mgrosz 24ed319d05 puppet-vitrage: Initial commit
This is the initial commit for puppet-vitrage.
It has been automatically generated using cookiecutter[1] and msync[2]


Change-Id: Ieb46f034ed35fb5e3c187f78f730139b469d9cf4
2015-12-17 07:53:19 +02:00

24 lines
592 B

# Class to execute vitrage-manage db_sync
# == Parameters
# [*extra_params*]
# (optional) String of extra command line parameters to append
# to the vitrage-dbsync command.
# Defaults to undef
class vitrage::db::sync(
$extra_params = undef,
) {
exec { 'vitrage-db-sync':
command => "vitrage-manage db_sync ${extra_params}",
path => '/usr/bin',
user => 'vitrage',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => [Package['vitrage'], Vitrage_config['database/connection']],
Exec['vitrage-manage db_sync'] ~> Service<| title == 'vitrage' |>