The job has 4 nodes: - a spine node serving as a spine switch and a place where the tempest tests are executed from - 2 leaf nodes serving as route reflectors to the spine node - controller running all-in-one openstack with ovn-bgp-agent and frr configured to peer with the leaf nodes The job is non-voting for now to assess its stability and replaces ovn-bgp-agent-tempest-plugin job because that job was one node only and hence the BGP protocol couldn't be validated. Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/938697 Change-Id: If8d2d59c6bc06124d98204770d7689b66d9b9cae Signed-off-by: Jakub Libosvar <libosvar@redhat.com>
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- name: Install dependencies on all nodes
hosts: leafs,spine
- name: Install openvswitch
become: true
name: "openvswitch-switch"
state: present
- name: Figure out VXLAN endpoints
hosts: controller,leafs,spine
- name: Set local IP for VXLAN tunnels
vxlan_local_ip: "{{ nodepool.private_ipv4 | ipv4 | default(nodepool.public_ipv4) }} "
- name: Create tunnels between the controller and the leafs
hosts: controller
base_subnet: "172.18"
spine_base_subnet: "172.19"
- name: Create local.sh script to create tunnels
# todo: get this from a variable
top_dir: "/opt/stack/devstack"
become: true
dest: "{{ top_dir }}/local.sh"
owner: stack
group: stack
mode: '0755'
content: |
set -e
function configure_vxlan_endpoint() {
local loop_index=$1
local remote_ip=$2
local local_ip={{ vxlan_local_ip }}
local tunnel_iface=leaf${loop_index}-tunnel
local port_iface=leaf${loop_index}-port
local vlan_tag=100${loop_index}
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-infra $tunnel_iface -- \
set Interface $tunnel_iface type=vxlan options:remote_ip=$remote_ip \
options:key=1000${loop_index} options:local_ip=$local_ip -- \
set Port $tunnel_iface tag=$vlan_tag -- \
add-port br-infra $port_iface -- \
set Interface $port_iface type=internal -- \
set Port $port_iface tag=$vlan_tag
sudo ip addr add {{ base_subnet }}.${loop_index}.1/30 dev $port_iface
sudo ip link set dev $port_iface up
sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -s {{ base_subnet }}.${loop_index}.0/30 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i $port_iface -j ACCEPT
# Add routes to the spine too since we cannot use default
sudo ip route add {{ spine_base_subnet }}.${loop_index}.0/30 nexthop via {{ base_subnet }}.${loop_index}.2 dev $port_iface
sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br br-infra
{% for leaf in groups['leafs'] %}
configure_vxlan_endpoint {{ loop.index0 }} {{ hostvars[leaf].vxlan_local_ip }}
{% endfor %}
sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i br-ex -j ACCEPT
# When FRR started before the peer interfaces did not exist
sudo systemctl restart frr
- name: "Create VXLAN tunnel from {{ item.1 }} to the controller"
ansible.builtin.shell: |
set -e
local_ip={{ hostvars[item.1].vxlan_local_ip }}
remote_ip={{ vxlan_local_ip }}
vlan_tag=100{{ item.0 }}
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br br-infra -- \
add-port br-infra $tunnel_iface -- \
set Interface $tunnel_iface type=vxlan options:remote_ip=$remote_ip \
options:key=1000{{ item.0 }} options:local_ip=$local_ip -- \
set Port $tunnel_iface tag=$vlan_tag -- \
add-port br-infra $port_iface -- \
set Interface $port_iface type=internal -- \
set Port $port_iface tag=$vlan_tag
ip addr add {{ base_subnet }}.{{ item.0 }}.2/30 dev $port_iface
ip link set dev $port_iface up
iptables -I INPUT 1 -s {{ base_subnet }}.{{ item.0 }}.0/30 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i $port_iface -j ACCEPT
with_indexed_items: "{{ groups['leafs'] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ item.1 }}"
become: true
- name: Create tunnels between the spine and the leafs
hosts: spine
base_subnet: "172.19"
become: true
- name: "Create VXLAN tunnels from the spine to {{ item.1 }}"
ansible.builtin.shell: |
set -e
tunnel_iface=leaf{{ item.0 }}-tunnel
port_iface=leaf{{ item.0 }}-port
local_ip={{ vxlan_local_ip }}
remote_ip={{ hostvars[item.1].vxlan_local_ip }}
vlan_tag=100{{ item.0 }}
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br br-infra -- \
add-port br-infra $tunnel_iface -- \
set Interface $tunnel_iface type=vxlan options:remote_ip=$remote_ip \
options:key=1001{{ item.0 }} options:local_ip=$local_ip -- \
set Port $tunnel_iface tag=$vlan_tag -- \
add-port br-infra $port_iface -- \
set Interface $port_iface type=internal -- \
set Port $port_iface tag=$vlan_tag
ip addr add {{ base_subnet }}.{{ item.0 }}.1/30 dev $port_iface
ip link set dev $port_iface up
iptables -I INPUT 1 -s {{ base_subnet }}.{{ item.0 }}.0/30 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i $port_iface -j ACCEPT
with_indexed_items: "{{ groups['leafs'] }}"
- name: "Create VXLAN tunnel from {{ item.1 }} to the spine"
ansible.builtin.shell: |
set -e
local_ip={{ hostvars[item.1].vxlan_local_ip }}
remote_ip={{ vxlan_local_ip }}
ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br br-infra -- \
add-port br-infra $tunnel_iface -- \
set Interface $tunnel_iface type=vxlan options:remote_ip=$remote_ip \
options:key=1001{{ item.0 }} options:local_ip=$local_ip -- \
set Port $tunnel_iface tag=$vlan_tag -- \
add-port br-infra $port_iface -- \
set Interface $port_iface type=internal -- \
set Port $port_iface tag=$vlan_tag
ip addr add {{ base_subnet }}.{{ item.0 }}.2/30 dev $port_iface
ip link set dev $port_iface up
iptables -I INPUT 1 -s {{ base_subnet }}.{{ item.0 }}.0/30 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i $port_iface -j ACCEPT
with_indexed_items: "{{ groups['leafs'] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ item.1 }}"
- name: Configure the spine switch
hosts: spine
- spine
- name: Configure the leafs switches
hosts: leafs
- leaf