====== server ====== Compute v2 server add fixed ip ------------------- Add fixed IP address to server .. program:: server add fixed ip .. code:: bash openstack server add fixed ip .. describe:: Server (name or ID) to receive the fixed IP address .. describe:: Network (name or ID) to allocate the fixed IP address from server add floating ip ---------------------- Add floating IP address to server .. program:: server add floating ip .. code:: bash openstack server add floating ip [--fixed-ip-address ] .. option:: --fixed-ip-address Fixed IP address to associate with this floating IP address .. describe:: Server (name or ID) to receive the floating IP address .. describe:: Floating IP address (IP address only) to assign to server server add security group ------------------------- Add security group to server .. program:: server add security group .. code:: bash openstack server add security group .. describe:: Server (name or ID) .. describe:: Security group to add (name or ID) server add volume ----------------- Add volume to server .. program:: server add volume .. code:: bash openstack server add volume [--device ] .. option:: --device Server internal device name for volume .. describe:: Server (name or ID) .. describe:: Volume to add (name or ID) server create ------------- Create a new server .. program:: server create .. code:: bash openstack server create --image | --volume --flavor [--security-group [...] ] [--key-name ] [--property [...] ] [--file ] [...] ] [--user-data ] [--availability-zone ] [--block-device-mapping [...] ] [--nic [...] ] [--hint [...] ] [--config-drive |True ] [--min ] [--max ] [--wait] .. option:: --image Create server boot disk from this image (name or ID) .. option:: --volume Create server using this volume as the boot disk (name or ID) This option automatically creates a block device mapping with a boot index of 0. On many hypervisors (libvirt/kvm for example) this will be device ``vda``. Do not create a duplicate mapping using :option:`--block-device-mapping` for this volume. .. option:: --flavor Create server with this flavor (name or ID) .. option:: --security-group Security group to assign to this server (name or ID) (repeat option to set multiple groups) .. option:: --key-name Keypair to inject into this server (optional extension) .. option:: --property Set a property on this server (repeat option to set multiple values) .. option:: --file File to inject into image before boot (repeat option to set multiple files) .. option:: --user-data User data file to serve from the metadata server .. option:: --availability-zone Select an availability zone for the server .. option:: --block-device-mapping Map block devices; map is ::: (optional extension) .. option:: --nic Create a NIC on the server. Specify option multiple times to create multiple NICs. Either net-id or port-id must be provided, but not both. net-id: attach NIC to network with this UUID, port-id: attach NIC to port with this UUID, v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address for NIC (optional), v6-fixed-ip: IPv6 fixed address for NIC (optional). none: (v2.37+) no network is attached. auto: (v2.37+) the compute service will automatically allocate a network. Specifying a --nic of auto or none cannot be used with any other --nic value. .. option:: --hint Hints for the scheduler (optional extension) .. option:: --config-drive |True Use specified volume as the config drive, or 'True' to use an ephemeral drive .. option:: --min Minimum number of servers to launch (default=1) .. option:: --max Maximum number of servers to launch (default=1) .. option:: --wait Wait for build to complete .. describe:: New server name server delete ------------- Delete server(s) .. program:: server delete .. code:: bash openstack server delete [ ...] [--wait] .. option:: --wait Wait for delete to complete .. describe:: Server(s) to delete (name or ID) server dump create ------------------ Create a dump file in server(s) Trigger crash dump in server(s) with features like kdump in Linux. It will create a dump file in the server(s) dumping the server(s)' memory, and also crash the server(s). OSC sees the dump file (server dump) as a kind of resource. .. program:: server dump create .. code:: bash openstack server dump create [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to create dump file (name or ID) server list ----------- List servers .. code:: bash openstack server list [--reservation-id ] [--ip ] [--ip6 ] [--name ] [--instance-name ] [--status ] [--flavor ] [--image ] [--host ] [--all-projects] [--project [--project-domain ]] [--long] [--marker ] [--limit ] [--deleted] [--changes-since ] .. option:: --reservation-id Only return instances that match the reservation .. option:: --ip Regular expression to match IP addresses .. option:: --ip6 Regular expression to match IPv6 addresses .. option:: --name Regular expression to match names .. option:: --instance-name Regular expression to match instance name (admin only) .. option:: --status Search by server status .. option:: --flavor Search by flavor (name or ID) .. option:: --image Search by image (name or ID) .. option:: --host Search by hostname .. option:: --all-projects Include all projects (admin only) .. option:: --project Search by project (admin only) (name or ID) .. option:: --project-domain Domain the project belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between project names exist. .. option:: --user Search by user (admin only) (name or ID) .. option:: --user-domain Domain the user belongs to (name or ID). This can be used in case collisions between user names exist. .. option:: --long List additional fields in output .. option:: --marker The last server (name or ID) of the previous page. Display list of servers after marker. Display all servers if not specified. .. option:: --limit Maximum number of servers to display. If limit equals -1, all servers will be displayed. If limit is greater than 'osapi_max_limit' option of Nova API, 'osapi_max_limit' will be used instead. .. option:: --deleted Only display deleted servers (Admin only). .. option:: --changes-since List only servers changed after a certain point of time. The provided time should be an ISO 8061 formatted time. ex 2016-03-04T06:27:59Z. server lock ----------- Lock server(s). A non-admin user will not be able to execute actions .. program:: server lock .. code:: bash openstack server lock [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to lock (name or ID) server migrate -------------- Migrate server to different host .. program:: server migrate .. code:: bash openstack server migrate --live [--shared-migration | --block-migration] [--disk-overcommit | --no-disk-overcommit] [--wait] .. option:: --live Target hostname .. option:: --shared-migration Perform a shared live migration (default) .. option:: --block-migration Perform a block live migration .. option:: --disk-overcommit Allow disk over-commit on the destination host .. option:: --no-disk-overcommit Do not over-commit disk on the destination host (default) .. option:: --wait Wait for migrate to complete .. describe:: Server to migrate (name or ID) server pause ------------ Pause server(s) .. program:: server pause .. code:: bash openstack server pause [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to pause (name or ID) server reboot ------------- Perform a hard or soft server reboot .. program:: server reboot .. code:: bash openstack server reboot [--hard | --soft] [--wait] .. option:: --hard Perform a hard reboot .. option:: --soft Perform a soft reboot .. option:: --wait Wait for reboot to complete .. describe:: Server (name or ID) server rebuild -------------- Rebuild server .. program:: server rebuild .. code:: bash openstack server rebuild [--image ] [--password ] [--wait] .. option:: --image Recreate server from the specified image (name or ID). Defaults to the currently used one. .. option:: --password Set the password on the rebuilt instance .. option:: --wait Wait for rebuild to complete .. describe:: Server (name or ID) server remove fixed ip ---------------------- Remove fixed IP address from server .. program:: server remove fixed ip .. code:: bash openstack server remove fixed ip .. describe:: Server (name or ID) to remove the fixed IP address from .. describe:: Fixed IP address (IP address only) to remove from the server server remove floating ip ------------------------- Remove floating IP address from server .. program:: server remove floating ip .. code:: bash openstack server remove floating ip .. describe:: Server (name or ID) to remove the floating IP address from .. describe:: Floating IP address (IP address only) to remove from server server remove security group ---------------------------- Remove security group from server .. program:: server remove security group .. code:: bash openstack server remove security group .. describe:: Name or ID of server to use .. describe:: Name or ID of security group to remove from server server remove volume -------------------- Remove volume from server .. program:: server remove volume .. code:: bash openstack server remove volume .. describe:: Server (name or ID) .. describe:: Volume to remove (name or ID) server rescue ------------- Put server in rescue mode .. program:: server rescue .. code:: bash openstack server rescue .. describe:: Server (name or ID) server resize ------------- Scale server to a new flavor .. program:: server resize .. code:: bash openstack server resize --flavor [--wait] openstack server resize --confirm | --revert .. option:: --flavor Resize server to specified flavor .. option:: --confirm Confirm server resize is complete .. option:: --revert Restore server state before resize .. option:: --wait Wait for resize to complete .. describe:: Server (name or ID) A resize operation is implemented by creating a new server and copying the contents of the original disk into a new one. It is also a two-step process for the user: the first is to perform the resize, the second is to either confirm (verify) success and release the old server, or to declare a revert to release the new server and restart the old one. server restore -------------- Restore server(s) from soft-deleted state .. program:: server restore .. code:: bash openstack server restore [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to restore (name or ID) server resume ------------- Resume server(s) .. program:: server resume .. code:: bash openstack server resume [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to resume (name or ID) server set ---------- Set server properties .. program:: server set .. code:: bash openstack server set --name --property [--property ] ... --root-password --state .. option:: --name New server name .. option:: --root-password Set new root password (interactive only) .. option:: --property Property to add/change for this server (repeat option to set multiple properties) .. option:: --state New server state (valid value: active, error) .. describe:: Server (name or ID) server shelve ------------- Shelve server(s) .. program:: server shelve .. code:: bash openstack server shelve [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to shelve (name or ID) server show ----------- Show server details .. program:: server show .. code:: bash openstack server show [--diagnostics] .. option:: --diagnostics Display server diagnostics information .. describe:: Server (name or ID) server ssh ---------- SSH to server .. program:: server ssh .. code:: bash openstack server ssh [--login ] [--port ] [--identity ] [--option ] [--public | --private | --address-type ] .. option:: --login Login name (ssh -l option) .. option:: --port Destination port (ssh -p option) .. option:: --identity Private key file (ssh -i option) .. option:: --option Options in ssh_config(5) format (ssh -o option) .. option:: --public Use public IP address .. option:: --private Use private IP address .. option:: --address-type Use other IP address (public, private, etc) .. describe:: Server (name or ID) server start ------------ Start server(s) .. program:: server start .. code:: bash openstack server start [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to start (name or ID) server stop ----------- Stop server(s) .. program:: server stop .. code:: bash openstack server stop [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to stop (name or ID) server suspend -------------- Suspend server(s) .. program:: server suspend .. code:: bash openstack server suspend [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to suspend (name or ID) server unlock ------------- Unlock server(s) .. program:: server unlock .. code:: bash openstack server unlock [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to unlock (name or ID) server unpause -------------- Unpause server(s) .. program:: server unpause .. code:: bash openstack server unpause [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to unpause (name or ID) server unrescue --------------- Restore server from rescue mode .. program:: server unrescue .. code:: bash openstack server unrescue .. describe:: Server (name or ID) server unset ------------ Unset server properties .. program:: server unset .. code:: bash openstack server unset --property [--property ] ... .. option:: --property Property key to remove from server (repeat option to remove multiple values) .. describe:: Server (name or ID) server unshelve --------------- Unshelve server(s) .. program:: server unshelve .. code:: bash openstack server unshelve [ ...] .. describe:: Server(s) to unshelve (name or ID)