This patch refactors some classes and methods of the pika driver by replacing manually calculated expiration times with specialized timer/stopwatch objects (oslo_utils.timeutils.StopWatch). Change-Id: I28f83797eafbfa612bac748796e3e39742eb27ba
616 lines
24 KiB
616 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import socket
import time
import traceback
import uuid
from concurrent import futures
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from pika import exceptions as pika_exceptions
from pika import spec as pika_spec
import pika_pool
import retrying
import six
import oslo_messaging
from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import pika_commons as pika_drv_cmns
from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import pika_exceptions as pika_drv_exc
from oslo_messaging import _utils as utils
from oslo_messaging import exceptions
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_VERSION_HEADER = "version"
_VERSION = "1.0"
class RemoteExceptionMixin(object):
"""Used for constructing dynamic exception type during deserialization of
remote exception. It defines unified '__init__' method signature and
exception message format
def __init__(self, module, clazz, message, trace):
"""Store serialized data
:param module: String, module name for importing original exception
class of serialized remote exception
:param clazz: String, original class name of serialized remote
:param message: String, original message of serialized remote
:param trace: String, original trace of serialized remote exception
self.module = module
self.clazz = clazz
self.message = message
self.trace = trace
self._str_msgs = message + "\n" + "\n".join(trace)
def __str__(self):
return self._str_msgs
class PikaIncomingMessage(base.IncomingMessage):
"""Driver friendly adapter for received message. Extract message
information from RabbitMQ message and provide access to it
def __init__(self, pika_engine, channel, method, properties, body):
"""Parse RabbitMQ message
:param pika_engine: PikaEngine, shared object with configuration and
shared driver functionality
:param channel: Channel, RabbitMQ channel which was used for
this message delivery, used for sending ack back.
If None - ack is not required
:param method: Method, RabbitMQ message method
:param properties: Properties, RabbitMQ message properties
:param body: Bytes, RabbitMQ message body
headers = getattr(properties, "headers", {})
version = headers.get(_VERSION_HEADER, None)
if not utils.version_is_compatible(version, _VERSION):
raise pika_drv_exc.UnsupportedDriverVersion(
"Message's version: {} is not compatible with driver version: "
"{}".format(version, _VERSION))
self._pika_engine = pika_engine
self._channel = channel
self._delivery_tag = method.delivery_tag
self._version = version
self._content_type = properties.content_type
self._content_encoding = properties.content_encoding
self.unique_id = properties.message_id
self.expiration_time = (
None if properties.expiration is None else
time.time() + float(properties.expiration) / 1000
if self._content_type != "application/json":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Content-type['{}'] is not valid, "
"'application/json' only is supported.".format(
message_dict = jsonutils.loads(body, encoding=self._content_encoding)
context_dict = {}
for key in list(message_dict.keys()):
key = six.text_type(key)
if key.startswith('_$_'):
value = message_dict.pop(key)
context_dict[key[3:]] = value
super(PikaIncomingMessage, self).__init__(context_dict, message_dict)
def need_ack(self):
return self._channel is not None
def acknowledge(self):
"""Ack the message. Should be called by message processing logic when
it considered as consumed (means that we don't need redelivery of this
message anymore)
if self.need_ack():
def requeue(self):
"""Rollback the message. Should be called by message processing logic
when it can not process the message right now and should be redelivered
later if it is possible
if self.need_ack():
return self._channel.basic_nack(delivery_tag=self._delivery_tag,
class RpcPikaIncomingMessage(PikaIncomingMessage, base.RpcIncomingMessage):
"""PikaIncomingMessage implementation for RPC messages. It expects
extra RPC related fields in message body (msg_id and reply_q). Also 'reply'
method added to allow consumer to send RPC reply back to the RPC client
def __init__(self, pika_engine, channel, method, properties, body):
"""Defines default values of msg_id and reply_q fields and just call
super.__init__ method
:param pika_engine: PikaEngine, shared object with configuration and
shared driver functionality
:param channel: Channel, RabbitMQ channel which was used for
this message delivery, used for sending ack back.
If None - ack is not required
:param method: Method, RabbitMQ message method
:param properties: Properties, RabbitMQ message properties
:param body: Bytes, RabbitMQ message body
super(RpcPikaIncomingMessage, self).__init__(
pika_engine, channel, method, properties, body
self.reply_q = properties.reply_to
self.msg_id = properties.correlation_id
def reply(self, reply=None, failure=None, log_failure=True):
"""Send back reply to the RPC client
:param reply: Dictionary, reply. In case of exception should be None
:param failure: Tuple, should be a sys.exc_info() tuple.
Should be None if RPC request was successfully processed.
:param log_failure: Boolean, not used in this implementation.
It present here to be compatible with driver API
:return RpcReplyPikaIncomingMessage, message with reply
if self.reply_q is None:
reply_outgoing_message = RpcReplyPikaOutgoingMessage(
self._pika_engine, self.msg_id, reply=reply, failure_info=failure,
def on_exception(ex):
if isinstance(ex, pika_drv_exc.ConnectionException):
"Connectivity related problem during reply sending. %s",
return True
return False
retrier = retrying.retry(
None if self._pika_engine.rpc_reply_retry_attempts == -1
else self._pika_engine.rpc_reply_retry_attempts
wait_fixed=self._pika_engine.rpc_reply_retry_delay * 1000,
) if self._pika_engine.rpc_reply_retry_attempts else None
timeout = (None if self.expiration_time is None else
max(self.expiration_time - time.time(), 0))
with timeutils.StopWatch(duration=timeout) as stopwatch:
"Message [id:'%s'] replied to '%s'.", self.msg_id, self.reply_q
except Exception:
"Message [id:'%s'] wasn't replied to : %s", self.msg_id,
class RpcReplyPikaIncomingMessage(PikaIncomingMessage):
"""PikaIncomingMessage implementation for RPC reply messages. It expects
extra RPC reply related fields in message body (result and failure).
def __init__(self, pika_engine, channel, method, properties, body):
"""Defines default values of result and failure fields, call
super.__init__ method and then construct Exception object if failure is
not None
:param pika_engine: PikaEngine, shared object with configuration and
shared driver functionality
:param channel: Channel, RabbitMQ channel which was used for
this message delivery, used for sending ack back.
If None - ack is not required
:param method: Method, RabbitMQ message method
:param properties: Properties, RabbitMQ message properties
:param body: Bytes, RabbitMQ message body
super(RpcReplyPikaIncomingMessage, self).__init__(
pika_engine, channel, method, properties, body
self.msg_id = properties.correlation_id
self.result = self.message.get("s", None)
self.failure = self.message.get("e", None)
if self.failure is not None:
trace = self.failure.get('t', [])
message = self.failure.get('s', "")
class_name = self.failure.get('c')
module_name = self.failure.get('m')
res_exc = None
if module_name in pika_engine.allowed_remote_exmods:
module = importutils.import_module(module_name)
klass = getattr(module, class_name)
ex_type = type(
(RemoteExceptionMixin, klass),
res_exc = ex_type(module_name, class_name, message, trace)
except ImportError as e:
"Can not deserialize remote exception [module:%s, "
"class:%s]. %s", module_name, class_name, e
# if we have not processed failure yet, use RemoteError class
if res_exc is None:
res_exc = oslo_messaging.RemoteError(
class_name, message, trace
self.failure = res_exc
class PikaOutgoingMessage(object):
"""Driver friendly adapter for sending message. Construct RabbitMQ message
and send it
def __init__(self, pika_engine, message, context,
content_type="application/json", content_encoding="utf-8"):
"""Parse RabbitMQ message
:param pika_engine: PikaEngine, shared object with configuration and
shared driver functionality
:param message: Dictionary, user's message fields
:param context: Dictionary, request context's fields
:param content_type: String, content-type header, defines serialization
:param content_encoding: String, defines encoding for text data
self._pika_engine = pika_engine
self._content_type = content_type
self._content_encoding = content_encoding
if self._content_type != "application/json":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Content-type['{}'] is not valid, "
"'application/json' only is supported.".format(
self.message = message
self.context = context
self.unique_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
def _prepare_message_to_send(self):
"""Combine user's message fields an system fields (_unique_id,
context's data etc)
msg = self.message.copy()
if self.context:
for key, value in six.iteritems(self.context):
key = six.text_type(key)
msg['_$_' + key] = value
props = pika_spec.BasicProperties(
return msg, props
def _publish(pool, exchange, routing_key, body, properties, mandatory,
"""Execute pika publish method using connection from connection pool
Also this message catches all pika related exceptions and raise
oslo.messaging specific exceptions
:param pool: Pool, pika connection pool for connection choosing
:param exchange: String, RabbitMQ exchange name for message sending
:param routing_key: String, RabbitMQ routing key for message routing
:param body: Bytes, RabbitMQ message payload
:param properties: Properties, RabbitMQ message properties
:param mandatory: Boolean, RabbitMQ publish mandatory flag (raise
exception if it is not possible to deliver message to any queue)
:param stopwatch: StopWatch, stopwatch object for calculating
allowed timeouts
if stopwatch.expired():
raise exceptions.MessagingTimeout(
"Timeout for current operation was expired."
timeout = stopwatch.leftover(return_none=True)
with pool.acquire(timeout=timeout) as conn:
if timeout is not None:
properties.expiration = str(int(timeout * 1000))
except pika_exceptions.NackError as e:
raise pika_drv_exc.MessageRejectedException(
"Can not send message: [body: {}], properties: {}] to "
"target [exchange: {}, routing_key: {}]. {}".format(
body, properties, exchange, routing_key, str(e)
except pika_exceptions.UnroutableError as e:
raise pika_drv_exc.RoutingException(
"Can not deliver message:[body:{}, properties: {}] to any "
"queue using target: [exchange:{}, "
"routing_key:{}]. {}".format(
body, properties, exchange, routing_key, str(e)
except pika_pool.Timeout as e:
raise exceptions.MessagingTimeout(
"Timeout for current operation was expired. {}".format(str(e))
except pika_pool.Connection.connectivity_errors as e:
if (isinstance(e, pika_exceptions.ChannelClosed)
and e.args and e.args[0] == 404):
raise pika_drv_exc.ExchangeNotFoundException(
"Attempt to send message to not existing exchange "
"detected, message: [body:{}, properties: {}], target: "
"[exchange:{}, routing_key:{}]. {}".format(
body, properties, exchange, routing_key, str(e)
raise pika_drv_exc.ConnectionException(
"Connectivity problem detected during sending the message: "
"[body:{}, properties: {}] to target: [exchange:{}, "
"routing_key:{}]. {}".format(
body, properties, exchange, routing_key, str(e)
except socket.timeout:
raise pika_drv_exc.TimeoutConnectionException(
"Socket timeout exceeded."
def _do_send(self, exchange, routing_key, msg_dict, msg_props,
confirm=True, mandatory=True, persistent=False,
stopwatch=pika_drv_cmns.INFINITE_STOP_WATCH, retrier=None):
"""Send prepared message with configured retrying
:param exchange: String, RabbitMQ exchange name for message sending
:param routing_key: String, RabbitMQ routing key for message routing
:param msg_dict: Dictionary, message payload
:param msg_props: Properties, message properties
:param confirm: Boolean, enable publisher confirmation if True
:param mandatory: Boolean, RabbitMQ publish mandatory flag (raise
exception if it is not possible to deliver message to any queue)
:param persistent: Boolean, send persistent message if True, works only
for routing into durable queues
:param stopwatch: StopWatch, stopwatch object for calculating
allowed timeouts
:param retrier: retrying.Retrier, configured retrier object for sending
message, if None no retrying is performed
msg_props.delivery_mode = 2 if persistent else 1
pool = (self._pika_engine.connection_with_confirmation_pool
if confirm else
body = jsonutils.dump_as_bytes(msg_dict,
"Sending message:[body:%s; properties: %s] to target: "
"[exchange:%s; routing_key:%s]", body, msg_props, exchange,
publish = (self._publish if retrier is None else
return publish(pool, exchange, routing_key, body, msg_props,
mandatory, stopwatch)
def send(self, exchange, routing_key='', confirm=True, mandatory=True,
persistent=False, stopwatch=pika_drv_cmns.INFINITE_STOP_WATCH,
"""Send message with configured retrying
:param exchange: String, RabbitMQ exchange name for message sending
:param routing_key: String, RabbitMQ routing key for message routing
:param confirm: Boolean, enable publisher confirmation if True
:param mandatory: Boolean, RabbitMQ publish mandatory flag (raise
exception if it is not possible to deliver message to any queue)
:param persistent: Boolean, send persistent message if True, works only
for routing into durable queues
:param stopwatch: StopWatch, stopwatch object for calculating
allowed timeouts
:param retrier: retrying.Retrier, configured retrier object for sending
message, if None no retrying is performed
msg_dict, msg_props = self._prepare_message_to_send()
return self._do_send(exchange, routing_key, msg_dict, msg_props,
confirm, mandatory, persistent,
stopwatch, retrier)
class RpcPikaOutgoingMessage(PikaOutgoingMessage):
"""PikaOutgoingMessage implementation for RPC messages. It adds
possibility to wait and receive RPC reply
def __init__(self, pika_engine, message, context,
content_type="application/json", content_encoding="utf-8"):
super(RpcPikaOutgoingMessage, self).__init__(
pika_engine, message, context, content_type, content_encoding
self.msg_id = None
self.reply_q = None
def send(self, exchange, routing_key, reply_listener=None,
stopwatch=pika_drv_cmns.INFINITE_STOP_WATCH, retrier=None):
"""Send RPC message with configured retrying
:param exchange: String, RabbitMQ exchange name for message sending
:param routing_key: String, RabbitMQ routing key for message routing
:param reply_listener: RpcReplyPikaListener, listener for waiting
reply. If None - return immediately without reply waiting
:param stopwatch: StopWatch, stopwatch object for calculating
allowed timeouts
:param retrier: retrying.Retrier, configured retrier object for sending
message, if None no retrying is performed
msg_dict, msg_props = self._prepare_message_to_send()
if reply_listener:
self.msg_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
msg_props.correlation_id = self.msg_id
LOG.debug('MSG_ID is %s', self.msg_id)
self.reply_q = reply_listener.get_reply_qname()
msg_props.reply_to = self.reply_q
future = reply_listener.register_reply_waiter(msg_id=self.msg_id)
exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, msg_dict=msg_dict,
msg_props=msg_props, confirm=True, mandatory=True,
persistent=False, stopwatch=stopwatch, retrier=retrier
return future.result(stopwatch.leftover(return_none=True))
except BaseException as e:
if isinstance(e, futures.TimeoutError):
e = exceptions.MessagingTimeout()
raise e
exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, msg_dict=msg_dict,
msg_props=msg_props, confirm=True, mandatory=True,
persistent=False, stopwatch=stopwatch, retrier=retrier
class RpcReplyPikaOutgoingMessage(PikaOutgoingMessage):
"""PikaOutgoingMessage implementation for RPC reply messages. It sets
correlation_id AMQP property to link this reply with response
def __init__(self, pika_engine, msg_id, reply=None, failure_info=None,
content_type="application/json", content_encoding="utf-8"):
"""Initialize with reply information for sending
:param pika_engine: PikaEngine, shared object with configuration and
shared driver functionality
:param msg_id: String, msg_id of RPC request, which waits for reply
:param reply: Dictionary, reply. In case of exception should be None
:param failure_info: Tuple, should be a sys.exc_info() tuple.
Should be None if RPC request was successfully processed.
:param content_type: String, content-type header, defines serialization
:param content_encoding: String, defines encoding for text data
self.msg_id = msg_id
if failure_info is not None:
ex_class = failure_info[0]
ex = failure_info[1]
tb = traceback.format_exception(*failure_info)
if issubclass(ex_class, RemoteExceptionMixin):
failure_data = {
'c': ex.clazz,
'm': ex.module,
's': ex.message,
't': tb
failure_data = {
'c': six.text_type(ex_class.__name__),
'm': six.text_type(ex_class.__module__),
's': six.text_type(ex),
't': tb
msg = {'e': failure_data}
msg = {'s': reply}
super(RpcReplyPikaOutgoingMessage, self).__init__(
pika_engine, msg, None, content_type, content_encoding
def send(self, reply_q, stopwatch=pika_drv_cmns.INFINITE_STOP_WATCH,
"""Send RPC message with configured retrying
:param reply_q: String, queue name for sending reply
:param stopwatch: StopWatch, stopwatch object for calculating
allowed timeouts
:param retrier: retrying.Retrier, configured retrier object for sending
message, if None no retrying is performed
msg_dict, msg_props = self._prepare_message_to_send()
msg_props.correlation_id = self.msg_id
exchange=self._pika_engine.rpc_reply_exchange, routing_key=reply_q,
msg_dict=msg_dict, msg_props=msg_props, confirm=True,
mandatory=True, persistent=False, stopwatch=stopwatch,