#!/usr/bin/env bash # Client constraint file contains this client version pin that is in conflict # with installing the client from source. We should replace the version pin in # the constraints file before applying it for from-source installation. ZUUL_CLONER=/usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner BRANCH_NAME=master CLIENT_NAME=python-openstackclient requirements_installed=$(echo "import openstack_requirements" | python 2>/dev/null ; echo $?) set -e CONSTRAINTS_FILE=$1 shift install_cmd="pip install" if [ $CONSTRAINTS_FILE != "unconstrained" ]; then mydir=$(mktemp -dt "$CLIENT_NAME-tox_install-XXXXXXX") localfile=$mydir/upper-constraints.txt if [[ $CONSTRAINTS_FILE != http* ]]; then CONSTRAINTS_FILE=file://$CONSTRAINTS_FILE fi curl $CONSTRAINTS_FILE -k -o $localfile install_cmd="$install_cmd -c$localfile" if [ $requirements_installed -eq 0 ]; then echo "ALREADY INSTALLED" > /tmp/tox_install.txt echo "Requirements already installed; using existing package" elif [ -x "$ZUUL_CLONER" ]; then export ZUUL_BRANCH=${ZUUL_BRANCH-$BRANCH} echo "ZUUL CLONER" > /tmp/tox_install.txt pushd $mydir $ZUUL_CLONER --cache-dir \ /opt/git \ --branch $BRANCH_NAME \ git://git.openstack.org \ openstack/requirements cd openstack/requirements $install_cmd -e . popd else echo "PIP HARDCODE" > /tmp/tox_install.txt if [ -z "$REQUIREMENTS_PIP_LOCATION" ]; then REQUIREMENTS_PIP_LOCATION="git+https://git.openstack.org/openstack/requirements@$BRANCH_NAME#egg=requirements" fi $install_cmd -U -e ${REQUIREMENTS_PIP_LOCATION} fi edit-constraints $localfile -- $CLIENT_NAME "-e file://$PWD#egg=$CLIENT_NAME" fi $install_cmd -U $* exit $?