# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import contextlib import functools import logging import os import socket import ssl import threading import time import uuid import kombu import kombu.connection import kombu.entity import kombu.messaging from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import netutils import six from six.moves.urllib import parse from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqp as rpc_amqp from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqpdriver from oslo_messaging._drivers import base from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common from oslo_messaging._i18n import _ from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW from oslo_messaging import exceptions rabbit_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('kombu_ssl_version', default='', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). ' 'Valid values are TLSv1 and SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, ' 'TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some ' 'distributions.' ), cfg.StrOpt('kombu_ssl_keyfile', default='', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled).'), cfg.StrOpt('kombu_ssl_certfile', default='', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled).'), cfg.StrOpt('kombu_ssl_ca_certs', default='', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='SSL certification authority file ' '(valid only if SSL enabled).'), cfg.FloatOpt('kombu_reconnect_delay', default=1.0, deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an ' 'AMQP consumer cancel notification.'), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_host', default='localhost', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is ' 'used.'), cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_port', default=5672, deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used.'), cfg.ListOpt('rabbit_hosts', default=['$rabbit_host:$rabbit_port'], deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='RabbitMQ HA cluster host:port pairs.'), cfg.BoolOpt('rabbit_use_ssl', default=False, deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ.'), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_userid', default='guest', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='The RabbitMQ userid.'), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_password', default='guest', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='The RabbitMQ password.', secret=True), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_login_method', default='AMQPLAIN', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='The RabbitMQ login method.'), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_virtual_host', default='/', deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='The RabbitMQ virtual host.'), cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_retry_interval', default=1, help='How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ.'), cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_retry_backoff', default=2, deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='How long to backoff for between retries when connecting ' 'to RabbitMQ.'), cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_max_retries', default=0, deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='Maximum number of RabbitMQ connection retries. ' 'Default is 0 (infinite retry count).'), cfg.BoolOpt('rabbit_ha_queues', default=False, deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='Use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). ' 'If you change this option, you must wipe the ' 'RabbitMQ database.'), cfg.IntOpt('heartbeat_timeout_threshold', default=0, help="Number of seconds after which the Rabbit broker is " "considered down if heartbeat's keep-alive fails " "(0 disable the heartbeat). EXPERIMENTAL"), cfg.IntOpt('heartbeat_rate', default=2, help='How often times during the heartbeat_timeout_threshold ' 'we check the heartbeat.'), # NOTE(sileht): deprecated option since oslo_messaging 1.5.0, cfg.BoolOpt('fake_rabbit', default=False, deprecated_group='DEFAULT', help='Deprecated, use rpc_backend=kombu+memory or ' 'rpc_backend=fake'), ] LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_queue_arguments(conf): """Construct the arguments for declaring a queue. If the rabbit_ha_queues option is set, we declare a mirrored queue as described here: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html Setting x-ha-policy to all means that the queue will be mirrored to all nodes in the cluster. """ return {'x-ha-policy': 'all'} if conf.rabbit_ha_queues else {} class RabbitMessage(dict): def __init__(self, raw_message): super(RabbitMessage, self).__init__( rpc_common.deserialize_msg(raw_message.payload)) self._raw_message = raw_message def acknowledge(self): self._raw_message.ack() def requeue(self): self._raw_message.requeue() class Consumer(object): """Consumer class.""" def __init__(self, conf, exchange_name, queue_name, routing_key, type, durable, auto_delete, callback, nowait=True): """Init the Publisher class with the exchange_name, routing_key, type, durable auto_delete """ self.queue_name = queue_name self.exchange_name = exchange_name self.routing_key = routing_key self.auto_delete = auto_delete self.durable = durable self.callback = callback self.type = type self.nowait = nowait self.queue_arguments = _get_queue_arguments(conf) self.queue = None self.exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange( name=exchange_name, type=type, durable=self.durable, auto_delete=self.auto_delete) def declare(self, conn): """Re-declare the queue after a rabbit (re)connect.""" self.queue = kombu.entity.Queue( name=self.queue_name, channel=conn.channel, exchange=self.exchange, durable=self.durable, auto_delete=self.auto_delete, routing_key=self.routing_key, queue_arguments=self.queue_arguments) try: self.queue.declare() except conn.connection.channel_errors as exc: # NOTE(jrosenboom): This exception may be triggered by a race # condition. Simply retrying will solve the error most of the time # and should work well enough as a workaround until the race # condition itself can be fixed. # See https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1318721 for details. if exc.code == 404: self.queue.declare() else: raise def consume(self, tag): """Actually declare the consumer on the amqp channel. This will start the flow of messages from the queue. Using the Connection.consume() will process the messages, calling the appropriate callback. """ self.queue.consume(callback=self._callback, consumer_tag=six.text_type(tag), nowait=self.nowait) def _callback(self, message): """Call callback with deserialized message. Messages that are processed and ack'ed. """ m2p = getattr(self.queue.channel, 'message_to_python', None) if m2p: message = m2p(message) try: self.callback(RabbitMessage(message)) except Exception: LOG.exception(_("Failed to process message" " ... skipping it.")) message.ack() class DummyConnectionLock(object): def acquire(self): pass def release(self): pass def heartbeat_acquire(self): pass def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.release() class ConnectionLock(DummyConnectionLock): """Lock object to protect access the the kombu connection This is a lock object to protect access the the kombu connection object between the heartbeat thread and the driver thread. They are two way to acquire this lock: * lock.acquire() * lock.heartbeat_acquire() In both case lock.release(), release the lock. The goal is that the heartbeat thread always have the priority for acquiring the lock. This ensures we have no heartbeat starvation when the driver sends a lot of messages. So when lock.heartbeat_acquire() is called next time the lock is released(), the caller unconditionnaly acquires the lock, even someone else have asked for the lock before it. """ def __init__(self): self._workers_waiting = 0 self._heartbeat_waiting = False self._lock_acquired = None self._monitor = threading.Lock() self._workers_locks = threading.Condition(self._monitor) self._heartbeat_lock = threading.Condition(self._monitor) self._get_thread_id = self._fetch_current_thread_functor() def acquire(self): with self._monitor: while self._lock_acquired: self._workers_waiting += 1 self._workers_locks.wait() self._workers_waiting -= 1 self._lock_acquired = self._get_thread_id() def heartbeat_acquire(self): # NOTE(sileht): must be called only one time with self._monitor: while self._lock_acquired is not None: self._heartbeat_waiting = True self._heartbeat_lock.wait() self._heartbeat_waiting = False self._lock_acquired = self._get_thread_id() def release(self): with self._monitor: if self._lock_acquired is None: raise RuntimeError("We can't release a not acquired lock") thread_id = self._get_thread_id() if self._lock_acquired != thread_id: raise RuntimeError("We can't release lock acquired by another " "thread/greenthread; %s vs %s" % (self._lock_acquired, thread_id)) self._lock_acquired = None if self._heartbeat_waiting: self._heartbeat_lock.notify() elif self._workers_waiting > 0: self._workers_locks.notify() @contextlib.contextmanager def for_heartbeat(self): self.heartbeat_acquire() try: yield finally: self.release() @staticmethod def _fetch_current_thread_functor(): # Until https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/172 is resolved # or addressed we have to use complicated workaround to get a object # that will not be recycled; the usage of threading.current_thread() # doesn't appear to currently be monkey patched and therefore isn't # reliable to use (and breaks badly when used as all threads share # the same current_thread() object)... try: import eventlet from eventlet import patcher green_threaded = patcher.is_monkey_patched('thread') except ImportError: green_threaded = False if green_threaded: return lambda: eventlet.getcurrent() else: return lambda: threading.current_thread() class Connection(object): """Connection object.""" pools = {} def __init__(self, conf, url, purpose): self.conf = conf self.driver_conf = self.conf.oslo_messaging_rabbit self.max_retries = self.driver_conf.rabbit_max_retries # Try forever? if self.max_retries <= 0: self.max_retries = None self.interval_start = self.driver_conf.rabbit_retry_interval self.interval_stepping = self.driver_conf.rabbit_retry_backoff # max retry-interval = 30 seconds self.interval_max = 30 self._login_method = self.driver_conf.rabbit_login_method if url.virtual_host is not None: virtual_host = url.virtual_host else: virtual_host = self.driver_conf.rabbit_virtual_host self._url = '' if self.driver_conf.fake_rabbit: LOG.warn("Deprecated: fake_rabbit option is deprecated, set " "rpc_backend to kombu+memory or use the fake " "driver instead.") self._url = 'memory://%s/' % virtual_host elif url.hosts: if url.transport.startswith('kombu+'): LOG.warn(_LW('Selecting the kombu transport through the ' 'transport url (%s) is a experimental feature ' 'and this is not yet supported.') % url.transport) for host in url.hosts: transport = url.transport.replace('kombu+', '') transport = transport.replace('rabbit', 'amqp') self._url += '%s%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s' % ( ";" if self._url else '', transport, parse.quote(host.username or ''), parse.quote(host.password or ''), self._parse_url_hostname(host.hostname) or '', str(host.port or 5672), virtual_host) elif url.transport.startswith('kombu+'): # NOTE(sileht): url have a + but no hosts # (like kombu+memory:///), pass it to kombu as-is transport = url.transport.replace('kombu+', '') self._url = "%s://%s" % (transport, virtual_host) else: for adr in self.driver_conf.rabbit_hosts: hostname, port = netutils.parse_host_port( adr, default_port=self.driver_conf.rabbit_port) self._url += '%samqp://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s' % ( ";" if self._url else '', parse.quote(self.driver_conf.rabbit_userid), parse.quote(self.driver_conf.rabbit_password), self._parse_url_hostname(hostname), port, virtual_host) self._initial_pid = os.getpid() self._consumers = [] self._new_consumers = [] self._consume_loop_stopped = False self.channel = None # NOTE(sileht): if purpose is PURPOSE_LISTEN # we don't need the lock because we don't # have a heartbeat thread if purpose == rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_SEND: self._connection_lock = ConnectionLock() else: self._connection_lock = DummyConnectionLock() self.connection = kombu.connection.Connection( self._url, ssl=self._fetch_ssl_params(), login_method=self._login_method, failover_strategy="shuffle", heartbeat=self.driver_conf.heartbeat_timeout_threshold) LOG.info(_LI('Connecting to AMQP server on %(hostname)s:%(port)s'), self.connection.info()) # NOTE(sileht): kombu recommend to run heartbeat_check every # seconds, but we use a lock around the kombu connection # so, to not lock to much this lock to most of the time do nothing # expected waiting the events drain, we start heartbeat_check and # retreive the server heartbeat packet only two times more than # the minimum required for the heartbeat works # (heatbeat_timeout/heartbeat_rate/2.0, default kombu # heartbeat_rate is 2) self._heartbeat_wait_timeout = ( float(self.driver_conf.heartbeat_timeout_threshold) / float(self.driver_conf.heartbeat_rate) / 2.0) self._heartbeat_support_log_emitted = False # NOTE(sileht): just ensure the connection is setuped at startup self.ensure_connection() # NOTE(sileht): if purpose is PURPOSE_LISTEN # the consume code does the heartbeat stuff # we don't need a thread self._heartbeat_thread = None if purpose == rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_SEND: self._heartbeat_start() LOG.info(_LI('Connected to AMQP server on %(hostname)s:%(port)s'), self.connection.info()) # NOTE(sileht): value choosen according the best practice from kombu # http://kombu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/kombu.common.html#kombu.common.eventloop # For heatbeat, we can set a bigger timeout, and check we receive the # heartbeat packets regulary if self._heartbeat_supported_and_enabled(): self._poll_timeout = self._heartbeat_wait_timeout else: self._poll_timeout = 1 if self._url.startswith('memory://'): # Kludge to speed up tests. self.connection.transport.polling_interval = 0.0 # Fixup logging self.connection.hostname = "memory_driver" self.connection.port = 1234 self._poll_timeout = 0.05 # FIXME(markmc): use oslo sslutils when it is available as a library _SSL_PROTOCOLS = { "tlsv1": ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, "sslv23": ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 } _OPTIONAL_PROTOCOLS = { 'sslv2': 'PROTOCOL_SSLv2', 'sslv3': 'PROTOCOL_SSLv3', 'tlsv1_1': 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1', 'tlsv1_2': 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2', } for protocol in _OPTIONAL_PROTOCOLS: try: _SSL_PROTOCOLS[protocol] = getattr(ssl, _OPTIONAL_PROTOCOLS[protocol]) except AttributeError: pass @classmethod def validate_ssl_version(cls, version): key = version.lower() try: return cls._SSL_PROTOCOLS[key] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(_("Invalid SSL version : %s") % version) def _parse_url_hostname(self, hostname): """Handles hostname returned from urlparse and checks whether it's ipaddress. If it's ipaddress it ensures that it has brackets for IPv6. """ return '[%s]' % hostname if ':' in hostname else hostname def _fetch_ssl_params(self): """Handles fetching what ssl params should be used for the connection (if any). """ if self.driver_conf.rabbit_use_ssl: ssl_params = dict() # http://docs.python.org/library/ssl.html - ssl.wrap_socket if self.driver_conf.kombu_ssl_version: ssl_params['ssl_version'] = self.validate_ssl_version( self.driver_conf.kombu_ssl_version) if self.driver_conf.kombu_ssl_keyfile: ssl_params['keyfile'] = self.driver_conf.kombu_ssl_keyfile if self.driver_conf.kombu_ssl_certfile: ssl_params['certfile'] = self.driver_conf.kombu_ssl_certfile if self.driver_conf.kombu_ssl_ca_certs: ssl_params['ca_certs'] = self.driver_conf.kombu_ssl_ca_certs # We might want to allow variations in the # future with this? ssl_params['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED return ssl_params or True return False def ensure_connection(self): self.ensure(method=lambda: True) def ensure(self, method, retry=None, recoverable_error_callback=None, error_callback=None, timeout_is_error=True): """Will retry up to retry number of times. retry = None means use the value of rabbit_max_retries retry = -1 means to retry forever retry = 0 means no retry retry = N means N retries NOTE(sileht): Must be called within the connection lock """ current_pid = os.getpid() if self._initial_pid != current_pid: LOG.warn("Process forked after connection established! " "This can result in unpredictable behavior. " "See: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/" "oslo_messaging/transport.html") self._initial_pid = current_pid if retry is None: retry = self.max_retries if retry is None or retry < 0: retry = None def on_error(exc, interval): LOG.debug(_("Received recoverable error from kombu:"), exc_info=True) recoverable_error_callback and recoverable_error_callback(exc) interval = (self.driver_conf.kombu_reconnect_delay + interval if self.driver_conf.kombu_reconnect_delay > 0 else interval) info = {'err_str': exc, 'sleep_time': interval} info.update(self.connection.info()) if 'Socket closed' in six.text_type(exc): LOG.error(_LE('AMQP server %(hostname)s:%(port)s closed' ' the connection. Check login credentials:' ' %(err_str)s'), info) else: LOG.error(_LE('AMQP server on %(hostname)s:%(port)s is ' 'unreachable: %(err_str)s. Trying again in ' '%(sleep_time)d seconds.'), info) # XXX(nic): when reconnecting to a RabbitMQ cluster # with mirrored queues in use, the attempt to release the # connection can hang "indefinitely" somewhere deep down # in Kombu. Blocking the thread for a bit prior to # release seems to kludge around the problem where it is # otherwise reproduceable. # TODO(sileht): Check if this is useful since we # use kombu for HA connection, the interval_step # should sufficient, because the underlying kombu transport # connection object freed. if self.driver_conf.kombu_reconnect_delay > 0: time.sleep(self.driver_conf.kombu_reconnect_delay) def on_reconnection(new_channel): """Callback invoked when the kombu reconnects and creates a new channel, we use it the reconfigure our consumers. """ self._set_current_channel(new_channel) for consumer in self._consumers: consumer.declare(self) LOG.info(_LI('Reconnected to AMQP server on ' '%(hostname)s:%(port)s'), self.connection.info()) def execute_method(channel): self._set_current_channel(channel) method() # NOTE(sileht): Some dummy driver like the in-memory one doesn't # have notion of recoverable connection, so we must raise the original # exception like kombu does in this case. has_modern_errors = hasattr( self.connection.transport, 'recoverable_connection_errors', ) if has_modern_errors: recoverable_errors = ( self.connection.recoverable_channel_errors + self.connection.recoverable_connection_errors) else: recoverable_errors = () try: autoretry_method = self.connection.autoretry( execute_method, channel=self.channel, max_retries=retry, errback=on_error, interval_start=self.interval_start or 1, interval_step=self.interval_stepping, on_revive=on_reconnection, ) ret, channel = autoretry_method() self._set_current_channel(channel) return ret except recoverable_errors as exc: LOG.debug(_("Received recoverable error from kombu:"), exc_info=True) error_callback and error_callback(exc) self._set_current_channel(None) # NOTE(sileht): number of retry exceeded and the connection # is still broken info = {'err_str': exc, 'retry': retry} info.update(self.connection.info()) msg = _('Unable to connect to AMQP server on ' '%(hostname)s:%(port)s after %(retry)s ' 'tries: %(err_str)s') % info LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.MessageDeliveryFailure(msg) except Exception as exc: error_callback and error_callback(exc) raise def _set_current_channel(self, new_channel): """Change the channel to use. NOTE(sileht): Must be called within the connection lock """ if self.channel is not None and new_channel != self.channel: self.PUBLISHER_DECLARED_QUEUES.pop(self.channel, None) self.connection.maybe_close_channel(self.channel) self.channel = new_channel def close(self): """Close/release this connection.""" self._heartbeat_stop() if self.connection: self._set_current_channel(None) self.connection.release() self.connection = None def reset(self): """Reset a connection so it can be used again.""" recoverable_errors = (self.connection.recoverable_channel_errors + self.connection.recoverable_connection_errors) with self._connection_lock: try: self._set_current_channel(self.connection.channel()) except recoverable_errors: self._set_current_channel(None) self.ensure_connection() self._consumers = [] def _heartbeat_supported_and_enabled(self): if self.driver_conf.heartbeat_timeout_threshold <= 0: return False if self.connection.supports_heartbeats: return True elif not self._heartbeat_support_log_emitted: LOG.warn(_LW("Heartbeat support requested but it is not supported " "by the kombu driver or the broker")) self._heartbeat_support_log_emitted = True return False @contextlib.contextmanager def _transport_socket_timeout(self, timeout): # NOTE(sileht): they are some case where the heartbeat check # or the producer.send return only when the system socket # timeout if reach. kombu doesn't allow use to customise this # timeout so for py-amqp we tweak ourself sock = getattr(self.connection.transport, 'sock', None) if sock: orig_timeout = sock.gettimeout() sock.settimeout(timeout) yield if sock: sock.settimeout(orig_timeout) def _heartbeat_check(self): # NOTE(sileht): we are suposed to send at least one heartbeat # every heartbeat_timeout_threshold, so no need to way more with self._transport_socket_timeout( self.driver_conf.heartbeat_timeout_threshold): self.connection.heartbeat_check( rate=self.driver_conf.heartbeat_rate) def _heartbeat_start(self): if self._heartbeat_supported_and_enabled(): self._heartbeat_exit_event = threading.Event() self._heartbeat_thread = threading.Thread( target=self._heartbeat_thread_job) self._heartbeat_thread.daemon = True self._heartbeat_thread.start() else: self._heartbeat_thread = None def _heartbeat_stop(self): if self._heartbeat_thread is not None: self._heartbeat_exit_event.set() self._heartbeat_thread.join() self._heartbeat_thread = None def _heartbeat_thread_job(self): """Thread that maintains inactive connections """ while not self._heartbeat_exit_event.is_set(): with self._connection_lock.for_heartbeat(): recoverable_errors = ( self.connection.recoverable_channel_errors + self.connection.recoverable_connection_errors) try: try: self._heartbeat_check() # NOTE(sileht): We need to drain event to receive # heartbeat from the broker but don't hold the # connection too much times. In amqpdriver a connection # is used exclusivly for read or for write, so we have # to do this for connection used for write drain_events # already do that for other connection try: self.connection.drain_events(timeout=0.001) except socket.timeout: pass except recoverable_errors as exc: LOG.info(_LI("A recoverable connection/channel error " "occurred, trying to reconnect: %s"), exc) self.ensure_connection() except Exception: LOG.warning(_LW("Unexpected error during heartbeart " "thread processing, retrying...")) LOG.debug('Exception', exc_info=True) self._heartbeat_exit_event.wait( timeout=self._heartbeat_wait_timeout) self._heartbeat_exit_event.clear() def declare_consumer(self, consumer): """Create a Consumer using the class that was passed in and add it to our list of consumers """ def _connect_error(exc): log_info = {'topic': consumer.routing_key, 'err_str': exc} LOG.error(_("Failed to declare consumer for topic '%(topic)s': " "%(err_str)s"), log_info) def _declare_consumer(): consumer.declare(self) self._consumers.append(consumer) self._new_consumers.append(consumer) return consumer with self._connection_lock: return self.ensure(_declare_consumer, error_callback=_connect_error) def consume(self, timeout=None): """Consume from all queues/consumers.""" timer = rpc_common.DecayingTimer(duration=timeout) timer.start() def _raise_timeout(exc): LOG.debug('Timed out waiting for RPC response: %s', exc) raise rpc_common.Timeout() def _recoverable_error_callback(exc): self._new_consumers = self._consumers timer.check_return(_raise_timeout, exc) def _error_callback(exc): _recoverable_error_callback(exc) LOG.error(_('Failed to consume message from queue: %s'), exc) def _consume(): # NOTE(sileht): in case the acknowledgement or requeue of a # message fail, the kombu transport can be disconnected # In this case, we must redeclare our consumers, so raise # a recoverable error to trigger the reconnection code. if not self.connection.connected: raise self.connection.recoverable_connection_errors[0] if self._new_consumers: for tag, consumer in enumerate(self._consumers): if consumer in self._new_consumers: consumer.consume(tag=tag) self._new_consumers = [] poll_timeout = (self._poll_timeout if timeout is None else min(timeout, self._poll_timeout)) while True: if self._consume_loop_stopped: return if self._heartbeat_supported_and_enabled(): self._heartbeat_check() try: self.connection.drain_events(timeout=poll_timeout) return except socket.timeout as exc: poll_timeout = timer.check_return( _raise_timeout, exc, maximum=self._poll_timeout) with self._connection_lock: self.ensure(_consume, recoverable_error_callback=_recoverable_error_callback, error_callback=_error_callback) def stop_consuming(self): self._consume_loop_stopped = True def declare_direct_consumer(self, topic, callback): """Create a 'direct' queue. In nova's use, this is generally a msg_id queue used for responses for call/multicall """ consumer = Consumer(self.driver_conf, exchange_name=topic, queue_name=topic, routing_key=topic, type='direct', durable=False, auto_delete=True, callback=callback) self.declare_consumer(consumer) def declare_topic_consumer(self, exchange_name, topic, callback=None, queue_name=None): """Create a 'topic' consumer.""" consumer = Consumer(self.driver_conf, exchange_name=exchange_name, queue_name=queue_name or topic, routing_key=topic, type='topic', durable=self.driver_conf.amqp_durable_queues, auto_delete=self.driver_conf.amqp_auto_delete, callback=callback) self.declare_consumer(consumer) def declare_fanout_consumer(self, topic, callback): """Create a 'fanout' consumer.""" unique = uuid.uuid4().hex exchange_name = '%s_fanout' % topic queue_name = '%s_fanout_%s' % (topic, unique) consumer = Consumer(self.driver_conf, exchange_name=exchange_name, queue_name=queue_name, routing_key=topic, type='fanout', durable=False, auto_delete=True, callback=callback, nowait=False) self.declare_consumer(consumer) def _ensure_publishing(self, method, exchange, msg, routing_key=None, timeout=None, retry=None): """Send to a publisher based on the publisher class.""" def _error_callback(exc): log_info = {'topic': exchange.name, 'err_str': exc} LOG.error(_("Failed to publish message to topic " "'%(topic)s': %(err_str)s"), log_info) LOG.debug('Exception', exc_info=exc) method = functools.partial(method, exchange, msg, routing_key, timeout) with self._connection_lock: self.ensure(method, retry=retry, error_callback=_error_callback) def _publish(self, exchange, msg, routing_key=None, timeout=None): """Publish a message.""" producer = kombu.messaging.Producer(exchange=exchange, channel=self.channel, routing_key=routing_key) expiration = None if timeout: # AMQP TTL is in milliseconds when set in the property. # Details: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ttl.html#per-message-ttl expiration = int(timeout * 1000) # NOTE(sileht): no need to wait more, caller expects # a answer before timeout is reached transport_timeout = timeout heartbeat_timeout = self.driver_conf.heartbeat_timeout_threshold if (self._heartbeat_supported_and_enabled() and ( transport_timeout is None or transport_timeout > heartbeat_timeout)): # NOTE(sileht): we are supposed to send heartbeat every # heartbeat_timeout, no need to wait more otherwise will # disconnect us, so raise timeout earlier ourself transport_timeout = heartbeat_timeout with self._transport_socket_timeout(transport_timeout): producer.publish(msg, expiration=expiration) # List of notification queue declared on the channel to avoid # unnecessary redeclaration. This list is resetted each time # the connection is resetted in Connection._set_current_channel PUBLISHER_DECLARED_QUEUES = collections.defaultdict(set) def _publish_and_creates_default_queue(self, exchange, msg, routing_key=None, timeout=None): """Publisher that declares a default queue When the exchange is missing instead of silently creates an exchange not binded to a queue, this publisher creates a default queue named with the routing_key This is mainly used to not miss notification in case of nobody consumes them yet. If the future consumer bind the default queue it can retrieve missing messages. _set_current_channel is responsible to cleanup the cache. """ queue_indentifier = (exchange.name, routing_key) # NOTE(sileht): We only do it once per reconnection # the Connection._set_current_channel() is responsible to clear # this cache if (queue_indentifier not in self.PUBLISHER_DECLARED_QUEUES[self.channel]): queue = kombu.entity.Queue( channel=self.channel, exchange=exchange, durable=exchange.durable, auto_delete=exchange.auto_delete, name=routing_key, routing_key=routing_key, queue_arguments=_get_queue_arguments(self.driver_conf)) queue.declare() self.PUBLISHER_DECLARED_QUEUES[self.channel].add(queue_indentifier) self._publish(exchange, msg, routing_key=routing_key, timeout=timeout) def _publish_and_retry_on_missing_exchange(self, exchange, msg, routing_key=None, timeout=None): """Publisher that retry if the exchange is missing. """ if not exchange.passive: RuntimeError("_publish_and_retry_on_missing_exchange() must be " "called with an passive exchange.") # TODO(sileht): use @retrying # NOTE(sileht): no need to wait the application expect a response # before timeout is exshauted duration = (timeout if timeout is None else self.conf.rpc_response_timeout) timer = rpc_common.DecayingTimer(duration=duration) timer.start() while True: try: self._publish(exchange, msg, routing_key=routing_key, timeout=timeout) return except self.connection.channel_errors as exc: # NOTE(noelbk/sileht): # If rabbit dies, the consumer can be disconnected before the # publisher sends, and if the consumer hasn't declared the # queue, the publisher's will send a message to an exchange # that's not bound to a queue, and the message wll be lost. # So we set passive=True to the publisher exchange and catch # the 404 kombu ChannelError and retry until the exchange # appears if exc.code == 404 and timer.check_return() > 0: LOG.info(_LI("The exchange %(exchange)s to send to " "%(routing_key)s doesn't exist yet, " "retrying...") % { 'exchange': exchange.name, 'routing_key': routing_key}) time.sleep(1) continue raise def direct_send(self, msg_id, msg): """Send a 'direct' message.""" exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange(name=msg_id, type='direct', durable=False, auto_delete=True, passive=True) self._ensure_publishing(self._publish_and_retry_on_missing_exchange, exchange, msg, routing_key=msg_id) def topic_send(self, exchange_name, topic, msg, timeout=None, retry=None): """Send a 'topic' message.""" exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange( name=exchange_name, type='topic', durable=self.driver_conf.amqp_durable_queues, auto_delete=self.driver_conf.amqp_auto_delete) self._ensure_publishing(self._publish, exchange, msg, routing_key=topic, retry=retry) def fanout_send(self, topic, msg, retry=None): """Send a 'fanout' message.""" exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange(name='%s_fanout' % topic, type='fanout', durable=False, auto_delete=True) self._ensure_publishing(self._publish, exchange, msg, retry=retry) def notify_send(self, exchange_name, topic, msg, retry=None, **kwargs): """Send a notify message on a topic.""" exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange( name=exchange_name, type='topic', durable=self.driver_conf.amqp_durable_queues, auto_delete=self.driver_conf.amqp_auto_delete) self._ensure_publishing(self._publish_and_creates_default_queue, exchange, msg, routing_key=topic, retry=retry) class RabbitDriver(amqpdriver.AMQPDriverBase): def __init__(self, conf, url, default_exchange=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None): opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='oslo_messaging_rabbit', title='RabbitMQ driver options') conf.register_group(opt_group) conf.register_opts(rabbit_opts, group=opt_group) conf.register_opts(rpc_amqp.amqp_opts, group=opt_group) conf.register_opts(base.base_opts, group=opt_group) connection_pool = rpc_amqp.ConnectionPool( conf, conf.oslo_messaging_rabbit.rpc_conn_pool_size, url, Connection) super(RabbitDriver, self).__init__(conf, url, connection_pool, default_exchange, allowed_remote_exmods) def require_features(self, requeue=True): pass