The network commands ignored the --insecure and --os-cacert options and OS_CACERT environment variable which prevented them from properly completing SSL/TLS verification. This resulted in the network commands failing with "An SSL error occurred." Change-Id: I15167631ef58335e1476c16b828b079e3b0f13c1 Closes-Bug: #1560157
8 lines
375 B
8 lines
375 B
- Fixed SSL/TLS verification for Network v2 commands. The commands
were ignoring the ``--insecure`` and ``--os-cacert`` options and
the ``OS_CACERT`` environment variable which caused them to fail
with ``An SSL error occurred.`` when authenticating using SSL/TLS.
[Bug `1560157 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/1560157>`_]