Blindly replacing the timezone information from a timestamp does not make it correctly UTC. It just strips information away, and therefore does not make any valid comparison. This fixes the comparison function by normalizing the timestamps to UTC before doing any comparison. Change-Id: I3a1b1eae497200ca951ccb003dbcc75fb75380fa
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488 lines
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# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# under the License.
Time related utilities and helper functions.
import calendar
import datetime
import time
from debtcollector import removals
import iso8601
from pytz import timezone
import six
from oslo_utils import reflection
# ISO 8601 extended time format with microseconds
_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT_SUBSECOND = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
# Use monotonic time in stopwatches if we can get at it...
# PEP @ https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0418/
now = time.monotonic
except AttributeError:
# Try to use the pypi module if it's available (optionally...)
from monotonic import monotonic as now
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
# Ok fallback to the non-monotonic one...
now = time.time
message="use datetime.datetime.isoformat()",
def isotime(at=None, subsecond=False):
"""Stringify time in ISO 8601 format.
.. deprecated:: > 1.5.0
Use :func:`utcnow` and :func:`datetime.datetime.isoformat` instead.
if not at:
at = utcnow()
st = at.strftime(_ISO8601_TIME_FORMAT
if not subsecond
tz = at.tzinfo.tzname(None) if at.tzinfo else 'UTC'
st += ('Z' if tz == 'UTC' else tz)
return st
def parse_isotime(timestr):
"""Parse time from ISO 8601 format."""
return iso8601.parse_date(timestr)
except iso8601.ParseError as e:
raise ValueError(six.text_type(e))
except TypeError as e:
raise ValueError(six.text_type(e))
message="use either datetime.datetime.isoformat() "
"or datetime.datetime.strftime() instead",
def strtime(at=None, fmt=PERFECT_TIME_FORMAT):
"""Returns formatted utcnow.
.. deprecated:: > 1.5.0
Use :func:`utcnow()`, :func:`datetime.datetime.isoformat`
or :func:`datetime.strftime` instead.
strtime() => utcnow().isoformat()
strtime(fmt=...) => utcnow().strftime(fmt)
strtime(at) => at.isoformat()
strtime(at, fmt) => at.strftime(fmt)
if not at:
at = utcnow()
return at.strftime(fmt)
def parse_strtime(timestr, fmt=PERFECT_TIME_FORMAT):
"""Turn a formatted time back into a datetime."""
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, fmt)
def normalize_time(timestamp):
"""Normalize time in arbitrary timezone to UTC naive object."""
offset = timestamp.utcoffset()
if offset is None:
return timestamp
return timestamp.replace(tzinfo=None) - offset
def is_older_than(before, seconds):
"""Return True if before is older than seconds."""
if isinstance(before, six.string_types):
before = parse_isotime(before)
before = normalize_time(before)
return utcnow() - before > datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
def is_newer_than(after, seconds):
"""Return True if after is newer than seconds."""
if isinstance(after, six.string_types):
after = parse_isotime(after)
after = normalize_time(after)
return after - utcnow() > datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
def utcnow_ts(microsecond=False):
"""Timestamp version of our utcnow function.
See :py:class:`oslo_utils.fixture.TimeFixture`.
if utcnow.override_time is None:
# NOTE(kgriffs): This is several times faster
# than going through calendar.timegm(...)
timestamp = time.time()
if not microsecond:
timestamp = int(timestamp)
return timestamp
now = utcnow()
timestamp = calendar.timegm(now.timetuple())
if microsecond:
timestamp += float(now.microsecond) / 1000000
return timestamp
def utcnow(with_timezone=False):
"""Overridable version of utils.utcnow that can return a TZ-aware datetime.
See :py:class:`oslo_utils.fixture.TimeFixture`.
if utcnow.override_time:
return utcnow.override_time.pop(0)
except AttributeError:
return utcnow.override_time
if with_timezone:
return datetime.datetime.now(tz=iso8601.iso8601.UTC)
return datetime.datetime.utcnow()
message="use datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp().isoformat()",
def iso8601_from_timestamp(timestamp, microsecond=False):
"""Returns an iso8601 formatted date from timestamp.
.. deprecated:: > 1.5.0
Use :func:`datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp` and
:func:`datetime.datetime.isoformat` instead.
return isotime(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp), microsecond)
utcnow.override_time = None
def set_time_override(override_time=None):
"""Overrides utils.utcnow.
Make it return a constant time or a list thereof, one at a time.
See :py:class:`oslo_utils.fixture.TimeFixture`.
:param override_time: datetime instance or list thereof. If not
given, defaults to the current UTC time.
utcnow.override_time = override_time or datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def advance_time_delta(timedelta):
"""Advance overridden time using a datetime.timedelta.
See :py:class:`oslo_utils.fixture.TimeFixture`.
assert utcnow.override_time is not None
for dt in utcnow.override_time:
dt += timedelta
except TypeError:
utcnow.override_time += timedelta
def advance_time_seconds(seconds):
"""Advance overridden time by seconds.
See :py:class:`oslo_utils.fixture.TimeFixture`.
advance_time_delta(datetime.timedelta(0, seconds))
def clear_time_override():
"""Remove the overridden time.
See :py:class:`oslo_utils.fixture.TimeFixture`.
utcnow.override_time = None
def marshall_now(now=None):
"""Make an rpc-safe datetime with microseconds."""
if not now:
now = utcnow()
d = dict(day=now.day, month=now.month, year=now.year, hour=now.hour,
minute=now.minute, second=now.second,
if now.tzinfo:
d['tzname'] = now.tzinfo.tzname(None)
return d
def unmarshall_time(tyme):
"""Unmarshall a datetime dict."""
# NOTE(ihrachys): datetime does not support leap seconds,
# so the best thing we can do for now is dropping them
# http://bugs.python.org/issue23574
second = min(tyme['second'], _MAX_DATETIME_SEC)
dt = datetime.datetime(day=tyme['day'],
tzname = tyme.get('tzname')
if tzname:
tzinfo = timezone(tzname)
dt = tzinfo.localize(dt)
return dt
def delta_seconds(before, after):
"""Return the difference between two timing objects.
Compute the difference in seconds between two date, time, or
datetime objects (as a float, to microsecond resolution).
delta = after - before
return total_seconds(delta)
def total_seconds(delta):
"""Return the total seconds of datetime.timedelta object.
Compute total seconds of datetime.timedelta, datetime.timedelta
doesn't have method total_seconds in Python2.6, calculate it manually.
return delta.total_seconds()
except AttributeError:
return ((delta.days * 24 * 3600) + delta.seconds +
float(delta.microseconds) / (10 ** 6))
def is_soon(dt, window):
"""Determines if time is going to happen in the next window seconds.
:param dt: the time
:param window: minimum seconds to remain to consider the time not soon
:return: True if expiration is within the given duration
soon = (utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=window))
return normalize_time(dt) <= soon
class Split(object):
"""A *immutable* stopwatch split.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stopwatch for what this is/represents.
__slots__ = ['_elapsed', '_length']
def __init__(self, elapsed, length):
self._elapsed = elapsed
self._length = length
def elapsed(self):
"""Duration from stopwatch start."""
return self._elapsed
def length(self):
"""Seconds from last split (or the elapsed time if no prior split)."""
return self._length
def __repr__(self):
r = reflection.get_class_name(self, fully_qualified=False)
r += "(elapsed=%s, length=%s)" % (self._elapsed, self._length)
return r
class StopWatch(object):
"""A simple timer/stopwatch helper class.
Inspired by: apache-commons-lang java stopwatch.
Not thread-safe (when a single watch is mutated by multiple threads at
the same time). Thread-safe when used by a single thread (not shared) or
when operations are performed in a thread-safe manner on these objects by
wrapping those operations with locks.
It will try to use ``time.monotonic`` and then attempt to use the
`monotonic`_ pypi library and then fallback to using the non-monotonic
.. _monotonic: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/monotonic/
def __init__(self, duration=None):
if duration is not None and duration < 0:
raise ValueError("Duration must be greater or equal to"
" zero and not %s" % duration)
self._duration = duration
self._started_at = None
self._stopped_at = None
self._state = None
self._splits = []
def start(self):
"""Starts the watch (if not already started).
NOTE(harlowja): resets any splits previously captured (if any).
if self._state == self._STARTED:
return self
self._started_at = now()
self._stopped_at = None
self._state = self._STARTED
self._splits = []
return self
def splits(self):
"""Accessor to all/any splits that have been captured."""
return tuple(self._splits)
def split(self):
"""Captures a split/elapsed since start time (and doesn't stop)."""
if self._state == self._STARTED:
elapsed = self.elapsed()
if self._splits:
length = self._delta_seconds(self._splits[-1].elapsed, elapsed)
length = elapsed
self._splits.append(Split(elapsed, length))
return self._splits[-1]
raise RuntimeError("Can not create a split time of a stopwatch"
" if it has not been started or if it has been"
" stopped")
def restart(self):
"""Restarts the watch from a started/stopped state."""
if self._state == self._STARTED:
return self
def _delta_seconds(earlier, later):
# Uses max to avoid the delta/time going backwards (and thus negative).
return max(0.0, later - earlier)
def elapsed(self, maximum=None):
"""Returns how many seconds have elapsed."""
if self._state not in (self._STARTED, self._STOPPED):
raise RuntimeError("Can not get the elapsed time of a stopwatch"
" if it has not been started/stopped")
if self._state == self._STOPPED:
elapsed = self._delta_seconds(self._started_at, self._stopped_at)
elapsed = self._delta_seconds(self._started_at, now())
if maximum is not None and elapsed > maximum:
elapsed = max(0.0, maximum)
return elapsed
def __enter__(self):
"""Starts the watch."""
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
"""Stops the watch (ignoring errors if stop fails)."""
except RuntimeError:
def leftover(self, return_none=False):
"""Returns how many seconds are left until the watch expires.
:param return_none: when ``True`` instead of raising a ``RuntimeError``
when no duration has been set this call will
return ``None`` instead.
:type return_none: boolean
if self._state != self._STARTED:
raise RuntimeError("Can not get the leftover time of a stopwatch"
" that has not been started")
if self._duration is None:
if not return_none:
raise RuntimeError("Can not get the leftover time of a watch"
" that has no duration")
return None
return max(0.0, self._duration - self.elapsed())
def expired(self):
"""Returns if the watch has expired (ie, duration provided elapsed)."""
if self._state not in (self._STARTED, self._STOPPED):
raise RuntimeError("Can not check if a stopwatch has expired"
" if it has not been started/stopped")
if self._duration is None:
return False
return self.elapsed() > self._duration
def has_started(self):
return self._state == self._STARTED
def has_stopped(self):
return self._state == self._STOPPED
def resume(self):
"""Resumes the watch from a stopped state."""
if self._state == self._STOPPED:
self._state = self._STARTED
return self
raise RuntimeError("Can not resume a stopwatch that has not been"
" stopped")
def stop(self):
"""Stops the watch."""
if self._state == self._STOPPED:
return self
if self._state != self._STARTED:
raise RuntimeError("Can not stop a stopwatch that has not been"
" started")
self._stopped_at = now()
self._state = self._STOPPED
return self