The current openstackclient implementation cannot accept 0 for --min-disk and --min-ram with the "openstack image set" command. If theses options get set to 0, the option parser in openstackclient wrongly interprets 0 as no option value. The 0 is valid for these options if administrators want to make it the default(no minimum requirements). This patch fix the parser so that it avoids only 'None'. Change-Id: Ie8ee37484c02c26f54adc56263fcd167c0ce7eb3 Closes-bug: #1719499
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Accept ``0`` as a valid value in the ``image set`` ``--min-disk`` and ``--min-ram`` options.
.. _bug 1719499: https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/1719499