Stephen Finucane c5b772db76 trivial: Prepare for pyupgrade pre-commit hook
This change is entirely automated save for the update of some mocks from
'' to '').

We are keeping this change separate from addition of the actual hook so
that we can ignore the commit later.

Change-Id: I0a9d8736632084473b57b57b693322447d7be519
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
2024-04-23 12:24:23 +01:00

199 lines
6.7 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import logging
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
from tempest.lib.cli import output_parser
from tempest.lib import exceptions
import testtools
ADMIN_CLOUD = os.environ.get('OS_ADMIN_CLOUD', 'devstack-admin')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def execute(cmd, *, fail_ok=False):
"""Executes specified command for the given action."""
LOG.debug('Executing: %s', cmd)
cmdlist = shlex.split(cmd)
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
env = {
k: v for k, v in os.environ.copy().items() if not k.startswith('OS_')
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdlist, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env)
result_out, result_err = proc.communicate()
result_out = result_out.decode('utf-8')
LOG.debug('stdout: %s', result_out)
LOG.debug('stderr: %s', result_err)
if not fail_ok and proc.returncode != 0:
raise exceptions.CommandFailed(
return result_out
class TestCase(testtools.TestCase):
def openstack(
"""Executes openstackclient command for the given action
:param cmd: A string representation of the command to execute.
:param cloud: The cloud to execute against. This can be a string, empty
string, or None. A string results in '--os-auth-type $cloud', an
empty string results in the '--os-auth-type' option being
omitted, and None results in '--os-auth-type none' for legacy
:param fail_ok: If failure is permitted. If False (default), a command
failure will result in `~tempest.lib.exceptions.CommandFailed`
being raised.
:param parse_output: If true, pass the '-f json' parameter and decode
the output.
:returns: The output from the command.
:raises: `~tempest.lib.exceptions.CommandFailed` if the command failed
and ``fail_ok`` was ``False``.
auth_args = []
if cloud is None:
# Execute command with no auth
auth_args.append('--os-auth-type none')
elif cloud != '':
# Execute command with an explicit cloud specified
auth_args.append(f'--os-cloud {cloud}')
format_args = []
if parse_output:
format_args.append('-f json')
output = execute(
' '.join(['openstack'] + auth_args + [cmd] + format_args),
if parse_output:
return json.loads(output)
return output
def is_service_enabled(cls, service, version=None):
"""Ask client cloud if service is available
:param service: The service name or type. This should be either an
exact match to what is in the catalog or a known official value or
alias from service-types-authority
:param version: Optional version. This should be a major version, e.g.
:returns: True if the service is enabled and optionally provides the
specified API version, else False
ret = cls.openstack(
f'versions show --service {service} -f value -c Version'
if version:
return version in ret
return bool(ret)
def is_extension_enabled(cls, alias, *, service='network'):
"""Ask client cloud if extension is enabled"""
extensions = cls.openstack(
f'extension list --{service}',
return alias in [x['Alias'] for x in extensions]
def get_openstack_configuration_value(cls, configuration):
opts = cls.get_opts([configuration])
return cls.openstack('configuration show ' + opts)
def get_opts(cls, fields, output_format='value'):
return ' -f {} {}'.format(
output_format, ' '.join(['-c ' + it for it in fields])
def assertOutput(cls, expected, actual):
if expected != actual:
raise Exception(expected + ' != ' + actual)
def assertInOutput(cls, expected, actual):
if expected not in actual:
raise Exception(expected + ' not in ' + actual)
def assertsOutputNotNone(cls, observed):
if observed is None:
raise Exception('No output observed')
def assert_table_structure(self, items, field_names):
"""Verify that all items have keys listed in field_names."""
for item in items:
for field in field_names:
self.assertIn(field, item)
def assert_show_fields(self, show_output, field_names):
"""Verify that all items have keys listed in field_names."""
# field_names = ['name', 'description']
# show_output = [{'name': 'fc2b98d8faed4126b9e371eda045ade2'},
# {'description': 'description-821397086'}]
# this next line creates a flattened list of all 'keys' (like 'name',
# and 'description' out of the output
all_headers = [item for sublist in show_output for item in sublist]
for field_name in field_names:
self.assertIn(field_name, all_headers)
def parse_show_as_object(self, raw_output):
"""Return a dict with values parsed from cli output."""
items = self.parse_show(raw_output)
o = {}
for item in items:
return o
def parse_show(self, raw_output):
"""Return list of dicts with item values parsed from cli output."""
items = []
table_ = output_parser.table(raw_output)
for row in table_['values']:
item = {}
item[row[0]] = row[1]
return items
def parse_listing(self, raw_output):
"""Return list of dicts with basic item parsed from cli output."""
return output_parser.listing(raw_output)