Change-Id: Ib4a4394b279188aa969c504b52b19c26746a97e1
OpenStack Client
python-openstackclient is a unified command-line client for the OpenStack APIs. It is a thin wrapper to the stock python-*client modules that implement the actual REST API client actions.
This is an implementation of the design goals shown in http://wiki.openstack.org/UnifiedCLI. The primary goal is to provide a unified shell command structure and a common language to describe operations in OpenStack.
python-openstackclient is designed to add support for API extensions via a plugin mechanism
For release management:
For blueprints and feature specifications:
For issue tracking:
Getting Started
- Once you have downloaded the client it can be built from setup.py with::
python setup.py install
- Alternatively you can build without installing with::
python setup.py build
Toxicity tests can be ran simply by running
- The client can be called interactively by simply typing::
- Alternatively command line parameters can be called non-interactively::
openstack --help
The cli is configured via environment variables and command-line options as listed in http://wiki.openstack.org/UnifiedCLI/Authentication.
The 'password flow' variation is most commonly used:
export OS_AUTH_URL=<url-to-openstack-identity>
export OS_TENANT_NAME=<tenant-name>
export OS_USERNAME=<user-name>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password> # yes, it isn't secure, we'll address it in the future
The corresponding command-line options look very similar:
--os-auth-url <url>
--os-tenant-name <tenant-name>
--os-username <user-name>
--os-password <password>
The token flow variation for authentication uses an already-aquired token and a URL pointing directly to the service API that presumably was acquired from the Service Catalog:
export OS_TOKEN=<token>
export OS_URL=<url-to-openstack-service>
The corresponding command-line options look very similar:
--os-token <token>
--os-url <url-to-openstack-service>
Additional command-line options and their associated environment variables are listed here:
--debug # turns on some debugging of the API conversation
(via httplib2)
--verbose | -v # Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
--quiet | -q # suppress output except warnings and errors
--help | -h # show a help message and exit
Building Contributor Documentation
This documentation is written by contributors, for contributors.
The source is maintained in the docs/source
folder using
and built by Sphinx
Building Automatically:
$ ./run_tests.sh --docs
Building Manually:
$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=local.local_settings $ python doc/generate_autodoc_index.py $ sphinx-build -b html doc/source build/sphinx/html
Results are in the build/sphinx/html directory