
def cleanup(self):
super(LocalPublisherProxy, self).cleanup()
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import uuid
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI, _LE
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
def check_message_format(func):
def _check_message_format(socket):
return func(socket)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_LE("Received message with wrong format: %r. "
"Dropping invalid message"), e)
# NOTE(gdavoian): drop the left parts of a broken message, since
# they most likely will break the order of next messages' parts
if socket.getsockopt(zmq.RCVMORE):
return _check_message_format
def create_socket(conf, context, port, socket_type):
host =
identity = six.b(host) + b"/zmq-proxy/" + six.b(str(uuid.uuid4()))
if port != 0:
return zmq_socket.ZmqFixedPortSocket(conf, context, socket_type,
host, port, identity=identity)
return zmq_socket.ZmqRandomPortSocket(conf, context, socket_type,
host, identity=identity)
class ProxyBase(object):
def __init__(self, conf, context, matchmaker):
self.conf = conf
self.context = context
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
||||||"Running %s proxy") % self.PROXY_TYPE)
self.poller = zmq_async.get_poller()
def _receive_message(socket):
message = socket.recv_multipart()
assert message[zmq_names.EMPTY_IDX] == b'', "Empty delimiter expected!"
message_type = int(message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_TYPE_IDX])
assert message_type in zmq_names.MESSAGE_TYPES, \
"Known message type expected!"
assert len(message) > zmq_names.MESSAGE_ID_IDX, \
"At least %d parts expected!" % (zmq_names.MESSAGE_ID_IDX + 1)
return message
def cleanup(self):
@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
import logging
import socket
from oslo_config import cfg
from stevedore import driver
from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_zmq
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy.central import zmq_central_proxy
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.proxy.local import zmq_local_proxy
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI
from oslo_messaging import transport
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
USAGE = """ Usage: ./ [-h] [] ...
Usage example:
python oslo_messaging/_cmd/"""
zmq_proxy_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('host', default=socket.gethostname(),
help='Hostname (FQDN) of current proxy'
' an ethernet interface, or IP address.'),
cfg.IntOpt('frontend_port', default=0,
help='Front-end ROUTER port number. Zero means random.'),
cfg.IntOpt('backend_port', default=0,
help='Back-end ROUTER port number. Zero means random.'),
cfg.IntOpt('publisher_port', default=0,
help='Publisher port number. Zero means random.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('local_publisher', default=False,
help='Specify publisher/subscriber local proxy.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('ack_pub_sub', default=False,
help='Use acknowledgements for notifying senders about '
'receiving their fanout messages. '
'The option is ignored if PUB/SUB is disabled.'),
cfg.StrOpt('url', default='zmq://',
help='ZMQ-driver transport URL with additional configurations')
def parse_command_line_args(conf):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='ZeroMQ proxy service',
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-file', dest='config_file', type=str,
help='Path to configuration file')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-file', dest='log_file', type=str,
help='Path to log file')
parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', dest='host', type=str,
help='Host FQDN for current proxy')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--frontend-port', dest='frontend_port',
help='Front-end ROUTER port number')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--backend-port', dest='backend_port', type=int,
help='Back-end ROUTER port number')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--publisher-port', dest='publisher_port',
help='Back-end PUBLISHER port number')
parser.add_argument('-lp', '--local-publisher', dest='local_publisher',
help='Specify publisher/subscriber local proxy.')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--ack-pub-sub', dest='ack_pub_sub',
help='Acknowledge PUB/SUB messages')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', dest='url', type=str,
help='Transport URL with configurations')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true',
help='Turn on DEBUG logging level instead of INFO')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.config_file:
conf(['--config-file', args.config_file])
log_kwargs = {'level': logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO,
'format': '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'}
if args.log_file:
log_kwargs.update({'filename': args.log_file})
conf.set_override('host',, group='zmq_proxy_opts')
if args.frontend_port:
conf.set_override('frontend_port', args.frontend_port,
if args.backend_port:
conf.set_override('backend_port', args.backend_port,
if args.publisher_port:
conf.set_override('publisher_port', args.publisher_port,
if args.local_publisher:
conf.set_override('local_publisher', args.local_publisher,
if args.ack_pub_sub:
conf.set_override('ack_pub_sub', args.ack_pub_sub,
if args.url:
conf.set_override('url', args.url, group='zmq_proxy_opts')
class ZmqProxy(object):
"""Wrapper class for Publishers and Routers proxies.
The main reason to have a proxy is high complexity of TCP sockets number
growth with direct connections (when services connect directly to
each other). The general complexity for ZeroMQ+Openstack deployment
with direct connections may be square(N) (where N is a number of nodes
in deployment). With proxy the complexity is reduced to k*N where
k is a number of services.
Currently there are 2 types of proxy, they are Publishers and Routers.
Publisher proxy serves for PUB-SUB pattern implementation where
Publisher is a server which performs broadcast to subscribers.
Router is used for direct message types in case of number of TCP socket
connections is critical for specific deployment. Generally 3 publishers
is enough for deployment.
Router is used for direct messages in order to reduce the number of
allocated TCP sockets in controller. The list of requirements to Router:
1. There may be any number of routers in the deployment. Routers are
registered in a name-server and client connects dynamically to all of
them performing load balancing.
2. Routers should be transparent for clients and servers. Which means
it doesn't change the way of messaging between client and the final
target by hiding the target from a client.
3. Router may be restarted or shut down at any time losing all messages
in its queue. Smart retrying (based on acknowledgements from server
side) and load balancing between other Router instances from the
client side should handle the situation.
4. Router takes all the routing information from message envelope and
doesn't perform Target-resolution in any way.
5. Routers don't talk to each other and no synchronization is needed.
6. Load balancing is performed by the client in a round-robin fashion.
Those requirements should limit the performance impact caused by using
of proxies making proxies as lightweight as possible.
def __init__(self, conf):
super(ZmqProxy, self).__init__()
self.conf = conf
url = transport.TransportURL.parse(
self.conf, url=self.conf.zmq_proxy_opts.url
self.matchmaker = driver.DriverManager(
impl_zmq.ZmqDriver.get_matchmaker_backend(self.conf, url)
).driver(self.conf, url=url)
self.context = zmq.Context()
self.proxy = self._choose_proxy_implementation()
def _choose_proxy_implementation(self):
if self.conf.zmq_proxy_opts.local_publisher:
return zmq_local_proxy.LocalPublisherProxy(self.conf, self.context,
elif self.conf.zmq_proxy_opts.frontend_port != 0 and \
self.conf.zmq_proxy_opts.backend_port == 0:
return zmq_central_proxy.SingleRouterProxy(self.conf, self.context,
return zmq_central_proxy.DoubleRouterProxy(self.conf, self.context,
def run(self):
def close(self):
||||||"Proxy shutting down ..."))
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import logging
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_version
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class Sender(object):
def send_message(self, socket, multipart_message):
"""Send message to a socket from a multipart list."""
class CentralSender(Sender):
def __init__(self):
self._send_message_versions = \
zmq_version.get_method_versions(self, 'send_message')
def send_message(self, socket, multipart_message):
message_version = multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_VERSION_IDX]
if six.PY3:
message_version = message_version.decode('utf-8')
send_message_version = self._send_message_versions.get(message_version)
if send_message_version is None:
LOG.warning(_LW("Dropping message with unsupported version %s"),
send_message_version(socket, multipart_message)
class LocalSender(Sender):
class CentralRouterSender(CentralSender):
def _send_message_v_1_0(self, socket, multipart_message):
message_type = int(multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_TYPE_IDX])
routing_key = multipart_message[zmq_names.ROUTING_KEY_IDX]
reply_id = multipart_message[zmq_names.REPLY_ID_IDX]
message_id = multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_ID_IDX]
message_version = multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_VERSION_IDX]
socket.send(routing_key, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(message_version, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(reply_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_TYPE_IDX], zmq.SNDMORE)
LOG.debug("Dispatching %(msg_type)s message %(msg_id)s - from %(rid)s "
"-> to %(rkey)s (v%(msg_version)s)",
{"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(message_type),
"msg_id": message_id,
"rkey": routing_key,
"rid": reply_id,
"msg_version": message_version})
class CentralAckSender(CentralSender):
def _send_message_v_1_0(self, socket, multipart_message):
message_type = zmq_names.ACK_TYPE
message_id = multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_ID_IDX]
routing_key = socket.handle.identity
reply_id = multipart_message[zmq_names.REPLY_ID_IDX]
message_version = multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_VERSION_IDX]
socket.send(reply_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(message_version, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(routing_key, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(six.b(str(message_type)), zmq.SNDMORE)
LOG.debug("Sending %(msg_type)s for %(msg_id)s to %(rid)s "
"[from %(rkey)s] (v%(msg_version)s)",
{"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(message_type),
"msg_id": message_id,
"rid": reply_id,
"rkey": routing_key,
"msg_version": message_version})
class CentralPublisherSender(CentralSender):
def _send_message_v_1_0(self, socket, multipart_message):
message_type = int(multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_TYPE_IDX])
assert message_type in zmq_names.MULTISEND_TYPES, "Fanout expected!"
topic_filter = multipart_message[zmq_names.ROUTING_KEY_IDX]
message_id = multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_ID_IDX]
message_version = multipart_message[zmq_names.MESSAGE_VERSION_IDX]
socket.send(topic_filter, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(message_version, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send(six.b(str(message_type)), zmq.SNDMORE)
LOG.debug("Publishing message %(msg_id)s on [%(topic)s] "
{"topic": topic_filter,
"msg_id": message_id,
"msg_version": message_version})
class LocalPublisherSender(LocalSender):
def send_message(self, socket, multipart_message):
LOG.debug("Publishing message %(msg_id)s on [%(topic)s] "
{"topic": multipart_message[self.TOPIC_IDX],
"msg_id": multipart_message[self.MSG_ID_IDX],
"msg_version": multipart_message[self.MSG_VERSION_IDX]})
@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import logging
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker import zmq_matchmaker_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_updater
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LI, _LW
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class ConsumerBase(object):
def __init__(self, conf, poller, server):
self.conf = conf
self.poller = poller
self.server = server
self.sockets = []
self.context = zmq.Context()
def stop(self):
"""Stop consumer polling/updating."""
def receive_request(self, socket):
"""Receive a request via a socket."""
def cleanup(self):
for socket in self.sockets:
if not socket.handle.closed:
self.sockets = []
class SingleSocketConsumer(ConsumerBase):
def __init__(self, conf, poller, server, socket_type):
super(SingleSocketConsumer, self).__init__(conf, poller, server)
self.matchmaker = server.matchmaker
|||||| =
self.socket_type = socket_type
|||||| = None
self.socket = self.subscribe_socket(socket_type)
self.target_updater = TargetUpdater(
conf, self.matchmaker,,, socket_type)
def stop(self):
def subscribe_socket(self, socket_type):
socket = zmq_socket.ZmqRandomPortSocket(
self.conf, self.context, socket_type)
LOG.debug("Run %(stype)s consumer on %(addr)s:%(port)d",
{"stype": zmq_names.socket_type_str(socket_type),
"addr": socket.bind_address,
"port": socket.port})
|||||| = zmq_address.combine_address(
self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_host, socket.port)
self.poller.register(socket, self.receive_request)
return socket
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
errmsg = _LE("Failed binding to port %(port)d: %(e)s")\
% (self.port, e)
LOG.error(_LE("Failed binding to port %(port)d: %(e)s"),
(self.port, e))
raise rpc_common.RPCException(errmsg)
def address(self):
return self.socket.bind_address
def port(self):
return self.socket.port
def cleanup(self):
super(SingleSocketConsumer, self).cleanup()
class TargetUpdater(zmq_updater.UpdaterBase):
"""This entity performs periodic async updates
to the matchmaker.
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, target, host, socket_type):
|||||| = target
|||||| = host
self.socket_type = socket_type
self.conf = conf
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
self._sleep_for = conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_target_update
# NOTE(ozamiatin): Update target immediately not waiting
# for background executor to initialize.
super(TargetUpdater, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, self._update_target,
def _update_target(self):
if self._sleep_for != \
self._sleep_for = \
||||||"Falling back to the normal update %d sec")
% self._sleep_for)
except zmq_matchmaker_base.MatchmakerUnavailable:
# Update target frequently until first successful update
# After matchmaker is back update normally as of config
self._sleep_for = 10
LOG.warning(_LW("Failed connecting to the Matchmaker, "
"update each %d sec") % self._sleep_for)
def stop(self):
super(TargetUpdater, self).stop()
@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import uuid
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_response
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_senders
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_sockets_manager
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server.consumers \
import zmq_consumer_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server import zmq_incoming_message
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server import zmq_ttl_cache
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_updater
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_version
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LI, _LW
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class DealerConsumer(zmq_consumer_base.SingleSocketConsumer):
def __init__(self, conf, poller, server):
self.reply_sender = zmq_senders.ReplySenderProxy(conf)
self.sockets_manager = zmq_sockets_manager.SocketsManager(
conf, server.matchmaker, zmq.DEALER)
|||||| = None
super(DealerConsumer, self).__init__(conf, poller, server, zmq.DEALER)
self._receive_request_versions = \
zmq_version.get_method_versions(self, 'receive_request')
self.connection_updater = ConsumerConnectionUpdater(
conf, self.matchmaker, self.socket)
||||||"[%s] Run DEALER consumer"),
def _generate_identity(self):
return six.b(self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_host + "/" +
zmq_address.target_to_key( + "/" +
def subscribe_socket(self, socket_type):
socket = self.sockets_manager.get_socket_to_routers(
|||||| = socket.handle.identity
self.poller.register(socket, self.receive_request)
return socket
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
LOG.error(_LE("Failed connecting to ROUTER socket %(e)s") % e)
raise rpc_common.RPCException(str(e))
def _reply(self, rpc_message, reply, failure):
if failure is not None:
failure = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(failure)
reply = zmq_response.Reply(message_id=rpc_message.message_id,
self.reply_sender.send(rpc_message.socket, reply)
return reply
def _create_message(self, context, message, message_version, reply_id,
message_id, socket, message_type):
if message_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
message = zmq_incoming_message.ZmqIncomingMessage(
context, message, message_version=message_version,
reply_id=reply_id, message_id=message_id,
socket=socket, reply_method=self._reply
message = zmq_incoming_message.ZmqIncomingMessage(context, message)
LOG.debug("[%(host)s] Received %(msg_type)s message %(msg_id)s "
"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(message_type),
"msg_id": message_id,
"msg_version": message_version})
return message
def _get_receive_request_version(self, version):
receive_request_version = self._receive_request_versions.get(version)
if receive_request_version is None:
raise zmq_version.UnsupportedMessageVersionError(version)
return receive_request_version
def receive_request(self, socket):
empty = socket.recv()
assert empty == b'', "Empty delimiter expected!"
message_version = socket.recv_string()
assert message_version != b'', "Valid message version expected!"
receive_request_version = \
return receive_request_version(socket)
except (zmq.ZMQError, AssertionError, ValueError,
zmq_version.UnsupportedMessageVersionError) as e:
LOG.error(_LE("Receiving message failure: %s"), str(e))
# NOTE(gdavoian): drop the left parts of a broken message
if socket.getsockopt(zmq.RCVMORE):
def _receive_request_v_1_0(self, socket):
reply_id = socket.recv()
assert reply_id != b'', "Valid reply id expected!"
message_type = int(socket.recv())
assert message_type in zmq_names.REQUEST_TYPES, "Request expected!"
message_id = socket.recv_string()
assert message_id != '', "Valid message id expected!"
context, message = socket.recv_loaded()
return self._create_message(context, message, '1.0', reply_id,
message_id, socket, message_type)
def cleanup(self):
||||||"[%s] Destroy DEALER consumer"),
super(DealerConsumer, self).cleanup()
class DealerConsumerWithAcks(DealerConsumer):
def __init__(self, conf, poller, server):
super(DealerConsumerWithAcks, self).__init__(conf, poller, server)
self.ack_sender = zmq_senders.AckSenderProxy(conf)
self.messages_cache = zmq_ttl_cache.TTLCache(
def _acknowledge(self, message_version, reply_id, message_id, socket):
ack = zmq_response.Ack(message_id=message_id,
self.ack_sender.send(socket, ack)
def _reply(self, rpc_message, reply, failure):
reply = super(DealerConsumerWithAcks, self)._reply(rpc_message,
reply, failure)
self.messages_cache.add(rpc_message.message_id, reply)
return reply
def _reply_from_cache(self, message_id, socket):
reply = self.messages_cache.get(message_id)
if reply is not None:
self.reply_sender.send(socket, reply)
def _create_message(self, context, message, message_version, reply_id,
message_id, socket, message_type):
# drop a duplicate message
if message_id in self.messages_cache:
_LW("[%(host)s] Dropping duplicate %(msg_type)s "
"message %(msg_id)s"),
"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(message_type),
"msg_id": message_id}
# NOTE(gdavoian): send yet another ack for the direct
# message, since the old one might be lost;
# for the CALL message also try to resend its reply
# (of course, if it was already obtained and cached).
if message_type in zmq_names.DIRECT_TYPES:
self._acknowledge(message_version, reply_id, message_id,
if message_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
self._reply_from_cache(message_id, socket)
return None
# NOTE(gdavoian): send an immediate ack, since it may
# be too late to wait until the message will be
# dispatched and processed by a RPC server
if message_type in zmq_names.DIRECT_TYPES:
self._acknowledge(message_version, reply_id, message_id, socket)
return super(DealerConsumerWithAcks, self)._create_message(
context, message, message_version, reply_id,
message_id, socket, message_type
def cleanup(self):
super(DealerConsumerWithAcks, self).cleanup()
class ConsumerConnectionUpdater(zmq_updater.ConnectionUpdater):
def _update_connection(self):
routers = self.matchmaker.get_routers()
for router_address in routers:
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_response
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_senders
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server.consumers \
import zmq_consumer_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server import zmq_incoming_message
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_version
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LI
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class RouterConsumer(zmq_consumer_base.SingleSocketConsumer):
def __init__(self, conf, poller, server):
self.reply_sender = zmq_senders.ReplySenderDirect(conf)
super(RouterConsumer, self).__init__(conf, poller, server, zmq.ROUTER)
self._receive_request_versions = \
zmq_version.get_method_versions(self, 'receive_request')
||||||"[%s] Run ROUTER consumer"),
def _reply(self, rpc_message, reply, failure):
if failure is not None:
failure = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(failure)
reply = zmq_response.Reply(message_id=rpc_message.message_id,
self.reply_sender.send(rpc_message.socket, reply)
return reply
def _create_message(self, context, message, message_version, reply_id,
message_id, socket, message_type):
if message_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
message = zmq_incoming_message.ZmqIncomingMessage(
context, message, message_version=message_version,
reply_id=reply_id, message_id=message_id,
socket=socket, reply_method=self._reply
message = zmq_incoming_message.ZmqIncomingMessage(context, message)
LOG.debug("[%(host)s] Received %(msg_type)s message %(msg_id)s "
"msg_type": zmq_names.message_type_str(message_type),
"msg_id": message_id,
"msg_version": message_version})
return message
def _get_receive_request_version(self, version):
receive_request_version = self._receive_request_versions.get(version)
if receive_request_version is None:
raise zmq_version.UnsupportedMessageVersionError(version)
return receive_request_version
def receive_request(self, socket):
reply_id = socket.recv()
assert reply_id != b'', "Valid reply id expected!"
empty = socket.recv()
assert empty == b'', "Empty delimiter expected!"
message_version = socket.recv_string()
assert message_version != b'', "Valid message version expected!"
receive_request_version = \
return receive_request_version(reply_id, socket)
except (zmq.ZMQError, AssertionError, ValueError,
zmq_version.UnsupportedMessageVersionError) as e:
LOG.error(_LE("Receiving message failed: %s"), str(e))
# NOTE(gdavoian): drop the left parts of a broken message
if socket.getsockopt(zmq.RCVMORE):
def _receive_request_v_1_0(self, reply_id, socket):
message_type = int(socket.recv())
assert message_type in zmq_names.REQUEST_TYPES, "Request expected!"
message_id = socket.recv_string()
assert message_id != '', "Valid message id expected!"
context, message = socket.recv_loaded()
return self._create_message(context, message, '1.0', reply_id,
message_id, socket, message_type)
def cleanup(self):
||||||"[%s] Destroy ROUTER consumer"),
super(RouterConsumer, self).cleanup()
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import uuid
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server.consumers \
import zmq_consumer_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server import zmq_incoming_message
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_updater
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_version
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LI
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class SubConsumer(zmq_consumer_base.ConsumerBase):
def __init__(self, conf, poller, server):
super(SubConsumer, self).__init__(conf, poller, server)
self.matchmaker = SubscriptionMatchmakerWrapper(conf,
|||||| =
self.socket = zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(self.conf, self.context, zmq.SUB,
|||||| = self.socket.handle.identity
self._receive_request_versions = \
zmq_version.get_method_versions(self, 'receive_request')
self.connection_updater = SubscriberConnectionUpdater(
conf, self.matchmaker, self.socket)
self.poller.register(self.socket, self.receive_request)
||||||"[%s] Run SUB consumer"),
def _generate_identity(self):
return six.b(self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_host + '/') + \
zmq_address.target_to_subscribe_filter( + \
six.b('/' + str(uuid.uuid4()))
def _subscribe_to_topic(self):
topic_filter = zmq_address.target_to_subscribe_filter(
self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topic_filter)
LOG.debug("[%(host)s] Subscribing to topic %(filter)s",
{"host":, "filter": topic_filter})
def _get_receive_request_version(self, version):
receive_request_version = self._receive_request_versions.get(version)
if receive_request_version is None:
raise zmq_version.UnsupportedMessageVersionError(version)
return receive_request_version
def _receive_request_v_1_0(self, topic_filter, socket):
message_type = int(socket.recv())
assert message_type in zmq_names.MULTISEND_TYPES, "Fanout expected!"
message_id = socket.recv()
context, message = socket.recv_loaded()
LOG.debug("[%(host)s] Received on topic %(filter)s message %(msg_id)s "
'filter': topic_filter,
'msg_id': message_id,
'msg_version': '1.0'})
return context, message
def receive_request(self, socket):
topic_filter = socket.recv()
message_version = socket.recv_string()
receive_request_version = \
context, message = receive_request_version(topic_filter, socket)
return zmq_incoming_message.ZmqIncomingMessage(context, message)
except (zmq.ZMQError, AssertionError, ValueError,
zmq_version.UnsupportedMessageVersionError) as e:
LOG.error(_LE("Receiving message failed: %s"), str(e))
# NOTE(gdavoian): drop the left parts of a broken message
if socket.getsockopt(zmq.RCVMORE):
def cleanup(self):
||||||"[%s] Destroy SUB consumer"),
super(SubConsumer, self).cleanup()
class SubscriptionMatchmakerWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
self.conf = conf
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
def get_publishers(self):
conf_publishers = self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.subscribe_on
LOG.debug("Publishers taken from configuration %s", conf_publishers)
if conf_publishers:
return [(publisher, None) for publisher in conf_publishers]
return self.matchmaker.get_publishers()
class SubscriberConnectionUpdater(zmq_updater.ConnectionUpdater):
def _update_connection(self):
publishers = self.matchmaker.get_publishers()
for publisher_address, router_address in publishers:
LOG.debug("[%s] SUB consumer connected to publishers %s",
self.socket.handle.identity, publishers)
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
class ZmqIncomingMessage(base.RpcIncomingMessage):
"""Base class for RPC-messages via ZMQ-driver.
Behaviour of messages is fully defined by consumers
which produced them from obtained raw data.
def __init__(self, context, message, **kwargs):
super(ZmqIncomingMessage, self).__init__(context, message)
self._reply_method = kwargs.pop('reply_method',
lambda self, reply, failure: None)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def acknowledge(self):
"""Acknowledge is not supported."""
def reply(self, reply=None, failure=None):
self._reply_method(self, reply=reply, failure=failure)
def requeue(self):
"""Requeue is not supported."""
def heartbeat(self):
"""Heartbeat is not supported."""
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import logging
from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server.consumers\
import zmq_dealer_consumer
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server.consumers\
import zmq_router_consumer
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server.consumers\
import zmq_sub_consumer
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class ZmqServer(base.PollStyleListener):
def __init__(self, driver, conf, matchmaker, target, poller=None):
super(ZmqServer, self).__init__()
self.driver = driver
self.conf = conf
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
|||||| = target
self.poller = poller or zmq_async.get_poller()
||||||'[%(host)s] Run server %(target)s'),
{'host': self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_host,
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_router_proxy:
self.router_consumer = None
dealer_consumer_cls = \
zmq_dealer_consumer.DealerConsumerWithAcks \
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_use_acks else \
self.dealer_consumer = dealer_consumer_cls(conf, self.poller, self)
self.router_consumer = \
zmq_router_consumer.RouterConsumer(conf, self.poller, self)
self.dealer_consumer = None
self.sub_consumer = \
zmq_sub_consumer.SubConsumer(conf, self.poller, self) \
if conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.use_pub_sub else None
self.consumers = []
if self.router_consumer is not None:
if self.dealer_consumer is not None:
if self.sub_consumer is not None:
def poll(self, timeout=None):
message, socket = self.poller.poll(
timeout or self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_poll_timeout)
return message
def stop(self):
for consumer in self.consumers:
||||||'[%(host)s] Stop server %(target)s'),
{'host': self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_host,
def cleanup(self):
for consumer in self.consumers:
||||||'[%(host)s] Destroy server %(target)s'),
{'host': self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_host,
class ZmqNotificationServer(base.PollStyleListener):
def __init__(self, driver, conf, matchmaker, targets_and_priorities):
super(ZmqNotificationServer, self).__init__()
self.driver = driver
self.conf = conf
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
self.servers = []
self.poller = zmq_async.get_poller()
def _listen(self, targets_and_priorities):
for target, priority in targets_and_priorities:
t = copy.deepcopy(target)
t.topic = target.topic + '.' + priority
self.driver, self.conf, self.matchmaker, t, self.poller))
def poll(self, timeout=None):
message, socket = self.poller.poll(
timeout or self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_poll_timeout)
return message
def stop(self):
for server in self.servers:
def cleanup(self):
for server in self.servers:
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import threading
import time
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class TTLCache(object):
_UNDEFINED = object()
def __init__(self, ttl=None):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._cache = {}
self._executor = None
if not (ttl is None or isinstance(ttl, (int, float))):
raise ValueError('ttl must be None or a number')
# no (i.e. infinite) ttl
if ttl is None or ttl <= 0:
ttl = float('inf')
self._executor = zmq_async.get_executor(self._update_cache)
self._ttl = ttl
if self._executor:
def _is_expired(expiration_time, current_time):
return expiration_time <= current_time
def add(self, key, value=None):
with self._lock:
expiration_time = time.time() + self._ttl
self._cache[key] = (value, expiration_time)
def get(self, key, default=None):
with self._lock:
data = self._cache.get(key)
if data is None:
return default
value, expiration_time = data
if self._is_expired(expiration_time, time.time()):
del self._cache[key]
return default
return value
def __contains__(self, key):
return self.get(key, self._UNDEFINED) is not self._UNDEFINED
def _update_cache(self):
with self._lock:
current_time = time.time()
old_size = len(self._cache)
self._cache = \
{key: (value, expiration_time) for
key, (value, expiration_time) in self._cache.items()
if not self._is_expired(expiration_time, current_time)}
new_size = len(self._cache)
LOG.debug('Updated cache: current size %(new_size)s '
'(%(size_difference)s records removed)',
{'new_size': new_size,
'size_difference': old_size - new_size})
def cleanup(self):
if self._executor:
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import six
def combine_address(host, port):
return "%s:%s" % (host, port)
def get_tcp_direct_address(host):
return "tcp://%s" % str(host)
def get_tcp_random_address(conf):
return "tcp://%s" % conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_bind_address
def prefix_str(key, listener_type):
return listener_type + "/" + key
def target_to_key(target, listener_type=None):
key = target.topic
if target.server and not target.fanout:
# FIXME(ozamiatin): Workaround for Cinder.
# Remove split when Bug #1630975 is being fixed.
key += "/" + target.server.split('@')[0]
return prefix_str(key, listener_type) if listener_type else key
def target_to_subscribe_filter(target):
return six.b(target.topic)
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_utils import eventletutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
def import_zmq():
imported_zmq = importutils.try_import(
'' if eventletutils.is_monkey_patched('thread') else
'zmq', default=None
return imported_zmq
def get_poller():
if eventletutils.is_monkey_patched('thread'):
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.poller import green_poller
return green_poller.GreenPoller()
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.poller import threading_poller
return threading_poller.ThreadingPoller()
def get_executor(method):
if eventletutils.is_monkey_patched('thread'):
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.poller import green_poller
return green_poller.GreenExecutor(method)
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.poller import threading_poller
return threading_poller.ThreadingExecutor(method)
def get_pool(size):
import futurist
if eventletutils.is_monkey_patched('thread'):
return futurist.GreenThreadPoolExecutor(size)
return futurist.ThreadPoolExecutor(size)
def get_queue():
if eventletutils.is_monkey_patched('thread'):
import eventlet
return eventlet.queue.Queue(), eventlet.queue.Empty
import six
return six.moves.queue.Queue(), six.moves.queue.Empty
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015-2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
FIELD_MSG_ID = 'message_id'
FIELD_REPLY_ID = 'reply_id'
FIELD_MSG_VERSION = 'message_version'
FIELD_REPLY_BODY = 'reply_body'
FIELD_FAILURE = 'failure'
def socket_type_str(socket_type):
zmq_socket_str = {zmq.DEALER: "DEALER",
zmq.PUSH: "PUSH",
zmq.PULL: "PULL",
zmq.REQ: "REQ",
zmq.REP: "REP",
zmq.PUB: "PUB",
zmq.SUB: "SUB"}
return zmq_socket_str[socket_type]
def message_type_str(message_type):
msg_type_str = {CALL_TYPE: "CALL",
return msg_type_str.get(message_type, "UNKNOWN")
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import socket
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common
from oslo_messaging import server
MATCHMAKER_BACKENDS = ('redis', 'sentinel', 'dummy')
zmq_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('rpc_zmq_bind_address', default='*',
help='ZeroMQ bind address. Should be a wildcard (*), '
'an ethernet interface, or IP. '
'The "host" option should point or resolve to this '
cfg.StrOpt('rpc_zmq_matchmaker', default=MATCHMAKER_DEFAULT,
help='MatchMaker driver.'),
cfg.IntOpt('rpc_zmq_contexts', default=1,
help='Number of ZeroMQ contexts, defaults to 1.'),
help='Maximum number of ingress messages to locally buffer '
'per topic. Default is unlimited.'),
cfg.StrOpt('rpc_zmq_ipc_dir', default='/var/run/openstack',
help='Directory for holding IPC sockets.'),
cfg.StrOpt('rpc_zmq_host', default=socket.gethostname(),
help='Name of this node. Must be a valid hostname, FQDN, or '
'IP address. Must match "host" option, if running Nova.'),
cfg.IntOpt('zmq_linger', default=-1,
help='Number of seconds to wait before all pending '
'messages will be sent after closing a socket. '
'The default value of -1 specifies an infinite linger '
'period. The value of 0 specifies no linger period. '
'Pending messages shall be discarded immediately '
'when the socket is closed. Positive values specify an '
'upper bound for the linger period.'),
cfg.IntOpt('rpc_poll_timeout', default=1,
help='The default number of seconds that poll should wait. '
'Poll raises timeout exception when timeout expired.'),
cfg.IntOpt('zmq_target_expire', default=300,
help='Expiration timeout in seconds of a name service record '
'about existing target ( < 0 means no timeout).'),
cfg.IntOpt('zmq_target_update', default=180,
help='Update period in seconds of a name service record '
'about existing target.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('use_pub_sub', default=False,
help='Use PUB/SUB pattern for fanout methods. '
'PUB/SUB always uses proxy.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('use_router_proxy', default=False,
help='Use ROUTER remote proxy.'),
cfg.BoolOpt('use_dynamic_connections', default=False,
help='This option makes direct connections dynamic or static. '
'It makes sense only with use_router_proxy=False which '
'means to use direct connections for direct message '
'types (ignored otherwise).'),
cfg.IntOpt('zmq_failover_connections', default=2,
help='How many additional connections to a host will be made '
'for failover reasons. This option is actual only in '
'dynamic connections mode.'),
help='Minimal port number for random ports range.'),
help='Maximal port number for random ports range.'),
help='Number of retries to find free port number before '
'fail with ZMQBindError.'),
cfg.StrOpt('rpc_zmq_serialization', default='json',
choices=('json', 'msgpack'),
help='Default serialization mechanism for '
'serializing/deserializing outgoing/incoming messages'),
cfg.BoolOpt('zmq_immediate', default=True,
help='This option configures round-robin mode in zmq socket. '
'True means not keeping a queue when server side '
'disconnects. False means to keep queue and messages '
'even if server is disconnected, when the server '
'appears we send all accumulated messages to it.'),
cfg.IntOpt('zmq_tcp_keepalive', default=-1,
help='Enable/disable TCP keepalive (KA) mechanism. '
'The default value of -1 (or any other negative value) '
'means to skip any overrides and leave it to OS default; '
'0 and 1 (or any other positive value) mean to '
'disable and enable the option respectively.'),
cfg.IntOpt('zmq_tcp_keepalive_idle', default=-1,
help='The duration between two keepalive transmissions in '
'idle condition. '
'The unit is platform dependent, for example, '
'seconds in Linux, milliseconds in Windows etc. '
'The default value of -1 (or any other negative value '
'and 0) means to skip any overrides and leave it '
'to OS default.'),
cfg.IntOpt('zmq_tcp_keepalive_cnt', default=-1,
help='The number of retransmissions to be carried out before '
'declaring that remote end is not available. '
'The default value of -1 (or any other negative value '
'and 0) means to skip any overrides and leave it '
'to OS default.'),
cfg.IntOpt('zmq_tcp_keepalive_intvl', default=-1,
help='The duration between two successive keepalive '
'retransmissions, if acknowledgement to the previous '
'keepalive transmission is not received. '
'The unit is platform dependent, for example, '
'seconds in Linux, milliseconds in Windows etc. '
'The default value of -1 (or any other negative value '
'and 0) means to skip any overrides and leave it '
'to OS default.'),
cfg.IntOpt('rpc_thread_pool_size', default=100,
help='Maximum number of (green) threads to work concurrently.'),
cfg.IntOpt('rpc_message_ttl', default=300,
help='Expiration timeout in seconds of a sent/received message '
'after which it is not tracked anymore by a '
cfg.BoolOpt('rpc_use_acks', default=False,
help='Wait for message acknowledgements from receivers. '
'This mechanism works only via proxy without PUB/SUB.'),
cfg.IntOpt('rpc_ack_timeout_base', default=15,
help='Number of seconds to wait for an ack from a cast/call. '
'After each retry attempt this timeout is multiplied by '
'some specified multiplier.'),
cfg.IntOpt('rpc_ack_timeout_multiplier', default=2,
help='Number to multiply base ack timeout by after each retry '
cfg.IntOpt('rpc_retry_attempts', default=3,
help='Default number of message sending attempts in case '
'of any problems occurred: positive value N means '
'at most N retries, 0 means no retries, None or -1 '
'(or any other negative values) mean to retry forever. '
'This option is used only if acknowledgments are '
help='List of publisher hosts SubConsumer can subscribe on. '
'This option has higher priority then the default '
'publishers list taken from the matchmaker.'),
def register_opts(conf, url):
opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='oslo_messaging_zmq',
title='ZeroMQ driver options')
conf.register_opts(zmq_opts, group=opt_group)
return common.ConfigOptsProxy(conf, url,
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import six
class ZmqPoller(object):
"""Base poller interface
Needed to poll on zmq sockets in green and native async manner.
Native poller implementation wraps zmq.Poller helper class.
Wrapping is needed to provide unified poller interface
in zmq-driver (for both native and zmq pollers). It makes some
difference with poller-helper from zmq library which doesn't actually
receive message.
The poller object should be obtained over:
poller = zmq_async.get_poller()
Then we have to register sockets for polling. We are able
to provide specific receiving method. By default poller calls
def receive_message(socket):
id = socket.recv_string()
ctxt = socket.recv_json()
msg = socket.recv_json()
return (id, ctxt, msg)
poller.register(socket, recv_method=receive_message)
Further to receive a message we should call:
message, socket = poller.poll()
The 'message' here contains (id, ctxt, msg) tuple.
def register(self, socket, recv_method=None):
"""Register socket to poll
:param socket: Socket to subscribe for polling
:type socket: ZmqSocket
:param recv_method: Optional specific receiver procedure
Should return received message object
:type recv_method: callable
def unregister(self, socket):
"""Unregister socket from poll
:param socket: Socket to unsubscribe from polling
:type socket: ZmqSocket
def poll(self, timeout=None):
"""Poll for messages
:param timeout: Optional polling timeout
None or -1 means poll forever
any positive value means timeout in seconds
:type timeout: int
:returns: (message, socket) tuple
def close(self):
"""Terminate polling"""
class Executor(object):
"""Base executor interface for threading/green async executors"""
def __init__(self, thread):
self.thread = thread
def execute(self):
"""Run execution"""
def stop(self):
"""Stop execution"""
@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import uuid
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
from oslo_messaging import exceptions
from oslo_serialization.serializer import json_serializer
from oslo_serialization.serializer import msgpack_serializer
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class ZmqSocket(object):
'json': json_serializer.JSONSerializer(),
'msgpack': msgpack_serializer.MessagePackSerializer()
def __init__(self, conf, context, socket_type, immediate,
high_watermark=0, identity=None):
self.conf = conf
self.context = context
self.socket_type = socket_type
self.handle = context.socket(socket_type)
# Set linger period
linger = -1
if self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_linger >= 0:
# Convert seconds to milliseconds
linger = self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_linger * 1000
self.handle.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, linger)
# Put messages to only connected queues
self.handle.setsockopt(zmq.IMMEDIATE, 1 if immediate else 0)
# Setup timeout on socket sending
if hasattr(self.conf, 'rpc_response_timeout'):
self.conf.rpc_response_timeout * 1000)
# Configure TCP keep alive
keepalive = self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_tcp_keepalive
if keepalive < 0:
keepalive = -1
elif keepalive > 0:
keepalive = 1
self.handle.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE, keepalive)
keepalive_idle = self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_tcp_keepalive_idle
if keepalive_idle <= 0:
keepalive_idle = -1
self.handle.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, keepalive_idle)
keepalive_cnt = self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_tcp_keepalive_cnt
if keepalive_cnt <= 0:
keepalive_cnt = -1
self.handle.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, keepalive_cnt)
keepalive_intvl = self.conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.zmq_tcp_keepalive_intvl
if keepalive_intvl <= 0:
keepalive_intvl = -1
self.handle.setsockopt(zmq.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, keepalive_intvl)
self.handle.identity = \
six.b(str(uuid.uuid4())) if identity is None else identity
self.connections = set()
def _get_serializer(self, serialization):
serializer = self.SERIALIZERS.get(serialization, None)
if serializer is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Serialization '{}' is not supported".format(serialization)
return serializer
def type_name(self):
return zmq_names.socket_type_str(self.socket_type)
def connections_count(self):
return len(self.connections)
def connect(self, address):
if address not in self.connections:
def setsockopt(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.handle.setsockopt(*args, **kwargs)
def setsockopt_string(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.handle.setsockopt_string(*args, **kwargs)
def getsockopt(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.handle.getsockopt(*args, **kwargs)
def getsockopt_string(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.handle.getsockopt_string(*args, **kwargs)
def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.handle.send(*args, **kwargs)
def send_string(self, u, *args, **kwargs):
# NOTE(ozamiatin): Not using send_string until
# eventlet zmq support this convenience method
# in thread-safe manner
encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'utf-8')
s = u.encode(encoding) if isinstance(u, six.text_type) else u
self.handle.send(s, *args, **kwargs)
def send_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.handle.send_json(*args, **kwargs)
def send_pyobj(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.handle.send_pyobj(*args, **kwargs)
def send_multipart(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.handle.send_multipart(*args, **kwargs)
def send_dumped(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
serialization = kwargs.pop(
serializer = self._get_serializer(serialization)
s = serializer.dump_as_bytes(obj)
self.handle.send(s, *args, **kwargs)
def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.handle.recv(*args, **kwargs)
def recv_string(self, *args, **kwargs):
# NOTE(ozamiatin): Not using recv_string until
# eventlet zmq support this convenience method
# in thread-safe manner
encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'utf-8')
s = self.handle.recv(*args, **kwargs)
u = s.decode(encoding) if isinstance(s, six.binary_type) else s
return u
def recv_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.handle.recv_json(*args, **kwargs)
def recv_pyobj(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.handle.recv_pyobj(*args, **kwargs)
def recv_multipart(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.handle.recv_multipart(*args, **kwargs)
def recv_loaded(self, *args, **kwargs):
serialization = kwargs.pop(
serializer = self._get_serializer(serialization)
s = self.handle.recv(*args, **kwargs)
obj = serializer.load_from_bytes(s)
return obj
def close(self, *args, **kwargs):
identity = self.handle.identity
self.handle.close(*args, **kwargs)
LOG.debug("Socket %s closed" % identity)
def connect_to_address(self, address):
if address in self.connections:
stype = zmq_names.socket_type_str(self.socket_type)
sid = self.handle.identity
LOG.debug("Connecting %(stype)s socket %(sid)s to %(address)s",
{"stype": stype, "sid": sid, "address": address})
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
LOG.error(_LE("Failed connecting %(stype)s-%(sid)s to "
"%(address)s: %(e)s"),
{"stype": stype, "sid": sid, "address": address, "e": e})
raise rpc_common.RPCException(
"Failed connecting %(stype)s-%(sid)s to %(address)s: %(e)s" %
{"stype": stype, "sid": sid, "address": address, "e": e})
def connect_to_host(self, host):
address = zmq_address.get_tcp_direct_address(
host.decode('utf-8') if six.PY3 and
isinstance(host, six.binary_type) else host
class ZmqPortBusy(exceptions.MessagingException):
"""Raised when binding to a port failure"""
def __init__(self, port_number):
super(ZmqPortBusy, self).__init__()
self.port_number = port_number
class ZmqRandomPortSocket(ZmqSocket):
def __init__(self, conf, context, socket_type, host=None,
high_watermark=0, identity=None):
super(ZmqRandomPortSocket, self).__init__(
conf, context, socket_type, immediate=False,
high_watermark=high_watermark, identity=identity)
self.bind_address = zmq_address.get_tcp_random_address(self.conf)
if host is None:
host = conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_host
self.port = self.handle.bind_to_random_port(
self.connect_address = zmq_address.combine_address(host, self.port)
except zmq.ZMQBindError:
LOG.error(_LE("Random ports range exceeded!"))
raise ZmqPortBusy(port_number=0)
class ZmqFixedPortSocket(ZmqSocket):
def __init__(self, conf, context, socket_type, host, port,
high_watermark=0, identity=None):
super(ZmqFixedPortSocket, self).__init__(
conf, context, socket_type, immediate=False,
high_watermark=high_watermark, identity=identity)
self.connect_address = zmq_address.combine_address(host, port)
self.bind_address = zmq_address.get_tcp_direct_address(
conf.oslo_messaging_zmq.rpc_zmq_bind_address, port))
|||||| = host
self.port = port
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
LOG.error(_LE("Chosen port %d is being busy.") % self.port)
raise ZmqPortBusy(port_number=port)
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import time
import six
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
class UpdaterBase(object):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, update_method, sleep_for):
self.conf = conf
self.matchmaker = matchmaker
self.update_method = update_method
self._sleep_for = sleep_for
self.executor = zmq_async.get_executor(method=self._update_loop)
def stop(self):
def _update_loop(self):
def cleanup(self):
class ConnectionUpdater(UpdaterBase):
def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, socket):
self.socket = socket
super(ConnectionUpdater, self).__init__(
conf, matchmaker, self._update_connection,
def _update_connection(self):
"""Update connection info"""
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _
# current driver's version for representing internal message format
class UnsupportedMessageVersionError(rpc_common.RPCException):
msg_fmt = _("Message version %(version)s is not supported.")
def __init__(self, version):
super(UnsupportedMessageVersionError, self).__init__(version=version)
def get_method_versions(obj, method_name):
"""Useful function for initializing versioned senders/receivers.
Returns a dictionary of different internal versions of the given method.
Assumes that the object has the particular versioned method and this method
is public. Thus versions are private implementations of the method.
For example, for a method 'func' methods '_func_v_1_0', '_func_v_1_5',
'_func_v_2_0', etc. are assumed as its respective 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 versions.
assert callable(getattr(obj, method_name, None)), \
"Object must have specified method!"
assert not method_name.startswith('_'), "Method must be public!"
method_versions = {}
for attr_name in dir(obj):
if attr_name == method_name:
attr = getattr(obj, attr_name, None)
if not callable(attr):
match_obj = re.match(r'^_%s_v_(\d)_(\d)$' % method_name, attr_name)
if match_obj is not None:
version = '.'.join([,])
method_versions[version] = attr
return method_versions
@ -57,14 +57,6 @@ class ConfFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
'amqp1_opts', 'oslo_messaging_amqp')
'amqp1_opts', 'oslo_messaging_amqp')
'zmq_opts', 'oslo_messaging_zmq')
_import_opts(self.conf, 'oslo_messaging.rpc.client', '_client_opts')
_import_opts(self.conf, 'oslo_messaging.rpc.client', '_client_opts')
_import_opts(self.conf, 'oslo_messaging.transport', '_transport_opts')
_import_opts(self.conf, 'oslo_messaging.transport', '_transport_opts')
@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqp
from oslo_messaging._drivers.amqp1_driver import opts as amqp_opts
from oslo_messaging._drivers.amqp1_driver import opts as amqp_opts
from oslo_messaging._drivers import base as drivers_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers import base as drivers_base
from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_rabbit
from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_rabbit
from oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_zmq import zmq_options
from oslo_messaging._drivers.kafka_driver import kafka_options
from oslo_messaging._drivers.kafka_driver import kafka_options
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker import zmq_matchmaker_redis
from oslo_messaging.notify import notifier
from oslo_messaging.notify import notifier
from oslo_messaging.rpc import client
from oslo_messaging.rpc import client
from oslo_messaging import server
from oslo_messaging import server
@ -35,7 +33,6 @@ from oslo_messaging import transport
_global_opt_lists = [
_global_opt_lists = [
@ -43,8 +40,6 @@ _global_opt_lists = [
_opts = [
_opts = [
(None, list(itertools.chain(*_global_opt_lists))),
(None, list(itertools.chain(*_global_opt_lists))),
('matchmaker_redis', zmq_matchmaker_redis.matchmaker_redis_opts),
('oslo_messaging_zmq', zmq_options.zmq_opts),
('oslo_messaging_amqp', amqp_opts.amqp1_opts),
('oslo_messaging_amqp', amqp_opts.amqp1_opts),
('oslo_messaging_notifications', notifier._notifier_opts),
('oslo_messaging_notifications', notifier._notifier_opts),
('oslo_messaging_rabbit', list(
('oslo_messaging_rabbit', list(
@ -376,8 +376,6 @@ class NotifyTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
def test_multiple_servers(self):
def test_multiple_servers(self):
if self.url.startswith("amqp:"):
if self.url.startswith("amqp:"):
if self.url.startswith("zmq"):
if self.url.startswith("kafka"):
if self.url.startswith("kafka"):
self.skipTest("Kafka: Need to be fixed")
self.skipTest("Kafka: Need to be fixed")
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ from six import moves
import oslo_messaging
import oslo_messaging
from oslo_messaging._drivers.kafka_driver import kafka_options
from oslo_messaging._drivers.kafka_driver import kafka_options
from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_options
from oslo_messaging.notify import notifier
from oslo_messaging.notify import notifier
from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
@ -312,34 +311,6 @@ class SkipIfNoTransportURL(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
transport_url = oslo_messaging.TransportURL.parse(conf, self.url)
transport_url = oslo_messaging.TransportURL.parse(conf, self.url)
zmq_options.register_opts(conf, transport_url)
zmq_matchmaker = os.environ.get('ZMQ_MATCHMAKER')
if zmq_matchmaker:
zmq_ipc_dir = os.environ.get('ZMQ_IPC_DIR')
if zmq_ipc_dir:
zmq_redis_port = os.environ.get('ZMQ_REDIS_PORT')
if zmq_redis_port:
zmq_use_pub_sub = os.environ.get('ZMQ_USE_PUB_SUB')
zmq_use_router_proxy = os.environ.get('ZMQ_USE_ROUTER_PROXY')
zmq_use_acks = os.environ.get('ZMQ_USE_ACKS')
zmq_use_dynamic_connections = \
kafka_options.register_opts(conf, transport_url)
kafka_options.register_opts(conf, transport_url)
@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ class TestLogNotifier(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
# NOTE(jamespage) disable thread information logging for testing
# NOTE(jamespage) disable thread information logging for testing
# as this causes test failures when zmq tests monkey_patch via
# as this can cause test failures when monkey_patch via eventlet
# eventlet
logging.logThreads = 0
logging.logThreads = 0
@ -28,12 +28,10 @@ from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
class OptsTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
class OptsTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
def _test_list_opts(self, result):
def _test_list_opts(self, result):
self.assertEqual(7, len(result))
self.assertEqual(5, len(result))
groups = [g for (g, l) in result]
groups = [g for (g, l) in result]
self.assertIn(None, groups)
self.assertIn(None, groups)
self.assertIn('matchmaker_redis', groups)
self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_zmq', groups)
self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_amqp', groups)
self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_amqp', groups)
self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_notifications', groups)
self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_notifications', groups)
self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_rabbit', groups)
self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_rabbit', groups)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ _transport_opts = [
deprecated_reason="Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url",
deprecated_reason="Replaced by [DEFAULT]/transport_url",
help='The messaging driver to use, defaults to rabbit. Other '
help='The messaging driver to use, defaults to rabbit. Other '
'drivers include amqp and zmq.'),
'drivers include amqp.'),
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- hosts: primary
- name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
mode: pull
copy_links: true
verify_host: true
- --include=**/*nose_results.html
- --include=*/
- --exclude=*
- --prune-empty-dirs
- name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
mode: pull
copy_links: true
verify_host: true
- --include=**/*testr_results.html.gz
- --include=*/
- --exclude=*
- --prune-empty-dirs
- name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
mode: pull
copy_links: true
verify_host: true
- --include=/.testrepository/tmp*
- --include=*/
- --exclude=*
- --prune-empty-dirs
- name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
mode: pull
copy_links: true
verify_host: true
- --include=**/*testrepository.subunit.gz
- --include=*/
- --exclude=*
- --prune-empty-dirs
- name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/tox'
mode: pull
copy_links: true
verify_host: true
- --include=/.tox/*/log/*
- --include=*/
- --exclude=*
- --prune-empty-dirs
- name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
mode: pull
copy_links: true
verify_host: true
- --include=/logs/**
- --include=*/
- --exclude=*
- --prune-empty-dirs
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- hosts: all
name: Autoconverted job legacy-oslo.messaging-telemetry-dsvm-integration-zmq from
old job gate-oslo.messaging-telemetry-dsvm-integration-zmq-ubuntu-xenial-nv
- name: Ensure legacy workspace directory
path: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
state: directory
- shell:
cmd: |
set -e
set -x
cat > clonemap.yaml << EOF
- name: openstack-infra/devstack-gate
dest: devstack-gate
/usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner -m clonemap.yaml --cache-dir /opt/git \
git:// \
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
- shell:
cmd: |
set -e
set -x
export PROJECTS="openstack/ceilometer $PROJECTS"
export PROJECTS="openstack/aodh $PROJECTS"
export PROJECTS="openstack/devstack-plugin-zmq $PROJECTS"
case "$ZUUL_BRANCH" in
export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin gnocchi git://"
export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin panko git://"
export PROJECTS="openstack/panko $PROJECTS openstack/gnocchi"
export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin panko git://"
export PROJECTS="openstack/panko $PROJECTS"
export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin ceilometer git://"
export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin aodh git://"
export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin heat git://"
export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin devstack-plugin-zmq git://"
export DEVSTACK_PROJECT_FROM_GIT="oslo.messaging"
function post_test_hook {
cd /opt/stack/new/ceilometer/ceilometer/tests/integration/hooks/
export -f post_test_hook
cp devstack-gate/ ./
executable: /bin/bash
chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace'
environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
prelude: >
The ZMQ-based driver for RPC communications has been removed
- |
The driver support for the ZeroMQ messaging library is removed.
Users of the oslo.messaging RPC services must use the supported
rabbit ("rabbit://...") or amqp1 ("amqp://..." )drivers.
@ -29,9 +29,5 @@ PyYAML>=3.12 # MIT
amqp>=2.3.0 # BSD
amqp>=2.3.0 # BSD
kombu!=4.0.2,>=4.0.0 # BSD
kombu!=4.0.2,>=4.0.0 # BSD
# used by zmq driver
futures>=3.0.0;python_version=='2.7' or python_version=='2.6' # BSD
tenacity>=4.4.0 # Apache-2.0
# middleware
# middleware
oslo.middleware>=3.31.0 # Apache-2.0
oslo.middleware>=3.31.0 # Apache-2.0
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
set -e
. tools/
trap "clean_exit $DATADIR" EXIT
export ZMQ_MATCHMAKER=redis
export ZMQ_REDIS_PORT=65123
export ZMQ_USE_PUB_SUB=false
export ZMQ_USE_ACKS=false
cat > ${DATADIR}/zmq.conf <<EOF
redis-server --port $ZMQ_REDIS_PORT &
oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy --debug --url ${TRANSPORT_URL} --config-file ${DATADIR}/zmq.conf > ${DATADIR}/zmq-proxy.log 2>&1 &
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
set -e
. tools/
trap "clean_exit $DATADIR" EXIT
export ZMQ_MATCHMAKER=redis
export ZMQ_REDIS_PORT=65123
export ZMQ_USE_PUB_SUB=false
export ZMQ_USE_ACKS=false
cat > ${DATADIR}/zmq.conf <<EOF
redis-server --port $ZMQ_REDIS_PORT &
oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy --debug --url ${TRANSPORT_URL} --config-file ${DATADIR}/zmq.conf > ${DATADIR}/zmq-proxy.log 2>&1 &
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
set -e
. tools/
trap "clean_exit $DATADIR" EXIT
export ZMQ_MATCHMAKER=redis
export ZMQ_REDIS_PORT=65123
export ZMQ_USE_PUB_SUB=true
export ZMQ_USE_ACKS=false
cat > ${DATADIR}/zmq.conf <<EOF
redis-server --port $ZMQ_REDIS_PORT &
oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy --debug --url ${TRANSPORT_URL} --config-file ${DATADIR}/zmq.conf > ${DATADIR}/zmq-proxy.log 2>&1 &
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
set -e
. tools/
trap "clean_exit $DATADIR" EXIT
export ZMQ_MATCHMAKER=redis
export ZMQ_REDIS_PORT=65123
export ZMQ_USE_PUB_SUB=false
export ZMQ_USE_ACKS=false
cat > ${DATADIR}/zmq.conf <<EOF
redis-server --port $ZMQ_REDIS_PORT &
@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ classifier =
# package dependencies for optional (non-rabbitmq) messaging drivers.
# package dependencies for optional (non-rabbitmq) messaging drivers.
# projects can test-depend on oslo.messaging[<drivers>]
# projects can test-depend on oslo.messaging[<drivers>]
# e.g.: oslo.messaging[kafka,amqp1]
# e.g.: oslo.messaging[kafka,amqp1]
zmq =
pyzmq>=14.3.1 # LGPL+BSD
tenacity>=4.4.0 # Apache-2.0
redis>=2.10.0 # MIT
amqp1 =
amqp1 =
pyngus>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0
pyngus>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0
kafka =
kafka =
@ -38,13 +34,10 @@ packages =
console_scripts =
console_scripts =
oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy = oslo_messaging._cmd.zmq_proxy:main
oslo-messaging-zmq-broker = oslo_messaging._cmd.zmq_proxy:main
oslo-messaging-send-notification = oslo_messaging.notify.notifier:_send_notification
oslo-messaging-send-notification = oslo_messaging.notify.notifier:_send_notification
oslo.messaging.drivers =
oslo.messaging.drivers =
rabbit = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit:RabbitDriver
rabbit = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit:RabbitDriver
zmq = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_zmq:ZmqDriver
amqp = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_amqp1:ProtonDriver
amqp = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_amqp1:ProtonDriver
# This driver is supporting for only notification usage
# This driver is supporting for only notification usage
@ -69,12 +62,6 @@ oslo.messaging.notify.drivers =
noop = oslo_messaging.notify._impl_noop:NoOpDriver
noop = oslo_messaging.notify._impl_noop:NoOpDriver
routing = oslo_messaging.notify._impl_routing:RoutingDriver
routing = oslo_messaging.notify._impl_routing:RoutingDriver
oslo.messaging.zmq.matchmaker =
# Matchmakers for ZeroMQ
dummy = oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker.zmq_matchmaker_base:MatchmakerDummy
redis = oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker.zmq_matchmaker_redis:MatchmakerRedis
sentinel = oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker.zmq_matchmaker_redis:MatchmakerSentinel
oslo.config.opts =
oslo.config.opts =
oslo.messaging = oslo_messaging.opts:list_opts
oslo.messaging = oslo_messaging.opts:list_opts
@ -12,13 +12,9 @@ testscenarios>=0.4 # Apache-2.0/BSD
testtools>=2.2.0 # MIT
testtools>=2.2.0 # MIT
oslotest>=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0
oslotest>=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0
pifpaf>=0.10.0 # Apache-2.0
pifpaf>=0.10.0 # Apache-2.0
# for test_matchmaker_redis
redis>=2.10.0 # MIT
# for test_impl_zmq
pyzmq>=14.3.1 # LGPL+BSD
# for test_impl_kafka
# for test_impl_kafka
tenacity>=4.4.0 # Apache-2.0
kafka-python>=1.3.1 # Apache-2.0
kafka-python>=1.3.1 # Apache-2.0
# when we can require tox>= 1.4, this can go into tox.ini:
# when we can require tox>= 1.4, this can go into tox.ini:
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ basepython = python3
commands =
commands =
# run security linter
# run security linter
bandit -r oslo_messaging -x tests,_drivers/zmq_driver,_drivers/ -n5
bandit -r oslo_messaging -x tests -n5
basepython = python3
basepython = python3
@ -91,33 +91,12 @@ setenv =
commands = {toxinidir}/ stestr run --slowest {posargs:oslo_messaging.tests.functional}
commands = {toxinidir}/ stestr run --slowest {posargs:oslo_messaging.tests.functional}
basepython = python2.7
commands = {toxinidir}/ stestr run --slowest {posargs:oslo_messaging.tests.functional}
basepython = python3.5
commands = {toxinidir}/ stestr run --slowest {posargs:oslo_messaging.tests.functional}
basepython = python2.7
commands = {toxinidir}/ stestr run --slowest {posargs:oslo_messaging.tests.functional}
basepython = python2.7
commands = {toxinidir}/ stestr run --slowest {posargs:oslo_messaging.tests.functional}
basepython = python2.7
commands = {toxinidir}/ stestr run --slowest {posargs:oslo_messaging.tests.functional}
# NOTE(kgiusti): This is required for the integration test job of the bandit
# NOTE(kgiusti): This is required for the integration test job of the bandit
# project. Please do not remove.
# project. Please do not remove.
basepython = python3
basepython = python3
# skip ZeroMQ - it is deprecated
commands = bandit -r oslo_messaging -x tests -n5
commands = bandit -r oslo_messaging -x tests,_drivers/zmq_driver,_drivers/ -n5
show-source = True
show-source = True
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