Current Listener interface has poll() method which return messages To use it we need have poller thread which is located in MessageHandlerServer But my investigations of existing driver's code shows that some implemetations have its own thread inside for processing connection event loop. This event loop received messages and store in queue object. And then our poller's thread reads this queue This situation can be improved. we can remove poller's thread, remove queue object and just call on_message server's callback from connection eventloop thread This path provide posibility to do this for one of drivers and leave as is other drivers Change-Id: I3e3d4369d8fdadcecf079d10af58b1e4f5616047
371 lines
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371 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import threading
from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as driver_common
from oslo_messaging._drivers import pool as driver_pool
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import kafka
from kafka.common import KafkaError
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
kafka_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('kafka_default_host', default='localhost',
help='Default Kafka broker Host'),
cfg.PortOpt('kafka_default_port', default=9092,
help='Default Kafka broker Port'),
cfg.IntOpt('kafka_max_fetch_bytes', default=1024 * 1024,
help='Max fetch bytes of Kafka consumer'),
cfg.IntOpt('kafka_consumer_timeout', default=1.0,
help='Default timeout(s) for Kafka consumers'),
cfg.IntOpt('pool_size', default=10,
help='Pool Size for Kafka Consumers'),
def pack_context_with_message(ctxt, msg):
"""Pack context into msg."""
if isinstance(ctxt, dict):
context_d = ctxt
context_d = ctxt.to_dict()
return {'message': msg, 'context': context_d}
def target_to_topic(target, priority=None):
"""Convert target into topic string
:param target: Message destination target
:type target: oslo_messaging.Target
:param priority: Notification priority
:type priority: string
if not priority:
return target.topic
return target.topic + '.' + priority
class Connection(object):
def __init__(self, conf, url, purpose):
driver_conf = conf.oslo_messaging_kafka
self.conf = conf
self.kafka_client = None
self.producer = None
self.consumer = None
self.fetch_messages_max_bytes = driver_conf.kafka_max_fetch_bytes
self.consumer_timeout = float(driver_conf.kafka_consumer_timeout)
self.url = url
# TODO(Support for manual/auto_commit functionality)
# When auto_commit is False, consumer can manually notify
# the completion of the subscription.
# Currently we don't support for non auto commit option
self.auto_commit = True
self._consume_loop_stopped = False
def _parse_url(self):
driver_conf = self.conf.oslo_messaging_kafka
self.host = self.url.hosts[0].hostname
except (NameError, IndexError):
self.host = driver_conf.kafka_default_host
self.port = self.url.hosts[0].port
except (NameError, IndexError):
self.port = driver_conf.kafka_default_port
if self.host is None:
self.host = driver_conf.kafka_default_host
if self.port is None:
self.port = driver_conf.kafka_default_port
def notify_send(self, topic, ctxt, msg, retry):
"""Send messages to Kafka broker.
:param topic: String of the topic
:param ctxt: context for the messages
:param msg: messages for publishing
:param retry: the number of retry
message = pack_context_with_message(ctxt, msg)
self._send_and_retry(message, topic, retry)
def _send_and_retry(self, message, topic, retry):
current_retry = 0
if not isinstance(message, str):
message = jsonutils.dumps(message)
while message is not None:
self._send(message, topic)
message = None
except Exception:
LOG.warning(_LW("Failed to publish a message of topic %s"),
current_retry += 1
if retry is not None and current_retry >= retry:
LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to retry to send data "
"with max retry times"))
message = None
def _send(self, message, topic):
self.producer.send_messages(topic, message)
def consume(self, timeout=None):
"""Receive up to 'max_fetch_messages' messages.
:param timeout: poll timeout in seconds
duration = (self.consumer_timeout if timeout is None else timeout)
timer = driver_common.DecayingTimer(duration=duration)
def _raise_timeout():
LOG.debug('Timed out waiting for Kafka response')
raise driver_common.Timeout()
poll_timeout = (self.consumer_timeout if timeout is None
else min(timeout, self.consumer_timeout))
while True:
if self._consume_loop_stopped:
next_timeout = poll_timeout * 1000.0
# TODO(use configure() method instead)
# Currently KafkaConsumer does not support for
# the case of updating only fetch_max_wait_ms parameter
self.consumer._config['fetch_max_wait_ms'] = next_timeout
messages = list(self.consumer.fetch_messages())
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to consume messages: %s"), e)
messages = None
if not messages:
poll_timeout = timer.check_return(
_raise_timeout, maximum=self.consumer_timeout)
return messages
def stop_consuming(self):
self._consume_loop_stopped = True
def reset(self):
"""Reset a connection so it can be used again."""
if self.kafka_client:
self.kafka_client = None
if self.producer:
self.producer = None
self.consumer = None
def close(self):
if self.kafka_client:
self.kafka_client = None
if self.producer:
self.consumer = None
def commit(self):
"""Commit is used by subscribers belonging to the same group.
After subscribing messages, commit is called to prevent
the other subscribers which belong to the same group
from re-subscribing the same messages.
Currently self.auto_commit option is always True,
so we don't need to call this function.
def _ensure_connection(self):
if self.kafka_client:
self.kafka_client = kafka.KafkaClient(
"%s:%s" % (self.host, str(self.port)))
self.producer = kafka.SimpleProducer(self.kafka_client)
except KafkaError as e:
LOG.exception(_LE("Kafka Connection is not available: %s"), e)
self.kafka_client = None
def declare_topic_consumer(self, topics, group=None):
for topic in topics:
self.consumer = kafka.KafkaConsumer(
*topics, group_id=group,
bootstrap_servers=["%s:%s" % (self.host, str(self.port))],
class OsloKafkaMessage(base.RpcIncomingMessage):
def __init__(self, ctxt, message):
super(OsloKafkaMessage, self).__init__(ctxt, message)
def requeue(self):
LOG.warning(_LW("requeue is not supported"))
def reply(self, reply=None, failure=None, log_failure=True):
LOG.warning(_LW("reply is not supported"))
class KafkaListener(base.PollStyleListener):
def __init__(self, conn):
super(KafkaListener, self).__init__()
self._stopped = threading.Event()
self.conn = conn
self.incoming_queue = []
def poll(self, timeout=None):
while not self._stopped.is_set():
if self.incoming_queue:
return self.incoming_queue.pop(0)
messages = self.conn.consume(timeout=timeout)
for msg in messages:
message = msg.value
LOG.debug('poll got message : %s', message)
message = jsonutils.loads(message)
ctxt=message['context'], message=message['message']))
except driver_common.Timeout:
return None
def stop(self):
def cleanup(self):
def commit(self):
# TODO(Support for manually/auto commit functionality)
# It's better to allow users to commit manually and support for
# self.auto_commit = False option. For now, this commit function
# is meaningless since user couldn't call this function and
# auto_commit option is always True.
class KafkaDriver(base.BaseDriver):
"""Note: Current implementation of this driver is experimental.
We will have functional and/or integrated testing enabled for this driver.
def __init__(self, conf, url, default_exchange=None,
opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='oslo_messaging_kafka',
title='Kafka driver options')
conf.register_opts(kafka_opts, group=opt_group)
super(KafkaDriver, self).__init__(
conf, url, default_exchange, allowed_remote_exmods)
self.connection_pool = driver_pool.ConnectionPool(
self.conf, self.conf.oslo_messaging_kafka.pool_size,
self._url, Connection)
self.listeners = []
def cleanup(self):
for c in self.listeners:
self.listeners = []
def send(self, target, ctxt, message, wait_for_reply=None, timeout=None,
raise NotImplementedError(
'The RPC implementation for Kafka is not implemented')
def send_notification(self, target, ctxt, message, version, retry=None):
"""Send notification to Kafka brokers
:param target: Message destination target
:type target: oslo_messaging.Target
:param ctxt: Message context
:type ctxt: dict
:param message: Message payload to pass
:type message: dict
:param version: Messaging API version (currently not used)
:type version: str
:param retry: an optional default kafka consumer retries configuration
None means to retry forever
0 means no retry
N means N retries
:type retry: int
with self._get_connection(purpose=PURPOSE_SEND) as conn:
conn.notify_send(target_to_topic(target), ctxt, message, retry)
def listen(self, target):
raise NotImplementedError(
'The RPC implementation for Kafka is not implemented')
def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities, pool,
on_incoming_callback, batch_size,
"""Listen to a specified list of targets on Kafka brokers
:param targets_and_priorities: List of pairs (target, priority)
priority is not used for kafka driver
target.exchange_target.topic is used as
a kafka topic
:type targets_and_priorities: list
:param pool: consumer group of Kafka consumers
:type pool: string
conn = self._get_connection(purpose=PURPOSE_LISTEN)
topics = set()
for target, priority in targets_and_priorities:
topics.add(target_to_topic(target, priority))
conn.declare_topic_consumer(topics, pool)
listener = KafkaListener(conn)
return base.PollStyleListenerAdapter(listener, on_incoming_callback,
batch_size, batch_timeout)
def _get_connection(self, purpose):
return driver_common.ConnectionContext(self.connection_pool, purpose)