2013-06-16 09:47:18 +01:00

91 lines
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- we need some way for the dispatcher to take the incoming
context dict and instantiate a user-supplied request context
object with it
- @expose decorator
- when shutting down a dispatcher, do we need to invoke
a cleanup method on the listener?
- ClientException - e.g. the executor should handle this being
raised by the dispatcher
- the InvalidTarget checks seem like they're generic preconditions
that all drivers would want enforced
- _safe_log() logs sanitized message data
- unique_id used to reject duplicate messages
- local.store.context used by common logging - basically, how to make
sure the context of the currently dispatching rpc is available to
logging. Need to abstract out the dependency on eventlet for this.
- I'm not sure listener.done() is really needed - can't we ack the
message before returning it from poll() ?
- envelope=True/False really sucks - it's a transport driver specific
flag and we're only using it to communicate whether to use the new
or older on-the-wire notification message format. Maybe we should
have a high-level "notification message format version" which each
transport driver can map to an on-the-wire format. Meh.
Things I don't like:
- CallContext - we already abuse the term "context" enough
- There's something about using a context manager for prepare() that
I like:
with client.prepare(version='2.6') as cctxt:
but it seems a bit nonsensical
- "endpoints" - better than api_objs, callbacks, proxyobj, etc.
- we probably won't use BlockingRPCExecutor anywhere, but I think
it does a good job of showing the basic job of a dispatcher
There's a bunch of places where what fields are used in a target
is unclear:
- in driver.listen() and server.start():
- required: topic and server
- optional: exchange
- ignored: namespace, version, fanout
- in dispatcher:
- required: none
- optional: namespace, version
- ignored: exchange, topic, server, fanout
- in driver.send():
- required: topic
- optional: server, fanout and exchange
- ignored: namespace, version
- in client.call() and client.cast():
- required: (topic is required by send())
- optional: namespace, version (server, fanout, exchange optional to send())
- ignored: none
driver porting guide:
- implement a BaseDriver subclass:
- send() should be similar to call()/cast()
- listen() should be similar to create_consumer()
- implement a base.Listener subclass
- poll() should pull a message off the queue
- done() should ack it