Without this patch, openstackclient has no way to specify to which project a network belongs upon creation. Instead, it uses the project ID that the user is authenticating with to fill the tenant_id column. This is a problem because an admin user is unable to specify a project for a non-admin network. To fix this and to improve feature parity with the neutron client, this patch adds project and domain parameters to the network create command and uses the given project name to look up the project ID. Neutron does not allow the project to be changed after creation, so no such parameter has been added to the neutron set command. Neutron calls the field 'tenant_id', but this change exposes the parameter as '--project' to support the newer terminology. If no project is specified, the client defaults to the previous behavior of using the auth project. Change-Id: Ia33ff7d599542c5b88baf2a69b063a23089a3cc4
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161 lines
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# Copyright 2013 Nebula Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from openstackclient.tests import fakes
from openstackclient.tests import utils
project_id = '8-9-64'
project_name = 'beatles'
project_description = 'Fab Four'
'id': project_id,
'name': project_name,
'description': project_description,
'enabled': True,
'id': project_id + '-2222',
'name': project_name + ' reprise',
'description': project_description + 'plus four more',
'enabled': True,
role_id = '1'
role_name = 'boss'
ROLE = {
'id': role_id,
'name': role_name,
service_id = '1925-10-11'
service_name = 'elmore'
service_description = 'Leonard, Elmore, rip'
service_type = 'author'
'id': service_id,
'name': service_name,
'description': service_description,
'type': service_type,
user_id = 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa'
user_name = 'paul'
user_description = 'Sir Paul'
user_email = 'paul@applecorps.com'
USER = {
'id': user_id,
'name': user_name,
'tenantId': project_id,
'email': user_email,
'enabled': True,
token_expires = '2014-01-01T00:00:00Z'
token_id = 'tttttttt-tttt-tttt-tttt-tttttttttttt'
'expires': token_expires,
'id': token_id,
'tenant_id': project_id,
'user_id': user_id,
endpoint_name = service_name
endpoint_adminurl = 'https://admin.example.com/v2/UUID'
endpoint_region = 'RegionOne'
endpoint_internalurl = 'https://internal.example.com/v2/UUID'
endpoint_type = service_type
endpoint_id = '11b41ee1b00841128b7333d4bf1a6140'
endpoint_publicurl = 'https://public.example.com/v2/UUID'
endpoint_service_id = service_id
'service_name': endpoint_name,
'adminurl': endpoint_adminurl,
'region': endpoint_region,
'internalurl': endpoint_internalurl,
'service_type': endpoint_type,
'id': endpoint_id,
'publicurl': endpoint_publicurl,
'service_id': endpoint_service_id,
extension_name = 'OpenStack Keystone User CRUD'
extension_namespace = 'http://docs.openstack.org/identity/'\
extension_description = 'OpenStack extensions to Keystone v2.0 API'\
' enabling User Operations.'
extension_updated = '2013-07-07T12:00:0-00:00'
extension_alias = 'OS-KSCRUD'
extension_links = '[{"href":'\
'"https://github.com/openstack/identity-api", "type":'\
' "text/html", "rel": "describedby"}]'
'name': extension_name,
'namespace': extension_namespace,
'description': extension_description,
'updated': extension_updated,
'alias': extension_alias,
'links': extension_links,
class FakeIdentityv2Client(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.roles = mock.Mock()
self.roles.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {})
self.services = mock.Mock()
self.services.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {})
self.tenants = mock.Mock()
self.tenants.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {})
self.tokens = mock.Mock()
self.tokens.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {})
self.users = mock.Mock()
self.users.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {})
self.ec2 = mock.Mock()
self.ec2.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {})
self.endpoints = mock.Mock()
self.endpoints.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {})
self.extensions = mock.Mock()
self.extensions.resource_class = fakes.FakeResource(None, {})
self.auth_token = kwargs['token']
self.management_url = kwargs['endpoint']
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Map v3 'projects' back to v2 'tenants'
if name == "projects":
return self.tenants
raise AttributeError(name)
class TestIdentityv2(utils.TestCommand):
def setUp(self):
super(TestIdentityv2, self).setUp()
self.app.client_manager.identity = FakeIdentityv2Client(