![Mehdi Abaakouk](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
All cli endpoint takes --metric, expect one. To avoid confusion allow --metric everywhere. Change-Id: I443ffaedc53508604a3895819f5dc1b443905bf2
204 lines
6.5 KiB
204 lines
6.5 KiB
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import re
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse
import pyparsing as pp
uninary_operators = ("not", )
binary_operator = (u">=", u"<=", u"!=", u">", u"<", u"=", u"==", u"eq", u"ne",
u"lt", u"gt", u"ge", u"le")
multiple_operators = (u"and", u"or")
operator = pp.Regex(u"|".join(binary_operator))
null = pp.Regex("None|none|null").setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(None))
boolean = "False|True|false|true"
boolean = pp.Regex(boolean).setParseAction(lambda t: t[0].lower() == "true")
hex_string = lambda n: pp.Word(pp.hexnums, exact=n)
uuid = pp.Combine(hex_string(8) + ("-" + hex_string(4)) * 3 +
"-" + hex_string(12))
number = r"[+-]?\d+(:?\.\d*)?(:?[eE][+-]?\d+)?"
number = pp.Regex(number).setParseAction(lambda t: float(t[0]))
identifier = pp.Word(pp.alphas, pp.alphanums + "_")
quoted_string = pp.QuotedString('"') | pp.QuotedString("'")
comparison_term = pp.Forward()
in_list = pp.Group(pp.Suppress('[') +
pp.Optional(pp.delimitedList(comparison_term)) +
comparison_term << (null | boolean | uuid | identifier | number |
condition = pp.Group(comparison_term + operator + comparison_term)
expr = pp.operatorPrecedence(condition, [
("not", 1, pp.opAssoc.RIGHT, ),
("and", 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, ),
("or", 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, ),
OP_LOOKUP = {'!=': 'ne',
'>=': 'ge',
'<=': 'le',
'>': 'gt',
'<': 'lt',
'=': 'eq'}
OP_LOOKUP_KEYS = '|'.join(sorted(OP_LOOKUP.keys(), key=len, reverse=True))
OP_SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r'(%s)' % OP_LOOKUP_KEYS)
def _parsed_query2dict(parsed_query):
result = None
while parsed_query:
part = parsed_query.pop()
if part in binary_operator:
result = {part: {parsed_query.pop(): result}}
elif part in multiple_operators:
if result.get(part):
result = {part: [result]}
elif part in uninary_operators:
result = {part: result}
elif isinstance(part, pp.ParseResults):
kind = part.getName()
if kind == "list":
res = part.asList()
res = _parsed_query2dict(part)
if result is None:
result = res
elif isinstance(result, dict):
result = part
return result
def search_query_builder(query):
parsed_query = expr.parseString(query)[0]
return _parsed_query2dict(parsed_query)
def list2cols(cols, objs):
return cols, [tuple([o[k] for k in cols])
for o in objs]
def format_string_list(objs, field):
objs[field] = ", ".join(objs[field])
def format_dict_list(objs, field):
objs[field] = "\n".join(
"- " + ", ".join("%s: %s" % (k, v)
for k, v in elem.items())
for elem in objs[field])
def format_move_dict_to_root(obj, field):
for attr in obj[field]:
obj["%s/%s" % (field, attr)] = obj[field][attr]
del obj[field]
def format_archive_policy(ap):
format_dict_list(ap, "definition")
format_string_list(ap, "aggregation_methods")
def dict_from_parsed_args(parsed_args, attrs):
d = {}
for attr in attrs:
if attr == "metric":
if parsed_args.metrics:
value = parsed_args.metrics[0]
value = None
value = getattr(parsed_args, attr)
if value is not None:
d[attr] = value
return d
def dict_to_querystring(objs):
return "&".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v)
for k, v in objs.items()
if v is not None])
def cli_to_array(cli_query):
"""Convert CLI list of queries to the Python API format.
This will convert the following:
opts = []
queries = cli_query.split(';')
for q in queries:
field, q_operator, type_value = OP_SPLIT_RE.split(q, maxsplit=1)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Invalid or missing operator in query %(q)s,'
'the supported operators are: %(k)s' %
{'q': q, 'k': OP_LOOKUP.keys()})
if not field:
raise ValueError('Missing field in query %s' % q)
if not type_value:
raise ValueError('Missing value in query %s' % q)
opt = dict(field=field, op=OP_LOOKUP[q_operator])
if '::' not in type_value:
opt['type'], opt['value'] = '', type_value
opt['type'], _, opt['value'] = type_value.partition('::')
if opt['type'] and opt['type'] not in (
'string', 'integer', 'float', 'datetime', 'boolean'):
err = ('Invalid value type %(type)s, the type of value'
'should be one of: integer, string, float, datetime,'
' boolean.' % opt)
raise ValueError(err)
return opts
def get_pagination_options(limit=None, marker=None, sorts=None):
options = []
if limit:
options.append("limit=%d" % limit)
if marker:
options.append("marker=%s" % urllib_parse.quote(marker))
for sort in sorts or []:
options.append("sort=%s" % urllib_parse.quote(sort))
return "&".join(options)
def get_client(obj):
if hasattr(obj.app, 'client_manager'):
# NOTE(liusheng): cliff objects loaded by OSC
return obj.app.client_manager.alarming
# TODO(liusheng): Remove this when OSC is able
# to install the aodh client binary itself
return obj.app.client