The --block-device-mapping option on the server create command currently only supports booting from volume and volume snapshot. A common boot-from-volume scenario is providing an image and letting nova orchestrate the creation of the image-backed volume and attaching it to the server. This adds support for type=image in the --block-device-mapping option. The volume size is required in this case. Note that the CLI currently says if type=snapshot that size is also required but that's technically not true. When booting from a volume snapshot, the compute API will use the size of the volume snapshot to create the volume if an explicit size is not provided. For the purposes of this patch, we need the size anyway for the image being the block device mapping source type. Change-Id: I57b3c261d8309f7b9f62a3e91612bce592a887a3 Story: 2006302 Task: 36016